APPRECIATION Taehyung is the only true idol.


Hallyu+'s favorite yoongi supremacist ❤️ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Have you ever just thought about how beautiful kim taehyung is?

His face is a symphony even the likes of beethoven, tchaikovsky and bach couldn't have written.

Newton was smart but he was wrong as the true and only mass that holds us all down to earth through gravity is taehyung.

If taehyung was born thousands or even just hundreds of years ago we would be reading about his beauty in history books and myths like we are reading about padmavati.

For all we know he might have been worshipped like the greeks worshipped adonis and aphrodite.

Wars would have broken out and peace would have been made because of taehyung's beauty.

When taehyung looks into a mirror and then turns around the mirror breaks because it's so sad that taehyung isn't looking at it anymore.

The mona lisa would have never existed if Leonardo da vinci had used taehyung as his model as he would have destroyed hundreds of brushes and pens and thrown away thousands of papers trying to do taehyung's beauty justice before eventually giving up.

Taehyung heals the illest bodies. Cures the darkest hearts.
Enlightens the most ignorant minds.
Blesses the most cursed souls.

When taehyung cries angels cry and when he laughs angels laugh.

He's a world wonder.
God's favorite creation and a prove of God's power for only God is able to create perfection.
He's here to humble not only the men who do not moisturize or clean their butts but also to humble the most beautiful amongst us.

That's why taehyung is the only true idol as he's the only one deserving of worship.






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