Today was the final day for Carry of Major and CARRY LOOSE will disband on October 31st:
Watanabe has decided that disbanding CARRY LOOSE was the best scenario (a new song was recorded, the intro was actually leaked around the first month of Carry of Major), however
he wishes for the four of them to remain in WACK and to possibly start over.
this sucks
![Ok Bye :okbye: :okbye:](
i can't say i'm surprised, they haven't been doing anything this year and even their formation was rushed because wack didn't know what to do with the ex members of BiS2, the excuse that he disbanded the group because they didn't have synergy sounds like BS
well at least they are still part of Wack and seems Watanabe has plans for them... we'll see
even if he wants the members to stay, would they want too?
i was reading the messages from the members and at least the one from Pan Luna seems more like a goodbye
but what could be done with them
Wagg? that's a group for trainees, it would be a slap to their faces sending them there
Mameshiba? unlikely they are going to add more members, specially since they would need permission from Avex
BiS? already got kick from there
maybe to PARADISES since they are open to adding more members, maybe GTTB too
also this is the 3rd time Yuina finds herself groupless, she deserves better![Tea Par :TeaPar: :TeaPar:](
even if he wants the members to stay, would they want too?
i was reading the messages from the members and at least the one from Pan Luna seems more like a goodbye
CARRY LOOSEã解æ£ãã¡ã¸ã£ã¼ããã¥ã¼ç®æãå±åçæ´»ã¯æ¬æ¥çµäº
CARRY LOOSEã10æ31æ¥ä»ãã§è§£æ£ãããã¨ãçºè¡¨ãããã
続いてメンバー4人からも視聴者に向けて最後のメッセージが送られた。パン・ルナリーフィは「この共同生活、ニコニコ生放送を88日間観てくださりありがとうございます。10月31日にCARRY LOOSEは解散することになりました。1年前にCARRY LOOSEを始めるときに『次こそみんなを幸せにする』と言ったのに、その言葉を裏切る形になってしまい申し訳ありません。共同生活によって新しい配達員(CARRY LOOSEファンの呼称)に会えたり、距離が近付いた感じがしました。CARRY LOOSEを1年間愛してもらってありがとうございます。そして……4年間ありがとうございました。CARRY LOOSEの楽曲はまだこの世の中に残っていて、これからもずっと聴き続けてもらえたらうれしいし、CARRY LOOSEの曲でみんなに元気をあげられたらうれしいです。CARRY LOOSEのメンバー、まずウルちゃんはずっと気まずくて、不仲だった。共同生活が始まるまで電車にも一緒に乗らなかったけど、この生活で一番ウルちゃんと私の仲が変わって。ウルちゃんは歌声とか自分の言葉には自信を持って突き進んでほしいなと思います。ユメカちゃんは自分の目指す“ユメカプロ”を目指してがんばっていってね。尊敬しています。そしてYUiNAは……YUiNAと私は一番変わらなければいけなくて、ずっと隣で歩んできたけど、CARRY LOOSEをまとめていかなければならなかったのに。自分のこともグループも変えられず、私のせいで……。でもYUiNAは間違ってるってことを私に言ってくれなかったけど、言ってくれるようになって、すごく変わったなって。……まだわからないんですけど、このみんなのことをこれからもよろしくお願いします。ありがとうございました」とコメント。続いてYUiNA EMPiREは「まずは『CARRY OF MAJOR』を88日間、見守ってくださって本当にありがとうございます。だけどみんなが期待してくれたり、応援してくれたりする中で解散という結果を生んでしまって本当にごめんなさい。何が正解とか間違いとかなくて、CARRY LOOSEを自分たちが誰よりも一番信じなければいけなかったのにそれができなかった。そしてT.S.I(音楽クリエイターチームSCRAMBLES内のユニット)の皆さんにも『にんげん』を作曲していただいたり、大きな可能性をいただいていたのに。私はCARRY LOOSEを守れなかったことをこの先もずっと後悔し続けてしまいます。でもパンちゃん、ウルウ・ルちゃん、ユメカちゃんと過ごして、自分の考えを持って、素直に思いを伝えることを学びました。そして自分で当たり前のことができていないとか、今までチャンスを逃し続けてしまったこととか、自分が個人的に直さなければいけないところも見つけられました。この日々を意味のあるものにできるように、今後につなげられるようにがんばります。約1年間、それはものすごくあっという間で、だけど配達員になってくれて本当にありがとうございます。人は運命の巡り合わせで、関わるべくして出会うと私は信じています。本当にごめんなさい。本当にありがとうございました」と述べた。
