So my friend told me some tea about sasaengs and some kpop idols


Hallyu+'s favorite yoongi supremacist ❤️ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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If you want to know more about the source of all this tea please read this thread:

Disclaimer: This is just word of mouth gossip so you should probably take it with a grain of salt. Take it as you want. It's just rumors. I also do not know much more than what I will post here so please don't ask for more details lol.

Now let's sit back and enjoy the tea cause this is going to be Long. :lurk2:

First of all tea on sasaengs

So my friend's friend (let's call her rania) went to SK to visit her father this summer. A while back she made friends with an actual sasaeng through the internet. That rania girl ain't so innocent herself cause she proudly claimed she bought information from sasaengs and that's how she got to know the actual sasaeng. She's rich and bored.
That sasaeng took a liking to her because she was fascinated by the fact that rania is a saudi girl that can talk almost prefect korean. The sasaeng would never outright call herself a sasaeng but her connections, words and actions made it obvious. Sasaengs don't call themselves sasaengs.
That sasaeng did it for the business more than her love for oppa. She claimed she sells information to other sasaengs... information on ANY (especially male cause they sell better) idol she can get. (So I guess she ain't delulu crazy just a moral less sociopath?):teehee:
They became so engaged in gossip that sasaeng wanted her to join a group chat of sasaengs.
Usually there's no way you can get in unless you have information that you can offer yourself or are known amongst circles of sasaengs.
Rania said she suspects she got in because she's so foreign (and wealthy I suspect) .
Rania isn't a local or native so she didn't pose a threat. The sasaengs kept asking her about saudi arabia and how she learnt korean (I guess they were curious about her as a person?).
(Apparently rania actually showed the girls screenshots of all the conversations but obviously none of the girls could read korean to figure out whether the screenshots were legit or not.):stonemin:
My friend told me rania seems to be the kind of person that loves bragging.

So they started to talk and all that. They told her that they were not going to give out personal information about idols such as phone numbers but she could ask "surface level" questions.

Okay she told me a lot so I don't really know how to organize it


She asked about ships and they said that most of the female+male idol ships that are popular within fandoms are delusional and laughable. Wbk sis :sip:
In fact you could think of the most random combination of a female and male idol as a couple and it would be more likely to turn out to be true than a popular female+male idol ship. In fact most female idols prefer common men, actors and business men over idols.

She also asked about gay ships and they said they were much harder to figure out because they don't show public affection and you would just assume they are friends anyways unless you get information digitally (texts, pictures, videos).

-Speaking of digital Information most sasaengs don't actually have any hacking skills some of them will hire professional hackers. (smh) :facepalm:

Here comes the juicy part

There's a sex tape of a MMF threesome of idols that a sasaeng got their hands on and they sold it to another sasaeng for 25M won. Names were mentioned but I won't say them.:iwillfightyou:

(Homosexuality in the industry)

They told her that they don't know or care for much for female idols when it comes to this issue but apparently a lot of male idols are gay and even more are bisexual. Around 50%.
One said that if they were all exposed in one day the cries coming from fangirls could be heard from space.:somicry:
They know because they also hack porn histories and of course private pictures, messages and videos.
They changed the topic fast though because one of them said "yuck don't remind me I dropped so many of them because of this". :doge:

That were some general topics brought up now to the actual idols.

Irene is dating a business man in his mid thirties. He's a commoner but seems to be wealthy. It's a long term relationship. (I mean secure thd bag sis I don't stan you but secure the bag) :ppav:

Jimin once picked up a call and was nice about it. He politely asked them to please not call him again.
Nowadays BTS don't pick up at all and their numbers change fast.
Sasaengs will try to call numbers as many times as possible before they get changed. (LEAVE THEM ALONE CREEPS) :ughh:

Jimin is the nicest and most approachable BTS member.
All BTS members are nice but yoongi seems to the most unapproachable.
Jumgkook is too shy. He only talks to strangers to answer questions when they ask him.

