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I'm so very sad to head that the spell check isn't working properly on your machine, but you still powered through to write this question.![]()
As long as the teams were all different, I actually think I would have been fine with it. My fear would be the same teams every single time, which would be super boring, TBH. The best part of the show was seeing the members interact with each other on different teams. We wouldn't have the Cutie, Foreigner, or Actor-lines today if not for being able to see their specific dynamics in the last game.![]()
That was my main issue with a lot of the team games.

Are there any activities you think could have been improved if they'd been switched from individual to team or vice versa?
Yeah, for sure.The photography games should have been strictly team events. Not only was it excruciatingly boring watching 12 people more or less take the same photos for up to an hour for two episodes straight, it just felt like a waste of time that could have been spent doing more interesting things. They should have totally split into teams, decide who will take what photos, and then move on. I don't need to see Jinwook photograph some fish, and then see Marckris photograph the same fish, and then see JungT photograph the same fish two minutes after.
In fact, I agree; every photography event should have been done in teams. It would make way more sense considering they couldn't seem to afford 12 cameras in the first place for it to have been a team eventI don't mind them taking photos of duos, trios, individuals, etc., but the event should have still be based on which team cleared the most challenges.
Glad you agree with me unnu

Should some teams have been larger/smaller?
Eh, with this, I don't really have any huge feelings about for the most part. I was fine with the basketball game team size, the kayaking one also made sense. I wasn't bothered by the team size for the water park rides, either. Some of the busking/NPC team sizes seemed unnecessarily large. I feel like they could have had two people do it since it was between three and four depending on the event IIRC, and I just remember Nex's team always being not-Nex being the ones talking and then Nex showing up to take the necessary selca and then tapping out until he was needed again.He might have talked more if it was just him and one other person.
I liked the team sizes for the BL drama game, but at the same time, some scenes felt like they would occasionally just be two members acting out a scene and the other two not really doing anything. Which it made sense to have them bigger instead of smaller ones for those scenes which required more actors, but I wish they would have better incorporated all the members into a lot of scenes and we also didn't ever get to see any of them kissing, which I feel was a huge missed opportunityKhunpol and Nex wanted to kiss so bad, CLEARLY, and they never gave it to us. I'm devastated over it.
Really now?

Feel free to add extra feedback as well
I also think PeemThai and Marcalan should have been on the same team more often!I found out too late into the game how Serperior those duos are because of how long it took to see them together

AA, my precious gift from above who can do no wrong,
While AA, my sweet babboo

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That was my main issue with a lot of the team games.They should have been keeping track of who had been paired with who across the show to prevent repeats. Jinwook being paired up with Alan twice back to back, and JungT numerous times, while fun because of their dynamics, just meant less variety. Easily the best pairing in the show was the chatoic ThaiChai in the kiyaking challenge because of how rare it is for them to be a duo
Glad you agree with me unnuCan't wait for future discussion questions to continue dunking on the photo games
Really now?Personally, I think the NPC game should have just been 6 v. 6. Just send them each off in opposite directions and let them do their thing. it would also prevented them from overlapping on which NPCs they spoke to which was basically and automatic point deduction anyway
Why are you throwing guns at me, Duizhang, that is very mean of you

I think the best pairing was Marckris X Camera myself but that was a good second pick

Good, I'm a professional hater of the photo games, seriously can't believe we had like 4 of those and only one basketball game

Well with more members, now even less of them are chatting with the NPCs

I'm getting the feeling you don't like this absolute adorable baby boi and that's criminal

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Well with more members, now even less of them are chatting with the NPCsIsn't that the whole goal? And the problem wasn't repeat NPCs, it was that they actually included the repeats in the final cut for some reason
They should have edited the final episodes to not include repeats or to include them super sparingly at worst. There's plenty of people in Thailand that they shouldn't have a problem having groups of 2 not talk to the same people over and over.
I mean, they could force them all to participate in the conversation.

1. Ask if they know BUS
2. Explain who is BUS once they say no
3. Ask about their life
4. Ask about local southern Thailand stuff
5. Add some general info
6. Ask for photo
Add in extra stuff since in most of the conversations they talked about a few different things and bam, it works!

I'm getting the feeling you don't like this absolute adorable baby boi and that's criminal
That's not it atall. Where are you getting these gifs is my kestion?

