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Well damn, I was gonna pick the same episode, but it would be lame if we both pick the same one
I guess I'll pick both the waterpark episode and the final episode where they acted out the BL drama scenes~
The waterpark episode singlehandedly made AA shoot up my bias listHe was just so unserious the whole time, acting like he was afraid of heights to get out of doing any of the games while his teammates just carried him~ And it seems like he did all this for NO REASON other than wanting to see if he could get away with it.
SUPER silly behavior and I like silly
It was also just really fun to watch in general watching some teams be so strategic about how they earned points while other teams just seemed to do whatever was right in front of them~ Defs in my top 3 episodes.
I also liked the acting episode because the members got to showcase a talent we haven't seen from most of them and a lot of them surprised me with how well they did, especially Nex Zhang.But a lot of them also did very well in their scenes and it was really fun to see how different members tackled the same scenes as other members. I also adored how they put all the cuties, foreigners, and actors on the same teams!
AA is the maknae on top, so they probably would have told him not to bother with anything even if he just straight up said it

The BL episode was a close contender for me too. I still wish they would have shown more of the actual game vs. sitting around eating and promoting those damn water bottles.

Also whomst?

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@Ddeona Oneul Bame
Wakey wakey! Time for our next discussion.
Question of the day: Which BUSSING THAILAND game did you think was poorly executed/could have been better?
For me it was definitely the picture challenges, specifically with episode 4's being my least favorite.
First of all, how do you do a photography challenge while only having a limited amount of cameras?
You know you're working with a 12 member group, but only provide THREE FREAKING CAMERAS. Not even enough for half. No, only 1/4 of the group was able to do the challenge at a time while everyone else wandered around seeing the sights.
There is really no excuse to to have more cameras. I can only assume that their 'logic' was that if everyone had a camera, no one would be worrying about getting their picture taken and would just be snapping everyone else, which I guess I can agree on. But still, they should have come up with a better rotational system aside form just trusting the members to handle it. Photoboys Alan and Marckris weren't trying to share their phototime with anyone 
The to make matters worse, they had to take so many different kinds of pictures.
A picture of each member, a non selfie of themself, a selfie with the group, a non selfie unique, artistic group photo, and 6 landscape photos......
Literally who thought this was a good idea? It says a lot that 3 people didn't submit any landscape photos, just barely half of the group submitted a non selfie of themself, Jinwook was the sole person who submitted a selfie with the group, and a bunch of other members went without submitting some members.
It sucks because in theory this was an interesting challenge, I just feel they needed more cameras, or at the very least more time to execute it. Maybe they could have tried to play for a few more hours, idk, but yeah episode 4's challenge was my least fav.
I'm looking forward to seeing what Ddeona says.
Wakey wakey! Time for our next discussion.

Question of the day: Which BUSSING THAILAND game did you think was poorly executed/could have been better?

For me it was definitely the picture challenges, specifically with episode 4's being my least favorite.

First of all, how do you do a photography challenge while only having a limited amount of cameras?

The to make matters worse, they had to take so many different kinds of pictures.

It sucks because in theory this was an interesting challenge, I just feel they needed more cameras, or at the very least more time to execute it. Maybe they could have tried to play for a few more hours, idk, but yeah episode 4's challenge was my least fav.
I'm looking forward to seeing what Ddeona says.

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I pretty much agree that I didn't care much for most of the photography challenges.
Any of them, really. The one you mentioned was definitely one of the most questionable. I really can't fathom why they wouldn't have at least six cameras so half the group could do what they needed to do and be able to switch in time for the other members to take photographs.
It's weird to me how that was even allowed?
I mean it pretty much is unfair that it's possible to not even have a chance to complete the challenge if the other member just decides he doesn't wanna give up his camera. I know it's just for fun, but I would legit be pissed if I didn't even have an opportunity to play the game.
The other issue with the photography challenges is that they often feel like they go on forever.
The first episode, I felt really had this problem. And I guess it was also a consequence of them being underwater, but the members can't talk or really be all that entertaining while they're underwater, so it it kinda feels like you're just watching a nature documentary more than anything.
And I kinda would prefer seeing some entertaining, witty commentary from the boys, so I wish they could have just maybe photographed a few things underwater and then done something else on land. They could even have still been swimming, so they could speak rather than spend the whole time diving. But the fact that they had so many pictures to take, watching the guys swim around underwater for over an hour isn't really the most riveting content, IMO.
If they ever do this in the future, I really hope they tone down on the challenges that just involve taking pictures.
There's really much more interesting stuff they could have done besides spending hours underwater taking pictures of fish and rocks.

It's weird to me how that was even allowed?

The other issue with the photography challenges is that they often feel like they go on forever.

If they ever do this in the future, I really hope they tone down on the challenges that just involve taking pictures.

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I pretty much agree that I didn't care much for most of the photography challenges.Any of them, really. The one you mentioned was definitely one of the most questionable. I really can't fathom why they wouldn't have at least six cameras so half the group could do what they needed to do and be able to switch in time for the other members to take photographs.
It's weird to me how that was even allowed?I mean it pretty much is unfair that it's possible to not even have a chance to complete the challenge if the other member just decides he doesn't wanna give up his camera. I know it's just for fun, but I would legit be pissed if I didn't even have an opportunity to play the game.
The other issue with the photography challenges is that they often feel like they go on forever.The first episode, I felt really had this problem. And I guess it was also a consequence of them being underwater, but the members can't talk or really be all that entertaining while they're underwater, so it it kinda feels like you're just watching a nature documentary more than anything.
And I kinda would prefer seeing some entertaining, witty commentary from the boys, so I wish they could have just maybe photographed a few things underwater and then done something else on land. They could even have still been swimming, so they could speak rather than spend the whole time diving. But the fact that they had so many pictures to take, watching the guys swim around underwater for over an hour isn't really the most riveting content, IMO.
If they ever do this in the future, I really hope they tone down on the challenges that just involve taking pictures.There's really much more interesting stuff they could have done besides spending hours underwater taking pictures of fish and rocks.
I honestly forgot about episode 1's picture challenge.

