The Official WACK Thread ~ Home of BiSH, BiS, EMPiRE, MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN, GO TO THE BEDS, PARADISES, and WAgg

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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lol they be taking the piss right now

Wack's bad senpai trying to corrupt poor Hanae :sadpepe:

Nao still taking shit for her underage drinking
Miyuki getting roasted by Maika
Mameshiba + EMPiRE + GTTB Karaoke

also i love how every time they need someone for a party they always call Yuki

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Just finished watching the BiS live. They went all out with the set for them this time, and the costumes they're wearing is a modified version of their debut costumes (which was already a reference to OG BiS costumes)!

Performed HiDE iN SEW and had a Thousand Cricket Squat Showdown (says 第一回, so I'm assuming this will be a thing in furture lives!).
Also an untitled tour for January onwards!

Edit: Just announced! Next tour will be "KiLLiNG IDOLS TOUR". BiS3's first ever one-man tour that includes Zepp venues!


Honestly, very excited to see what they'll bring to the table next year. Their stage presence and honestly general aura improved a whole lot since last years PTSD tour. For a bunch of newbies that were never exposed to being in a group before joining, that's really impressive.
what's are those numbers in the picture?

and they definitely improved a lot this year, i recall how their first live performances were a little awkward but now they have great stage presence
very impressive since this year they haven't been touring as much as they normally could

i still plan to check but,
i'm pretty sure that in Wack BiS3 are the group with the largest discography released in a single year

Not too sure if anyone actually recorded them, the one user who usually does wasn't online today.

Quick gif of the girls at the end of the show! Super emotional for everyone, and I assume this is because they're approaching one of their milestones:

91. Zepp Tokyo (Next tour on the 12th of February)
92. Yokohama Arena
93. Makuhari Messe
94. Saitama Super Arena
95. Osaka-Jo Hall
96. Rock in Japan Fes.
97. Fukuoka Dome
98. Nagoya Civic General Gymnasium
99. NHK Hall
100. Budokan
101. Disband Live

If anything, them performing Curtain Call 2 times in this 2 hour show might've been a symbolism of that.
call me too optimistic but i think that for most of Wack the Budokan is not a unreachable goal at this point,
for BiS... not next year but for their 3th / 4th anniversary? sure they can

first time that Watanabe sets long term goals for a group, right?

Anyways, the GTTB (?) posters seem to be hinting an alter-ego, possibly a dark version of their current costumes. According to one of the translators in the Discord groups, this seems to be something the local fans in Japan are speculating. Also seems rather obvious since this is a big departure from their initial concept (more like a POP and pre-GP concept though).

plot twist: the alt costumes are even more cute :doge:

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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1st anniversary of "Restart" 🥳

already a year? time sure flies, i love Restart, from all the Wack debut songs this is my favorite
right now i can say that Mameshiba are my 3rd favorite Wack group (used to be BiS2 :tears:)
i never expected to like them this much, they are the group i followed the most this year
i love the members and as a group they are really fun, what's better is they keep making quality content every week



Oct 2, 2019
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call me too optimistic but i think that for most of Wack the Budokan is not a unreachable goal at this point,
for BiS... not next year but for their 3th / 4th anniversary? sure they can

first time that Watanabe sets long term goals for a group, right?
Yeah budokan isn't an unreachable goal at this point when WACK is pretty much known now, they can all go there anytime, Ayuni is a prime example of that

yep definitely first time
1st anniversary of "Restart" 🥳

already a year? time sure flies, i love Restart, from all the Wack debut songs this is my favorite
right now i can say that Mameshiba are my 3rd favorite Wack group (used to be BiS2 :tears:)
i never expected to like them this much, they are the group i followed the most this year
i love the members and as a group they are really fun, what's better is they keep making quality content every week


yeah they're super fun to follow, and very active too, they're all just having fun and enjoying themselves