ウルウ・ルは「CARRY LOOSEのことを応援してくださって、そして『CARRY OF MAJOR』をたくさん観てくださって、一緒にメジャーデビューを目指して、応援してくださってありがとうございました。解散ということになってしまって、本当にたくさんの方を失望させてしまい、申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいです。私は全部をひっくり返せるくらいCARRY LOOSEにとって大きな存在にならなきゃいけなかったし、期待してくださっている方もいたのに、ずっと空回りばかりしてしまって、それができず悔しいです。私たちは前向きにこの企画に、前を向いて取り組む気持ちが欠けていて、どんどん暗い気持ちになって、すり減ってしまって。それを観たファンの方々は絶対に辛い気持ちになったと思うし、泣いてばかりいて本当にすみません。いつもTwitterなどで『みんなががんばってるからがんばれるよ』とか、『辛いことがあっても『CARRY OF MAJOR』を観たら楽しい気持ちになる』とかそういう楽しい言葉をかけていただいて、温かい方々に応援していただいて幸せ者だと思いました。私たちが前を向いて歩いていかないと、素敵な言葉をかけてくださった、支えてくださった皆さん、そして自分自身、メンバーにとっても失礼なことだと思うので、今後それぞれどうなるかはまだわからないのですが、4人のことをこれからもよろしくお願いします。CARRY LOOSEを応援してくださってありがとうございました」と話した。最後にユメカ・ナウカナ?は「『CARRY OF MAJOR』88日間観てくださりありがとうございました。私自身、CARRY LOOSEがなくなってしまうのは今、信じられていなくて。CARRY LOOSEが始まって1年間、200km駅伝もこの共同生活も本当に辛かったんですけど、CARRY LOOSEのパンちゃん、YUiNAちゃん、ウルちゃんがいてくれたから乗り越えられたなって思っています。コロナウイルスの影響でなかなかアイドルの方々も活動ができていない状況の中で、こういう素敵な企画を用意していただいたのに、ファンの皆さんを悲しい気持ちにさせてしまって、スタッフさん、渡辺さん、みんなを残念な気持ちにさせてしまって、本当に悔しいです。ですが、CARRY LOOSEでこの共同生活を88日間やってきて、1日も無駄だと思った日はありません。私はまだあきらめないです。皆さんに会いたいです。絶対にがんばります。これからCARRY LOOSE1人ひとりがどうなるかはわかりませんが、みんなのことを応援していただけるとありがたいです。こういう形になってしまい申し訳ありませんでした。そしてこれからもよろしくお願いします」と語った。
but what could be done with them
Wagg? that's a group for trainees, it would be a slap to their faces sending them there
Mameshiba? unlikely they are going to add more members, specially since they would need permission from Avex
BiS? already got kick from there
maybe to PARADISES since they are open to adding more members, maybe GTTB too
also this is the 3rd time Yuina finds herself groupless, she deserves better
![Tea Par :TeaPar: :TeaPar:](
Call Of Duty x BiSH live concert
also a commercial of BiSH playing call of duty + behind the scenes
also a commercial of BiSH playing call of duty + behind the scenes
the Mameshiba members get the challenge of building a perfect ball of tinfoil paper then Watanabe is going to judge each ball, the winner gets a prize while the loser has to drink the Kuro chan potion
the Tiary channel uploaded some new eps of the Mameshiba no taigun members visit
the Tiary channel uploaded some new eps of the Mameshiba no taigun members visit
NuguI can kinda understand why he decided with this. Plus, we don't know what WACK has been doing in the background for CL (and honestly I feel like they were told about this before Carry of Major too) but since his tweet from August:this sucks
i can't say i'm surprised, they haven't been doing anything this year and even their formation was rushed because wack didn't know what to do with the ex members of BiS2, the excuse that he disbanded the group because they didn't have synergy sounds like BS
well at least they are still part of Wack and seems Watanabe has plans for them... we'll see
I can only assume he's been trying to get a bunch of contracts from major labels since then. And that they've been rejected by many since COVID has been hitting hard on the labels, this year definitely has a lack of groups/bands going major too.