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I honestly forgot about episode 1's picture challenge.Honestly, the only thing that saved that challenge was being tied to the goofy bingo game in episode 2. But yeah, I think the diving was cool to see for the beauty of the water, but not so interesting for a fan of the group wanting to see silly shenanigans between the members.
Especially since it's not like they even gave them a list of what to take a picture of for episode one. They were just snapping pics randomly only to later be told that they'd need specific images for the game. Meaning if they happened to not get it, oh well I guess....
It's such a weird way to start the series if you're new to BUS, you really don't learn much about each member in the first episode

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@Ddeona Oneul Bame Discussion day is here
Time for a different type of question.
What did you think of the length of the show, both in terms of episode length and how long it aired? And how do you think they handled the airtime for the challenges and everything else shown throughout the episodes?
As a reminder, there were 13 episodes and each episode was around an hour long. Episodes 6 (Peem's fam) and 9 (kiyaking) are the only ones that didn't hit 1 hour. Meanwhile only episodes 7 (talking to npcs + campfire ) and 13 (final) were far longer and were closer to 90 minutes.
The questions here are
1. Do you think the episode length was okay for the show as a whole? Should each episode have been around the same length, or should it have been based on the activity in kestion? From this you can also talk about if you think they allotted time well for everything shown, or if some things should have been cut/rearranged/added/etc.
2. Was 13 episodes enough for the show? Could it have been longer or shorter?
First of all, I'd say 1 hour was okay for the episodes. Considering this is the first variety show for a brand new large group, I think having at least an hour is necessary to at least try to give all of the members decent screentime. I do feel like they could have paced things better though. Of course not every single solitary second was going to be of challenges, because they wanted to show the members interacting with each other, the rankings, and things such as.
But you already know what my biggest problem was
I think some episodes dedicated way too much time to pointless stuff over the actual challenges. My biggest examples of this are Episodes 11 and 13. Episode 13 had the pointless scenes of the members eating instead of filming the drama scenes. Yes I know they need to advertise the water for Nestle, but come on, we didn't need 5 minutes of the members eating. It doesn't sound like a lot, but that's 5 minutes of the challenge we could have gotten.
Also add that to the scenes of the members just traveling from place to place. In my opinion, none of that was necessary. And this goes for the whole show. The scenes of the members just sitting in a taxi or just walking from one destination to the next, were not necessary.
Episode 11 (water park) really bugged me, because they spent way too much time showing the members fking standing in line, and running from ride to ride, and very little time of them actually riding the rides. They legit dedicated over 20 minutes to just showing a single ride for 2 different teams. Then toward the end of the episode they spammed a clip show of them doing a bunch of rides they didn't show earlier. I don't know why we needed to see every member going on the same ride over and over. Just show different members going on different rides all day. Or show them all going on one ride once each. We didn't need to see Marckris and Heart sliding on the same slide like 5 times.
They only dedicated a few hours to this activity, which is also insane to me because this to me should have been something they set aside for all day. Yes I know they had limited filming time across the 15 day trip, but here is where I start to feel that some challenges should have been removed for others to last longer (though this might wind up being a future discussion question)
Episode 7 was done so oddly to me. The main focus was the episode was clearly the 30 minute campfire session at the end of the episode, but this lead to the 50 minutes of the actual challenge feeling rushed. They basically spammed through the members wandering around talking to the npcs and we missed most of their actual conversations for the challenge itself.
And here is where I discuss if 13 episodes was enough. Technically I do, HOWEVER, I really feel like they should have done 15. First of all, I'm gonna say I think the water park episode should have been done through 2 episodes. That gives them more time to actually show the members going on all of those rides instead of having to clip show through a bunch of stuff at the tail end.
Next, I think they should have removed the campfire scene episode 7 and just let that be the NPC hunt. Then they should let episode 13 ONLY be the acting challenge and take out the final remarks at the end. Finally, mash the campfire session from episode 7 and the final remarks on the show in episode 13 into one final episode 15th episode. Honestly speaking, the campfire scene gave 'final episode reminiscing' vibes anyway. I don't know why it wasn't in the final episode to begin with.
So tldr, if it were up to me, the show would be diving (1), bingo (2), hornbills (3), photos (4), sports (5), Peem (6), npcs (7), puppets (8), kiyaking (9), more photos (10), water park 1 (11), water park 2 (12), zipline (13) acting (14), campfire + finale (15)
This was partially an excuse for me to rant about my least favorite episodes
, but I'm still interested in hearing Ddeona unnie's perspective as a casual BEUS 

Time for a different type of question.

As a reminder, there were 13 episodes and each episode was around an hour long. Episodes 6 (Peem's fam) and 9 (kiyaking) are the only ones that didn't hit 1 hour. Meanwhile only episodes 7 (talking to npcs + campfire ) and 13 (final) were far longer and were closer to 90 minutes.
The questions here are
1. Do you think the episode length was okay for the show as a whole? Should each episode have been around the same length, or should it have been based on the activity in kestion? From this you can also talk about if you think they allotted time well for everything shown, or if some things should have been cut/rearranged/added/etc.
2. Was 13 episodes enough for the show? Could it have been longer or shorter?
First of all, I'd say 1 hour was okay for the episodes. Considering this is the first variety show for a brand new large group, I think having at least an hour is necessary to at least try to give all of the members decent screentime. I do feel like they could have paced things better though. Of course not every single solitary second was going to be of challenges, because they wanted to show the members interacting with each other, the rankings, and things such as.
But you already know what my biggest problem was

Episode 11 (water park) really bugged me, because they spent way too much time showing the members fking standing in line, and running from ride to ride, and very little time of them actually riding the rides. They legit dedicated over 20 minutes to just showing a single ride for 2 different teams. Then toward the end of the episode they spammed a clip show of them doing a bunch of rides they didn't show earlier. I don't know why we needed to see every member going on the same ride over and over. Just show different members going on different rides all day. Or show them all going on one ride once each. We didn't need to see Marckris and Heart sliding on the same slide like 5 times.

