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Congrats to Polaris and thanks for hosting, stannie!!
Can’t believe the money will be tripled!
Can’t believe the money will be tripled!

From: Vampire
To: @Egoísta
Dear Egoísta,
I guess it's because I know you're several years younger than me, but sometimes my already finely honed older sister tendencies make me want to... like, look out for you and dote on you. HAHAHA I don't know when you'll see this letter as I know your activity on here is more sporadic than it's not, but hopefully it won't make you cringe! Wishing you had a Merry Christmas and hoping you have a Happy New Year!
No cringe only pog here
From: ARandomFan
To: @Mina
I know we don’t talk to often but I hope that you were able to have some good moments within 2020. Thank your for contributing so much time into this site. I hope that we get to talk more and I also hope that 2021 will be the year that you get to achieve what you want!
From: ARandomFan
To: @Nara
I know that don’t talk much but, I hope we can change that! Though, I would like to say Happy Holidays Nara! Thank you for working hard here on H+! May 2021 be the year you get to do all you want!
From: ARandomFan
To: @OutroTearTheFirst
To my fellow bandmate. 2021 will be the year of Windrose! Lol. Anyways. I’m glad that we’ve started talking more. I wish you nothing but the best and I hope that 2021 will be an epic year for you! <3
From: OutroTearTheFirst
To: @ARandomFan
Dear Randy,
I'm so glad I got to talk to you more this year! I've seen you around the forum before, but I don't think we've actually really spoken until this year in the MC thread. I always look forward to the iconic popcorn gif when something goes down fhbfbhj. I still have the edit that you made me saved back in the late summerRandy is an edit making queen with queenly visuals to match! :teeheepeepo:
Hope you have a great 2021!!
Love, Outro (^-^)
From: Vampire
To: @sm maid
Dear sm maid,
2020 may have been an almost entirely terrible year overall, but some of the shenanigans we got up to were definitely a highlight! I also feel that Hallyu+ has been lucky to have you as their Community Manager. (Well, I know that was more of a recent promotion, but you've been THE Hallyu+ Mod™ for awhile now, ya know? Heh.) I'm sure it's not always a pleasant experience, yet you have endured—and I think you're an impressive person for that. Wishing you had a Merry Christmas and hoping you have a Happy New Year!
From: Vampire
To: @yerm
Dear yerm,
We don't know each other especially well, but from what I've seen, you seem like a sweet person. I'd love to talk to you about anime sometime! Or something, maybe video games? It doesn't have to be anime or video games, of course, but I think that's what we probably have the most in common with. Well, anyway... Thank you for your GFX work on Hallyu+, too! I would think that it would be difficult and time-consuming, so I admire you for that. Wishing you had a Merry Christmas and hoping you have a Happy New Year!
They are hedgehogs with shark hats@Chomiczewska Chomii, i don't know what this is fnkwnefk (porcupines with shark hats?) - but they really cheered up my day today so thank you so much!! Have a happy new year
@Saint RenFrom: Saint Ren
To: @Vampire
I feel like you do so much but people don't really notice, I don't know why but I wanted you to know that I notice and I like and appreciate our chats. It's odd that we haven't had more anime chats since that's something we're both really in to. Let's change that in the future.
You're Haikyuu character is : Kei Tsukishima
@SeriouslyFrom: Seriously
To: @Vampire AND @Winter Air
Vampu! and Winter broseph (because I'm not sure if he still uses the site lol)
Thanks for continuing to be the voice of reason and sanity in our bizarre household.
Start ya damn anime club and take H+ by storm already! Hope you guys and your folks have a lovely Christmas and a fab new year. Love Seri bro <3
@OutroTearTheFirstFrom: OutroTearTheFirst
To: @Vampire
To Vampy,
This year we haven’t talked much, but I still cherish the time that we have :gasppepe: I still remember when we + winter and sm would have our chats in the bots channel. I hope you and winter keep doing well this year! And thank you again for the Secret Santa gift! I was doing the first one just nowI’m having a great time with it and it’s super creative! Hope the new year treats you well, Vamp!!
Love, Outro <333
@ARandomFanFrom: ARandomFan
To: @Vampire
Hello and Happy Holidays Vampire! We don’t talk much as of now but I hope that we can change that! I only know a handful of anime but I’m always looking for more stuff watch. Even if I don’t ever get around to it lol. May 2021 bring you joy and happiness!
From: ARandomFan
heh heh@Musketeers id like to announce that I am officially courting @Vampire
we love a good enemies to lover OTP
@AStanHopefully, I didn't miss anything and if I did, I'll go back and backtrack to make sure they'll be sent.
As a statistic, with only about 21 participants we've managed to send out over 200 letters and gifts. That's incredible! I'm very proud and thankful for your giving!
Another good news is when I went to make the donation yesterday, I noticed that they've increased the matching to 3x so the contribution managed to triple!Do know that this is the effort of everyone so again, thank you for giving the opportunity to give <3
Here's the receipt:
Raffle coming up in about 5 minutes!
