GuestHi! Could you give me your opinion on these badges please? Thank you!
Ok, bear with me since I see quite a few things to change or cut. I'll just fix them myself (if they can be saved) so you can add those your folder, easier this way.
For the first post with all Ten:
This one is a no, the head tilt is way too extreme and looks LQ
Another no and I'm sad, it's a good pic but the crop is too low and the original pic is like that too. It's almost cutting off an eye so I can't accept it.
Another no, the eye is completely covered by the hair in this size and it's gonna be even smaller in the side bar which means it will look even worse.
Actually that is the problem with all these so they are all no's, sorry.
On the second post they are all no's too.
First one has google which is a hard no, the other 2 Jeno's and Renjun look LQ and you can tell from far away that they are screenshots which we allow but only when they look like actual picture for the most part and these just look off.
Third post the Hendery's are also a no since both have some weird filter that is messing with the colouring and would be very hard to fix.
As for the Kun's:
First one is fine! (hallelujah I know, I don't like saying no to so many either really)
2nd one is a no for the same reason as above, filters that would be hard to edit out.
The last two badges also a no cause once again they are LQ screenshots and also the crop is bad but there is no way to change it from what I see from the original pics.