Episode 7 was done so oddly to me. The main focus was the episode was clearly the 30 minute campfire session at the end of the episode, but this lead to the 50 minutes of the actual challenge feeling rushed. They basically spammed through the members wandering around talking to the npcs and we missed most of their actual conversations for the challenge itself.
And here is where I discuss if 13 episodes was enough. Technically I do, HOWEVER, I really feel like they should have done 15. First of all, I'm gonna say I think the water park episode should have been done through 2 episodes. That gives them more time to actually show the members going on all of those rides instead of having to clip show through a bunch of stuff at the tail end.
Next, I think they should have removed the campfire scene episode 7 and just let that be the NPC hunt. Then they should let episode 13 ONLY be the acting challenge and take out the final remarks at the end. Finally, mash the campfire session from episode 7 and the final remarks on the show in episode 13 into one final episode 15th episode. Honestly speaking, the campfire scene gave 'final episode reminiscing' vibes anyway. I don't know why it wasn't in the final episode to begin with.

So tldr, if it were up to me, the show would be diving (1), bingo (2), hornbills (3), photos (4), sports (5), Peem (6), npcs (7), puppets (8), kiyaking (9), more photos (10), water park 1 (11), water park 2 (12), zipline (13) acting (14), campfire + finale (15)
This was partially an excuse for me to rant about my least favorite episodes

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This is an easy discussion question
1. Do you think the episode length was okay for the show as a whole? Should each episode have been around the same length, or should it have been based on the activity in kestion? From this you can also talk about if you think they allotted time well for everything shown, or if some things should have been cut/rearranged/added/etc.
I wanna say yes and no
Yes, because I think around an hour is not too bad for the episode length. But at the same time, some episodes and challenges DEFS overstayed their welcome.
Anything with photo taking, especially underwater, lasted way too long. If that was around a thirty minute episode, I wouldn't have minded.
An hour of just photo-taking is not interesting even for the biggest of BEUS, I imagine.
To me, I don't mind if the episodes are the same length or not, as long as the whole thing is interesting for 90% of it, some could be an hour, some could be 45 minutes. But the way we can have a super interesting episode like the water basketball or the waterpark feeling like they could have been much longer while also having to sit through over an hour of taking pictures and dancing underwater feels unbalanced 
And some episodes also really misused their time. Why is it that we need to see the members traveling from one spot to the next so often, like in the Busking episode? Why do we need to see them eating when it isn't a sponsorship or has nothing to do with the episode? How come we have just so much filler as though there isn't plenty of content that got cut out? Also, do we really need to see them picking and choosing which photos they submitted? Can't we just see them when they show the results?
That time could have been allocated to another game, or even just some fun shenanigans between the members. There was definitely a lot to be desired in that respect, but it did get better as the show went on, so I will say that.
2. Was 13 episodes enough for the show? Could it have been longer or shorter?
As soon as I start learning the members and becoming invested, the show just ends?? No, I'm not okay with this at all, unnir
13 is such a random number, at least give me 20~
They could have traveled to some more places or done more interesting challenges in some of the places we saw. Only one episode really dedicated to acting when there's several actors in BUS? So few sports related activities when the members are clearly good at them? It's not fair, we should have had more. 

1. Do you think the episode length was okay for the show as a whole? Should each episode have been around the same length, or should it have been based on the activity in kestion? From this you can also talk about if you think they allotted time well for everything shown, or if some things should have been cut/rearranged/added/etc.
I wanna say yes and no

And some episodes also really misused their time. Why is it that we need to see the members traveling from one spot to the next so often, like in the Busking episode? Why do we need to see them eating when it isn't a sponsorship or has nothing to do with the episode? How come we have just so much filler as though there isn't plenty of content that got cut out? Also, do we really need to see them picking and choosing which photos they submitted? Can't we just see them when they show the results?

2. Was 13 episodes enough for the show? Could it have been longer or shorter?

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This is an easy discussion question
1. Do you think the episode length was okay for the show as a whole? Should each episode have been around the same length, or should it have been based on the activity in kestion? From this you can also talk about if you think they allotted time well for everything shown, or if some things should have been cut/rearranged/added/etc.
I wanna say yes and noYes, because I think around an hour is not too bad for the episode length. But at the same time, some episodes and challenges DEFS overstayed their welcome.
Anything with photo taking, especially underwater, lasted way too long. If that was around a thirty minute episode, I wouldn't have minded.
An hour of just photo-taking is not interesting even for the biggest of BEUS, I imagine.
To me, I don't mind if the episodes are the same length or not, as long as the whole thing is interesting for 90% of it, some could be an hour, some could be 45 minutes. But the way we can have a super interesting episode like the water basketball or the waterpark feeling like they could have been much longer while also having to sit through over an hour of taking pictures and dancing underwater feels unbalanced
And some episodes also really misused their time. Why is it that we need to see the members traveling from one spot to the next so often, like in the Busking episode? Why do we need to see them eating when it isn't a sponsorship or has nothing to do with the episode? How come we have just so much filler as though there isn't plenty of content that got cut out? Also, do we really need to see them picking and choosing which photos they submitted? Can't we just see them when they show the results?That time could have been allocated to another game, or even just some fun shenanigans between the members. There was definitely a lot to be desired in that respect, but it did get better as the show went on, so I will say that.
2. Was 13 episodes enough for the show? Could it have been longer or shorter?
NO IT WAS NOT ENOUGHAs soon as I start learning the members and becoming invested, the show just ends?? No, I'm not okay with this at all, unnir
13 is such a random number, at least give me 20~
They could have traveled to some more places or done more interesting challenges in some of the places we saw. Only one episode really dedicated to acting when there's several actors in BUS? So few sports related activities when the members are clearly good at them? It's not fair, we should have had more.
I agree so much unnie!

I feel like they wanted to do an episode count that was close to the number of members, but it was so dumb because it doesn't work if they don't literally do 12.