Aug 22, 2020
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what's are those numbers in the picture?
Ahh, those are the number of squats each of them did for the squat showdown.
Prime example of Toggy being a stamina monster! 🙉

call me too optimistic but i think that for most of Wack the Budokan is not a unreachable goal at this point,
for BiS... not next year but for their 3th / 4th anniversary? sure they can

first time that Watanabe sets long term goals for a group, right?
Yep, first time in WACK where there's multiple goals instead of just "aim for Budokan". Seems like he's actually having fun this time with the group not gonna lie, he posts them on his Instagram stories quite frequently (well, as frequent as he goes in Instagram that is)

Oh I wasn't talking about your reply it was for the actual tweet sorry about that

and yeah there's gonna be another side or darker image to it as that's what the game MAGICAMI is, it looks cute and sparkly on the outside but its actually really dark
Ah my bad, speed reading isn't a perk of mine lmfao.


Oct 2, 2019
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Ahh, those are the number of squats each of them did for the squat showdown.
Prime example of Toggy being a stamina monster! 🙉
Neo looks like she's gonna die

After doing 100 squats
Toggy: like nothing happened
Chant: barely hanging in there
Muse: has rocks for legs
Neo: dying
Yep, first time in WACK where there's multiple goals instead of just "aim for Budokan". Seems like he's actually having fun this time with the group not gonna lie, he posts them on his Instagram stories quite frequently (well, as frequent as he goes in Instagram that is)
Pretty sure that one was a sarcastic comment
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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Ahh, those are the number of squats each of them did for the squat showdown.
Prime example of Toggy being a stamina monster! 🙉
they did this at what point of the concert? i mean, be at the start or at the end that still sounds crazy :sweat:

but i guess since they can run 100km no problem, at this point 100 squats are just a warm up :fab:

Yep, first time in WACK where there's multiple goals instead of just "aim for Budokan". Seems like he's actually having fun this time with the group not gonna lie, he posts them on his Instagram stories quite frequently (well, as frequent as he goes in Instagram that is)
so while i know that is normal for groups to have long term goals they usually are pick by the members,
i think this is the first time i hear of the boss making the goals for the group (at least in such a public way)

i think i feel a little worry that this list is going to be use as a criteria to judge their progress,
of course, with Watanabe is hard to tell when he is just joking or not, but even if it is just a joke
the members are probably still going to feel pressure from the expectations
also isn't the Saitama arena way bigger than the budokan (37k vs 14k) :doge:

i would love getting a look at the full list

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Yeah budokan isn't an unreachable goal at this point when WACK is pretty much known now, they can all go there anytime, Ayuni is a prime example of that

yep definitely first time

the largest venue sold by a Wack group is a tie between the Osaka-Jo Hall (12k) and the Yokohama arena (also 12k), both by BiSH
since Ayuni/PEDRO sold out the Budokan (14k) in just a few days is not hard to think about BiSH selling a place 2x the capacity

i think Mameshiba are going to be the next group to play the Budokan
sucks how GP and BiS2 had strong fandoms but never got the chance to play large venues :okbye:


Aug 22, 2020
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they did this at what point of the concert? i mean, be at the start or at the end that still sounds crazy :sweat:

but i guess since they can run 100km no problem, at this point 100 squats are just a warm up :fab:
Literally in the middle of the whole show hahah, an hour in.

Also I have wayy too many short clips from todays live LOL. (Monchan 😭)

so while i know that is normal for groups to have long term goals they usually are pick by the members,
i think this is the first time i hear of the boss making the goals for the group (at least in such a public way)

i think i feel a little worry that this list is going to be use as a criteria to judge their progress,
of course, with Watanabe is hard to tell when he is just joking or not, but even if it is just a joke
the members are probably still going to feel pressure from the expectations
also isn't the Saitama arena way bigger than the budokan (37k vs 14k) :doge:

i would love getting a look at the full list
I reckon he's probably asked the four of them beforehand similarly to BiSH when they changed from Budokan to Tokyo Dome (though still have a sneaky suspicion that this one was changed because of BiS2's formation back then for Budokan).

I remember Toggy talking about Osaka-Jo Hall and that how they're not at Zepp level yet at the start of this year when compared to other groups and wants to achieve that, Neo wants to perform in a Festival (Rock in Japan Fes 👀 ) and Monchan talking about Fukuoka Dome since it's her hometown in an old interview.

