LYRICS [NEXT] - 不懂你说什么 | WYTB

Vanilla Cupcake

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Jun 16, 2019
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With Baekho❤
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NEXT - 不懂你说什么 (WYTB)

Composition: ZICO, POP TIME

Translated by: Vanilla Cupcake @


What you talking 'bout

準備完畢 點亮燈 提高音量

xiànzài zhèng shì cóng mèngzhōng xǐng lái de shíjiān zhǔnbèi wánbì diǎn liàng dēng tígāo yīnliàng

Now it’s time to wake up from [your] dream
Preparation is complete, lit the light, raise the volume

保持速度 只是和自己比較

wǒmen rújīn zài xiànshí zhōng yījiù shǎnyào
bǎochí sùdù zhǐshì hé zìjǐ bǐjiào

Right now, we are shining bright in reality like always
Keeping the pace, only compare with ourselves

細胞都在狂跳 yeah

chéngwéi yītǐ de
yánsè qīngxī qǐlái
jiù xiàng chóngxīn dànshēng
xìbāo dōu zài kuáng tiào yeah

Merge into one
Colors are getting clearer
Just like being reborn
Body cells are dancing yeah

解放所有的感覺 跨越這界限

jiěfàng suǒyǒu de gǎnjué kuàyuè zhè jièxiàn
bùtóng shìjiè chū xiànzài wǒ yǎnqián

Release all the feelings, exceed this limit
Different worlds emerge in front of my eyes


yīzhí zài wǎng shàng pá dào dǐngdiǎn
nénggòu kàn de gèng yuǎn
shèng xià de lù yīnggāi hái yǒu hěn zhǎng

Continue to climb to the top
Then able to see farther away

go on (we-o-we-o)
go on (we-o-we-o)

Ya,視線固定,只向前,守護你的1st lane
不要有自卑 逆向思維 就享受冒險

Ya, shìxiàn gùdìng, zhǐ xiàng qián, shǒuhù nǐ de 1st lane
bùyào yǒu zìbēi nìxiàng sīwéi jiù xiǎngshòu màoxiǎn

Ya stable vision, only proceeding forward, protecting your 1st lane
Don’t feel inferior, reverse [your] mindset, enjoy the adventure

誰在 搞古 怪 佔用 我的 time

shuí zài gǎo gǔguài zhànyòng wǒ de time
mài xiàng xīn dì dìpíngxiàn

Who is causing trouble, occupying my time
Heading towards a new horizon

What you talking 'bout
What you talking 'bout
What you talking 'bout

Take it take it down, take it take it down
Make it make it right, make it make it right

Take it take it down, take it take it down
Make it make it right, make it make it right

我真的不知道 放棄是什麼感覺的
絕不會把自己 關在廢墟的一間屋子裡

wǒ zhēn de bù zhīdào fàngqì shì shénme gǎnjué de
jué bù huì bǎ zìjǐ guān zài fèixū de yī jiàn wūzi lǐ
jìngzi lǐ fǎnshè chūlái de dàoyǐng dū shì xūxiàng
bùyòng fúhé shèhuì zhìdìng zuìgāo jiàzhí qǔxiàng

I really don’t know the feeling of giving up
Will never lock myself inside a house in the ruins
The reflection from the mirror is a mirage
No need to satisfy society’s highest values

仔細聽 仔細看 別大意 別緊張
模仿我 跟著來
這時代 punch line

zǐxì tīng zǐxì kàn bié dàyì bié jǐnzhāng
mófǎng wǒ gēnzhe lái
bù xūyào dīzhe tóu dīngzhe kàn shísù biǎo jiù xiǎngshòu
zhè shídài punch line

Listen carefully, look carefully, don’t be careless, don’t be nervous
Imitate me, follow me
No need to lower [your] head, staring at the time table to enjoy
This era punch line

冒出來 更多的adrenalin
爆起來 隱藏在內心的beat

mào chū lái gèng duō de adrenalin
bào qǐlái yǐncáng zài nèixīn de beat
qíshí zhēng kāi yǎn, mèngxiǎng biàn kànjiàn, wǒ gěi nǐ zhǎnshì quánxīn

Head outside, more adrenaline
Explode the beat hidden inside the heart
Actually open [your] eyes, dreams can be seen, I will show you everything new

請關注 這條路到盡頭

qǐng guānzhù zhè tiáo lù dào jìntóu
kàn shuí xiào dào zuìhòu
měitiān dūhuì chéngwéi bùtóng de wǒ

Please pay attention, the end of this road
Who will laugh till the end
Every day become a different me

go on (we-o-we-o)
go on (we-o-we-o)


qiān wàn bùyào bèi dòngyáo jiāndìng nǐ de xìn xīn
guò le zhōngdiǎn xiàn, jìngtóu qiánmiàn tòngkuài zuò V-sign

Don’t let others shake your determination
After the finish line, be free and make V-signs in front of the camera

潛伏 我的 愛 可我 早已 fly

qiánfú wǒ de ài kě wǒ zǎoyǐ fly
mài xiàng xīn dì dìpíngxiàn

Foreshadow, my love, yet I “fly” already
Towards the new horizon

What you talking 'bout
What you talking 'bout
What you talking 'bout

Take it take it down, take it take it down
Make it make it right, make it make it right

Take it take it down, take it take it down
Make it make it right, make it make it right
We got it, how we got it?
We know it, yes we know it!

陪伴你, Let's get started!

Měi yīgè dōu bèi jǔ qǐ
péibàn nǐ, Let's get started!

Everyone got lift up
Accompanying you, let’s get started!

What you talking 'bout
What you talking 'bout

Take it take it down, take it take it down
Make it make it right, make it make it right

Take it take it down, take it take it down
Make it make it right, make it make it right
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