The Official WACK Thread ~ Home of BiSH, BiS, EMPiRE, MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN, GO TO THE BEDS, PARADISES, and WAgg

Stan BiSH

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Jun 20, 2019
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ASP are going to tour with the South African punk group "The Soap Girls"

honestly I've never heard about them before, seems they are touring Japan and are going to play with a bunch of different punk groups

somehow this is one of the strangest things ASP have done, it just seems like such a random collab but who knows, maybe ANAL SEX PENiS are huge is South Africa

in any case here are ASP and TSG speaking about each other in English / Japanese

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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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follow up to the previous post, ASP and TSG did an interview for "okmusic"

here a "translation"

The official "ASP × The Soap Girls" Interview is here, An Unique Conversation using "Punk" as a Common Language

On August 31, 2022 ASP made their major debut from "avex trax" with their single "Hyper Cracker", ASP it's a group belonging to WACK and consisting of 7 members: Yumeka Naukana?, Namaenai, Mog Ryan, Matilder Twins, Wonker Twins, Chichichichichichi and Riontown.

Speaking of WACK, the music agency to which BiSH belongs is now famous as a place to discover new unconventional acts. What kind of impression did Millie and Mie of "The Soap Girls", who previously had a career as idols, have on the group called "ASP"? And what did ASP who lives under the corporate motto of “A world where you can speak your mind” and the slogan of “ANTi SOCiETY PUNKS” feel about The Soap Girls songs and messages? The first meeting between two groups whose common language is "punk" is here!

It's boring to be the same as other people! i love to break the mold​



One thing that ASP and The Soap Girls have in common is that they tour a lot.

Millie & Mie: We're on tour eight months out of the year!

ASP (all members): That's great!

Yumeka Naukana?: We are going on a very long tour too! Starting from "Kumamoto" on September 18th, the tour will play in 15 places nationwide until "Miyagi" on December 11th!

In the final of the tour before that you also had a one-man live at "Hibiya Open Air Concert Hall" on August 27th. It was a performance with a lot of momentum, suitable for a final.

ASP (all members): Thank you!

Millie: The outdoor concert was very nice! I saw the pictures!

Mie: I think ASP is a group with very interesting performances! really cool! I am very happy to be able to perform with you this time!

ASP (all members): We are too!

Millie & Mie: Thank you!

The way you speak is gradually becoming similar (laughs) Also there is another big connection between ASP and The Soap Girls, right?

Matilder Twins & Wonker Twins: Yes! we are twins!

Millie & Mie: Yes! I was so looking forward to seeing you two!

Mie: Which one is the older sister?

Matilder Twins: me! It's me!

Wonker Twins: and I'm the little sister!

Millie: We were born 11 months apart! Born in April and May.

Mie: We are sisters but we always think the same thing, so we are like twins!

Could you tell them what kind of group ASP is?

Yumeka Naukana?: yes! First of all ASP stands for "ANTi SOCiETY PUNKS"! That's why during live performances fans shake their heads a lot, raise their fists, shake them and run around with all their might. When we got to perform live with The Soap Girls i thought that we had a lot in common in the punk spirit! It was a very energetic performance and I felt they were people with the same thoughts!

Millie: We felt the same attitude towards ASP! I love breaking people's preconceived notions.

Yumeka Naukana?: We too! Is the same! It's boring to be the same as other people! I love breaking the mold!

Mie: I really feel that attitude! when I saw the title "ANAL SEX PENiS" i felt the freedom and the attitude that advocated true equality and I thought that we could become friends in an instant!

Millie: We really think humans should be free. We advocate that all humans should be equal. When you see the title "ANAL SEX PENiS" I'm sure many people imagine extreme things and feel it was erotic but you don't want to emphasize that, right? We are the same. We wear revealing clothes only because we want to live in the beauty of human beings and to assert that men and women are the same human beings.

Mie: Also the reason why our costumes are so small is because we travel around the world on tour, so we don't have to carry a lot of luggage plus we're poor.