But the rest is most definitely fillers by Watanabe, since some of the venues were where BiSH and OG BiS performed/wanted to perform in. Could also be part of the contract they have with Nippon Crown 🧐

And yeah Saitama Super Arena is massive, but I think the symbolism of Budokan still beats other venues for most Japanese artists as a "worldwide debut" venue (except maybe Tokyo Dome). Since artists that perform in Budokan usually gets TV coverage worldwide by NHK, WOWOW and so on, plus overseas promotions/record deals super easily. Though I wonder how long the half capacity concerts are gonna last, since the ones next year all still sold for half the seats only.

Pretty sure that one was a sarcastic comment

Bit confused, what was a sarcastic comment?
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Trainee Early Supporters
Jun 17, 2019
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I agree and when you think about it, it makes him ruin more dreams. The ones that get turned down at auditions and the new groups that vanishes because he doesn't give them enough attention to survive.

Watanabe thinks he can do everything but then look how that turned out CL disbanded because he couldn't do anything with and now the people that's currently auditioning for the wackchin shit are losing interest and dropping out

he needs to back off and think of things that will work and will benefit everyone in the long run and not just creating more and more groups

but his ego is too far up his ass to do any of that

Having multiple groups is a proven formula for a company's continued success. If a group doesn't appeal to certain fans/demographics, one of the other ones will. That being said, it needs to be calculated and not done on a whim, something Watanabe is guilty of far too much. Like you said Rez, he's playing with these girl's futures, so it would be great if he took that into consideration.

it wouldn't be a problem (normally) for mainstream companies, the problem is that the alt idol scene is not big enough to support so many new debuts, i do think he understands that since it seems he is trying something different with PARADISES

seems that Aina's debut was the big announcement!

the account "Oshirase" that was made for it was then transformed into "aina_THEEND" (tweets about the announcement were deleted)

but people are still speculating about Yumeka

yup, the theory is full of holes but i think that people usually equates big news with bad news, so at the time it felt like it was a possibility

worth mention that BiSH still has an announcement pending and is still related to the Panda

I kind of think 4-5 groups is the most Watanabe should be producing. With EMPiRE being a joint project with Avex and Mameshiba connected with TBS, that does take some of the burden off WACK. PARADISES new direction suggests Watanabe's learned from his recent failures.

Thanks for the confirmation about Aina. Her solo album is definitely a big deal, so I'm glad that was the announcement. I started following her account without realizing it used to be the Oshirase one, lol.

As far as the Panda stuff, it's most likely another product endorsement. I'm trying to think what products have Panda mascots. Maybe they're doing something with Oreos since they started using a Panda as their mascot.

Yeah the song is okay not their best but MV is super adorable tho

I still want them to make a song like Daijobou Sunrise again

but man they are not racking in the views, their momentum is just completely gone now

The most recent episode of Mameshiba's YouTube show already has twice as many views, lol.

to be fair this is just a B side (even BiSH B-sides struggle with views), the title track is not going to drop until January

also is not bad that is under performing in views, maybe this way we can get Avex to understand that nobody is interested in Mameshiba doing kids songs
i also liked Daijoubou sunrise more than Rocket start, in my opinion the uniforms/concept were better :okbye:

Love is dominating every competition, i expect riots if she ends getting snubbed

they are already taking it down?

With so many MVs this year, they're no longer events, so fans might be getting fatigued. I'll never complain about too much Mameshiba content, but maybe scale back just a tad on MVs next year. Yeah, I don't get pushing them as a kids group. It can definitely be lucrative, but I would advise caution on marketing them like this. Momoiro Clover Z are the only Idol group I know that's successfully targeted children on a large scale, but they're in a category all their own.

Chef costumes >>> Yankee School Girls :knifeduck:



Trainee Early Supporters
Jun 17, 2019
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semi offtopic,

Ogura Asuka is leaving meme tokyo

sucks, after Mewclub she was my second favorite MT member :tears:


let's see

Mewclub is debuting with her new band next year
Soli having trouble moving between Korea and Japan
Asuka leaving
i recall people speculating they were just a temporal group for trainees... i hope this is not the end of meme tokyo :okbye:

Ugh, it's been just a little over a year since their first digital single "Den Den Passion" and they've already lost a member 😭 Pero wasn't a big deal since she was a support member, but I always considered Asuka as the #2 in the group after Mew. I just hope no one else leaves until at least 2022.