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I mean, they could force them all to participate in the conversation.Especially since they have to follow the script of
1. Ask if they know BUS
2. Explain who is BUS once they say no
3. Ask about their life
4. Ask about local southern Thailand stuff
5. Add some general info
6. Ask for photo
Add in extra stuff since in most of the conversations they talked about a few different things and bam, it works!
That's not it atall. Where are you getting these gifs is my kestion?![]()
If you say so~

Most of them are on Tenor

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Okay @Ddeona Oneul Bame it's discussion time 
I've been busy having to catch up on work since getting my new computer, but it's time for yet another discussion question.
We've kinda mentioned this in passing here and there, but it's time to give it a proper discussion.
Todays theme; The Lost Footage: What content didn't make it into the show that you wish had made it in?
Choose 3 things that didn't get a full showing in the series that you wish we could have seen.
This can be anything that we know happened, but didn't actually get an episode or even a section of an episode dedicated to it. For example: Marckalan going to the concert. Obviously we know it took place, but they didn't film it or even reference it after the fact which is crazy to me
And since I just mentioned that as an example, you can't use it as one of your picks 
1. BUS's diving lessons. This was an easy choice and what sparked this entire question.
While I can understand a lot of behind the scenes extra stuff not making it in the show, for the life of me I don't understand why they didn't include the members learning to dive in the show.
It would have been so interesting to actually see the process of how they learned about swimming deep in the ocean, how to stick together, and everything else.
But what particularly bugs me so much is that they made a point to talk about how the training went with the instructors while showing us almost nothing from it.
They told us that Alan, Heart, and JungT were the best divers and listened to instructions properly, but we didn't get to actually see any of it aside from some 2 second clips. We were told that Nex and Peemwasu sucked and got water in their ears and could barely manage their oxygen and got the members clowning them for it, but they showed us NONE of it.
WHY? We know they filmed at least some of it because they showed us 2 second clips of it. But why couldn't it have been in the show
This could have easily been the first part of episode one, while the actual diving was the second half. They gave us relatively boring underwater photography, but I will never get my Nexwasu struggle buddies.
I won't get to see Alan, Heart, and JungT in the spotlight as good divers
Which is sad because these are 3 members in particular I felt could have used a big moment like that. Especially Heart since I feel he sometimes fell into the background 
Okay, I talked about that for way longer than I planned to, let's move on
2. Episode 12 as a whole. I'm serious
This is actually an episode that I thought was good for splitting up 3 activities into one episode. IN THEORY
The issue is that I don't think they divided the time up well at all. The ziplining alone took 23 minutes of the episode. The cart racing was a mere FOUR minutes, and the parasailing 10 minutes. And of course the rest of the footage was divided between eating, playing around, and talking. But why didn't we get equal time for the actual activities? It's clear that their main focus of this episode was the ziplining. I don't see why they didn't just give us a full day of that, while pushing the cart race and parasailing to another episode.
Some of the members only got a few moments for their parasailing. *Cough Marckris and Copper*
It's obvious that they wanted scaredy cats ThaiWook to get more time, but still. And just for the sake of argument, we barely saw Nex, Phu and Peem's massages
Also, let's address the biggest issue, the 4 minute cart race.
Are they seriously trying to argue that they only got 4 minutes of footage to use for that race? I don't believe it. That track looked quite large. They were going down a hill for crying out loud, and all they could scrape together for the show was 4 minutes? I call BS. First of all, where is the footage of the members not named AlanThaiPol?
No shade, but most of the footage for that race was of Thai, with the other two sprinkled in, and some blink and you miss them moments of everyone else.
Where is the fking footage of everyone else? Where is footage of them just finishing the race? They get to the bottom and then the next second everyone is standing up ready to go.
No clue why we couldn't see this, but they made sure to show us lots of scenes of eating food 
#3 Writing Good Quality Picture. This boggles my mind to this day.
The entire purpose of this show was for them to write a song together based on making memories on this trip. And we saw so little of it
Yeah, we got bits and pieces here and there, but it was such small part of the show, you would have never thought that's what the goal was here
Where is the footage of them actually putting this song together?????
Yeah we saw them brainstorming ideas here and there and playing guitars, but none of the actual process of creating this song. This is especially tragic because Good Quality Picture is soo good
Why did they dedicate barely any screentime to it?
Hell, why was there no challenge based around it? Again, this is the goal of the show, and it felt like an afterthought
I guess it isn't the most action packed thing, but BUS is a music group. I'm sure seeing the processs of the members creating a song for their fans is something people would have enjoyed seeing more than chatting with NPCS. 
Honorable mention: Roommate shenanigans. I decided to throw in one thing I would have liked to see, but I can 100% why it wasn't included.
Okay, I know it's such a minor thing when you think about what the show was actually about.
But it really is a let down that we barely saw any of the members' roommate shenanigans. Especially since they hyped up a lot of these pairings.
They made a point to make games of choosing roommates most of the time, only for us never to see the results of their chemistry.
These dudes cheered for Marckalan's deep conversations and whatnot, but too bad we'll never know what they meant by that
And we know they filmed this because they always had cameras in their rooms
Again, this is an honorable mention since unlike the others, I can get not including this since it ultimately doesn't add anything in the long run. But it still would have been nice to have. 
So, what do ya got, Ddeona

I've been busy having to catch up on work since getting my new computer, but it's time for yet another discussion question.

