House Targaryen of Dragonstone - Home of the Blondies


Khaleesi of House Targaryen Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Y'aaaaall we've reached 30 pages!!
Just yesterday they were teasing us about only reaching the 4th page, now look at us :sejeongcry:


DR. K💉M 👄

Dragon Adoptery — House Targaryen Family Tree
We're currently at phase 1 of the OP graphics creation. And we need your participation, blood of my blood. Basically, you gotta claim a dragon. As members of House Targaryen, bonding with a dragon is essential. We will enlist all House Targaryen users alongside their dragons and platinum blond idol dragon riders in the OP! Users who decide not to pick a dragon or a platinum-haired idol will still be added to the OP graphics, but they will be listed as "Loyal Unsullied" instead.

These are all canonical dragons from the TV show and the books!
Claiming is first come, first serve!
Just reply to this post or ping me with your dragon pick.



Name: Balerion “The Black Dread”
Bonded to: Aegon I Targaryen a.k.a Aegon the Conqueror
Gender: Male
Scales: Black
Claimed by: Pepper

Balerion was named after the ancient god of the Valyrian Freehold. He was born in Valyria, and was one of the five dragons Aenar Targaryen brought with him when he fled to Dragonstone to survive the Doom of Valyria.



Name: Caraxes “The Blood Wyrm”
Bonded to: Prince Aemon Targaryen
Gender: Male
Scales: Red
Claimed by: OPEN

Prince Aemon used Caraxes against the Dornish fleet during the Fourth Dornish War. Caraxes was red, huge and lean. In battle he was formidable, fearsome and experienced.



Name: Dreamfyre
Bonded to: Princess Rhaena Targaryen
Gender: Female
Scales: Pale Blue & Silver
Claimed by: Boo

Dreamfyre was hatched during the reign of King Aegon I Targaryen. She bonded with Aegon I's first grandchild, Princess Rhaena Targaryen, who became Dreamfyre's rider in 35 AC at the age of twelve.



Name: Drogon
Bonded to: Daenerys Targaryen
Gender: Male
Scales: Black & Red
Claimed by: le.ah

Drogon is believed to be the reincarnation of Balerion the Black Dread, but Daenerys decided to give him a new name for his new life.



Name: Meleys “The Red Queen”
Bonded to: Princess Alyssa Targaryen
Gender: Female
Scales: Scarlet & Pink
Claimed by: WithJuyeon

In 75 AC, Meleys was considered to be one of the swiftest dragons in Westeros, easily outpacing Caraxes and Vhagar. By 129 AC, Meleys had grown lazy, but was still fearsome when roused.



Name: Meraxes
Bonded to: Queen Rhaenys Targaryen
Gender: Female
Scales: Silver
Claimed by: ARandomFan

Rhaenys loved to fly, spending more time on dragonback than her brother and sister combined, and was once heard to say that she meant to fly Meraxes across the Sunset Sea to see what lay upon its western shores.



Name: Moondancer
Bonded to: Lady Baela Targaryen
Gender: Female
Scales: Pale Green
Claimed by: OPEN

When Dragonstone fell to Aegon II Targaryen, Baela was able to evade capture by escaping from her bedchambers as the door was being smashed down. She managed to reach Moondancer in the stable, loosed the dragon's chains and strapped a saddle onto her.



Name: Morning
Bonded to: Lady Rhaena Targaryen
Gender: Female
Scales: Pale Pink
Claimed by: Kim Bowon

Morning was born during the Dance of the Dragons from one of the three eggs that Lady Rhaena Targaryen brought with her to the Vale. Morning was one of four dragons to survive the Dance of the Dragons - and the only one still controlled by the Targaryens.



Name: Quicksilver
Bonded to: King Aenys I Targaryen
Gender: Female
Scales: Pale
Claimed by: OPEN

As a hatchling, Quicksilver bonded with Prince Aenys Targaryen. The rumors that Aenys had been fathered by someone else than King Aegon I Targaryen came to an end when the condition of Aenys, who had been sickly from birth, quickly improved after this.



