The King's Fate | September 15th at 1PM EDT | FINISHED


Jun 16, 2019
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A group of rebels is threatening to destroy the Plus Pals Planet!
It’s now up to you to protect the King. But where’s the King, and who are the Rebels?


10 to 14 players
There are two main teams: Soldiers and Rebels; and 2 Neutral players.
The Soldiers have a King to protect while the Rebels have a Bomber to support.
There are two rooms (PMs): Room A and Room B.
There are 5 rounds in total with two phases: Day and Transfer.


Everyone will be assigned to a team. Your mission throughout the game is to find your teammates and strategize to win.
The Neutral players will have to choose a team (Soldiers or Rebels) to join after the 3rd round.
At the end of the final round, if the Bomber is in the same room as the King, then the Rebels win. Otherwise, the Soldiers win.

Day Phase (15 minutes)

All players will be assigned to a room in the first round.
In their respective rooms, players will need to decide on a Leader and three Hostages.
The Hostages will be exchanged to the other room at the end of each round.
Players must nominate a Leader in their room in bold. ex: Nominate sooz
The nominated candidate must accept the position in bold or it will be rejected. ex: Accept leadership
Players can create individual or group PMs with other players in their own room to discuss, form alliances etc.
The leader has the final say in deciding hostages.

Transfer Phase (5 minutes)

The leaders of each room will announce the hostages in bold in the main gameplay thread. ex: Hostages: Riri, Lavender, Rektinq
All players are allowed to talk, exchange info and question each other in the main thread. Talking in PMs or rooms is not allowed in this phase.


You can't message people in Transfer phase or if they have left your room.
Players will need a minimum of 2 nominations to accept leadership.
The Leader CAN'T be the hostage.
If no hostages are picked, RGN will decide.
You MUST include the GM (sooz) in all of your PMs.
Do not share images of your rolecards.
All H+ rules must be followed.


Difficulty: Hard

MVP: 50 elite points, free Plus Pal badge and 30k
Winning team: 40 elite points and 20k each
Losing team: 30 elite points and 10k each


1. Galaxy
2. Jelly bobo
3. meltrosz
4. Chomiczewska
5. Akidoki
6. Keodi
7. OutroTearTheFirst
8. Jobless Zeus
9. mocha RenjunSlays
10. miatheikonic
11. emma Rektinq
12. Stinkerbell
13. Baymax
14. cabb sm maid

1. king
2. Rektinq
3. Renjunslays​
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