EVENT+ The Mystery of H+ Academy - Story


The Worst Girl in the World Events VIP+ Tenth Place HoE
Jun 18, 2019
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With determination filling your steps, you make your way back to the faculty room. As you push the door open, your eyes lock onto one person. Coming to a stop in front of them, you make sure to keep your expression relaxed.


As soon as her name leaves your lips, her head shoots up to look at you, eyes wide. “U-um, yes?”

“Can I talk to you outside for a moment?”

Biting her lip, she glances around nervously. She looks like she wants to say no, but after a brief moment of silence, she says, “O-oh...um, sure.”

Nodding in approval, you turn around and lead her outside. No one pays attention to the two of you as you leave, no one, that is, except for Ren, who you catch watching the two of you out of the corner of your eye, a frown on his face.

Coming to a stop at the top of the stairs leading down to the 2nd floor, you turn around and simply stare at Kara, waiting for her to make the first move.

You don’t have to wait long, because after a few seconds of fidgeting, she asks in a quiet voice,“Um, so, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Deciding not to beat around the brush, you state, “Kara, I know you were the one who killed Amelia and Mr. Smith.”

At this, she freezes, body going tense. “Wha-what? I-I don’t know what you mean, I-”

You cut her off unceremoniously, “please spare me the lies, Kara. All the evidence adds up. You were the one who placed that note in Sydney’s bag, right? You were the one Amelia was blackmailing, and you wanted to get back at her for it, right?”

Pausing, you wait for Kara to say something, but when she fails to respond, you continue on. “But unfortunately for you, Amelia knew right away that you were the one who planted the note. She went looking for you and eventually found you in the _ classroom. No doubt she was angry, and the situation escalated into you pushing her and her hitting her head on the teacher’s desk. She died there on the floor, bleeding to death. You could’ve tried to get her help, but you didn’t. I’d like to think it was an accident, but am I wrong? Did you do it on purpose and take pleasure in watching as the life faded from her?”

Throughout your analysis, Kara had remained silent, but at those last words, she shook her head fervently, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. “I-I-I didn’t mean to, really! It was an accident I-I just…” She trails off with a harsh shudder.

“You just? I know what happened, but still, I’d like to hear your side of the story and all the details.”

Hanging her head low, Kara begins to tell you the whole story. “Amelia...a-a few weeks ago, I bumped into her in the hallways. A-all my stuff spilt out of my bag, including s-some pictures I had taken and notes I had written about Mr. Smith. I was so embarrassed, I-I begged her not to tell Mr. Smith or anyone about what she saw. And she agreed...on the condition that I do whatever she says, if not, she said sh-she’d make sure the whole school knew about my ‘creepy obsession.’”

So that’s what Amelia had been blackmailing her with. A silly and embarrassing crush but perfectly natural crush. That’s what had led to the girl’s death.

Kara continues, shoulders slumped and voice no longer trembling, “I don’t know how, but eventually rumors started to circulate about Amelia blackmailing a student. Ren asked me once if Amelia was bothering me. I denied it, but I think both he and Alice knew I was lying, they just didn’t press the matter for my own sake. But...the situation...being treated like some kind of se-servant, I didn’t care at first, but then it started to get to me. What did I do to deserve getting treated like that!?”

The last part comes out as a weak shout, and you’re sure that this is the first time you’ve ever heard Kara raise her voice. “But, I didn’t have the confidence to tell her to stop, and I knew that even if I did, she would definitely keep her word and tell everyone about my crush. But then...one day, I accidently stumbled across Amelia and Min kissing. I just wanted to get back at her, give her a taste of her own medicine, and so, I wrote a note to Sydney telling her about how Min was cheating on her with Amelia. But as you said, when Sydney confronted her about this, she immediately knew I was the one who left the note.”

Sucking in a shuddering breath in an attempt to calm herself down, Kara says, “when she found me in the classroom, she was so angry. I was so scared, I couldn’t even say anything, I just stood there as she yelled at me. But then...the fear started to turn into irritation. Why was she angry? What right did she have to be angry? I was the one who had been suffering for weeks. Amelia, she reached out to try and grab the front of my shirt, and without even thinking, I shoved her away...I-I swear, I didn't push her that hard! Or, at least, I didn’t mean too...b-but, she lost her balance and fell, hitting her head on the desk.”

Finally lifting her head up, Kara meets your eyes, and you can see the anguish on her face. “You’re right, I could have tried to get her help, b-but I didn’t..I didn’t want her to die, really, I didn’t. I-I was just so scared and shocked, I just sat there...staring as she died.

Letting out a thoughtful hum, you nod. “I see...so that’s what happened. But what I still don’t understand is why you killed Mr. Smith?”

Kara flinches violently at this, stumbling back as if struck. “That..After I moved Amelia’s body to the bathroom, I ran into Mr. Smith. He was drunk, yet he still noticed how out of it I was. He asked me what was wrong, but I didn’t...I couldn’t answer. I couldn’t even think straight.”