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I agree so much unnie!They could have cut out so much traveling and fking Nestle and given us the content!
I will forever be bitter about the sht they didn't give us
I just thought about how they ended the water basketball so kickly when they could have cut out that breath holding challenge all together. Or at the very LEAST they could have made it like a Youtube bonus "extra scene" type of thing. Heck, a LOT of these scenes could have been held off for just Youtube. On that note, it's crazy we never got ANY bonus scenes even though it's clear they cut so much out.
Forget season 2, give me the lost scenes of season 1!
I feel like they wanted to do an episode count that was close to the number of members, but it was so dumb because it doesn't work if they don't literally do 12.16 episodes should have been the minimum since there were 15 days of the trip, plus the initial traveling day. I think 20 would have been better to at least not make it feel like so much was cut across these challenges. Otherwise, the only other answer would be to make the episodes damn near 2 hours, which I think would have been overwhelming.
Well, they can't cut out our paid advertisements

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@Ddeona Oneul Bame I'm sorry I'm so late, but I'm ready to discuss
Question: If you were Daddy Yong and had creative control of the ENTIRE show what would you change and why?
For the sake of making things interesting, let's ignore the limitations of the actual show and just pretend we could change anything we wanted 
1. Ngl, I would change the entire premise of the show. Instead of them wandering around to win concert ticket and write a song (the latter of which was barely focused on
); I would have made the premise that they boys are taking BEUS on a tour to show off hot spots in Thailand. Why? Well, 1, I think gearing the show in this way would appeal more to international fans, which would would be quite useful as they do need more foreign fans. And 2, I just think things got really repetitive with the locations they had available. There are only so many beach/water and hiking activities you can show before things get boring. And this leads into number 2....
2. I would have them travel to more diverse places. Again, we got a good range of activities like diving, puppet shows, ziplining, etc. Those were all great, and I'd keep those, BUT I feel like it would have been interesting to see them in a wider variety of places. Again, I'd want to see them go to big tourist sites like marketplaces, shopping malls (like freaking Siam Paragon and Centralworld they can work with
), and other places.
3. I'd do a sports game every few episodes. We all know that sports episode was one of the best and we should have had more!
Give me different members on different teams, and different types of games.
And with that said, the show would have been at least 25 episodes. They could do a different sport every 5 episodes!
Water basketball, soccer, hockey for Mr. Phutatchai, regular basketball, and baseball! Anything, just give me more sports! 
4. With all of that said, I'd probably remove the competition aspect.
I mean...it really weren't......necessary. First of all, let's be real Marckris, Thai, and Copper were the only ones who cared about that prize. Jinwook just wanted to be first at finishing the games. Khunpol, Nex, and AA could not have cared less and were just on fking vacation. Alan, JungT, and Heart were decently interested every so often. And Peemwasu and Phutatchai and just sat at last and pretended they cared about moving up when it was time to discuss the ranking. We could have done without it and not much would have really changed. And with our new premise, it wouldn't have been needed anyway.
5. I would replace those generic while blobs they used for the game explanations with little Squees that look like the members. Because would be adorable AF.
Give me BUS characters now! 

Question: If you were Daddy Yong and had creative control of the ENTIRE show what would you change and why?

1. Ngl, I would change the entire premise of the show. Instead of them wandering around to win concert ticket and write a song (the latter of which was barely focused on

2. I would have them travel to more diverse places. Again, we got a good range of activities like diving, puppet shows, ziplining, etc. Those were all great, and I'd keep those, BUT I feel like it would have been interesting to see them in a wider variety of places. Again, I'd want to see them go to big tourist sites like marketplaces, shopping malls (like freaking Siam Paragon and Centralworld they can work with

3. I'd do a sports game every few episodes. We all know that sports episode was one of the best and we should have had more!

4. With all of that said, I'd probably remove the competition aspect.

5. I would replace those generic while blobs they used for the game explanations with little Squees that look like the members. Because would be adorable AF.

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What an easy question again
Frankly, like you said, the premise of the show was pretty meaningless. I didn't even remember what it was.
I like the competition and ranking aspect, actually, and didn't mind them competing for a final prize. I just think it should have been something everyone actually cared about and not something as forgettable as concert tickets.
Personally, I would have still made the show about exploring Thailand, but maybe the prize would have been something like the member who wins gets to choose a specific location that they previously visited to film a silly MV of their directing or something. Or some other fun content that would be fun for them and the fans. I mean they wrote a song anyway so they could do the same thing, it would just have been based on what whoever won decided.
I actually thought the ranking system was one of the more fun aspects of the show, so I would defs keep it. But the games themselves would need a total overhaul.
No more games that are almost exclusively based on taking photos. If we MUST have photo taking, I'd have it as an "extra credit" type game if you want to boost your score on the side. Then there would be some actual incentive to do it while members who don't are going to have to make sure they're at the top of their game otherwise.
But no way should we have a 40+ minute episode about taking photos.
Sports games and more team games would also make up most of the activities. They could tie into the places that they visit so they don't play the same sports over and over. But we could see swimming, basketball, soccer, kayaking, ziplining, the little cart racing, etc. Those would be the type of games we see most of.
But I also don't mind stuff like the BL drama recreation. In fact, I'd like more of it. Have them do that with more popular shows, or have them recreate K-POP MVs (since a lot of the boys are already K-POP fans) and the staff would vote on the winner. It would kinda be like one of those Produce shows for those kind of games and they could actually be scored on their singing and dancing capabilities, plus general amusement if they actually cosplay as a GG.
This way you're not gimped if you're not good at sports AND we actually get to see the singing and dancing group do some singing and dancing. 
I would also take out a lot of episodes filled with entire sections that were really...boring.
Like I'm sorry, but learning about the mating season of the birds, painting the box, the chef/waiter simulator at Peemasu's family restaurant, "Please come to my free busking event" etc. episodes were just...not fun to watch most of the time.
I don't mind some scenes to get away from the competition, but not stuff that generally adds nothing to the show as a whole. I would honestly have preferred the show to really lean into the competition aspect entirely. Like have us sit down and chat with the members about their placement so we can actually remember who is where most of the time. Because I sure as hell barely remembered anyone besides Copper almost always being last and Heart and Alan being in the Top 2. They could talk about which games they think they'll do well at and how they'll overcome games they aren't. We don't need any artificial drama or anything like that
, but I just think the show would have been much more interesting as an actual competition show where the boys explore Thailand as a premise rather than a show about exploring Thailand that had some competition aspects in it.
So pretty much the opposite take of yours, unnie.
I just think if you're gonna go out of your way to have a whole ranking system, you're pushing people to get invested in the show and it feelsbadman when you're really not seeing much of that as opposed to everyone sitting around the campfire talking about who takes the best quality photos 

Frankly, like you said, the premise of the show was pretty meaningless. I didn't even remember what it was.

