What video game are you currently playing? 🎮


Pretty 💜 Psycho Early Supporters Donor
Jun 15, 2019
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Under Handong's hat
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OMH IM SO EXCITED FOR STARFIELD TOOO!!! It will be a struggle deciding which game to play :ragepaimon:
The hype is real. A once in a generation new Bethesda rpg, combined with me being a sci-fi hoe. I'm practically drooling...

Winter Air

Dec 11, 2019
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Honkai star rail and the Street fighter 6 demo because I'm cheap and waiting for a sale
I hadn't even heard of it, until my pen and paper D&D loving father started texting me about it just before release. He's in the same boat waiting for console, he only owns an xbox, so sadly he's got a wait ahead.

Not had too much time to play, but it's definitely got potential to consume my life.
  • Character creator is fantastic, if you're the type who loves to fine tune builds, you'll be there 84 years.
  • It looks and runs great, refreshing for a big project to not be a broken mess.
  • Has the right TONE for D&D, never takes itself too seriously, a lot of the encounters are ridiculous.
  • The level of freedom is nuts. Like kill a main character you've just met in a cutscene, by just jumping his ass as he walks away nuts. I just wanted to see if I could, and uhhh, yeah, yeah you can.
  • It can be a cruel mistress. Got a critical fail on a roll to resist a squid man seducing me so he could eat my face... legit game over, party defeated.
  • Quick save OFTEN, my one critique is the autosaves are not at all generous.
  • As a predominantly controller player, I was surprised how well it adapts to different inputs. On the fly completely changes the UI and camera to suit how you want to play, really well done.
I'm going to start again when I get more time to sit down with it. I only rushed out a random character to check it out.

I'm on vacation in 2 weeks, then I get back and Starfield is out, gunna have 2 GIGANTIC rpgs fighting for my time :yooheadache:
Oooooh I can't wait for this to come out already on console, really sucks the xbox version is being so delayed so bad. it's good to hear someone I actually know enjoying it so much.

Did you hear about all of the complaints some triple A developers were saying about the game? it really felt like some weird jealous or resentment. a fair amount of them going on about how the game is an anomaly and shouldn't be considered the new benchmark of what a great RPG should be....Sir you work for Ubisoft you don't know what good games look like LOL


Jun 16, 2019
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  • Frog Detective 1, 2 & 3: I recommend everyone to play these games!!! I got all 3 of them during a sale on Steam; the game is so cute and silly, and all really short too. Pretty sure the first two games took me under and hour to complete, but loved everything about it, and the soundtrack is pretty good too, love this bop:


  • Before Your Eyes: The game mechanics for this is pretty cool; you use your eyes to play the game, it can be a challenge when you're trying not to blink so you can read the story (if you blink, it skips to the next scene/dialogue) - there is an option to play with your mouse, though!

  • Oxenfree: This spooky-ish game has been occupying a lot of my time this week because of my completionist ass wanting to get all the achievements; it took me 5 playthroughs to get everything (when it can take 3) because I messed up with one of them (it's a choice-based game), and it was impossible for me to get the two final achievements in one playthrough :ragepaimon: luckily the story is quite short of 3-4 hours, so I didn't lose my mind.

  • BattleBit Remastered: A game that my partner convinced me to get... I really love the Roblox-looking graphics and the fact that teams are like 100 v 100, so I don't feel as pressured to do good (my aim is shocking) :TzuyuKek:


Hamster First Place HoE Chomi
Jun 16, 2019
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Dadish (mobile), it's a rather simple platformer, but it's fun. Tho I despite how tiny the hit box for left arrow is on screen :squirtlechristmas:


IDLE TRANSFIGURATION Community Manager Moderator VIP+ Ninth Place HoE
Jun 24, 2019
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@Vampire you ever play Catherine? I know I'm not the best at this sorta puzzle, but damn, shits hard.

Yes! I thought it was a lot of fun, but yeah, some of the levels were pretty hard lol... I think for one or two of them, I actually referenced a guide to see how they got through it because I kept getting stuck. :marge:


Pretty 💜 Psycho Early Supporters Donor
Jun 15, 2019
Reaction score
Under Handong's hat
Plus Coins
Yes! I thought it was a lot of fun, but yeah, some of the levels were pretty hard lol... I think for one or two of them, I actually referenced a guide to see how they got through it because I kept getting stuck. :marge:
I'm up to bossmans final trials, and Jesus, I couldn't even comprehend how to do one of them. Had to watch a video, and immediately felt dumb as hell.

Love the story and the characters, the actual puzzle sections not so much kek. My brain doesn't brain properly after work.

And fuck the Katherine AI on the stage she follows you, bish I'm at the end, where the fuck are you.
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