With each word, her voice gets quieter, to the point where you have to strain to hear her. “He brought me back to the faculty room, and at that point, I started to think, ‘does he know what I did?’ I started to panic. I was sure that even if he didn’t, he would be able to figure it out. I knew I had to do something, anything...s-so, when he wasn’t paying attention, I..I grabbed a charger cord and strangled him with it...I-I’m not sure how I even managed to do it, but he was so drunk, he barely put up a fight...After that, I took his ID and activated the security system so no one would be able to leave or get help if they found Amelia’s body, but that just ended up backfiring...”

Once she’s done speaking, you remain silent for a while, simply taking in her words. Her story makes sense and confirms your theory about the killer having been in a panic and not thinking straight, but there is one thing you still wonder about. “But you loved him, did you not? You loved him, and yet, you killed him?”

Biting her lip, Kara shakes her head, as if that will undue her action. “I-I did love him...but at the same time, I-I think deep down...I was angry at him...He hadn’t done anything wrong a-and yet, I felt as if it was his fault that this had happened...t-that it was his fault for making me love him…I-it’s a stupid excuse, I know, but...” Whatever she intends to say, she doesn’t finish, instead, she asks, “so...w-what now?”

Straightening up, you say, “now...now you’re going to have to tell everyone else what happened and show me where you hid Mr. Smith’s ID so we can deactivate the security system. Naturally, after that I will be turning you over to the authorities.” Perhaps you are being too blunt and harsh, after all, it is clear she didn’t mean for any of this to happen, but at the same time, you know there’s no point in pretending this situation is better than it actually is.

Kara, for her part, simply nods in solemn acceptance, and the two of you slowly make your way back to the others in the faculty room.

You wish things hadn’t ended up like this, but at the very least, you are happy you managed to get to the bottom of things. Another case successfully closed.


Riding on your rhythm through the solar system VIP+ Early Supporters Second Place HoE
Jun 16, 2019
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I should have change my words from harassing to blackmailing....:facepalm:


Riding on your rhythm through the solar system VIP+ Early Supporters Second Place HoE
Jun 16, 2019
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:pepesanta:I will be posting all the hints I left throughout the story here in a bit
Kara was everywhere.....:sip:

I still want to know how she moved the body...why nobody saw her?...why there wasn't any blood in the way to the bathroom?


fearless of adventure Third Place HoE Donor
Jun 19, 2019
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Kara was everywhere.....:sip:

I still want to know how she moved the body...why nobody saw her?...why there wasn't any blood in the way to the bathroom?
i had a feeling Kara was a killer but thought that she had an assistant who helped her move the body. Also possibly another killer for Mr. Smith :wherearethelies:


Hamster First Place HoE Chomi
Jun 16, 2019
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I'm posting my theories, before reading, so that I can scream at Haru in peace after reading
Amelia - has a head injury, but there is no blood on her hair or clothes, since we only discovered she was hurt once we touched her. I suspected she might have got it as she was almost or after she died, but since there was no evidence for anything else possibly killing her the head injury became the only “how” I ever send to Haru

Ren - not a killer; why? He just straight up said she had it coming + coz of my clue “Ren says that Amelia was always harassing people, but this is not in reference to himself. So if not him, then who? There is a secret hidden in his words.”

Suspect 1 and 2 - Kara and Alice; why? They were shy and underclassmen, people who could be Amelia’s bullying victims.

Kara - Amelia was looking for her in the library and died by hitting her head on the edge of a desk; after guess #1: not a killer

Alice - initially: the same story as Kara; after Haru saying we need more detail in “how” Amelia died: Amelia came to the library to tell Alice to buy her a drink (as per Violet’s words there is a vending machine in the school), bring it to the classroom and do her homework. Alice added bleach to drink to poison her and the sound Ren heard from the room was Amelia left there to die. Afterwards I googled how poisonous bleach is and how does it tastes and apparently a mouthful of this salty liquid ain’t gonna kill you, so I thought since Alice is an ultimate gardener she could have added some gardening stuff into the drink. 0 evidence for the poisoning story to be possible: idea was abandoned. How Amelia died: she was pushed by her and accidently hit her head on the edge of a desk; after guess #2: not a killer

Min - not a killer; why? He acted sus since Act 1; love triangle stories: 1 ) Min cheated on Amelia with Sydney, got yelled at by Amelia in the classroom (noise Ren heard) and got slammed in the face with the book dropping his pencil under the desk; 2) Min and Sydney are actually in love, but Min doesn’t know how to break up with Amelia; breaks up with Amelia in the classroom - gets slammed in the face with a book; tells Sydney he didn’t break up with her yet again - gets slammed in the face with a book; 3) all 3 of them are arguing in the classroom - Min still gets slammed in the face with a book; possibly Mr. Smith’s killer; why? He acted sus since Act 1 lol He had a scraped cheek, seemed to know where the scream came from and that Amelia was dead before even looking into the stall; He was possibly the last person seen with alive Amelia, so after: 1) seeing someone murder her (while he was hiding under the desk where he dropped his pencil and got hit with the falling book to the face); 2) seeing someone drag her dead/dying body to the bathroom (here he got hit with the book by either Amelia or Sydney) he killed Mr. Smith to get his card and lock the killer in, so they can’t escape and put the blame on him for Amelia’s death

