Another month flew by!
Same as months before, we've picked users whom we thought were a great addition to our community, and helped it grow in several ways.
Last month, you all got to be a part of the decision, and the tradition continues.
Your votes, combined with our assessments, will help us pick the User of the Month for November 2019!
Fill out this form right here:
My pick:
Why do I think this user needs to be User of the Month?:
The form can be posted here in this thread publicly (in case you want to spread some nice words and positive vibes).
And if you're too shy, you can also PM ME (rich) your vote. Please title the PM "User of the Month November 2019 Vote"
Make sure you're giving us a good and honest explanation on why you voted for a certain user.
Each user gets to vote ONCE, no duplicate votes allowed. Oh, and you can't vote for yourself either, sorry 'bout that.
The chosen member will be announced on November 2nd.
Happy voting!