It's still in the air but if they really did get rejected, I can see why Watanabe went with the "the group isn't good at it's current state" statement instead of straight up saying they didn't get any contracts. I can also put my money on that profits for the group (ironically) is a factor too
I still wish they all remain in WACK, but I definitely feel bad for the girls Pan, Yuina, Yumeka and Uru since the option to get into a major depends on so many factors; from the higher ups (WACK Co) to the projected prospect of the group in the eyes of the label (to put it business wise).
(He's also presumably drinking out all his sorrows looking his tweets and his one Insta story of him singing out a Tower Records' staff name LOL)
Call Of Duty x BiSH live concert
On another note, Watanabe had a small Twitter thread with the owner of this Youtube channel since he was barraging all of Watanabe's tweets (calling him a c*nt and a dumbass for doing nothing for CL) and basically pointed out his Youtube channel. Owner of the channel seems to be privating the videos to avoid getting strikes from WACK himself lol.
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Here's a short digest of BiSH's Call of Duty live.
As far as CARRY LOOSE is concerned, even though I like the members, I never felt like they justified their existence. They seemed like just another group that Watanabe put together for the sake of it. If he'd given them more direction, they could have turned into something. I also think he looked for a major label deal way too early. They still needed to grow more as a group. In their current incarnation, there wasn't a whole lot to offer. If I was him, I would move the members who want to stay in WACK over to PARADISES. Oh, and here's a thought. Maybe return Yuina Empire to Empire!!! Just sayin'.
As far as CARRY LOOSE is concerned, even though I like the members, I never felt like they justified their existence. They seemed like just another group that Watanabe put together for the sake of it. If he'd given them more direction, they could have turned into something. I also think he looked for a major label deal way too early. They still needed to grow more as a group. In their current incarnation, there wasn't a whole lot to offer. If I was him, I would move the members who want to stay in WACK over to PARADISES. Oh, and here's a thought. Maybe return Yuina Empire to Empire!!! Just sayin'.
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Here's a short digest of BiSH's Call of Duty live.
[MEDIA = youtube] JYtqF2GTU2U [/ MEDIA]
As far as CARRY LOOSE is concerned, even though I like the members, I never felt like they justified their existence. They seemed like just another group that Watanabe put together for the sake of it. If he'd given them more direction, they I also think he looked for a major label deal way too early. They still needed to grow more as a group. In their current incarnation, there wasn't a whole lot to offer. If I was him, I would move the members who want to stay in WACK over to PARADISES. Oh, and here's a thought. Maybe return Yuina Empire to Empire !!! Just sayin'.
Although that's true, I think something could have been done with them, it doesn't seem to me like it was a lack of synergy but rather a lack of communication from Watanabe. Chemistry needs time to happen for anyone but they would need directives for to happen.
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EMPIRE --ERROR ERROR ERROR tour episode 4 at Nagoya
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NuguI never felt like they justified their existence. They seemed like just another group that Watanabe put together for the sake of it. If he'd given them more direction, they could have turned into something. I also think he looked for a major label deal way too early. They still needed to grow more as a group. In their current incarnation, there wasn't a whole lot to offer.