Personally, I would have still made the show about exploring Thailand, but maybe the prize would have been something like the member who wins gets to choose a specific location that they previously visited to film a silly MV of their directing or something. Or some other fun content that would be fun for them and the fans. I mean they wrote a song anyway so they could do the same thing, it would just have been based on what whoever won decided.
I actually thought the ranking system was one of the more fun aspects of the show, so I would defs keep it. But the games themselves would need a total overhaul.

But no way should we have a 40+ minute episode about taking photos.

But I also don't mind stuff like the BL drama recreation. In fact, I'd like more of it. Have them do that with more popular shows, or have them recreate K-POP MVs (since a lot of the boys are already K-POP fans) and the staff would vote on the winner. It would kinda be like one of those Produce shows for those kind of games and they could actually be scored on their singing and dancing capabilities, plus general amusement if they actually cosplay as a GG.

I would also take out a lot of episodes filled with entire sections that were really...boring.

So pretty much the opposite take of yours, unnie.

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but I just think the show would have been much more interesting as an actual competition show where the boys explore Thailand as a premise rather than a show about exploring Thailand that had some competition aspects in it.
So pretty much the opposite take of yours, unnie.I just think if you're gonna go out of your way to have a whole ranking system, you're pushing people to get invested in the show and it feelsbadman when you're really not seeing much of that as opposed to everyone sitting around the campfire talking about who takes the best quality photos
I never thought about it that way unnie, but that makes sense

I guess for me, it's the fact that some members CLEARLY did not give af about the competition that I feel it would be best to ditch it, and instead just show the members having a good time.
But I suppose if they went all in and put the full focus on it, maybe those members would have cared more and it would have made things more interesting. The staff basically framed the show as a vacation which is why I think many members just saw it that way, and the competiton felt largely half hearted. The mere fact that we had episodes where they didn't do anything to earn points suggests to me that the competition aspect may have been thrown in last minute to make things a bit more interesting....but that's just a game theory

Especially since it's not like they bothered to even breathe about Marckris and Alan's concert date....

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I never thought about it that way unnie, but that makes sense
I guess for me, it's the fact that some members CLEARLY did not give af about the competition that I feel it would be best to ditch it, and instead just show the members having a good time.
But I suppose if they went all in and put the full focus on it, maybe those members would have cared more and it would have made things more interesting. The staff basically framed the show as a vacation which is why I think many members just saw it that way, and the competiton felt largely half hearted. The mere fact that we had episodes where they didn't do anything to earn points suggests to me that the competition aspect may have been thrown in last minute to make things a bit more interesting....but that's just a game theory
Especially since it's not like they bothered to even breathe about Marckris and Alan's concert date....They could have AT LEAST filmed some of the concert experience and added a bit of footage in the final episode...

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@Ddeona Oneul Bame I'm getting later and later with these, but in my defense, it was a busy week 
But I'm ready to discuss now!
I really enjoyed last week's discussion, so let's do something similar.
For today, we're going to plan out a hypothetical BUSSING THAILAND season 2! While doing so, answer these questions.
Questions: What is the premise for this season? Where is the group going? How many episodes will there be? What will they be doing during the show?
Note, even though I obviously said BUSSING THAILAND season 2, you actually don't need to stay limited to Thailand. You can have them go wherever you want
For me it's very easy. Idk what the show would be called, but the premise would basically be BUS traveling around to places that are significant to the members. I really liked the episode where the members went to Peemwasu's family restaurant, so this time I'd take it even further. In this season the members would travel around northern Thailand (most members), Korea (Jinwook), Singapore (Alan), and the U.S. (Marckris). [AA, Phutatchai, Khunpol, and Heart also studied at international schools, though I'm not sure if they've lived abroad.] I'd have them stay in each location for a week, meaning the entire trip would last one month. And they can easily squeeze out an episode for each day, especially if they cut out unnecessary stuff like traveling.
I'll leave in the product placement though since Ddeona seems to like it.
But unfortunately unnie, this season will have no competition aspect and it's just going to be travel fun
Anyway, each location would have 7 episodes dedicated to that portion of the trip, meaning there would be 28 episodes in total.
Thailand - Since season 1 covered south Thailand, obviously we need the bus boys to tackle the rest of the country. Of course, there are a litany of places for them to go
But for the sake of keeping things interesting, I guess they can go to places they've never been and always wanted to visit. There should be plenty to last for 7 episodes. As for what they'd do here....anything that wasn't done in season 1. Like I mentioned last time, I'd love to see the members get up to some touristy things to promote Thailand to international BEUS. Hit up the malls, the markets, big cities and other hotspots.
Korea - After Thailand, now we can enter the abroad territory. Led by Jinwook, the members would travel across Korea. They've got to hit up Seoul of course, and then anywhere else they want to check out. Maybe they could even visit his family. It would also be cool for them to busk around since Korea is known for outdoor busking and it would be a great way to promote them as well
But I really want them to do the cool things K-idols usually do on variety. Gimme a REAL haunted house with BUS!
Let them go play sports! Take them to an arcade center! Literally everything hip and cool about Korean variety should be done here! The language barrier will probably lead to some funny shenanigans since only one member speaks Korean, but this will be a great chance to teach the others
That said Marckris trained at JYP so maybe he speaks some Korean and can help. 
Singapore - Leader Alan could then take the kids around Singapore and do some more FUN stuff. At this point, the members can do some more outdoor activities like going to beaches and amusement parks. Maybe they can go on some city tours. Apparently Singapore is known for lots of gardens so the can check those out as well. And you know our photography line would enjoy having fun here.
Since Alan, Marckris, Khunpol, AA, also as well as JungT, Jinwook, Thai, Nex, and possibly Heart and Phutatchai speak some English they should be able to get around without much issue. PeemPer can learn I guess 
U.S. - Finally, Marckris can take the bois to some U.S. hot spots. As far as I'm aware he mainly lived in Florida (thought I think he also was in New York recently) so perhaps they can go there. I guess they can go to a beach and play beach volleyball or something. Checking out Florida theme parks would also be really cool.
Honestly, they can just go on tours and struggle with English and I'm sure it would lead to some good content
Doesn't matter so long as they have fun!
So, tldr I'd BUS the kids around 4 different countries significant to the members and have them hit up the most notable tourist attractions with one week per country across 28 episodes.
Let me know what you think of this idea unnie and I look forward to seeing what you come up with 

But I'm ready to discuss now!