Todays theme; The Lost Footage: What content didn't make it into the show that you wish had made it in?

Choose 3 things that didn't get a full showing in the series that you wish we could have seen.

1. BUS's diving lessons. This was an easy choice and what sparked this entire question.

Okay, I talked about that for way longer than I planned to, let's move on

2. Episode 12 as a whole. I'm serious

Also, let's address the biggest issue, the 4 minute cart race.

#3 Writing Good Quality Picture. This boggles my mind to this day.

Honorable mention: Roommate shenanigans. I decided to throw in one thing I would have liked to see, but I can 100% why it wasn't included.

So, what do ya got, Ddeona

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This is actually an interesting topic that I hadn't thought about
Mainly because there was only really one episode where I wanted to see more footage from it.
That being the last episode.
Where they were split into teams to act out different scenes for the BL drama and there's nowhere near enough time for us to see every team shooting every single take for the final. For a lot of them, we did get a chance to see some different cuts here and there, but for others, we don't really see any of it. And the biggest offender gotta be Nex and Khunpol. They had THE BEST PERFORMANCE by FAR and we don't really get to see them acting out anything
They just bust out this top tier quality performance and we pretty much only see the final result. What for? Why couldn't we see more from them? And the other scenes they were late to submit, how come we couldn't get those scenes, too?
This was one of my favorite challenges by far and I would have killed to see every scene they recorded
They could have just dropped them on Tik Tok or Youtube but I'm so sad we don't get to see a lot of the behind-the-scenes for a lot of the final takes. I feel like I saw a lot of the Cutie-Line but not nearly enough Foreigner-Line or Actor-Line, which is a disgrace for the acting episode in which the foreigners did so well.
So this would be my #1 pick easily, SHOW ME EVERY PIECE OF FOOTAGE FROM THIS EPISODE! 
I also don't know why we didn't get to see footage from Marckalan's date. Even if it was just a short vlog before and after, why go through the trouble of having a competition with a prize and we never see them going on the winning trip together?
And it was the duo even the other boys wanted to see so badly~ It's not fair! 
BTW, my theory on why we didn't see much of the creation of the song may sound harsh, but I have reason to believe the members might not have been as involved as we would have liked them to be.
I mean, do they write most of their lyrics or produce any of the music? Do any of them have skill in that area? I have a feeling the producers of the song did most of the work and it may not have looked good to say that they wrote a song if they didn't actually contribute much more than maybe just the lyrics.
BUT I could be wrong and maybe they did create the whole thing themselves
P'Unnie probably knows more than me about the boys' artistic talents. I know AA plays guitar so maybe others play instruments too and really did have more say than I am thinking. But my thesis is simply that, if they guys didn't contribute all that much then they obviously wouldn't wanna show that so they just glossed over it~ 

Mainly because there was only really one episode where I wanted to see more footage from it.

That being the last episode.

They just bust out this top tier quality performance and we pretty much only see the final result. What for? Why couldn't we see more from them? And the other scenes they were late to submit, how come we couldn't get those scenes, too?
This was one of my favorite challenges by far and I would have killed to see every scene they recorded

I also don't know why we didn't get to see footage from Marckalan's date. Even if it was just a short vlog before and after, why go through the trouble of having a competition with a prize and we never see them going on the winning trip together?

BTW, my theory on why we didn't see much of the creation of the song may sound harsh, but I have reason to believe the members might not have been as involved as we would have liked them to be.

BUT I could be wrong and maybe they did create the whole thing themselves

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This is actually an interesting topic that I hadn't thought about
Mainly because there was only really one episode where I wanted to see more footage from it.
That being the last episode.Where they were split into teams to act out different scenes for the BL drama and there's nowhere near enough time for us to see every team shooting every single take for the final. For a lot of them, we did get a chance to see some different cuts here and there, but for others, we don't really see any of it. And the biggest offender gotta be Nex and Khunpol. They had THE BEST PERFORMANCE by FAR and we don't really get to see them acting out anything
They just bust out this top tier quality performance and we pretty much only see the final result. What for? Why couldn't we see more from them? And the other scenes they were late to submit, how come we couldn't get those scenes, too?
This was one of my favorite challenges by far and I would have killed to see every scene they recordedThey could have just dropped them on Tik Tok or Youtube but I'm so sad we don't get to see a lot of the behind-the-scenes for a lot of the final takes. I feel like I saw a lot of the Cutie-Line but not nearly enough Foreigner-Line or Actor-Line, which is a disgrace for the acting episode in which the foreigners did so well.
So this would be my #1 pick easily, SHOW ME EVERY PIECE OF FOOTAGE FROM THIS EPISODE!
I don't know how I didn't throw this in as an honorable mention, but you're right!