Same! I think that sentiment of "another group put together just for the sake of it" is a very accurate description for CL. I think the timing was fine, the way they kinda marketed it as BiS3's rival at first, but then there was absolutely no direction for the group after that. All they had was a title for "fun and emo group" in WACK, which I feel was what they were but then the lack of production budget and no new songs since the start of the year just made it all fall flat.
Hopefully there's more news coming up, instead of just radio silence til the 31st..
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I don't have a translation for it but I will post it anyway.
I can kinda understand why he decided with this. Plus, we don't know what WACK has been doing in the background for CL (and honestly I feel like they were told about this before Carry of Major too) but since his tweet from August:
I can only assume he's been trying to get a bunch of contracts from major labels since then. And that they've been rejected by many since COVID has been hitting hard on the labels, this year definitely has a lack of groups/bands going major too.
It's still in the air but if they really did get rejected, I can see why Watanabe went with the "the group isn't good at it's current state" statement instead of straight up saying they didn't get any contracts. I can also put my money on that profits for the group (ironically) is a factor tooor maybe I'm just too optimistic in a way lol.
I still wish they all remain in WACK, but I definitely feel bad for the girls Pan, Yuina, Yumeka and Uru since the option to get into a major depends on so many factors; from the higher ups (WACK Co) to the projected prospect of the group in the eyes of the label (to put it business wise).
I know people like to diss on Watanabe for doing these things, but it feels like he had/has a lot of hope for all four of them here (compared to BiS2 since the whole staff team decided on that first).![]()
(He's also presumably drinking out all his sorrows looking his tweets and his one Insta story of him singing out a Tower Records' staff name LOL)
there is definitely the financial aspect, that said he does has connections with several small labels, sure he could ask them some favors and while they were aiming for a major debut with a big label i think even a small one would had been better than nothing
so i do think that he deserves some flack for the situation, if he had trouble getting them a contract then he shouldn't had turned this into a big public event, that only worked to get people even more invested in the group
yeah, i saw him fighting with the owner of the channel, part of the reason why i posted his upload instead of any of the othersOn another note, Watanabe had a small Twitter thread with the owner of this Youtube channel since he was barraging all of Watanabe's tweets (calling him a c*nt and a dumbass for doing nothing for CL) and basically pointed out his Youtube channel. Owner of the channel seems to be privating the videos to avoid getting strikes from WACK himself lol.
![:doge: :doge: :doge:](
i don't think Watanabe minds his role as wack's designated hatesink, he even encourages fans by repliying back, i just hope he does has plans for them and that his statement is not damage control to calm people
Here's a short digest of BiSH's Call of Duty live.
As far as CARRY LOOSE is concerned, even though I like the members, I never felt like they justified their existence. They seemed like just another group that Watanabe put together for the sake of it. If he'd given them more direction, they could have turned into something. I also think he looked for a major label deal way too early. They still needed to grow more as a group. In their current incarnation, there wasn't a whole lot to offer. If I was him, I would move the members who want to stay in WACK over to PARADISES. Oh, and here's a thought. Maybe return Yuina Empire to Empire!!! Just sayin'.
definitely too early, dunno if it was intentional or not but he ended turning getting a deal with a label into a ultimatum for the group
i don't think Yuina should go back to EMPiRE, i was really mad when she was transferred but in perspective i agree that she wasn't a good fit, Now, Maho and Mikina are what the group needed to get to the next level
good question what is going to happen now
Uruuru and Yumeka would fit very well in either Paradises or BiS, my choice would be Uruu > Paradises, Yumeka > BiS
and i think i would put Yuina in GTTB, i think they need a "soft" member like her
i wonder about Pan luna, seeing how many of her friends from wack already moved to other things, also there are her dreams of being a gravure model, i think she is the most likely to leave, i hope not
that said i don't worry much about the ex BiS members, all the members that left are doing great
EMPIRE --ERROR ERROR ERROR tour episode 4 at Nagoya
this is EMPiRE's first tour since January
![:wow: :wow: :wow:](
and if they finish the tour this/next month they would still have enough time for a new album in December!