ASP (all members): Huh?

Mie: Ahahaha. Just kidding!

ASP (all members): (Surprised!)

Yumeka Naukana?: I was surprised but suddenly i felt a sense of familiarity (laughs)!

Namaenai: the member who have been there since the beginning are Yumeka Naukana? me and Mog Ryan, when i was told that the title of our first album would be "ANAL SEX PENiS" I didn't put any particular resistance because there was a feeling that i sympathize with it, the meaning is not eroric after all it is something that is normally attached to the human body so what is there to be embarrassed about? It's an argument for that you should live your existence more openly and freely.
Millie: I think it's a very nice name. I think people tend to be interested in radical titles and group names. I think that's a good start. First of all i want you to see it properly and I want you to notice it.

Mie: Yes. any excuse is fine for you to tell me straight up what you want to tell me.

Millie: Just like Nai-chan explained, my breasts and buttocks are all human skin. The same goes for war awareness. I think we should be more conscious of being the same as people. If you do that people will be able to help each other as human beings, respect each other and be kinder.

What we want to convey is freedom, not eroticism.​



That's right. May I ask how the ASP members themselves perceive "ANAL SEX PENiS"?

Chichichichichichichi: i joined as a new member but rather than being sympathetic to those words at first i was more shocked. To be honest at first i was worried that there could be some misunderstandings when I used the words "ANAL SEX PENiS" but after joining ASP and performing with the members under the slogan "ANAL SEX PENiS" i realized that I had misunderstood the words and its meaning. .

So you were a little embarrassed at first?

Chichichichichichichi: Yes. after all It's usually what you think it is. i thought it was embarrassing and I misunderstood it a little.

Mie: I understand that.

I think it's a very honest thought. Mog Ryan you also are an early member of the group, how did that slogan feel to you in the beginning?

Mog Ryan: From the beginning i didn't have much resistance to the words "ANAL SEX PENiS". Rather "why shouldn't I say it out loud?" was the bigger question. i feel that I wanted to say that in a honest way because I really wanted to shout out the equality of human beings properly.

Millie: Yes, It really is, i think that's very important. But some people don't want to scream it, that's what we are curious about.

Matilder Twins: Well, i was a member who joined later so at first I thought I shouldn't say those words in public however it was ASP that overturned my rigid opinions. i am very honored and happy to be on the side of those using those words as a slogan. Thank you.

Millie & Mie: Thanks to you!

Wonker Twins: When I first saw the album titled 'ANAL SEX PENiS' i thought there was no other group performing with such a shocking title! the fact that it was a girl group was an unprecedented surprise.

Millie: Right, i think it's an expression not usually found in normal idols.

Mie: We also had the experience of being idols in the past but I think that was unthinkable at the time. Idols have stricter restrictions than normal people but i think I have to say it because I'm an idol, Even idols are “humans”.

The Wonker Twins: I think so too!

Mie: Same!

How about Riontown? When you joined did you ever feel like "I wanted to be a cuter idol..."?

Riontown: I also joined later and since them i have been carrying the words "ANAL SEX PENiS" on my shoulders but I didn't feel any embarrassed or guilt about it. i came to think that I want everyone to see how I break out of the shell i shut myself in. After becoming a member of ASP i came to think that.

Millie: We also came to think of it more strongly during our idol days. More than ever. Freedom of expression was just too restrictive and I wanted to go deeper and advocate for equality and freedom of expression.

Mie: It was because of that oppression that I wanted to escape from it. So after we started doing it by ourselves we were able to speak and express ourselves more freely.

You were one of the first members of the group, NamaeNai, how do you feel about that? Were you scared?

NamaeNai: It may be a little different from fear, i thought it was an opportunity for me to face various ways of thinking, the company motto of WACK is "A world where you can speak your mind" i didn't join this company because ASP but because i was interested in this company's maverick claims and I wanted to be part of it. i joined WACK and became a member of ASP and from there i have been active under the banner of "ANAL SEX PENiS" and now I'm in a position where I can shout out what I really want to do and what I want to say.

