Looks the that Anime event was a total mess
From what I could read
most of the Anime events are a mess, that's why I don't go anymore
Yeah, that Anime Matsuri was awful. I know someone who went. They had told people not to bring anything to be signed because they'd provide posters and that was all that could be signed. Then while everyone was at the fan sign said they had no posters, but people could bring personal items for them to sign. Some people had nothing and were literally taking off their shirts for them to sign. Also almost no one was wearing masks at the fan sign because Texas.
They also had promised Ultra VIP solo photos with the girls, well, it ended up being one group photo with all the Ultra VIP, etc. Concert was supposed to be 90 minutes, ended up being 45 minutes. The photocards sold out because you had people buying 100 sets and another buying 40 sets, etc. and staff just letting them do that so they ran out of those photocard sets. There were lots of people that didn't get any.
Conversely, Rolling Quartz had a great time at Otakon (Otakon and Anime Expo are the two best run anime conventions in the U.S.). I didn't get to save the picture from Jayoung's Instagram story, but Otakon staff gave the girls chopsticks with their names on them as a gift.
I'm also super happy because Yeong Eun cosplayed as one of my suggestions to her - Keqing from Genshin Impact!

(Obviously other people could've suggested the character too, but still)
Here's a group photo with AleXa, all of them in cosplay