
  1. fullofjoy


    Im Nayeon Yoo Jeongyeon Hiari Momo Minatozaki Sana Park Jihyo Myoui Mina Kim Dahyun Son Chaeyoung Chou Tzuyu
  2. AshithBangera

    APPRECIATION Minatozaki Sana ❤

    cr Literal Goddess :sanapray:
  3. AshithBangera

    If you want your Prayers to be heard

    Pray with Sana :sanapray: Much needed emote is added to H+
  4. BlueNose

    CONCEPT Twice - Twicelights in Japan teaser photo + announcement

  5. imaslave4tzuyu

    TIME publishes an article of interview with TWICE about "Feel Special"

    Some snippets from the article by Kat Moon: "By now, TWICE’s nine members — Jihyo, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu — have grown accustomed to setting and breaking their own records. Feel Special has already reached the highest first-week album sales for a K-pop...
  6. AshithBangera

    APPRECIATION Kim Sana ❤️

  7. Whisky23

    Official TWICE SaiDa OTP Voting Thread | STATUS: COMPLETED

    Welcome to the Official Twice SaiDa OTP Badge Thread. This thread is brought to you thanks to the financial contribution of @Transparent, @vitaminplus and @AshithBangera . We will be submitting, evaluating and voting on the SAIDA H+ badges on this thread, so please do participate so that we can...

    Maybe Sana's the "Special" one?

    All the other members so far kinda have a similar glamorous feel and style in their teasers (you know, jewelry, glitter etc) but Sana's just laid back in a leather jacket. Maybe the mv might have a story behind that.
  9. KrabbySana

    All TWICE Songs That Had Lyrics Written By The Members (Updated)

    Page Two (2010) Precious Love Lyrics were written by JYP and Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung was responsible for the rap part. Signal (2017) Eye Eye Eyes Lyrics were written by Jihyo and Chaeyoung. Twicetagram (2017) Missing You Dahyun and Chaeyoung have written the lyrics for...
  10. fullofjoy

    APPRECIATION God Jihyo is gonna slap you so hard. You better say your prayers!

    The other members teasers I wonder who will have hair tomorrow? :sip::sejeongcry:
  11. vitaminplus


  12. perspherspley

    RUMOR TWICE Sana & Momo and IZ*ONE Sakura & Nako are rumored to have an appearance at PRODUCE 101 JAPAN

  13. fullofjoy

    APPRECIATION TWICE new hairstyles at Lotte Duty Free concert (11.08.19)

    NAYEON JEONGYEON MOMO SANA JIHYO DAHYUN TZUYU ***** Nayeon: Black with blonde highlights Jeongyeon: Short and black Jihyo: Highlights? Dahyun: Gray/blonde? Tzuyu: Blonde and blue ombre Chaeyoung, Sana, Momo: Same.
  14. cagedhearts

    INSTAGRAM Sana Twicetagram Update

  15. cagedhearts

    INSTAGRAM Dahyun & Sana Twicetagram LA update~

  16. cagedhearts

    INSTAGRAM Sana’s selfies from Singapore

  17. lira

    APPRECIATION Sana is too beautiful and I'm too weak hi

    hey hello good day good night it's that time of the day........ the moment we all take a lil time to thank miss sana for being in the same planet as us poor mortals let's all worship this goddess together thank u you're welcome thank u sana
  18. RunningMan

    PERF-K [Fancam] An Amazing and Loud Fanchanting Performance by Onces! Twice @ Pocari Challenge Teen Festa

    Loud and Amazing fanchanting by Onces! 😊 Twice @ Pocari Challenge Teen Festa 07.07.2019 Fancy Dance The Night Away Cheer Up
  19. zai

    [theqoo] TWICE ‘Music Station’ HAPPY HAPPY & BREAK THROUGH

    original post: 트와이스 엠스테 HAPPY HAPPY& BREAK THROUGH 1.This is crazy 2. Daebak Breakthrough is crazy 3. Video is too short, Please give me the full version ㅠㅠ 4. Today’s TWICE performance is legendary ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ 5. The stage is really good 6. Dahyun’s skin is really white. Everyone is so beautiful...
  20. Baal

    [Naver]Japanese members like Sana and Sakura become targets for boycott Japanese Boycott Japan → Girl group needs to remove Japanese members … Sana → Sakura becomes the main target original post: naver 1.[+204, -15] Reporters are really troublesome. Kim Young-gwon and...
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