The Official WACK Thread ~ Home of BiSH, BiS, EMPiRE, MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN, GO TO THE BEDS, PARADISES, and WAgg

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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BiSH holding auditions which is really not surprising I had a feeling it would happen
The members decided to do this themselves

according to the announcement the BiSH members founded the company with their own money, no mention of Watanabe being directly involved

being honest i don't think BiSH's success can be recreated, on the other hand they themselves started as BiS successor group so who knows

Watanabe is feeling nostalgic, he retweeted the announced from 2015

at the very least seems WACK are going to be involve with the new group

bringing this back since it ended in the previous page

also the wiki has a page for it already


Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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more info on ExWHYZ's「xYZ [hYPER EDITION]

Midoriko was ill for most of the 2nd half of 2022 so she had a limited participation on the production of their debut album xYZ, the new version was re recorded to add vocals from her to all the songs

is also going to include a new song ”Secret Secret”
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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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AINA THE END did a series of personal interviews with Shueisha


is better to read the interviews directly specially since there are tons of pictures that for some reason i can't link here, i'm still going to share some keypoints
  • Aina thought that BiSH would last forever and that even if she became a granny she still would be active in the group, on the other hand Momoko and Ayuni believed that the group was going to come to an end eventually, so there were different opinions between members
  • She confirms again that back in 2019 all the members agreed to disband the group but they didn't set a specific timeline, Watanabe was the one that proposed the disbandment
  • After hearing that Aina cried a lot and even became angry but she decided that she wanted to finish things without having regrets, now that the end is around the corner she feels sad by the amount of "finals" happening, for example the final choreography she does for the group, her final birthday as member of BiSH
  • Before BiSH Aina was part of several musical acts, a member of a dance unit, member of a R&B duo even a soloist but nothing came from it, she entered multiple vocal auditions but failed them, she never ever auditioned for an idol unit simply because she didn't felt she was the type of person that could be accepted into any of those groups, she shared how in school the popular girls would be called class idols / Madonnas but she was the type of person others would bully, for example they would make fun of the shape of mouth
  • Aina's father is a photographer and her mother was a former idol, the two may had been part of a band too, ever since she was little she liked dancing and was encouraged by her parents, she mentions how when she was younger she didn't got along that well with them but seems that changed now, not much ago her father came to visit her, after the performance he wanted her to go back home with him but Aina was set to appear in a TV show and thus couldn't go, her father jokingly told her how he lamented he couldn't convince the singer that just performed in Kouhaku Uta Gaussen to go with him, Aina was really happy after hearing that
  • On their debut she recalls how in their first music video they actually used real horse poop and how that night Watanabe and the others were really excited about their debut and were screaming and shouting that it was going to be a success
  • the members created the choreographs themselves and sometimes would disagree but only because they wanted to make BiSH better, sometimes in the dressing room there would be complete silence, she recalls how once Atsuko grabbed her by the neck (in a non violent way) other times Aina and Chittiii would cry together, Hug Mii was like older sister for her and would always listen to what Aina had to say, when Hug Mii announced she was leaving the group Aina felt devasted

there are two more parts, i'm going to check them later

in any case this was BiSH's debut song "Hoshi ga matataku yoru ni"

this wasn't included in the interview but i think it's still interesting to share

as stated above that stuff was actual horse poop, the cream like stuff is cake icing, the shoot for the video was incredibly dangerous since those parts when they are throwing stuff on the members faces were recorded in the back of a pickup truck that, because the members didn't fit, had to lower the door, they were also driving really fast (you can see them road in the background) so there was a risk of the members falling from it

unsurprisingly the one throwing shit to their faces was Watanabe, a really nice foreshadowing of things to come

this event was referenced in BiSH 2018 tour "BRiNG iCiNG SHiT HORSE TOUR"

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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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2nd interview with Aina by Shueisha

  • She has cried after reading letters from fans, one she remembers in particular is one from a boy in high school who after hearing the news of her first solo tour went running to his mom and begged her to buy him a ticket to go see Aina, she also received one from a girl and another boy, she feels really grateful to heard how she positively impacted other people's lifes
  • Aina was bullied in school, one day she had her revenge by stuffing the hoodie of one of her bullies with grass and insects, the bully started screaming and crying but instead of feeling joy Aina felt sad for her, during their graduation the girl came and apologized to Aina for bullying her, now she is an stylist and Aina is in good terms with her
  • As an advice to her juniors, Aina says that she caused lots of trouble for both WACK and Avex but had she done things in a different way she wouldn't be where she is today
  • The things she wouldn't ever be able to throw away are the artists passes of M STATION (Japan's biggest TV music show), the tickets from their Fujikyu highland concert from last year since is BiSH's largest concert to date and finally her 11th notebook where she writes the choreographs, the previous 10 are in her parents house
  • Her new hobby is photography, particularly taking pictures of her dog
if anyone is curious about the bullying Aina suffered you should check this interview (they also have translations for other BiSH interviews)

here is the part

ーーThese are individual interviews, so I want to touch on things that happened in your past, so what was your life like when you were younger? What were you like in middle school?

I was bullied like crazy.

ーーYou, too?!

(laughs). Momoko was thrown in pools, Aina was chased up trees. We're bullied children.

ーーWhen was this?

In middle school, the whole time. I was picked on every day. It was seriously quite difficult, but at that time I didn't care.

ーーWhere are you from?


ーーWhat kind of child were you in elementary school?

At the end of school every day, I'd ask, "Who will play with me today?!" But no one ever came to play. I've always thought I was some sort of genius.

ーーThe reaction to the invincible elementary schooler was bullying in middle school.