Mie: That's very nice.

Millie: I think we might have continued to be idols if that was the ideology of our company. It's a very nice environment. Is enviable.

Yumeka Naukana?: I'm really happy to hear you say that. Like Millie and Mie said, i really love doing things that exceed people's imagination.

Millie: Right.

Yumeka Naukana?: It's the same with saying "Because I'm a girl, I have to be cute", but I want to break out of my shell of "I have to be...". I love seeing the surprised faces of the fans, so it feels great to be able to do a performance that surprises everyone!

Mie: Surprising people can be a trigger to change their way of thinking.

That might be true.

Millie: "The Emperor's New Clothes" has a very relatable message.

Yumeka Naukana?: The Soap Girls are the same because I feel that they have an unconventional style.

Millie: we really do.

NamaeNai: When I'm singing in ASP i put into my songs the feelings I had when I was a normal girl right before joining the group. The first album "ANAL SEX PENiS" is packed with those feelings of "Alright, let's do it!".

Mie: The Soap Girls' music also includes the claims of those who society considers to be a nuisance. It's called a Society Reject and i want there to be a place where people like that can express themselves and deliver The Soap Girls' music.

I think that each person has various dis-satisfactions, but what kind of dissatisfaction do you have in your heart now?

Millie: Preconceived notions.

Mie: You judge people by their appearance. I really hate that. For example, I feel that we have become a society where nipples are scarier than war. Freedom of expression and a society where you can't say what you think. But even though that's actually the scariest thing they don't try to figure it out. I am very dissatisfied that we have become a society that looks away.

Millie: When I was an idol, I used to do a lot of gravure shoots for men's magazines. Exposure there is completely different from what we are exposing on stage now. I want it to be conveyed directly. What we want to convey is not eroticism, is freedom

Mie: It may be difficult to convey but I believe that it will be conveyed. What we often write in lyrics is our honest feelings as human beings. There are lyrics about broken hearts and since we are also active in animal welfare singing about the importance of life is also at the heart of us. The same message is for those who have suicidal thoughts. It's also something that we take very seriously. "I want you to save my life" If you become more free you can definitely be happ! 

Yumeka Naukana?: I totally understand! i wrote the lyrics for the song "BE MY FRiEND" and I put my own message into it. Don't judge by appearances, try holding hands first, sometimes letting it go, and by doing so you'll be able to see various things! Let's be true friends by doing so! That's what I meant.

Mie: I think that's a very happy message for those who feel lonely. I think loneliness is the saddest thing. I'm sure the lyrics of "BE MY FRIEND" saved many people's hearts.

Yumeka Naukana?: I'm happy! With ASP songs you can beat the yourself that you don't like, when I come to an ASP concert there are a lot of people who tell me that "i can fight against myself and my past", i think that's the real thrill of ASP concerts!

Millie: Yes. There is a feeling that you can share your feelings at a live performance. I can sympathize very much.

Mie: during live performances I feel like I can become a superhero who can save those people!

-I see. Maybe so, actually. Both the audience and the people standing on the stage are a source of power for each other.

I think our thoughts and feelings are the same as ASP​


What are the dis-satisfactions that NamaeNai feels?

NamaeNai: My dissatisfaction is that I am dissatisfied with society, but In the end it's meaningless if you don't do something. I came to think that I might be able to change myself, i feel like I've gradually become more comfortable with me and I feel like I've been able to change so now I'm thinking that I want to do something for other people. That's why I want everyone to not just be dissatisfied but to discuss with themselves how they can turn their dissatisfaction into something positive. It would be nice if that opportunity was ASP.

Millie: Nice. I think it's a really cool idea. There is a saying, "If you want to change the world, start with yourself." I really think so and the previous message is true to the saying! Really great!

Mie: I can sympathize with you.

Riontown, what are your dis-satisfactions?

Riontown: I really don't like how people look at me when I do things different from other people. I'm really dissatisfied with that. That's why at this agency, at ASP, I want to spread the word about how wonderful it is to do things differently from others and live your own way!

