GAME+ [GAMEPLAY] Kyungsoo's Dream- Weekend WW// 6th July to 7th July at 2pm EDT


Death's Mistress
Jun 10, 2019
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You did quite well actually. You did not just write people away due to their role claims and tried to play as well as you could. You were willing to question rrs and not just write them off. When ren said that i don't include custom roles, you questioned that statement which is good. Because while happy did lie, lynching someone solely based off meta and cause role doesn't sound believable is very unwise. However your defense of Happy worked against you. As people assumed you were an wvil. Evils usually don't so openly defend their team mates but as the players are mostly quite new to mafias they wrote it off as evil defending an evil. Moreover your night 4 kill was a blunder. Ego rolerevealed in Day 4 therefore doctors would have protected her on night 4, therefore not being able to protect her on night 4. If you had killed the seer instead of going after gal, you could have bought time to defend yourself. Ego seered you on night 4, therefore her being alive on day 6 and revealing your role made it difficult to defend yourself.

Your gp on day 1 was messy. You nearly got lynched. However your focus on Happy disregarding her RR and getting her lynched paid off, as town was willing to believe you. You somehow or another managed to gain some of town's trust and evaded suspicion afterwards. However this also meant you became a huge threat to Evils. Therefore Evils killed you off. It would have been better for you to try to be towny but not be too focused on evils so that they don't come after you at night. After all to win, you just needed to survive until one of the other affiliations won. Your early use of your night actions did pay off as it led to confusion amongst all the players. As a whole though you recovered well. After day 1, you weren't voted a lot in any of the day phases, and the evil's kill on day 1 being jumbled made them scared to kill you until Night 3.


As a team, golden was the most experienced and she did lead you all as best as she could, unfortunately both happy and jimin were really new and as golden only entered the team a few minutes before the game began and no one other than happy and the former players actually interacted before the game began, this severely affected the team. The new players were not coached and were left to their own devices in day 1. Which led to suspicion falling on them very early in the game.

You are quite new to mafias and tbh your newbie style gp could have probably worked if you had sounded more genuine. like asked more about how to play. or purposely fail to bold your lynches and tried to not sound too strong. your immediate claim of ren being suspicious right when day 1 began was not a good idea, cause it doesn't sound like something a newbie would say because they wouldn't know what is suspicious and what is not. Moreover asking in a very general way about who you should lynch was also very unwise as it comes across as forced. However i did really like that you asked me a lot of questions on PM and clarified all your doubts, it shows that you are willing to learn and have the potential to become a great mafia player. If the rest of your team had been more active prior to the game beginning, you probably could have asked them for help on how to play but unfortunately that wasn't the case as replacements only joined a few minutes before the game began.

This was your first ever game on the forum and you did quite well tbh. But you not being active in Day phase worked against you. You said so little that it became very suspicious. You probably did not know what to say which is a common problem that every new evil faces but unfortunately this made people very suspicious of you. You probably could have tried the newbie GP as you really were new. However it really wasn't your fault as you joined the game in the last few minutes before the game began so the only experienced member of your team had technical issues and couldn't coach you enough. However you do show potential so do play again.

Your gp was actually much better than in previous games. You had technical problems in day and night 1 but you still pulled it off very well. You were able to interact with other player quite genuinely and was able to win their trust to an extent. What worked against you was that other players who town suspected were killed off making it very difficult for you to survive in day 4. I wish you had role revealed with a fake role just so that town would give you the benefit of the doubt. As ego couldn't be protected by a doctor in night 4, you could have easily killed her so even if she seered you it wouldn't have been a problem. instead your defense did not sound good. You kept saying that town will regret it but instead you could have tried to convince that you are actually town. So your lack of defense and refusal to role reveal just came across as a cornered evil.


Where do i even begin... this town was loaded with very good PRs unfortunately mistakes were made all across the board so the win really comes down to the evil team being very suspicious and the seer doing a good job.

Your tendency to move your lynches around a lot made you very suspicious in the beginning, you ended up being voted on nearly every day phase except for the last few ones. However you suspected the right people. You realized ren was messy in day 1. However you seered well. You mostly seered people who were being suspected and were in the tallies in the former day, making it more easier to either remove them from your sus list or find an evil. Your seer on jimin actually helped eliminate her. Furthermore choosing to seer mocha, helped seal the win for your team. You were also the only one who figured out that ren used her ability before she died and probably used it on the day you got the messy results. therefore your seer on mocha in night 4 was accurate. Overall there was room for improvement. Instead of writing riri off as a troll, you should have asked her to explain her ability so that you can see if it matches what others experienced. this could have led you to trust your results more and not sound that conflicted.

Your guess that the reason the game was still on after golden died was simply cause you had to get rid of the neut was spot on. And you actually backtracked and noticed that golden said that happy is sus but did not actually lynch her. Moreover you did question players and picked up sus behaviour. You also picked people wisesly. you chose people who were less likely to be targeted. so you would be safe which was very clever. However you failed to vote on multiple days including the last one. Remember to vote as letting things go to rng that late in the game is very unwise.