It was perfect! I love sudoku, but haven't played it in a while@OutroTearTheFirst
Thank you so much! I'll have to make sure to talk to you soon.I tend to be a worrier, so I'm glad you like your puzzles! Were they too easy? Too hard? Just right?
Awww RandyFrom: Saint Ren
To: @Polaris_Tae
Polaris , El Capitano. You're far too nice and sweet and I really thought you were a boy for like a solid year, maybe longer. Let's grow closer in 2021 and grow as people.
You're Haikyuu character is: Atsumu Miya
From: Saint Ren
To: @Riri
You're one of the strongest people I know. Keep your head high and just keep doing what you're doing. New Years are all meant to be about new beginnings and resolutions but ugh let's just aim for a nice year.
You're Haikyuu character is: Kōshi Sugawara
From: Seriously
To: @Mimi
Mimi! καλά Χριστούγεννα
Best mum, funniest lady, always an awesome friend. I may not say it enough, but love you lots, thanks for never giving up on me, no matter how much trouble i cause you lol. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year... my mission to get Kai under the tree is still ongoing, I'll report back. Love Seri <3
From: Seriously
To: @Full Sun
Merry christmas Sunshine uwu.
I know you said you weren't bothered about a letter, but tough! Thanks for allllll the drama reccs this year, at the rate i watch shows, you're responsible for like 3 months worth of my entertainment in 2020. It's been great chatting to you this year, and i hope we continue to get closer in future. Love Seri<3
From: ARandomFan
To: @Seriously
To my fellow Musketeer, it’s been so much fun getting to know you this year! I hope that next year we can get to know each other more and more! May 2021 be one the best years for you!
From: ARandomFan
To: @AStan
To my (soul) name mate. I hope that you have been doing well during this year. Thank you for always working so hard during events. And thank you for hosting this! I’m sorry that I’m doing this last minute I do feel bad ;-;
May 2021 bring you only happiness and joyful times! If you ever need to talk to someone you can always talk to me! <3
From: ARandomFan
To: @Vampire
Hello and Happy Holidays Vampire! We don’t talk much as of now but I hope that we can change that! I only know a handful of anime but I’m always looking for more stuff watch. Even if I don’t ever get around to it lol. May 2021 bring you joy and happiness!
From: ARandomFan
To: @Aquamaraqua
My fellow CandY and Lurker. So... when is this irl meet up gonna happen... lol. I know 2020 hasn’t been the best year in the world but I know that 2021 will bring good times and amazing experiences. I love you and I hope that you will keep being the beautiful goddess I know you are~
@Saint Ren
Wow... Thank you so much! I'm really touched.
I'm almost always down to talk about anime, but you never visit the other channels in our Discord server... Feel free to DM me, or if you'd rather, we can post about it here: https://hallyuplus.net/threads/✽-the-anima-academia-an-anime-manga-club-✽.40713/
You don't have to join "officially" if you don't want to—we can still just chat!
Also, wanna hear something funny? I think you'll think it's funny. Tsukishima is one of my least favorite Haikyuu!! characters LMAO
Oh, thank you very much!![]()
I've already started it, as you know, and I'm trying LOLYou're so supportive.Love you, too!
Thank you so much! I'll have to make sure to talk to you soon.I tend to be a worrier, so I'm glad you like your puzzles! Were they too easy? Too hard? Just right?
Thank you, thank you! We - more or less - said the same thing to each other. lol I didn't know you liked any anime to begin with, though! Talk to me about it sometime! I wanna know your tastes and such.
heh heh
What a greatly successful event you held! Thank you so much! Well done - in general - to everyone who participated!![]()
From: Seriously
To: @MVSica
Wifey! Merry Christmas!
It's been quite a year for us huh, a surprise whirlwind romance, resulting in easily one of H+'s most influential power couples lol. I've really enjoyed getting to know you, having a new friend to chat to throughout the mess that is 2020 was a blessing. Thanks for putting up with my nonsense, always giving me a laugh, and listening to my various rants. If i could cram a Yeonjung solo under the tree for you i would, but alas that's a tricky present to wrap lmao. Hope you have a fabulous end to the year, lots of love, your friend and mess of a hallyu husband, Seri <3
To: @MVSica
What would this forum do without you, queen? You leave for a week and they don't even update WUJU things, the travesty. Oh and what about Jessica Jung? Her thread wont update itself?! Luckily you are here to save the forum from not having WJSN updates and sarcastic gifs. I love you MVSica you are so amazing, please tell me more about Yeonjung being such an amazing singer and how WJSN are legends! One day the forum will give you an award for making 400 million threads, I know it will happen some day!
I am 100 years late
To: @Full Sun
Merry christmas Sunshine uwu.
I know you said you weren't bothered about a letter, but tough! Thanks for allllll the drama reccs this year, at the rate i watch shows, you're responsible for like 3 months worth of my entertainment in 2020. It's been great chatting to you this year, and i hope we continue to get closer in future. Love Seri<3
I thought you'd forever leave me hanging...I am 100 years late
Thank you for giving my kdramas a chance @Seriously
I really enjoy talking to you. Let's keep it up
May you have a great 2021, Seri![]()