My thoughts :
i was also surprised by the number of girls each team got But it also makes sense nogi's 5 is too much but 3 girls are graduating soon and who knows who's leaving next so i get it and 6 is too much for keyaki but it means that manegment wants a new image & a new beginning for keyaki you can tell from the chosen girls visuals + akip told yuuka pre kohaku rehersal he wants a bright song for keyaki so something sekai ai or glass wo warae plus they were already gonna do senbatsu we can get 1ki back in senbatsu and it will be a decent under line up not 7 or 8 like it was supposed to be also my guess is like most fans manegament wants to get keyaki sales back to 1 million they did reach a million with hitsuji but it took a while & more girls = more money . It wouldve been nice to add more young girls to hinata since their concept is youthful even though there is hinano but she's the only one under 18 the second youngest are the same age trio hiyori,nao,miku who are turning 18 this year and graduating hs next year and many of hinatas songs are about high school love even though the girls even the older ones can handle the concept perfectly we need actual highschoolers that japan high school girls can relate to and spread hinatas name because increasing young fans is important especially high schoolers if they trend amongst them they gain more popularity & more fame because they and salarymen + are the majoriety of idol fans hinata have a decent popularity right now but more wont hurt but like i said i get they are still rookies and seed dosent wanna risk it yet. The girls are a perfect fit hinano got herself same gen & same age friends !!! Even though they technically are a year older japanese age but still !! . My surprise , shock and confusion comes from the fact that some girls i didn't expect to join a certain team joined it lets start from nogi none of the girls chosen i expected or were even rumored to join nogi expect yumiki nao it was clear from the start even though there were rumors konno/akip wanted her in keyaki . Shes a huge nogi fan .
Kuromi haruka & sato rika are keyaki fans sato rika centered silent majoriety in the kenshusei tour even while haruka centered kyun my guess is kuromi is a keyaki fan but manegament thought shes more of a hinata type so they made her center kyun based on her performance they didnt like that and saw her performing a nogi song and thought she fits because in the tour all members centerd a song yes but they didnt perform alone remaining kenshuseis performed in second/third row and shes ok where shes is . As for rika my guess is they wanted her in hinata or nogizaka but her visuals overlap with hinano & she dosent have happy aura image .she wants to go to keyaki but takahiro who attended their tokyo concert didnt think she fit so they decided on nogizaka you can tell shes slightly uncomfertable in the pic with manatsu and the her introduction but it looks like she dosent care anymore and just wants to debut asap this is intresting because she stated before she's a tanoshi ( a person who only cares about one members and dosent care or know much about the group ) of nogizaka so this is intresting . I thought hayashi was going to join either keyaki or hinata even though she has this keyaki aura shes actually clumsy shy and not much of a dancer she has a cute personality & a hilarious side so she could fit either keya or hina i was surprised shes in nogi ! She centered dare yori mo in tour so i think she wanted to be in keyaki but seed didnt think she fit so they gave her an upbeat gana song to test wiether to put her in keya or hina then she said i dont want both hence the kenshusei dont want to join keyaki rumors I dont think she talked much about sakamichi members during audition but i think not sure she mightve talked about nogi so that could be true or from the start it was either hinata or nogi and she couldnt dance hinata song &
matsuo miyu !!!!!!!!!! Hmmmmmm some people say she might be a manatsu case where she got accepted but didnt join due to studys and then came back but she mostly talked about keyaki during auditions she centered no war in the future which is an upbeat hinata song my guess is too see if shes more fit for cool or bright because no war is a cool & bright song but if you think about it no war is more hopeful and nogizaka has some hopeful songs because if she centered a nogi song she wouldve gotten alot of hate manatsu told her i met you when i met the girls who accepted as 4kis so i thought she would talk about it but i guess theyll save it to nogichuu ill wait for her explenation i wont judge a 15 year old child without knowing anything .
the girls chosen for keyaki are a bunch of girls who could fit in another group except koosaka marino it was obvious but she talked about her nogi oshis only so she confused me & some people . Endo hikari is the biggest shock shes a huge nogizaka fan she here because she likes dancing but she wants to do it for a while so she can be a model in the future shes a perfect choice nogi there were rumors either konno or akip wanted her in hinata but she wanted nogi and she centered gurls rule on tour then shes gets assigned to keyaki shes your typical shy girly girl i dont get it . Moriya rena most people including me thought she will for go to nogi but we were proven wrong there were rumors that konno/akip wanted her in keyaki but shes a huge nogi fan & centered hadashide summer on tour guess konno or akip got what they want onuma was rumored to go to hinata she centered a nogi song in tour she got a berika kind of persinality guess seed thought it would more intresting to add people like her to the group i for sure thought shes either a nogi or a hinata lets just say good luck sawabe and tsucchi they will go crazy XD she did center inochi wa utsukushii on tour maybe they saw that and changed their mind . Matsumoto kira is a future variety Queen she was rumored to go either keyaki or hina so not much of a shock . Oozono rei has proclaimed her love for keyaki since day 1 centered influncer and their once rumors she might be assigned to hinata another member who confused as all after koosaka once guess they wanted her for nogi due to her shy quiet personality and overall image but saw her influencer performance and love for keyaki so they put her in keyaki . The hinata kids fit hinata perfectly and were rumored to be assigned there for the start except mikuni she was rumored to also be assigned to keyaki she known for her excellant dancing skills she centered ambivalent on tour many people including staff related to sakamichi tweeted she did great but guess her cute visuals were what made them stick with putting her in hinata .
My questions and worries :
out of the 5 new nogis will we get the center of the 26th single ? If so who ?
nao is the perfect fit but they usually go for the young kids so maybe rika ? But she looks like a 48 center not a 46 one or go bold with matsuo miyu ? Now thats 48ish !Kuromi haruka is too young, haysashi runa is more genki than elegent we'll see i guess .
please dont let the new keyaki kids get included in senbatsu or worse be chosen as center for that poir child sake we dont need a natural disaster happening not even OG 2ki sei i have this fear that karin or koosaka marino will be chosen a center N...O NO NO NO please god not a fan of any of them they arent my oshi but thinking about it just makes me cry for them we dont need another hirate time for manegament to listen to fans and give yuipon a center already even though ill be worried that she or who ever will center will think" so im just the under for hirate " but its inevidable i guess hope its a double center so they can depend on each either an 1ki OG2ki double center would be perfect they currently have 14 1kis plus 7 who were chosen as senbatsu will make a 21 senbatsu perfect just like old times or make it an all member senbatsu even better & the new girls can have their own b side instead of having a senbatsu system save it for 10th . What got me thinking about this is i read that tamura posted a selfie of her wearing her training shirt on mobame the green one that has members name on it so some were excited saying they mustbe training for the new 9th . So that got me thinking a bit . Anywho excited for the girls's upcoming activites with their groups finally their long wait is over a year 3 months since acceptance add to months making it a year and 5 months since auditioning almost a year and a half wow !! Thats long ...... talk about along struggle