speaking of tours, BiS also held their first tour since February
Mameshiba starts their tour next month so only BiSH are left
GO TO THE BEDS are going to stream on Nico a special about their uninhabited island event
these are Japan time
ãã©ã¤ãã¬ãã¼ããBiSãæ±äº¬é½æ¸è°·åºããåãã¾ããã8ã«æã¶ãã«ç 究å¡ã¨è¸ã£ãåå¤å±ã¯ã³ãã³ã©ã¤ãï¼åç13æï¼
BiSãæ¬æ¥10æ18æ¥ã«æç¥ã»æ¥æ¬ç¹æ®é¶æ¥å¸æ°ä¼é¤¨ ãã©ã¬ã¹ããã¼ã«ã§ã¯ã³ãã³ã©ã¤ããKiLL YOur WiNTerxxx -but fall-ããéå¬ããã
Mameshiba starts their tour next month so only BiSH are left
GO TO THE BEDS are going to stream on Nico a special about their uninhabited island event
these are Japan time
Uninhabited island life 1st day
Delivery date: October 19, 2020 (Monday) 12: 00-22: 20
Delivery URL:
Uninhabited island life 2nd day
Delivery date: October 20, 2020 (Tuesday) 8
: 15-22 : 02 Delivery URL:
Uninhabited island life 3rd day
Delivery date: October 21, 2020 (Wednesday) 17: 55 ~ 31: 15
Delivery URL:
4th day of uninhabited island life
Delivery date: October 22, 2020 (Thursday) 8: 20-21: 32
Delivery URL : Https://
Uninhabited island life 5th / 6th day
Delivery date: October 23, 2020 (Friday) 8: 25-29 : 40
Delivery URL: https://live2.
PARADISES announced the start of their auditions for new members, "PARADISES and WAgg's Wonderful Future -SHOWCASE-"
all Wagg members can enter the auditions, is going to be streamed on Nico the 31th while the showcase is going to be on November 14th
if i recall CARRY LOOSE last concert is also the 31th so i think is safe to say they can't enter![:tears: :tears: :tears:](
all Wagg members can enter the auditions, is going to be streamed on Nico the 31th while the showcase is going to be on November 14th
Nico Nico Live Broadcasting "PARADISES's Wonderful Future First Examination Results Announcement Special Program"
Delivery date and time: Saturday, October 31, 2020 18: 00-
Delivery URL:
if i recall CARRY LOOSE last concert is also the 31th so i think is safe to say they can't enter
![:tears: :tears: :tears:](
NuguThat's the whole dilemma I think, they were still tied by T-Palette Records (a subsidiary of Tower Records, and some fans were speculating that's why Watanabe was singing out the specific Tower Records staff member's name on Instagram lol but obviously a big fistful of salt). So all we can do is wait for updates I guess, hopefully there's at least a graduation live lolthere is definitely the financial aspect, that said he does has connections with several small labels, sure he could ask them some favors and while they were aiming for a major debut with a big label i think even a small one would had been better than nothing
![Folded hands :pray: 🙏](
Loool, man's probably seething now since he just got banned from multiple Discord servers for bragging about trolling WTNB and BM-ing other usersyeah, i saw him fighting with the owner of the channel, part of the reason why i posted his upload instead of any of the others![]()
![Hear-no-evil monkey :hear_no_evil: 🙉](
I toootally agree, that's the thing with Watanabe he loves directly tagging/quoting users and he's done this before (2017 fiasco about the Orchestra song exchange, the BiS trade, the Pour Lui diet "scandal"...i don't think Watanabe minds his role as wack's designated hatesink, he even encourages fans by repliying back, i just hope he does has plans for them and that his statement is not damage control to calm people
![Eyes :eyes: 👀](
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NuguThe BiS Nagoya live on Sunday was so much fun and so emotional. I didn't get to render the whole concert but I clipped a few seconds of them when I had time.