They chased me up a tree, and like the top, boss-like kid stuffed grass into the hood of my jacket and told me to walk home like that. I don't know what the point of that was (laughs). Also, when boys would pass by the hall, these 4 girls would surround me and try to strip me. For some reason, I just laughed at that at the time. Thinking about it later, though, I was like, "What, that was awful." I think that's why I'm so insecure about taking my clothes off. So when the question was asked, "Will you take your clothes off for BiSH?" I ended up saying, "I won't." But then, strangely, I also said, "It's fine if it's just my nipples" (laughs).

ーーThis was every day?

Yes. Also, some people from a different middle school would be outside the front gate, yelling, "Die!" at me.

ーーWas it because they were jealous of you?

I don't know, but people at other schools hated me. Still, even though I was bullied, the people who liked me like me a whole lot, so I had both extremes of love and hate, which meant I didn't really have any acquaintances, on the surface. I was either a friend or an enemy.

ーーDid your friends help you out when you were bullied?

They did. When the bullies would like try to squish my fingers in the door, they'd come and protect me by pushing them.​
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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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final part of Aina's interview

  • Aina isn't sure what is going to be her next dream, until this point it was to see BiSH perform at the Tokyo Dome, after BiSH disbands she still wants to continue with her activities as AINA THE END but before wants to take a break, one of her ideas is to study in a foreign country
  • They asked her about her relationship with UK from Moroha and if she wants to be open about her love life, she says that because of all the support she has received from friends and fans her actual goal is to give and share that love back with everyone
  • They asked her if she plans to get married but currently she hasn't give the idea any thought, for now she wants to continue singing since that is her passion
  • She wants to visit London to see Koalas (London, Awaji not Britland), she also wants to improve her home skills like cooking, cleaning, once she cooked rice balls and shared them with the people at Avex... let's just say they weren't good, so she wants to learn how to cook and relax with the people she trust
  • Once she was in a station waiting for a friend when a man approached her and asked her what she was doing, she thought it was scary and was worried that he was going to take a picture and tell people "i met Aina in Osaka" so she left, she says that before BiSH she would hadn't pay any mind to it and that maybe he was actually a friendly person
  • The interviewer ask if it was a pickup attempt, Aina says he didn't recognized her so probably, she says that before BiSH she wouldn't had even noticed the gender of the person
  • About Watanabe, she thinks that he is a person that regardless of anything or everything is never going to leave her side, she knows of the complaints aimed at him but she doesn't share them, in some ways she see him more like a father figure than their producer, recently she was scolded by him and Aina felt she was talking with her dad
if anyone is curious about Aina's boyfriend, he is called UK both of them were part of a duet, they have been dating since around 2019

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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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TONAi BOUSHO added more members




they also announced their first concert with MAMESHiBA, TONAi BOUSHO were created to be the former's rival group


Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Mikina guested on "Night Brunch"

hopefully someone uploads her part since this is her first appearance on a variety show by herself, she was there to promote ExWHYZ's upcoming concert in the Budokan








the WACK members were watching the show

they used "STAY WITH Me" as the background song, the show aired on TBS which is one of Japan's largest TV stations, at least some hundreds of thousands of people watched the show, depending of the re runs maybe even millions? in any case Mikina is getting lots of positive comments from people that watched her for the first time, both Mikina and the song were trending on J twitter
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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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BiSH's new (and likely final) uniforms!





is strange that you can see their foreheads, Aina and Ayuni look so different without bangs

their final single / album is going to be release next month and they are going to disband on June 29 of this year

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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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some live performances

GANG PARADE「Happy Lucky Kirakira Lucky」[GANG PARADE Memorial Live ~PAST, NOW and FUTURE 2023.01.01]​

BiSH / ぴょ [BiSH OUT of the BLUE at 富士急ハイランド・コニファーフォレスト]​

TOUCH ME [ESCAPE from BiSimulation] @日比谷公園大音楽堂 2023.1.8 / BiS 新生アイドル研究会 [OFFiCiAL LiVE ViDEO]​


Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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ExWHYZ dating sim when?

Now asks if you could maybe go watch their Budokan concert, all the 3 answers are a variation of "yes"

the pre sale of tickets for their Budokan concert started

they also announced a release party for "xYZ hYPER EDITION"

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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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↑ pretty good, i think i like it more than her debut

MAMESHiBA released a dance version of MUST GO


also ONAGAWACK2023 is going to be this weekend, the previous one was in 2019 i believe? is going to be live streamed on Nico


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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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BiSH announced their final single "Bye-Bye Show", out in March 22

tomorrow they are going to release a documentary movie of the production of the single


Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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BiSH / Bye-Bye Show [Teaser]​

is going to be release tomorrow!

the song was produced by Kazuya Yoshii from THE YELLOW MONKEYS, him and the band also played the instruments during the recording of the song

honestly i don't known anything about them other that they sang the first OP theme of Dragon Ball Super

the documentary film

Document of "BiSH / Bye-Bye Show"​

also BiSH's final concert in the Tokyo Dome is going to have the title "Bye-Bye Show for Never"


Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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BiSH / Bye-Bye Show [OFFiCiAL ViDEO]​

i like the song, we can debate on what should have been their final single but i think this is fine

also nice throw back


this is one of those rare occasions when Watanabe directed the music video, surprised?

Idol Killer

Idolchii Moderator
Jun 26, 2019
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BiSH / Bye-Bye Show [OFFiCiAL ViDEO]​

i like the song, we can debate on what should have been their final single but i think this is fine

also nice throw back


this is one of those rare occasions when Watanabe directed the music video, surprised?

I can't imagine a world where BiSH isn't a thing anymore.

Honestly, at this point, I am satisfied with what they released. Just sad that they are going away tbh.
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