Questions: What is the premise for this season? Where is the group going? How many episodes will there be? What will they be doing during the show?
Note, even though I obviously said BUSSING THAILAND season 2, you actually don't need to stay limited to Thailand. You can have them go wherever you want

For me it's very easy. Idk what the show would be called, but the premise would basically be BUS traveling around to places that are significant to the members. I really liked the episode where the members went to Peemwasu's family restaurant, so this time I'd take it even further. In this season the members would travel around northern Thailand (most members), Korea (Jinwook), Singapore (Alan), and the U.S. (Marckris). [AA, Phutatchai, Khunpol, and Heart also studied at international schools, though I'm not sure if they've lived abroad.] I'd have them stay in each location for a week, meaning the entire trip would last one month. And they can easily squeeze out an episode for each day, especially if they cut out unnecessary stuff like traveling.

Anyway, each location would have 7 episodes dedicated to that portion of the trip, meaning there would be 28 episodes in total.

Thailand - Since season 1 covered south Thailand, obviously we need the bus boys to tackle the rest of the country. Of course, there are a litany of places for them to go

Korea - After Thailand, now we can enter the abroad territory. Led by Jinwook, the members would travel across Korea. They've got to hit up Seoul of course, and then anywhere else they want to check out. Maybe they could even visit his family. It would also be cool for them to busk around since Korea is known for outdoor busking and it would be a great way to promote them as well

Singapore - Leader Alan could then take the kids around Singapore and do some more FUN stuff. At this point, the members can do some more outdoor activities like going to beaches and amusement parks. Maybe they can go on some city tours. Apparently Singapore is known for lots of gardens so the can check those out as well. And you know our photography line would enjoy having fun here.

U.S. - Finally, Marckris can take the bois to some U.S. hot spots. As far as I'm aware he mainly lived in Florida (thought I think he also was in New York recently) so perhaps they can go there. I guess they can go to a beach and play beach volleyball or something. Checking out Florida theme parks would also be really cool.

So, tldr I'd BUS the kids around 4 different countries significant to the members and have them hit up the most notable tourist attractions with one week per country across 28 episodes.

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Interesting premise, UhNi.
Hmm, admittedly, I wish they could keep a competition aspect going on, but the fact that they will be visiting countries where they don't speak the main language, that might be hard to do. It would be cool to see them travel outside of Thailand, though, so I do like the idea of them going to Korea and Singapore especially! 
As for me
Questions: What is the premise for this season?
I don't actually mind if they were to keep it with a competition theme and a ranking system. I think it keeps things interesting and gives the members a reason to want to take the games seriously. Granted, this would be more like my hypothetical from last week than what we saw in the actual show, which was lacking IMO.
So the premise is another goal to have the most points at the end, and the winner gets to shoot an MV of their choice in the location of their choice based on the places they visited.
Where is the group going?
The only correct answer for me is South Korea~
Not only because they have a Korean member, but it's simply a good business move to push them in Korea since K-POP is still booming globally and it would be a great opportunity to try to expand their fanbase beyond Thailand. It would probably be a bit difficult since I don't know how many staff speak Korean, but this is a hypothetical, so I'm just going to assume it would be doable to shoot a show there and maybe even air there, as well.
As for where they visit, there's plenty of well known place for them to go. But I think places like Seoul, Jeju Island, and Busan are probably a must. There's plenty of place they can use for games and activities, so I think they would still pull it off well the same way as Season 1.
How many episodes will there be?
I was dejected at how soon it felt like BUSSING Thailand ended so quickly.
I think at least 20 episodes would be nice. They tend to spend more than one episode in a single location and since we also would like to see some time spent promoting the boys, I think we could see a solid majority episodes spent on games and the rest maybe on Busking for some potential fans.
What will they be doing during the show?
I guess I already answered the competition and promoting part, but I think they should also do sightseeing, as well. I mean, they're going all the way to another country that I'm sure more of them haven't been to. And we know the boys also like K-POP so it would be great if we could see them maybe, maybe going to a concert of a group they like. Meeting Jinwook's family would be awesome.
And we NEED Copper/Chiquita moments in the show for sure! 
WHY. HASN'T. THIS. HAPPENED. YET?????????????????????????????

As for me

Questions: What is the premise for this season?
I don't actually mind if they were to keep it with a competition theme and a ranking system. I think it keeps things interesting and gives the members a reason to want to take the games seriously. Granted, this would be more like my hypothetical from last week than what we saw in the actual show, which was lacking IMO.

Where is the group going?
The only correct answer for me is South Korea~

As for where they visit, there's plenty of well known place for them to go. But I think places like Seoul, Jeju Island, and Busan are probably a must. There's plenty of place they can use for games and activities, so I think they would still pull it off well the same way as Season 1.
How many episodes will there be?
I was dejected at how soon it felt like BUSSING Thailand ended so quickly.

What will they be doing during the show?
I guess I already answered the competition and promoting part, but I think they should also do sightseeing, as well. I mean, they're going all the way to another country that I'm sure more of them haven't been to. And we know the boys also like K-POP so it would be great if we could see them maybe, maybe going to a concert of a group they like. Meeting Jinwook's family would be awesome.







WHY. HASN'T. THIS. HAPPENED. YET?????????????????????????????