I still think this is so goddamn impressive where 1000+ of the audience (or 1000+ crickets?) is doing squats together with the girls:
Toggy staring us down during Lovely Lovely:
Them performing their new song in Propaganda(secret track in the Imitation casette) "TOUCH ME", and Toggy almost crying at the end:
Monchan being adorable during the last few moments on stage:
I still think this is so goddamn impressive where 1000+ of the audience (or 1000+ crickets?) is doing squats together with the girls:
Toggy staring us down during Lovely Lovely:
Them performing their new song in Propaganda(secret track in the Imitation casette) "TOUCH ME", and Toggy almost crying at the end:
Monchan being adorable during the last few moments on stage:
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Although that's true, I think something could have been done with them, it doesn't seem to me like it was a lack of synergy but rather a lack of communication from Watanabe. Chemistry needs time to happen for anyone but they would need directives for to happen.
I didn't mean to imply that the group didn't have chemistry. The members worked well together, but Watanabe ignored them too much so they never moved beyond their initial concept. They just needed time and attention to find out what their niche was.
in all fairness Pan luna stated that she didn't get along with Uruuru until they started living together, she didn't say much about Yumeka eitherI didn't mean to imply that the group didn't have chemistry. The members worked well together, but Watanabe ignored them too much so they never moved beyond their initial concept. They just needed time and attention to find out what their niche was.
(crappy google translation)
Subsequently, the four members also sent the final message to the viewers. Pan Lunarifi said, "Thank you for watching this communal life, Nico Nico Live Broadcasting for 88 days. CARRY LOOSE will be disbanded on October 31. When I started CARRY LOOSE a year ago," Next I'm sorry that I betrayed that word even though I said, "That's what makes everyone happy." I felt like I was able to meet a new deliveryman (the name of a CARRY LOOSE fan) and get closer by living together. Thank you for loving CARRY LOOSE for a year. And ... Thank you for 4 years. CARRY LOOSE songs are still in the world, and I hope you will continue to listen to them, and CARRY LOOSE songs. It would be great if everyone could cheer me up. CARRY LOOSE member, Uru-chan, was awkward and unfriendly for a long time. I didn't get on the train together until the communal life started, but with Uru-chan the most in this life. My relationship has changed. I want Ur-chan to push forward with confidence in his singing voice and his own words. Yumeka-chan is trying hard to become the "Yumeka Pro" that he is aiming for. I respect him. And YUiNA ... YUiNA and I had to change the most, and I've been walking next to me all the time, but I had to put together CARRY LOOSE. I couldn't change myself or the group. Because of me ... But YUiNA didn't tell me that I was wrong, but now that I've told me, it's changed a lot ... I don't know yet, but all of these guys Thank you for your continued support. "
CARRY LOOSEã解æ£ãã¡ã¸ã£ã¼ããã¥ã¼ç®æãå±åçæ´»ã¯æ¬æ¥çµäº
CARRY LOOSEã10æ31æ¥ä»ãã§è§£æ£ãããã¨ãçºè¡¨ãããã
i think there is the fact that she and Yuina were friends since BiS while prior to CL she didn't have any connection to the others 2, so it sucks that this happened when the members just started getting close,
but i'm not too worried about what's next for them, worse case scenario they leave and join other company, if that happens they should try joining Dearstage, who seeing how Mew and Hana are doing, really seem to love the ex BiS2 members
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Hanako / Muropanako is going to release a new single on October 28th
her first album on November 24th (digital version the 25th)
and first live concert on January 30th
she is also going to do a 10 hours live stream on October 24th
i don't know which is the connection here but a group released a MV about Aya
also she started a Youtube channel, here she is reviewing Gummy candies
her first album on November 24th (digital version the 25th)
and first live concert on January 30th
she is also going to do a 10 hours live stream on October 24th
i don't know which is the connection here but a group released a MV about Aya
also she started a Youtube channel, here she is reviewing Gummy candies
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