The Official Nogizaka46(乃木坂46)/Sakurazaka46(櫻坂46)/Hinatazaka46(日向坂46) Thread



So i just watch the kenshusei content that dropped these past couple of weeks because i was busy when they dropped them videos , showroom , even rumors : and heres my opinion ill just talk about showroom and my predections :


In seating order :

Moriya rena: i really liked her her way of speech the way she presents herself even though it was 20 something minutes i can still say i liked her personality too bad shes probably gonna be in nogi and me whos not a real nogi fan wont get to see much of her
If i had to choose an oshi out of this group it would be her

kuromi haruka: i have no opinion she didnt talk much all i could get from that showroom is shes a hardworking child who listens will to her elders she keeps passing the camera always smiling nice kid wondering what is she like performing

hayashi runa: She was also quiet but talked when she was asked to bit funny

onuma akiho : a pe chan , mei kinda of girl bit eccentric had me laughing a couple of times i liked her

matsuoka manami : new dancing member / variety member she seemed great


In seating order :

Ozono rei : at first i thought she was another quiet pretty girl but shes one one of those kind hard working girls she was the mc of the showroom wven though shes not fit to but she did her best when she talked about the upcoming tour and how they are finally seeing the fans after a year she cried after i learned that like me she had a hard time at school and when she heard eccentric it made her feel better it reminded me of my school days i couldnt help but oshi

yamaguchi haruyo : shes 15 but she gives this serious vibe i wonder what shes like performing

sato rika : imma wait till i see more of her

matsumoto kira : extremly hilarious i love her you do you fam dont care how many times they nudge you please dont you are a gem XD

takahashi mikuni : my other new oshi just her way of speech and how she always smiles after she says something its cute and how she puts her words together and how she talks with everyone else i like her very much


In seating order :

Yumiki nao : another comedy Queen unlike her looks which when you look at her you see a very pretty girl but shes actually very funny and she dosent even mean to shes like on of your best friends same with kira but shes also a ponkutsu wich will make her very popular with jp wotas

endo hikari : very quiet only spoke when asked to there is nothing i can say

kosaka marino : her voice sounds very similar to hirate her IDGAF character and expressions and ok next expressions are to live for

matsuo miyu : i actually i really liked her very energetic very smiley very caring i think her Story is similar to a child getting a toy he dosent want and crying about it and the adults couldnt do anything because its a child but i guess she changed now maybe ? She did seem gloomy in those photos i just hope that if she joins keyaki she fixes that habit of her because as a member she will have to endure many hardships especially as a late addition .

morimoto mari : her face reminds me of gfriends yerin like she isnt an exact copy of her but her face just " reminds " me of her . Her voice though is very similar . Shes seems very polite i liked her way of speech and the way she presents herself
Rumors :
Endo hikari nogizaka
Ozono rei keyakizaka but apperantly she wants to enter hinata ?
Onuma akiho hinatazaka or keyakizaka
Kuromi haruka keyakizaka
Kosaka marino keyakizaka but her oshi is asuka so who knows
Sato rika hinatazaka or keyakizaka
Takahashi mikuni hinatazaka
Hayashi runa keyakizaka
Matsumoto kira keyakizaka
Matsuo miyu keyakizaka
Matsuoka manami keyakizaka
Morimoto mari keyakizaka
Moriya rena nogizaka
Yamaguchi haruyo keyakizaka
Yumiki nao nogizaka
And apperantly AkiP/Konno thought Moriya, Kosaka, Kuromi, Yumiki would fit Keyaki the most but then again some also said kuromi was supposed to be in hinata so ... , and endo hikari too they also said that its was originally 7 for keyaki and 7 for hinata and miyu for nogi but now they are gonna think again and the girls's opinion will be a factor of their decision there was a chart with each members picture and it was divided sky blue,green,purple but i cant find it but again they are rumors based on 5ch and alleged " insiders " plus they change everyday and some are just fans wishes and theories based on statements the trainess previously made
My opinion and predections ( regarding group assigment ) :

Opinion :

Moriya Rena : Nogizaka
Kuromi haruka : keyakizaka
Hayashi runa : keyakizaka
Matsuoka manami : keyakizaka
Ozono rei : keyakizaka
Sato rika : nogizaka
Takahashi mikuni : hinatazaka
Matsumoto kira : keyakizaka
Yumiki nao : nogizaka
Endo hikari : nogizaka
Kosaka marino : keyakizaka
Matsuo miyu : keyakizaka ( but honestly nogi)
Morimoto mari : hinatazaka
Onuma akiho : nogizaka because they dont have s character like her unlike keyaki and hina i wanna see how they react and how she fits in with them

Predections :

Moriya rena : nogizaka or keyakizaka
Kuromi haruka : keyakizaka or hinatazaka
Hayashi runa : i cant predict her oshis are nogi but rumors say shes either going to keyaki or hinata
Matsuoka manami : keyakizaka
Ozono rei : she litterally fits everywhere but if they put her in hina/nogi she cant handle the bright concept + her love for keya is too strong
Sato rika : anywhere but shes a big keya fan so i bet keyaki
Takahashi mikuni : hinata or nogi but maybe keya since shes a good dancer
Matsumoto kira : keyakizaka
Yumiki nao : nogizaka
Endo hikari : nogizaka or hinatazaka
Kosaka marino : keyakizaka
Matsuo miyu : keyakizaka
Morimoto mari : hinatazaka
Onuma akiho : nogizaka or hinatazaka
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