BTS Member Jungkook Might Be Preparing His Debut Solo Album For A July Release
It appears that another member of the group is ready to make his mark with a debut solo album.
초록뱀미디어, BTS 세계관 드라마 ‘유스’ 티저 공개
파리 코리아 엑스포 현장서 ‘세계최초 웹 3.0’ 콘텐츠 유통 블록체인 활용 공유경제 구조 “독립적 팬덤 문화 존중” 종합 미디어 콘텐츠 기업 초록뱀미디어가 프랑스 파리에서 세계 최초 ‘웹 3.0(Web 3.0)’
BTS medal hits record sales for Korea Minting; 2nd edition to follow
South Korea's state-run minting agency said Tuesday the commemorative medal for the 10th anniversary of K-pop sensation BTS' debut has racked up its all-time highest sales ever. Korea Minting and Security Printing & ID Card Operating Corp., or Komsco, on Tuesday said the first edition of BTS'...
Seoul city to turn purple in celebration of BTS' 10th anniv. next month
Major landmarks in Seoul will be bathed in purple next month in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the globally popular K-pop group BTS since its debut.
Korea Post to begin presale of BTS stamps
Korea Post will conduct online presale services for their BTS commemorative stamps through the Korea Post website www.epost.go.kr and the mobile app, from 7:00 p.m. on May 22 to 12:00 a.m. on May 25.
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SUGA|Agust D TOUR D-DAYのフォトギャラリー
BTSのSUGAが4月26日(以下、現地時間)、初のソロワールドツアーをニューヨーク州ベルモントパークからキックオフした。北米5都市で開かれた全11公演のチケットは即完売し、15万5千人余りを動員。ロサンゼルス公演ではサプライズゲストが出演し、5月11日にMAXと「Burn It」、5月14日にホールジーと「SUGA’s Interlude」をパフォーマンスして大歓声を浴びた。
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RM stays truthful to every moment
The joy of admiring beauty, the passion to humble oneself and learn, the determination to fight complacency: The essence of youth, the essence of RM.Vogue Korea
PSY Talks Hulu’s Summer Swag, BTS, Bidding Farewell To Gangnam Style
Gangnam Style and That That star PSY talks returning to the stage for Summer Swag 2022, with the concert special now streaming on Hulu.
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