The Genshin Impact Thread

Which server(s) do you play on?

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Dragon of the West

Iroh VIP+ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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finding ekymana is so hard, i just wanna start getting yae lvl material :(
Assuming you're talking about Enkanomiya. You first need to complete some quests before being able to go there.

Enkanomiya Unlock Criteria (
  • Adventure Rank 30 or above
  • Complete the "Ritou Escape Plan" Archon Quest from Chapter II: Act I - The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia
  • Complete the World Quests "The Moon-Bathed Deep" and "The Still Water's Flow"


Nations Idol Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Assuming you're talking about Enkanomiya. You first need to complete some quests before being able to go there.

oh thanks for info, im doing the moon bathed deep quest now :christmasblob:

i had to sail like 4km then climb through shell mushroom kingdom thing to even find this place though lol
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🚀🚩 Blog Lead Social Media Lead Donor+
Jun 17, 2019
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In jail bc of chomi 😈
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I'm not sure how good C1 Kazuha is since I never roll for 5* cons, so my biased opinion would be to get yourself a new character and roll for Zhongli lol.

He has great synergy with Albedo, works really well in a Ganyu melt comp if you ever wanna try that out, and would even be good with your Hu Tao or Xiao.
Geo bros as a team sounds super fun! C1 Kazuha resets your skill when you use his burst.
mainly, I'm aiming for his C2 further down the line bc it's so broken for vape/melt teams, but I might wait for his second re-run to get C2.
I don't really have anyone to pull for after Ayato. I'm waiting for the upcoming dendro characters
5 more rolls for Zhongli, if he doesn't come home then I'll save guaranteed for Ayato, save up for future characters instead and pick him up next time. :duckpar:

I desperately need Genshin to do a pick your own banner event next anniversary bc whenever the good units return, they're always right before a character that I'm saving for and can't skip. Plus my 50-50 losing streak is still the worst. iirc I've only won the 50-50 once since Childe's 1st re-run (on the Xiao banner)
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🚀🚩 Blog Lead Social Media Lead Donor+
Jun 17, 2019
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In jail bc of chomi 😈
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ok, I caved and went for Zhongli since I was close to pity anyway. My second favourite character came home! Let's just say I can see why people call him Xiao's best support :wow:
That res shred is insane. My plunges went from doing 25K crits to almost 50K with geo bros & TTDS sucrose :pepesanta:

Had to switch Albedo's weapon over to HoD though since Zhongli gets Tenacity now & my only 4-piece Husk set has abysmal crit rate stats
I shall be saving all of my primos for Ayato now. I hope I can win the 50-50 this time. Don't let me be a 50-50 loser again (but if my calcs are correct I'll have just enough to guarantee him anyway).
I'll save Kazuha C1 for his second re-run I think. Now I'm only aiming for Ayato & Baizhu (+Yaoyao) :poggers:
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Dragon of the West

Iroh VIP+ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
ok, I caved and went for Zhongli since I was close to pity anyway. My second favourite character came home! Let's just say I can see why people call him Xiao's best support
I'll save Kazuha C1 for his second re-run I think. Now I'm only aiming for Ayato & Baizhu (+Yaoyao)
Congrats on getting Zhongli! He's going to make life a lot easier for you with his shield, but hopefully not too easy that you forget to dodge sometimes (definitely not speaking from experience)

Hoping you win your next few 50-50s to balance out the recent losses! Or maybe this is the game's way of getting back at you for your insane luck on the weapon banner with all the early 5* pulls.

Dragon of the West

Iroh VIP+ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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TIL that artifact spawning spots disappear if you investigate too many of them in one day :eek:hnah:
I just wanted some more mora. I am perpetually broke right now :sejeongcry:
Meanwhile I'm here with over 13 million mora that's been saved up from not having to pull many of the most recent units and having to build them lol
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🚀🚩 Blog Lead Social Media Lead Donor+
Jun 17, 2019
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In jail bc of chomi 😈
Plus Coins
Congrats on getting Zhongli! He's going to make life a lot easier for you with his shield, but hopefully not too easy that you forget to dodge sometimes (definitely not speaking from experience)

Hoping you win your next few 50-50s to balance out the recent losses! Or maybe this is the game's way of getting back at you for your insane luck on the weapon banner with all the early 5* pulls.
Thanks, I now have all the ikemen characters in the game. I can't wait to use him once he's built! :poggers:
My Childe team should help me remember how to dodge, but even then, I've got Kazuha to help me with dodging :pandasantacookie:
I underestimated the amount of books I'd need and he's stuck at level 60 until I can farm the rest out over the next few days :tears:

Unless they release Baizhu soon, then I'm probably going to be skipping everyone after Ayato up until Sumeru. I'm not touching the weapon banner until either Kazuha gets a new BIS or Elegy gets a re-run. I don't want to jinx my weapon banner luck anytime soon.
I should hopefully have enough to guarantee Ayato, but it always feels so much nicer when I win the 50-50 :heartublob:
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Dragon of the West

Iroh VIP+ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
Thanks, I now have all the ikemen characters in the game. I can't wait to use him once he's built! :poggers:
My Childe team should help me remember how to dodge, but even then, I've got Kazuha to help me with dodging :pandasantacookie:
I underestimated the amount of books I'd need and he's stuck at level 60 until I can farm the rest out over the next few days :tears:

Unless they release Baizhu soon, then I'm probably going to be skipping everyone after Ayato up until Sumeru. I'm not touching the weapon banner until either Kazuha gets a new BIS or Elegy gets a re-run. I don't want to jinx my weapon banner luck anytime soon.
I should hopefully have enough to guarantee Ayato, but it always feels so much nicer when I win the 50-50 :heartublob:
Kazuha's re-run is probably the most excited I've been for a banner since Zhongli's original I've already finished pre-farming the Maguu Kenki mats + Diligence books for when I get him, and I have quite decent artifacts from him since I can just switch they over from Sucrose. My only concern is that I don't really have a good weapon for him but that's a problem for another day. I'm going to stop pulling as soon as I get Yae and save everything to make sure I can get guaranteed Kazuha even if I lose the 50-50. Not gonna let myself miss out on him this time.

