ANNOUNCEMENT User of the Month - September 2021


Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins

Saying goodbye to the month of August, we are here once again to show our gratitude to those who continue to work hard for our community through the nomination of the User of the Month of September!

The users selected each month is someone both the staff and the users of this forum, have chosen. These users contributed to the community in standout ways, be it by helping other members, answering questions, promoting H+, donating, or anything that makes this person stand out in a positive way.

To show how thankful we are, being a user of the month comes with perks as well!

One of the three banners of your choice:

A special trophy (2,500 points)
A pack of 1-3 Star +Cards
3 ørbs

Before announcing the next user, we want to once again thank the selected member for August 2021:

Now, let us congratulate the new UOTM...
@Miss 'Perfect' Princess

A user who has made a huge impression on others; Miss 'Perfect' Princess has contributed a tremendous amount for Hallyu+! This is a user who manages to find the time to get involved around the forums by being active in various threads and bringing life into the forums regardless of external circumstances! Not only are they an active user but their generosity will not go unnoticed; it is thanks to their kind donations that Hallyu+ is able to keep running! Congratulations in becoming the User of the Month!


Before we begin the interview, we would like to announce something!

Due to a handing over of $10 million to the mods police from a previous UTOM, the moderators have decided to take an indefinite hiatus from interviewing users. Don't worry, this does not mean UTOM will come to a halt; we will still be continuing with it but there will be no interviews for the unseeable future.

Without further ado, as always, we managed to get a few words from our UTOM before the reveal!

The Interview

Pick a song to represent your experience on H+

Miss 'Perfect' Princess:
Song would be watermelon sugar harry styles

You're making an emotional UOTM winning speech. Which user would you dedicate the trophy to and why?
Miss 'Perfect' Princess:
Dedicate my trophy and win to kimsguard kun (@kimsguardian), my mentor and senpai

If at the end of this interview you stepped outside and found 10 million dollars on the floor, what would you do with it?
Miss 'Perfect' Princess:
If I found 10 million dollars Id give it to family and friends and keep a bit for myself.

You got so much hype after winning UOTM that you got love calls from many kpop companies. What company would you join? Would you prefer being a solo artist or part of a group? What would be the name of your debut album?
Miss 'Perfect' Princess:
Solo artist. And yg entertainment so I can collab with blackpink.

Lastly, can you tell us an unexpected fact about yourself?
Miss 'Perfect' Princess:
I have a lazy eye which I've always been insecure about.

Miss 'Perfect' Princess, you are a wonderful presence on the forums and we're thankful to have you here!
Many thanks to the users who helped in voting our User of the Month, see you next time!

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