Sydney - not a killer; why? She was part of my love triangle arc and in act 5 / 6 we got more exposition on her relationship with Amelia; more expo = less possibility of being a killer in my book + she would more likely kill her for kissing Min than being bullied by her;

Violet - possible killer; why? She never shared her thoughts about Amelia nor did we hear about their relationship; was an underclassman = could have been bullied; why I didn’t try to guess her? There was no mention of the security system having a timer in act 6, meaning she couldn’t be in the classroom and close the school at the same time (even tho I suspected Min killed the teacher lol)

Eric - possible killer; why? Said Ren can vouch for him being in the cafeteria, but Ren left at one point and no one else mentioned seeing him; Bringing up Hana’s and Amelia’s relationship in middle school without really talking about his and Amelia’s; why I didn’t try to guess him? He didn’t fit being bullied by Amelia’s motive
Hanna - initially: not a killer; why? We got a good expo on her and Amelia and more expo = less possibility of being a killer in my book [2]; After act 6: suspect 3; why? No one ever mentioned seeing her around the school, she herself said she spend the whole time in one room; she fit being bullied motive (as revenge for the middle school); Amelia talked about “her” before death, she might have tried to bully Hana again in high school, but it turned on her; How Amelia died: she threw a book at Amelia and caused her to hit her head (since Min was just slapped with a hand and not a book); after guess #3: not a killer

After 3 failed guesses: being bullied by Amelia turned out to NOT be the motive: so Sydney and Eric still could be one; Sydney made Min kill Mr. Smith to close the school, would give her time to clean the classroom and most importantly: IT’S POSSIBLE FOR MIN TO GET SLAMMED WITH THE BOOK IN THE FACE, since Sydney might have lied about slapping him

Naomi - initially: not a killer; why? She just straight up said she had it coming and being sus since the beginning; After 3 failed guesses: possible killer; why? Since it seems mister artists didn’t drop his pencil, next best guess is miss journalist; Alice saw her, but after that no one else did (tho the pencil is the biggest why)

Short lived thoughts: 1) Mr. Smith killed Amelia, Min saw it and killed him, but he didn’t seem like someone who would get bullied by a 17 year old; 2) Ren killed Amelia for bullying Alice, but I was sure “Being bullied by Amelia” is my 1 / 3 factors, so it couldn’t be him


The Worst Girl in the World Events VIP+ Tenth Place HoE
Jun 18, 2019
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White Space
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Kara was everywhere.....:sip:

I still want to know how she moved the body...why nobody saw her?...why there wasn't any blood in the way to the bathroom?
:pepesanta:everybody was off minding their own business and Amelia had stopped bleeding when Kara dragged her away


Jun 16, 2019
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so I thought since Alice is an ultimate gardener she could have added some gardening stuff into the drink.

I was looking at the ultimate stuff bc I thought it would be useful after the first chapter the detective was all like "I got all the info I need" :Slime:

I had a theory with 0 evidence that Eric could've been the killer because he was the ultimate skateboarder, so he transported Amelia's body on a skateboard ahdgsa

Hana being the ultimate violinist, she strangled Mr Smith with violin strings and struck Amelia in the head with an instrument since the music room seemed to be on the same floor she died on, but there was no mention of an instrument

I was looking at the photos too, and when it said Mr. Smith got killed with a cord or necklace. Min and Alice were the only ones who seemed to wear something like that jhfgasf but Min made 0 sense unless he was covering for Sydney who accidentally killed in her fit of rage and tried to frame someone else.

And with Alice, I thought the murder was possibly done by a few people (book club), since Amelia threatened underclassmen, and all the book club members were underclassmen... like Kara killed Amelia, and Alice killed Mr. Smith while Ren helped clean the scene
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The Worst Girl in the World Events VIP+ Tenth Place HoE
Jun 18, 2019
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White Space
Plus Coins
:pepesanta:you didn't get the how right, u just said she fell, which could mean she tripped over her own two feet


The Worst Girl in the World Events VIP+ Tenth Place HoE
Jun 18, 2019
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White Space
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:poggers: as promised, here are the clues left throughout the story

As stated in her profile, Kara is the ultimate librarian and can typically be found in the library. Alice said Amelia just peeked into the library for a bit before leaving, almost as if she was looking for someone. Who else would she be looking for in the library but the ultimate librarian?

Ren saying that he doesn't take Amelia's shit but other people aren't strong enough to stand up to her and Alice's reaction to it. They are both members of the book club and friends with Kara (not stated, but it can be inferred), so this was hinting at his statement being about her.

It was stated the the detective couldn't tell whether or not Alice was lying about knowing nothing about the blackmailing. This was hinting at the fact that she was trying to protect someone, and who else would it be other than Ren or Kara?

When asked for her whereabouts, Kara said she was in a classroom, but didn't specify which classroom, unlike everyone else.

The book and pencils in the classroom was supposed to be implying that they were knocked off the desk somehow, hinting at Amelia being pushed into the desk.

I noted that the book Alice had been reading had a bent page after falling, this was to hint at the fact that the book in the classroom with the bent page had fallen off the desk somehow.
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