Wonker Twins: As Millie and Mie said earlier, i often think about the meaning of things like animal welfare and femininity. The definition of the problems is absolute, and when I saw and listened to the MV of "Bosatsu no Johnny Rotten", I was really shocked and my heart was stolen. I felt like I was saved there so as ASP I want to sing a message that can reach many people.

Matilda Twins: Well, I think that femininity is sometimes misunderstood. In terms of the body there are more women than men who have something to hide and I feel that it is a bit unfair. I often feel that I am not free so I am dissatisfied with that so i was encouraged by The Soap Girls' message. I think it would be great if we could deliver that kind of feelings to our fans as well.

Mie: Yes. Everything in the world really has to be equal.

Mog Ryan: when I was in school I felt like I had to live being very lady like but i wanted to live more like own self, there were a lot of things that i wanted to do but I was in an environment where I would get scolded if I did that so I was very dissatisfied with that. So i hope that by expressing my dissatisfaction through ASP I can be of help to people who live with the same dissatisfaction.

Millie: Yes. I think that's what it means for us to stand on stage. So I really think ASP and I have the same thoughts and feelings. Awesome!

The feelings are really close to each other. Chichichichichichichi, any dissatisfaction?

Chichichichichichichi: When I was in elementary school my backpack was pink, i chose pink because I thought it was really cute but the girls at school made fun of me which made me really sad. What people like and what you like are not always the same things so i think it's really strange to try to deny that. It's such a small thing but it's really a big dissatisfaction inside me, ASP is something that inspires me so now I'm grateful that I can sing and perform as "ASP" and i really appreciate all the fans. Having a lot of times like that makes me feel like my dissatisfaction is gradually disappearing, right now it's a moment when I feel happy being that kind of person.

Millie: I think that's really nice, after we found a place called The Soap Girls our lives became really fun. I really want to deliver happiness to everyone and I want to make everyone happy.

Mie: We were happy just to be able to come to Japan at this time, it was a very happy time for us to stand on stage with so many artists, through the interview i am really happy that I was able to learn that there are various ways of thinking in the world. We are now fans of ASP!

ASP (all members): we are so happy! Of course we are fans of The Soap Girls too! from now on when you come to Japan it would be great if we could do live performances with them all the time!

Millie & Me: Yes! we will be back soon!

Yumeka Naukana?: First Sunday, October 2nd! It's a battle of the bands at Shibuya WOMB in Tokyo! 

Millie & Me: Yes! Let's do our best! “ANAL SEX PENiS”!

ASP (all members): Yes! “ANAL SEX PENiS”!

Photos by Baku Kobayashi
Interview by Naoko Takeichi
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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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today BiSH played their largest concert to date "BiSH OUT of the BLUE" at the Fujikyu Highland Conifer Forest

the normal capacity for Fujikyu Highland Conifer Forest is around 18,000 but the staff reported around 20,000 people in the audience, the line to enter the venue stretched to over 1km+ in length



BiSH's previous largest concert was in 2018 at the Makuhari Messe Hall (and until now tied with EMPiRE's "EMPiRE'S SUPER ULTRA SPECTACULAR SHOW" for WACK's largest concert) the MMH has a capacity of about 8,000 to 9,000 but today's concert at Fujikyu more than doubled that number

previously BiSH stated that their dream is to sold out the Tokyo Dome (capacity 55,000) and honestly i feel they can do it

Ototoy covered the event

the hashtag "#BiSH富士急" was trending on Twitter

and they posted an after movie



Oct 2, 2019
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today BiSH played their largest concert to date "BiSH OUT of the BLUE" at the Fujikyu Highland Conifer Forest

the normal capacity for Fujikyu Highland Conifer Forest is around 18,000 but the staff reported around 20,000 people in the audience, the line to enter the venue stretched to over 1km+ in length



BiSH's previous largest concert was in 2018 at the Makuhari Messe Hall (and until now tied with EMPiRE's "EMPiRE'S SUPER ULTRA SPECTACULAR SHOW" for WACK's largest concert) the MMH has a capacity of about 8,000 to 9,000 but today's concert at Fujikyu more than doubled that number

previously BiSH stated that their dream is to sold out the Tokyo Dome (capacity 55,000) and honestly i feel they can do it

Ototoy covered the event

the hashtag "#BiSH富士急" was trending on Twitter

and they posted an after movie

Wasnt their largest before at Yokohama Arena with 12k?