Name: Rhaegal
Bonded to: Jon Snow a.k.a. Aegon V Targaryen
Gender: Male
Scales: Jade Green
Claimed by: OPEN

Rhaegal is one of the dragons born on the Dothraki Sea, along with Drogon and Viserion. Commanded by Daenerys Targaryen, he was named for her brother, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.



Name: Silverwing
Bonded to: Queen Alysanne Targaryen
Gender: Female
Scales: Silver
Claimed by: OPEN

Silverwing contributed her flames to the funeral pyre of King Aenys I Targaryen, together with the dragons Quicksilver and Vermithor. Following Aenys's funeral, Silverwing was brought to Driftmark when her rider, Alysanne, fled to her uncle's castle.



Name: Sunfyre “The Golden”
Bonded to: King Aegon II Targaryen
Gender: Male
Scales: Golden
Claimed by: kisa

King Aegon II Targaryen rode Sunfyre during the Dance of the Dragons. Upon Sunfyre's back, King Aegon II participated in Battle of Rook's Rest, one of the first major battles of the war, in 129 AC.



Name: Syrax
Bonded to: Rhaenyra Targaryen
Gender: Female
Scales: Yellow
Claimed by: OPEN

Following her difficult stillbirth at the beginning of the war, Rhaenyra recovered enough strength to fly on Syrax, along with her other dragonriders, when they assaulted and captured King's Landing, with little opposition.



Name: Tessarion “The Blue Queen”
Bonded to: Daeron Targaryen
Gender: Female
Scales: Blue
Claimed by: Hikaruaxi

By 129 AC, Tessarion was of fighting size. During the Dance of the Dragons, she was the youngest dragon of fighting weight belonging to Aegon II Targaryen's supporters.



Name: Vermithor “The Bronze Fury”
Bonded to: King Jaehaerys I Targaryen
Gender: Male
Scales: Bronze
Claimed by: OPEN

Vermithor had accepted Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen as his rider by 48 AC, when Jaehaerys made his claim for the Iron Throne. Nine days after the mysterious death of King Maegor I Targaryen, Jaehaerys flew to King's Landing upon Vermithor to claim the throne.



Name: Viserion
Bonded to: None, belongs to Daenerys Targaryen
Gender: Male
Scales: Cream
Claimed by: ZikyungDerp

Viserion is one of the dragons born in the Dothraki Sea, along with Drogon and Rhaegal. Commanded by Queen Daenerys Targaryen, he is named for her brother, Prince Viserys Targaryen.
ooh I'll put this up in the OP


*¨*•.¸¸ପଓ VIP+ Donor
Jun 15, 2019
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we have grown so much :sejeongcry:

to continue with the Q&A,
my fav produce season is produce x 101 bc that's the only one where I watched the last ep

Why did you choose your bias?

DR. K💉M 👄

we have grown so much :sejeongcry:

to continue with the Q&A,
my fav produce season is produce x 101 bc that's the only one where I watched the last ep

Why did you choose your bias?
I didn't choose my bias
my bias chose me :sehunehh:

next question
Do you have goal in life? if not do you think it's important
  • Love
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Trainee Early Supporters
Jun 17, 2019
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I was daydreaming here and came up with this unnecessary list

The great benefits of being a Targaryen:
1) We have a natural platinum/golden hair.​
2) We are all visual. Ethereal beauty​
3) We are mother or fathers of dragons​
4) We were born to rule​

And that's why we are a select group :tea2: LOL

Don't daydream, otherwise you can get a little silly like me :facepalm:


DR. K💉M 👄

I was daydreaming here and came up with this unnecessary list

The great benefits of being a Targaryen:
1) We have a natural platinum/golden hair.​
2) We are all visual. Ethereal beauty​
3) We are mother or fathers of dragons​
4) We were born to rule​

And that's why we are a select group :tea2: LOL

Don't daydream, otherwise you can get a little silly like me :facepalm:

not everyone can control this much power

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