MINI+ [Game Finished] The Perfect Santa - 12/30 @2PM EST/7PM UCT (12/31 @4AM KST)


Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Plus Coins

In preparation for his retirement. Santa has decided to post a job ad looking for an apprentice to one day fill his shoes. Besides having a jolly and funloving attitude, the right candidate must also have the ability to sell turn an ordinary thing into the most extraordinary gift in the eyes of the receiver. So, do you think you have got what it takes to be The Perfect Santa?


The objective of this game is for players to create the best “sales pitch” for any item being thrown their way.

At the start of the game, each player is given 9 Features Cards to help them create their sales pitches.

There will be 5 rounds.

In each round, the GM presents an “item” in the gameplay thread.

Players have 10 minutes to try and come up with a sales pitch using their feature cards to convince others on why the given item would make the best gift ever. They may use up to two cards in any two rounds of their choice. Please note, however, any cards that have previously been used may not be reused.

Once everyone has submitted their pitches, the GM will post all of them in the thread.

Players then have 5 minutes to privately decide and vote for their favorite pitches. Players may not vote for their own.

The most voted pitch gets 4 points, the second most voted gets 2 points, and the third most voted gets 1 point. If there is a tie, all players who are in the tie score the same number of point(s) for that round.

Rinse and repeat this process for 5 rounds.

The players with the most points after 5 rounds win the game. If there is a tie, there will be a tie-breaker round.


Please have good sportsmanship and do not cheat; this includes, but is not limited to, colluding with other players and/or playing against your win conditions.

Please absolutely do not hint at your identity in your responses, the gameplay thread, or anywhere else, before and during the voting phase.

You must submit a response for every round. 1 point will be deducted from your total score for every round you missed.

Please submit your response in a timely manner, or you may be considered as missing the round.

Your first response is final.

Please keep your response at around 50 words or so.

You must vote every round, or you will get 1 point deducted from your total score for every round missed.

Please be as mindful as possible when writing your responses. Avoid using explicit and vulgar language.

I fully reserve the right to reject your response for any proper reason.

Have fun and be nice.

All other H+ rules apply.


Prizes may be subject to changes.

1st place
- 1 Gold medal, 4 orbs, 40k coins, and 40 elite gamer points.
2nd place - 1 Silver medal, 3 orb, 30k coins, and 30 elite gamer points.
3rd place - 1 Bronze medal, 2 orbs, 20k coins, and 20 elite gamer points.
Participation - 1 Ribbon, 40k coins, and 7 elite gamer points.


A maximum of 4 athletes per home team can sign up.

Team Polar Par

1. @anh
2. @BianTwo

Team Magi Phelps

1. @Saint Ren
2. @Chococo
3. @Polaris_Tae
4. @Chomiczewska

Team Minuscinno

1. @Lurkette
2. @boo
3. @OutroTearTheFirst

Thanks, @Baymax (again), for the adorable gfx alkfdj
You risked committing copyright infringement for me. IOU truly and I will repay
you :brbdying:

@H+ Olympians

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