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I remember you brought up that idea last timeInteresting premise, UhNi.Hmm, admittedly, I wish they could keep a competition aspect going on, but the fact that they will be visiting countries where they don't speak the main language, that might be hard to do. It would be cool to see them travel outside of Thailand, though, so I do like the idea of them going to Korea and Singapore especially!
As for me
Questions: What is the premise for this season?
I don't actually mind if they were to keep it with a competition theme and a ranking system. I think it keeps things interesting and gives the members a reason to want to take the games seriously. Granted, this would be more like my hypothetical from last week than what we saw in the actual show, which was lacking IMO.So the premise is another goal to have the most points at the end, and the winner gets to shoot an MV of their choice in the location of their choice based on the places they visited.
Where is the group going?
The only correct answer for me is South Korea~Not only because they have a Korean member, but it's simply a good business move to push them in Korea since K-POP is still booming globally and it would be a great opportunity to try to expand their fanbase beyond Thailand. It would probably be a bit difficult since I don't know how many staff speak Korean, but this is a hypothetical, so I'm just going to assume it would be doable to shoot a show there and maybe even air there, as well.
As for where they visit, there's plenty of well known place for them to go. But I think places like Seoul, Jeju Island, and Busan are probably a must. There's plenty of place they can use for games and activities, so I think they would still pull it off well the same way as Season 1.
How many episodes will there be?
I was dejected at how soon it felt like BUSSING Thailand ended so quickly.I think at least 20 episodes would be nice. They tend to spend more than one episode in a single location and since we also would like to see some time spent promoting the boys, I think we could see a solid majority episodes spent on games and the rest maybe on Busking for some potential fans.
What will they be doing during the show?
I guess I already answered the competition and promoting part, but I think they should also do sightseeing, as well. I mean, they're going all the way to another country that I'm sure more of them haven't been to. And we know the boys also like K-POP so it would be great if we could see them maybe, maybe going to a concert of a group they like. Meeting Jinwook's family would be awesome.And we NEED Copper/Chiquita moments in the show for sure!

What song would the MV be for? An existing song, or are they making a new one for the show

Since the competition aspect is still here, what types of challenges will they be having?

Good to see you agree that they need to hit up South Korea.

OMG, Jeju Island would be such a cool place for them to go

20 episodes would be cool. Honestly, I was struggling to decide whether 28 was too many

WHY. HASN'T. THIS. HAPPENED. YET?????????????????????????????
I completely forgot about Copper's sister being in a K-pop group

Only more reason for Wookie to take them to his

Imagine how cute it would be for Copper and Canny to hang out together with their groups

They could teach the Thais Korean and the Koreans Thai

One special episode must be dedicated to this desired collab

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I remember you brought up that idea last timeSeeing the members shoot their own MV would be cool. Reminds me of when they planned their showcases in 789 survival.
What song would the MV be for? An existing song, or are they making a new one for the show
Since the competition aspect is still here, what types of challenges will they be having?
Good to see you agree that they need to hit up South Korea.They need to go together
I refuse to allow Sonray to let this opportunity slip by
OMG, Jeju Island would be such a cool place for them to go
20 episodes would be cool. Honestly, I was struggling to decide whether 28 was too manyHonestly, you'd think they'd want to air more episodes, since the more episodes they have to keep BEUS preoccupied, the more hair dying and MV shooting they can do in secret.
I completely forgot about Copper's sister being in a K-pop group
Only more reason for Wookie to take them to hisand Marckris'shomeland for a show
Imagine how cute it would be for Copper and Canny to hang out together with their groups
They could teach the Thais Korean and the Koreans Thai
One special episode must be dedicated to this desired collab![]()
It would be a song written by the winner, same as my hypothetical rewrite of the first season.

I'd like a similar variety of challenges that we had in Season 1, but also catered to their new location. So we'd still see sports, but maybe they could even put on their own ISAC, split into mini teams, and compete in differently sports like track and field.


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@Ddeona Oneul Bame I'm sure you've noticed that so much has been going on due to my computer issues, and I'm super late on our past 2 discussions 
But no longer! It's time to get back to business!
Let's make this a silly one tho. The theme today is BUS is 12!
How did you feel about the competition being split into individual and team activities? Do you think they should have been all individual challeges? Should they all have been team based? Or was spliting them up okay? Are there any activities you think could have been improved if they'd been switched from invividual to team or vice versa? Should some teams have been larger/smaller? Feel free to add extra feedback as well.
And remember, since this is compettion talk, we're only talking about situations where points were involved once again. 
For me, even though it was a competition, I enjoyed the inclusion of team based challenges from time to time, mainly since I always thought their team names were goofy AF
Now obviously some games had to have teams like the basketball game, or it wouldn't have made sense. In fact, I thought the basketball game in particular was a good way to have a team game, but divide the individual points fairly, scoring them based on baskets made, basket caught, etc. I definetly wish more games made use of this format.
The water park challenge is a great example of where I felt a team setup fell flat. Look no offense to AA, but that fact that he was just handed a bunch of points by virtue of being on a team when he rode exactly 0 rides was pretty nonsensical to me.
I feel like the only reason the staff made that a team game was due to the ungodly amount of tasks they wanted them to do. But they could have easily lessened this and just made it an individual challenge. Or at the very least, I feel like this is another challenge that could have been done in duos. We really didn't need 4 members riding down the same slide 15 times. 
And on that note, I would have liked to see more team sizes. BUS has 12 members, so there are quite a few options for team sizes, but almost every team game was 3 teams of 4 members. Only 1 game was 6 teams of 2 members (kiayaking), only 1 game was 2 teams of 6 members (basketball), and only 1 game was 4 teams of 3 members (meeting the NPCs) iirc. I would have liked to see more trios and duos honestly.
The only activities I feel would have been better as group activities were, you guessed it, the photography games.
Not only would this have made the issue of sharing cameras much more manageable, but it could have opened the door to more varied challenges. Like instead of just taking pictures of every member and ship combination, they could have focused on just taking wildlife like with the diving picture challenge.
If I was in charge, the photography games would have each been 2 teams of 6. In fact, I think it would have been much more of a challenge for everyone to have to come together to prioritize different subjects for pictures, discuss framing and whatnot.
As for my extra feedback, my nitpicky issue with the teams was the lack of variety between team members. I feel like we had quite a few teams with members overlapping, and again, in a 12 member group it would have been nice to get more chemisty. I'm pretty sure Jinwook and JungT were on the same team at least 3 times.
And while I love my Jesus line, again, I'd just to see more combinations.
I feel the same way about Peemper almost always having been roomates for the entire duration of the show, but thats a different situation. 
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Ddeona's response

But no longer! It's time to get back to business!

Let's make this a silly one tho. The theme today is BUS is 12!