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Wasnt their largest before at Yokohama Arena with 12k?
the Ototoy article mentions their MMH concert
関東の大きな会場は、2018年12月22日に開催された〈THE NUDE〉@幕張メッセというから、およそ4年ぶり。

but if the Yokohama Arena really had 12,000 people in the audience then it definitely was bigger than their Makuhari Messe Hall concert

WACK wiki says 12,000 in audience so the number is most likely true

in any case their Fujikyu Highland Conifer Forest was already confirmed to having an audience of 20,000+, so without a doubt that's their biggest so far

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Track list for ExWHYZ's debut album "xYZ"

nice variety
at first glance i don't see Watanabe's name there, is this the first time that he doesn't get featured in a full album by a WACK group? :wherearethelies:

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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ExWHYZ just released "Obsession" as a digital single

they also are going to release a MV for "Obsession"! here the teaser

just from the teaser i can already tell this one is more EMPiRE-like than WD


also a more condensed version of the "xYZ" Track list



Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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a few days ago ExWHYZ held their「xYZ Listening Party #俺とお前で音源チェック」

350 fans were invited to get an early preview of their debut album "xYZ"

the members stated that the recording of the album was just completed on October 2, literally the day before the listening party

while a few weeks ago they told fans that their intention was to wait until Midoriko was well before holding their first live performance as ExWHYZ it seems that she hasn't recovered yet, they told fans to not worry much since they are in contact with her and she is otherwise doing fine

they played 3 songs from the album

Wanna Dance

btw tomorrow ExWHYZ are going to release a MV for "Obsession"!
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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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ExWHYZ / Obsession [Music Video]​

after listening to it a few times i think i like this one better than "Wanna Dance", i feel that if Obsession was part of "BRiGHT FUTURE" no one would doubt this was a song from EMPiRE

so yeah, ExWHYZ are using EMPiRE's last album as the "base" for their music, that's cool and definitely makes me feel more hyped about "xYZ"
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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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follow up to this "Gekkan WACK" post
more info on WACK's magazine "Gekkan WACK", i'm not sure when is going be launched but since they just dumped a bunch of info probably soon

they posted more drafts of their upcoming manga




(Atsuko's is going to be unveiled next so that's why there aren't images of her manga design or her plastic model)

the designs for Chittii, Mokoko and Lingling are pretty good, the ones for Aina and Ayuni's aren't bad but i don't feel they capture their features well


they unveiled more plastic models that are going to be included with the first 6 issues of the magazine, they were created by KILL LA KILL's character designer Sushio


in the essay contest Mikina's submission is winning although Dockson and Wonker's are just a few votes behind, the result is going to be announced in some weeks



some of the things that people with subscriptions can expect

1) people are going to receive "WACK medals", these can be use to access bonus content or as vote tokens in future contests
2) people with subscriptions are going to be able to buy digital content like covers of songs, videos, photoshoots they also open the possibility of potentially releasing NFTs in the future...
3) an invitation to participate in a "slack" community dedicated to WACK


4) receive gifts every now and then
5) by collecting 12 photos included in each issue of the magazine they can later be combined to create a special group photo of all the members

they also announced two special plans, one for 77,777 yen and a "dream plan" for 300,000 yen, the later is limited to 20 people, the special thing about it is that you are going to be able to ask the magazine for an special feature of your choosing *obviously with some limits, so maybe asking for an interview with your favorite member, etc stuff like that
all collectable plastic models



i don't know if to call it cool or cursed

more designs for the Manga


...yeah i don't know how i feel about Manga Watanabe having a cute design, i was expecting him to be the antagonist of the story:doge:
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Idol Killer