They showed as so little of the actual filming process for the drama challenge.

And you know it's because they wasted time filming all that product placement BS

They should have split this across two episodes. It's a travesty that we'll never see the actual takes for these shots

I also don't know why we didn't get to see footage from Marckalan's date. Even if it was just a short vlog before and after, why go through the trouble of having a competition with a prize and we never see them going on the winning trip together?And it was the duo even the other boys wanted to see so badly~ It's not fair!
I expected you to include this even though I banned it

Which I fully understand because why the hell didn't we get any footage of this?!

I refuse to believe they didn't film any of this. They film everything else!

They're holding the Marckalan hostage and it's not fair! It's not fair! It's not fair!

BTW, my theory on why we didn't see much of the creation of the song may sound harsh, but I have reason to believe the members might not have been as involved as we would have liked them to be.I mean, do they write most of their lyrics or produce any of the music? Do any of them have skill in that area? I have a feeling the producers of the song did most of the work and it may not have looked good to say that they wrote a song if they didn't actually contribute much more than maybe just the lyrics.
BUT I could be wrong and maybe they did create the whole thing themselvesP'Unnie probably knows more than me about the boys' artistic talents. I know AA plays guitar so maybe others play instruments too and really did have more say than I am thinking. But my thesis is simply that, if they guys didn't contribute all that much then they obviously wouldn't wanna show that so they just glossed over it~
I guess that makes sense, but I still feel they could have shown more

Even if it's just chatting about the lyrics, I wanted to see

Here are some of the credits, unnir

Producers : Mek Machina
Lyric (เนื้อร้อง) : Panithi Lertudomthana, SMEW, KHUNPOL, PEEMWASU
Rap Lyric (เนื้อแรป) : JINWOOK , JUNGT
What does lyric story mean? It seems they all did that. Center-line did some lyrics, and Jesus line did the rap lyrics.

Not sure where Alan was during that

Lots of them play guitar, unnie. They showed Marckris, Heart, and Peemwasu playing a few times during the show

Also, I know for a fact that Jung T wrote his rap in No Matter What

Still, show me the footage of them writing down the lyrics! I need it yesterday!

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I don't know how I didn't throw this in as an honorable mention, but you're right!
They showed as so little of the actual filming process for the drama challenge.
And you know it's because they wasted time filming all that product placement BS
They should have split this across two episodes. It's a travesty that we'll never see the actual takes for these shots![]()
Yeah, so much was spent on the shameless advertising that could have been on the acting. And you know they still have this footage, just drop it NOW

I expected you to include this even though I banned it![]()
Your sign can't stop me, I can't read through these sunglasses

Which I fully understand because why the hell didn't we get any footage of this?!
I refuse to believe they didn't film any of this. They film everything else!
They're holding the Marckalan hostage and it's not fair! It's not fair! It's not fair!
Justice for the best BUS ship

I guess that makes sense, but I still feel they could have shown more
Even if it's just chatting about the lyrics, I wanted to see
Here are some of the credits, unnir
Producers : Mek Machina
Lyric (เนื้อร้อง) : Panithi Lertudomthana, SMEW, KHUNPOL, PEEMWASU
Rap Lyric (เนื้อแรป) : JINWOOK , JUNGT
What does lyric story mean? It seems they all did that. Center-line did some lyrics, and Jesus line did the rap lyrics.
Not sure where Alan was during that
Lots of them play guitar, unnie. They showed Marckris, Heart, and Peemwasu playing a few times during the show
Also, I know for a fact that Jung T wrote his rap in No Matter What
Still, show me the footage of them writing down the lyrics! I need it yesterday!![]()
Well it seems they at least had a hand in the lyric making, so I don't know why they wouldn't show that

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As you know @Ddeona Oneul Bame I've been so busy with so much stuff lately that it's been hard to keep up with our discussion questions. 
As such, I'll be putting a pause on them for now and we'll return once things cool down and/or I think of some new banger ideas

As such, I'll be putting a pause on them for now and we'll return once things cool down and/or I think of some new banger ideas

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As you know @Ddeona Oneul Bame I've been so busy with so much stuff lately that it's been hard to keep up with our discussion questions.
As such, I'll be putting a pause on them for now and we'll return once things cool down and/or I think of some new banger ideas![]()
I will eagerly await their return

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