Yeah there aren't many better feelings in Genshin than winning the 50-50 for a character you really want when you have only a few wishes saved up.


🚀🚩 Blog Lead Social Media Lead Donor+
Jun 17, 2019
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In jail bc of chomi 😈
Plus Coins
Kazuha's re-run is probably the most excited I've been for a banner since Zhongli's original I've already finished pre-farming the Maguu Kenki mats + Diligence books for when I get him, and I have quite decent artifacts from him since I can just switch they over from Sucrose. My only concern is that I don't really have a good weapon for him but that's a problem for another day. I'm going to stop pulling as soon as I get Yae and save everything to make sure I can get guaranteed Kazuha even if I lose the 50-50. Not gonna let myself miss out on him this time.

Yeah there aren't many better feelings in Genshin than winning the 50-50 for a character you really want when you have only a few wishes saved up.
nice, I hope you can get him! I have him double-crowned bc I like him so much! He'll be triple crowned once I finish building Ganyu. He's such a great unit. I don't think he's ever left my exploration team and he works so well with my Childe/Xiangling team.
My artifacts are really nice, almost 800 EM, but that final VV EM circlet refuses to come home. :tears:
Iron Sting & (copium) Dark Iron Sword are pretty decent on him. I just wish that they'd come out with an event weapon for him. I luckily ended up reaching weapon pity just as his banner arrived and somehow won the 50-50 and got his weapon.
My pity is at absolute zero waiting for Ayato. I'm not converting my primos to fates this time bc I learned my my Itto accidental pulls :TzuyuKek:

I think I might actually 36-star abyss for the first time today :pepesanta:
Zhongli really helped my Hu Tao out. Now I don't even need to bother dodging :duckpar:


🚀🚩 Blog Lead Social Media Lead Donor+
Jun 17, 2019
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In jail bc of chomi 😈
Plus Coins
omg, finally! It'll never happen again though :sejeongcry:
It's probably one of the best blessings for Hu Tao bc of the way her charged attack works + Childe International being OP as always :poggers:

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Don't cry. You're perfect. Community Manager Moderator VIP+ Ninth Place HoE
Jun 24, 2019
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I unlocked the Serenitea Pot a couple of weeks ago, but only just recently started putting some time into it. I had fun with it today! :poggers: Right now I'm almost done building my Feiyun Study Room. Once I'm finished with that, maybe I will have unlocked some of the things I need to finish my Cottage Kitchen, which I'm also almost close to finishing. Then, finally, I'd like to try and build the Qingce Cloud Residence. I want to make Xiao happy... :okbye: LOL Of course, I'm considering what else I want to build, but, I'm trying not to get overwhelmed and ahead of myself.

As a side note, it would be a tremendous help if the Realm Depot had a filter or search function... So much scrolling! :noooo:


✧✦✧✦ Events
Jun 16, 2019
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I unlocked the Serenitea Pot a couple of weeks ago, but only just recently started putting some time into it. I had fun with it today! :poggers: Right now I'm almost done building my Feiyun Study Room. Once I'm finished with that, maybe I will have unlocked some of the things I need to finish my Cottage Kitchen, which I'm also almost close to finishing. Then, finally, I'd like to try and build the Qingce Cloud Residence. I want to make Xiao happy... :okbye: LOL Of course, I'm considering what else I want to build, but, I'm trying not to get overwhelmed and ahead of myself.

As a side note, it would be a tremendous help if the Realm Depot had a filter or search function... So much scrolling! :noooo:
yay! the pot is a nice aspect of the game, tho sometimes i wish we can get some more load limit so i can put more items :jinjudge:

dnnd yeah the depot is a mess :TzuyuKek: i gave up searching and just try to buy everything, im halfway through buying out the depot


Nations Idol Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
teapot wanna try all your new character out by defeating mean visnap things for me 20 times :shablob:

Dragon of the West

Iroh VIP+ Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
omg, finally! It'll never happen again though :sejeongcry:
It's probably one of the best blessings for Hu Tao bc of the way her charged attack works + Childe International being OP as always :poggers:

Oh wow congrats on getting 36 stars! I wanna try doing it as well but I don't have enough patience and willpower to do it just for another 50 primos. Grinding abyss on 250+ ping is not a fun experience.
I unlocked the Serenitea Pot a couple of weeks ago, but only just recently started putting some time into it. I had fun with it today! :poggers: Right now I'm almost done building my Feiyun Study Room. Once I'm finished with that, maybe I will have unlocked some of the things I need to finish my Cottage Kitchen, which I'm also almost close to finishing. Then, finally, I'd like to try and build the Qingce Cloud Residence. I want to make Xiao happy... :okbye: LOL Of course, I'm considering what else I want to build, but, I'm trying not to get overwhelmed and ahead of myself.

As a side note, it would be a tremendous help if the Realm Depot had a filter or search function... So much scrolling! :noooo:
It's always nice to see people who put effort into how they design their teapot.

Meanwhile mine has no effort put into it ever since I got it to cross 20,000 adeptal energy. I only use it to plant seeds, farm friendship EXP, and buy transient resin, Hero's Wits & Mora.
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