Idolchii Moderator
Jun 26, 2019
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follow up to this "Gekkan WACK" post

all collectable plastic models



i don't know if to call it cool or cursed

more designs for the Manga


...yeah i don't know how i feel about Manga Watanabe having a cute design, i was expecting him to be the antagonist of the story:doge:
Maybe in the end he turns evil.:TzuyuKek:

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Maybe in the end he turns evil.:TzuyuKek:
that would be pretty cool actually, Watanabe seems aware of how most people in the fandom see him so it would be a fun twist

on the other hand the author of the Manga doesn't seem to be very familiar with WACK so he probably thought "he is the CEO of the company, i bet everyone loves him!" :doge:

when i heard the Manga was going to combine both reality and fiction i was expecting something like "BiSH members travel to the past / future / alternative world" basically they getting isekai'd, but seems the fictional part is going to simply be an audition camp that didn't happen in real life

the Mangaka for it seems to be the author of "Cells at work! WHITE" which is a spin off of "Cells at work!", i never read either of the two so no idea what to expect


Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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BiSH announced their new single "悲しみよとまれ / Kanashimi yo Tomare"



out on October 26, after this one there are only two more singles of "BiSH iS OVER"

Stan BiSH

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Jun 20, 2019
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i previously mention that "Tiary TV" doesn't exist anymore, which is true

seems they changed their name and delisted their videos from before the brand change, thankfully i found some that i previously posted in this thread and they are still up

EMPiRE 2nd visit
EMPiRE tiary episode

mikina feet stink... i didn't need that info :doge:

she also forced the mcs to smell her socks :doge:

EMPiRE were at tiary tv again

another episode of Tiary

MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN visit (i believe there are more episodes)

Mameshiba No Taigun Tiary visit


Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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so MAMESHiBA are in a tough spot

some of their latest concerts aren't selling that well and honestly isn't that surprising since they are about to get BiS2'ed, is kinda hard to get invested in something you know is coming to an end

sucks because i really like them a lot

i recall when they debuted "Restart" was massive, to this day is still one of the strongest recent debut in the Japanese scene, the single sold 60k+ in a week (excellent number for a first release), topped charts and was constantly trending topic in Japan SNS

in early 2020 there was discussions about if they were going to get an invitation to Kohaku before their first anniversary, people would use MAMESHiBA's success to make fun of new groups from major companies, etc

i wonder when things went wrong, maybe the start of the end was when Watanabe launched the competition between "Daijoubu Sunrise" and "Rocket Start" to decide MAMESHiBA's future

at this point they were still doing pretty well but i think WACK had no idea what to do about their unexpected success, i guess Watanabe thought he couldn't count with the general public support for the long term, there was also push back from WACK's core fandom since they felt very different from the other groups, what's ironic is that even after they reoriented their concept most WACK fans still didn't care about them, maybe betting for the general public was the right choice this time

of course i can't get mad with other fans for not liking them, honestly is true that they aren't like the rest of WACK and is also true that their concept is all around the place (in a positive way) even then MAMESHiBA has one of the most impressive discographies within the company, most groups struggle to keep a single concept fresh but you can give MAMESHiBA literally any concept and they kill it

i recall Chittiii (it was in a article back in 2020 i think?) told MAMESHiBA that their peak was past and that they were going to struggle to ever reach that level again, sounds harsh but it wasn't with the intention to make them feel bad, it was just a reality check

kinda sucks it's been 4 months since the latest episode of MAMESHiBA TV, i guess there is no point in investing resources in something is not going to exist by the end of year, their last concert (at least in their current form) is going to be in mid December of this year, an audition to recruit members for a new MAMESHiBA is going to be the same week, the least popular members of the group are going to be forced to participate in it and may get kicked out depending on the results

we know what happened when he did the same thing with BiS2...
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