How did you feel about the competition being split into individual and team activities? Do you think they should have been all individual challeges? Should they all have been team based? Or was spliting them up okay? Are there any activities you think could have been improved if they'd been switched from invividual to team or vice versa? Should some teams have been larger/smaller? Feel free to add extra feedback as well.

For me, even though it was a competition, I enjoyed the inclusion of team based challenges from time to time, mainly since I always thought their team names were goofy AF

The water park challenge is a great example of where I felt a team setup fell flat. Look no offense to AA, but that fact that he was just handed a bunch of points by virtue of being on a team when he rode exactly 0 rides was pretty nonsensical to me.

And on that note, I would have liked to see more team sizes. BUS has 12 members, so there are quite a few options for team sizes, but almost every team game was 3 teams of 4 members. Only 1 game was 6 teams of 2 members (kiayaking), only 1 game was 2 teams of 6 members (basketball), and only 1 game was 4 teams of 3 members (meeting the NPCs) iirc. I would have liked to see more trios and duos honestly.

The only activities I feel would have been better as group activities were, you guessed it, the photography games.

As for my extra feedback, my nitpicky issue with the teams was the lack of variety between team members. I feel like we had quite a few teams with members overlapping, and again, in a 12 member group it would have been nice to get more chemisty. I'm pretty sure Jinwook and JungT were on the same team at least 3 times.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Ddeona's response

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@Ddeona Oneul Bame I'm sure you've noticed that so much has been going on due to my computer issues, and I'm super late on our past 2 discussions
But no longer! It's time to get back to business!
Let's make this a silly one tho. The theme today is BUS is 12!
How did you feel about the competition being split into individual and team activities? Do you think they should have been all individual challeges? Should they all have been team based? Or was spliting them up okay? Are there any activities you think could have been improved if they'd been switched from invividual to team or vice versa? Should some teams have been larger/smaller? Feel free to add extra feedback as well.And remember, since this is compettion talk, we're only talking about situations where points were involved once again.
For me, even though it was a competition, I enjoyed the inclusion of team based challenges from time to time, mainly since I always thought their team names were goofy AFNow obviously some games had to have teams like the basketball game, or it wouldn't have made sense. In fact, I thought the basketball game in particular was a good way to have a team game, but divide the individual points fairly, scoring them based on baskets made, basket caught, etc. I definetly wish more games made use of this format.
The water park challenge is a great example of where I felt a team setup fell flat. Look no offense to AA, but that fact that he was just handed a bunch of points by virtue of being on a team when he rode exactly 0 rides was pretty nonsensical to me.I feel like the only reason the staff made that a team game was due to the ungodly amount of tasks they wanted them to do. But they could have easily lessened this and just made it an individual challenge. Or at the very least, I feel like this is another challenge that could have been done in duos. We really didn't need 4 members riding down the same slide 15 times.
And on that note, I would have liked to see more team sizes. BUS has 12 members, so there are quite a few options for team sizes, but almost every team game was 3 teams of 4 members. Only 1 game was 6 teams of 2 members (kiayaking), only 1 game was 2 teams of 6 members (basketball), and only 1 game was 4 teams of 3 members (meeting the NPCs) iirc. I would have liked to see more trios and duos honestly.
The only activities I feel would have been better as group activities were, you guessed it, the photography games.Not only would this have made the issue of sharing cameras much more manageable, but it could have opened the door to more varied challenges. Like instead of just taking pictures of every member and ship combination, they could have focused on just taking wildlife like with the diving picture challenge.
If I was in charge, the photography games would have each been 2 teams of 6. In fact, I think it would have been much more of a challenge for everyone to have to come together to prioritize different subjects for pictures, discuss framing and whatnot.
As for my extra feedback, my nitpicky issue with the teams was the lack of variety between team members. I feel like we had quite a few teams with members overlapping, and again, in a 12 member group it would have been nice to get more chemisty. I'm pretty sure Jinwook and JungT were on the same team at least 3 times.And while I love my Jesus line, again, I'd just to see more combinations.
I feel the same way about Peemper almost always having been roomates for the entire duration of the show, but thats a different situation.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Ddeona's response![]()
I'm so very sad to head that the spell check isn't working properly on your machine, but you still powered through to write this question.

Oh, this is a cool question~ I actually do have some thoughts

How did you feel about the competition being split into individual and team activities? Do you think they should have been all individual challenges?
I was fine with this choice. I frankly think it would have been a bit boring if it was only individual activities that whole time, especially for certain activities. And team events allow for more interactions and chaos, so I am really glad they did do some team events.
Should they all have been team based? Or was splitting them up okay?
Eeehhh part of me is curious how a full team based event would have been like. As long as the teams were all different, I actually think I would have been fine with it. My fear would be the same teams every single time, which would be super boring, TBH. The best part of the show was seeing the members interact with each other on different teams. We wouldn't have the Cutie, Foreigner, or Actor-lines today if not for being able to see their specific dynamics in the last game.

Are there any activities you think could have been improved if they'd been switched from individual to team or vice versa?
Yeah, for sure.

In fact, I agree; every photography event should have been done in teams. It would make way more sense considering they couldn't seem to afford 12 cameras in the first place for it to have been a team event

Should some teams have been larger/smaller?
Eh, with this, I don't really have any huge feelings about for the most part. I was fine with the basketball game team size, the kayaking one also made sense. I wasn't bothered by the team size for the water park rides, either. Some of the busking/NPC team sizes seemed unnecessarily large. I feel like they could have had two people do it since it was between three and four depending on the event IIRC, and I just remember Nex's team always being not-Nex being the ones talking and then Nex showing up to take the necessary selca and then tapping out until he was needed again.

I liked the team sizes for the BL drama game, but at the same time, some scenes felt like they would occasionally just be two members acting out a scene and the other two not really doing anything. Which it made sense to have them bigger instead of smaller ones for those scenes which required more actors, but I wish they would have better incorporated all the members into a lot of scenes and we also didn't ever get to see any of them kissing, which I feel was a huge missed opportunity

Feel free to add extra feedback as well
I also think PeemThai and Marcalan should have been on the same team more often!

Also, as for your point, I think your complaint was more of a scoring issue than a team issue

I wouldn't have minded something like that. Would it have encouraged AA to ride more? I don't know, but he's the cutiest patootie anyway

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