There are stories of (senior) male idols sleeping with sasaengs but even the sasaengs are sceptic about these stories.

There's a third generation female idol of a mid-tier group that got catched stealing from other idols several times she's a kleptomaniac (my friend said "obsessed with stealing" but I know the term for that cause I am smart) :eek:hnah:

There are whole group chats amongst male idols dedicated to perving over female idols.
(That's why they prefer commoners more ig). (wbk though)

Senior male idols encourage and invite younger male idols in participating in this pervy behavior.
Alot of them bond over these group chats.
Most of the male idols in the group chat felt sorry for seungri because what he didn't wasn't even that bad to them.:eek:hnah:

However idols aren't as diva like and mean behind the scenes as some rumor spreaders claim. Most are very respectful to the staff.

A sasaeng followed a top female idol around and she had a date with a nugu male idol who turned out to be underage and she's over 20. They briefly kissed and he got into her car. They said her name but I will not say it because this is just rumors and not defamation.

There's a famous group where none of the girls can really stand each other.:rightt: It's a YG group.

None of these Produce 101 rankings were legit. NONE of them. The rankings are planned from early on. The producers will look at what they have and then hand pick what they want. They will try to manipulate the editing so that it doesn't seem random and they may change last second but it's all planned.
That's why when unexpected idols suddenly and later on rise they never really go through and debut they actually drop suddenly. There's real manipulation there not just through editing.
The final rankings were posted amongst sasaengs a month before the finals. (WBK) :wesmart:

Now the most detailed story at last

I won't say the the name of that idol because I feel like that would be outing someone and that idol is close to my heart.

There's this crazy female sasaeng that followed around this male idol.
This idol gets picked up whenever he has freetime by a man. Always at a different place and a little bit more hidden from the public but still around the same area. Usually a car that looks more formal and common in fact it's a mercedes but once they drive out of seoul they switch cars to a sports car.
She said the man is a commoner. She didn't recognize him and although he looked wealthy he didn't seem to be a chaebol.
She asked around and looked him up. It was easy to find (public) information on him because he's a lawyer in his early thirties. (sasaengs stalking idols is already bad but stalking commoners? Hell no. At least it was public information Ig).
Once he noticed her and stared at her for a while. He got in the car with the male idol and drove faster than usual and seemed like he was trying to get rid of the taxi that followed them.
Once he started to notice the taxi more frequently he stopped picking up the male idol from that specific area and the sasaeng lost the "streak". She knew they were a couple because she catched them kissing in the car.

End. Well. It's just rumors like I said.:fab:


Professional Sweat-Wiper for BTS Donor
Jun 17, 2019
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37° 31' 57.3600'' N, 127° 1' 28.6032'' E
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Jimin is the nicest and most approachable BTS member.
All BTS members are nice but yoongi seems to the most unapproachable.
Jumgkook is too shy. He only talks to strangers to answer questions when they ask him.
Shocking, I need to rethink my whole life. :lurk2:


kitzbühel winner '19 Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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None of these Produce 101 rankings were legit. NONE of them. The rankings are planned from early on. The producers will look at what they have and then hand pick what they want. They will try to manipulate the editing so that it doesn't seem random and they may change last second but it's all planned.
That's why when unexpected idols suddenly and later on rise they never really go through and debut they actually drop suddenly. There's real manipulation there not just through editing.
The final rankings were posted amongst sasaengs a month before the finals. (WBK) :wesmart:

lol this is all we been saying ever since the show started


BTS are the Korean Beatles Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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I'm the most curious about who is the klepto


kitzbühel winner '19 Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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honestly I'm curious but at the same time I don't care. why? because i shouldn't lol they're just idols and also have personal life lol if they're gay they're gay, if they're dating they're dating :doge:


<3 Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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i still don't believe that blackpink can't stand each other lmao
so we're not gonna mention that MMF threesome :stonemin:..


10vely Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Who knows?
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Ngl but somehow i saw all of these before :eek:hnah: Are you sure she's not just going to some rumors sources and compile everything for you? :eek:hnah:
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