You played well. You protected the seer and you questioned players. However your overthinking nearly cost you the game. If you had paid attention more and actually questioned why ego got the wrong seer result in night 1 and why i let you protect yourself in night 1 and 2 instead of writing them off as gm errors, you probably would have figured out that something went wrong in night 1 and probably ren messed up everyone's abilities that night. If you had asked if anyone elses's abiltiies got messed up in night 1, riri would would have told you that her target had also changed. It was already mentioned in night 1 that everything got jumbled and ren even claimed she knew what happened when mocha suggested if a transporter did something. Also your vote for ego was very badly placed. All mocha had to do was lynch ego once you voted for ego and it would have gone straight to RNG. Always play with what you have at hand and pay attention to the clues.

You actually played well. You trolled people but also left clues that you were the one doing it so that there was no question when role revealing that you were the one making people sing. You also did question people while not coming off as too strong so evils did not see you as a threat. Overall you played pretty safe.

You unfortunately faced quite a bit of issues. though you did question players, as you got trolled in day 2 and couldn't make your presence very visible in day 1 or 3, town was sus of you. it also didn't help that the players you ended up blocking either died or killed you. Your night 1 block of happy went to ren and failed cause her jumble was much stronger than your block. then in night 2, your block of outro failed as she was killed that night and then in night 3 you were in a very difficult position as you blocked mocha who was the serial killer and killed you instead but you were already mocha's target for the night so there was no escaping death.

You did seem lighthearted and playful which actually made people sus of you and made it easy for evils to build a wagon against you. Given that it was you against 2 evils, you were the counterwagon and after happy was lynched, evils killed you cause you were pretty much cleared as town.

You actually played well. You voted for the ones who seemed messy and you questioned people. And i believe that if you had been alive for longer, you would have been very useful to town. Unfortunately the jumble that occurred in Night 1 claimed your life when the target was actually ren.

You played for a very short time and died when actions got jumbled. In the time you played you did have a tendency to follow the lynches of others and not really make your own opinions. But if you had survived for longer maybe you could have done more and been useful to town especially as your ability was very useful.

You had the one of the most important roles in the game, it was unfortunate that town voted for you in day 1. If you had role revealed when you were being voted on you may have survived the night and who knows if ren had used her ability you could have been alive for longer. Not role revealing or trying to convince that your role is important and not to waste their lynch on you could have helped you survive. You were after all the Vigilante. You and ren were tied because the double voter voted for ren at the end of day. So it all came down to RNG and unfortunately luck was not on your side.


MVP - Egoista - 2 Diamond Vouchers plus 40 Points
Winning Team - Goods except egoista - 1 Diamond Voucher each and 30 Points
Losing Team - Evils plus Neuts - 1 Silver Voucher and 10 Points each

Thanks for playing!

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sexy cutie

N.FIA / BABY / DEOBI / FOREVER / MYDAY / ONCE Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Plus Coins
Thanks for hosting aki! Until the next game


H+ Socialite
Jun 15, 2019
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im jimin defense poor thing that was my fault i wanted her to be under the radar but i think she was too under the radar and i literally was about to rr as the paranoid doc but it was too late mess Thanks for the notes aki


Death's Mistress
Jun 10, 2019
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Cracked & Devoured
Plus Coins
Thanks for hosting aki! Until the next game
Thanks for playing!


im jimin defense poor thing that was my fault i wanted her to be under the radar but i think she was too under the radar and i literally was about to rr as the paranoid doc but it was too late mess Thanks for the notes aki
Aww. poor jimin. and aww goldie you really should have rrd. anything would have been better than nothing. And no prob. i enjoyed writing the notes.


H+ Socialite
Jun 15, 2019
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Plus Coins
Thanks for playing!


Aww. poor jimin. and aww goldie you really should have rrd. anything would have been better than nothing. And no prob. i enjoyed writing the notes.
Gurl i was skimming through mafia wiki to find a role that would make the most sense i just took to long trying to find one

Full Sun

I put the A in ass 😜
Jul 2, 2019
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Plus Coins
Why did I think of role revealing?! Next time I'll do better. :sadpuppy:
Thanks for the game, Aki! 💚


<3 Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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im jimin defense poor thing that was my fault i wanted her to be under the radar but i think she was too under the radar and i literally was about to rr as the paranoid doc but it was too late mess Thanks for the notes aki
you were amazing! ty for your help in the game :yoosmile:
definitely would play this game again :shablob:


Jun 15, 2019
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Plus Coins
Ya girl was nervous about lynching the wrong person. Past WW/Mafia games have scarred me into being cautious about lynching so people don't suspect me of being evil. But thank you for the critic on my gameplay! Hope you host another Mafia game soon because this one was really funny and enjoyable.



Death's Mistress
Jun 10, 2019
Reaction score
Cracked & Devoured
Plus Coins
you were amazing! ty for your help in the game :yoosmile:
definitely would play this game again :shablob:

Hope to see you play more. :shablob:
Ya girl was nervous about lynching the wrong person. Past WW/Mafia games have scarred me into being cautious about lynching so people don't suspect me of being evil. But thank you for the critic on my gameplay! Hope you host another Mafia game soon because this one was really funny and enjoyable.

I am glad you enjoyed the game. And yeah i get nervous with lynching too. So I feel you. :wae:
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