(•—•)Catch the Crown is such a blur to me. I don't know who I got out or who got me out. It was nerve-wracking too since we knew it was going to be a blood bath. But it was so much fun! I kind of miss Game of Thrones and working together in a team like that.
2015? OMG. What made you gravitate to forums?
No, I haven't. Once I dropped SEVENTEEN, I didn't been keeping up with any of their releases. But I'll listen to it once I do ish writing this up.
I was on the same boat with you. I stopped standing EXO because Tao left. What made decide to stan EXO at first? Have you ever thought abkhr returning to the fandom? Ahh, so your biases are both Joshua and Jeonghan? WAIT A MINUTE. Isn't THEIR SHIP THE MOST POPULAR? I SEE YOU MAX! What made you like Joshua?
It was probably one of the most intense games I've ever played here. The major war flashbacks I get...

It was fun! I'm hoping they will bring it back next summer, maybe with a different theme, or the same, I don't mind.
I've actually been on forums for much longer... I think since 2008?

ROCKET IS SUCH A BOP, it's probably one of my favourite songs and I love the message behind it

I'mma just drop it here for you...
I'm not really sure why I stanned them, but I was there when SM started dropping like 50 teasers and I guess I really like the sound of the songs so they were a promising group for me. Tao was hilarious af. I don't think I'll ever return to the fandom, I'm more of a casual listener of their music now with maybe a soft spot for a member or two.
Yes, my biases are both Joshua and Jeonghan

I think when it comes to Joshua-centric ships, it's the most popular.
You don't choose your bias, your bias chooses you