Uh okay cool? Just answering since you were curious of what the 91 to 101 meant lol.

Anyways, the GTTB (?) posters seem to be hinting an alter-ego, possibly a dark version of their current costumes. According to one of the translators in the Discord groups, this seems to be something the local fans in Japan are speculating. Also seems rather obvious since this is a big departure from their initial concept (more like a POP and pre-GP concept though).


I'm sure we're definitely getting some dark, twisted concept for the alternate costumes. We've only seen a teaser so far for the song and MV, so it's possible they shift between cute and twisted in the same video.

And WACK is starting to torture me with these posters. I'm pretty sure you have to go to a physical store to get them 😭
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Oct 2, 2019
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Looks like PARADISES will be the first WACK group to do a christmas song
there are 2 missions
1st is by pair and 2nd is by group
1st is performing the two new songs 愛してよね井口イチロウ and 茶碗蒸しだ! and will be be announced at a later date
The 2nd mission is by group, the groups are:
Tsukino team: Tsukino, Kira May, Anzu and Love
Naruha team: Naruha, Yuyu, Uta, Saya

the songs that will be performed are
2. The new Special Xmas song that will be on the ep on 12/23
3. Tsukino team: TWINKLE TWINKLE
Naruha team: Aoi Haru
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Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Literally in the middle of the whole show hahah, an hour in.

Also I have wayy too many short clips from todays live LOL. (Monchan 😭)
did they do the pyramid? that's their best stunt

and i noticed the uniforms have "Sex" "Fuck" etc, etc in the back, even if they are just for one show that's a nice detail

I reckon he's probably asked the four of them beforehand similarly to BiSH when they changed from Budokan to Tokyo Dome (though still have a sneaky suspicion that this one was changed because of BiS2's formation back then for Budokan).

I remember Toggy talking about Osaka-Jo Hall and that how they're not at Zepp level yet at the start of this year when compared to other groups and wants to achieve that, Neo wants to perform in a Festival (Rock in Japan Fes 👀 ) and Monchan talking about Fukuoka Dome since it's her hometown in an old interview.
festivals would be nice, i think summer sonic would be a decent goal, pretty famous internationally plus BiSH already guested

i should start researching which are the largest venues played by wack groups, i'm out the loop

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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I kind of think 4-5 groups is the most Watanabe should be producing. With EMPiRE being a joint project with Avex and Mameshiba connected with TBS, that does take some of the burden off WACK. PARADISES new direction suggests Watanabe's learned from his recent failures.

Thanks for the confirmation about Aina. Her solo album is definitely a big deal, so I'm glad that was the announcement. I started following her account without realizing it used to be the Oshirase one, lol.

As far as the Panda stuff, it's most likely another product endorsement. I'm trying to think what products have Panda mascots. Maybe they're doing something with Oreos since they started using a Panda as their mascot.

i think that Paradises and GTTB are also a collaboration with Warner, at the very least i think they played a part in GP disbanding

the Panda stuff was so random, already a month and still no news about it
The most recent episode of Mameshiba's YouTube show already has twice as many views, lol.
i wonder how many people follows Mameshiba because they think they are Youtubers :sweat:

With so many MVs this year, they're no longer events, so fans might be getting fatigued. I'll never complain about too much Mameshiba content, but maybe scale back just a tad on MVs next year. Yeah, I don't get pushing them as a kids group. It can definitely be lucrative, but I would advise caution on marketing them like this. Momoiro Clover Z are the only Idol group I know that's successfully targeted children on a large scale, but they're in a category all their own.
if Avex want to get the children on board they should simply get them the OP or ED for an Anime

both BiSH and EMPiRE got a big boost after working in "Black Cover"

Chef costumes >>> Yankee School Girls :knifeduck:
>not wanting to get bullied by Mameshiba

you are missing out :fab:

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