🌈👑 We are WithU! The Official NiziU Thread | ♪ #Heartris ♪ 👑🌈


Trainee Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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The girls have glowed up so much already and they haven't even debuted yet :love: Imagine what the members will look like once they've debuted


Jun 30, 2019
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I agree w this video that it's either one or the other for these two to debut, but I think their similarities are more than just overcoming difficulties. They are also both all-rounders w natural star factor, Akari's star factor is more obvious in her audition but you could tell from Riria's Dance stage and even her past performances as a idol that she definitely knows how to be on stage. I'm really excited to see how both of them improve.


sub to meh plez
Mar 27, 2020
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i dont think it'll be 9 they took 13 girls so a group with 7 would cause more drama and hype


Idol Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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I agree w this video that it's either one or the other for these two to debut, but I think their similarities are more than just overcoming difficulties. They are also both all-rounders w natural star factor, Akari's star factor is more obvious in her audition but you could tell from Riria's Dance stage and even her past performances as a idol that she definitely knows how to be on stage. I'm really excited to see how both of them improve.

Following this premise which candidates are competing with each other to fill similar roles? We saw jyp add momo and tzuyu to the original 7 to serve specific purposes

In the video the op alluded to 5 he considered locks. I think he’s referring to mako, miihi, Nina, rima, and ayaka. Unless there is some character issue or totally incompetence to following instruction that might be the case.

Of the remaining 8 what I consider to be their defining traits (so far as seen in S1). What they might add to the team.
rio - dance skills, possible captain/vice-captain candidate
riku - I think is the best vocalist other than the locks
maya - experienced trainee, good stage presence
yuna - experienced trainee, half Korean
riria - solid all around, jyp wants better conditioning
akari - good presence on stage, young with potential
momoka - quirky expressions/reactions, might be 4d, young with potential
mayuka - different look than other inexperienced members, potential

I think Yuna, maya might be an either or. Maybe rio vs riku (dance or vocalist). Riria, akari, momoka, mayuka might be competing to see which improve the most according to jyp’ s instructions.


Sep 19, 2019
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On a blue rock in the middle of a big empty.
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While I personally think it will be 9 members in the final group and second most likely to me would be 7. BUT... I have to admit that photo shot of all 13 looked pretty good. Also just to throw confusion around just because they are most likely called Rainbow, doesn't mean as much as I think some do. I mean how many members are there in Seventeen, or also Monster X. It's not 17 and ten respectively.
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Idol Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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So according to this Part 2 (a..k.a. season 2) will air exclusively on Hulu starting on the 24th at 10:00 PM Japan time. On Nippon TV a variety audition show called "Niji no Kakehashi" (Rainbow Bridge) will air starting on the 17th at 0:59 AM. The show will star JYP and Kosaka Daimaou, best known for producing Japanese viral song and video "PPAP" (and being Pikotaro). Mori Keisuke a Nippon Tv announcer who works with Sukkiri will also be an MC on it.


Jun 30, 2019
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Following this premise which candidates are competing with each other to fill similar roles? We saw jyp add momo and tzuyu to the original 7 to serve specific purposes

In the video the op alluded to 5 he considered locks. I think he’s referring to mako, miihi, Nina, rima, and ayaka. Unless there is some character issue or totally incompetence to following instruction that might be the case.
Yeah I agree those five are most likely debuting barring major f-ups. I think other members that are competing for similar roles are:

Yuna/Momoka - both competing for the lead-rapper to Rima's main rapper (which jyp may or may not deem necessary), similar cute but fierce appearances, both imo have the most kpop vibes out of the contestants (excluding Rima bc she's p much locked) Yuna for obvious reasons and Momoka for her visuals and self-taught Korean and I think they'll definitely debut in SK if they don't make it.

Maya/Mayuka - both are characterized by their resilient and pure personalities, both have similar girl crush visuals + eye smiles, both are all rounders who act well on stage.

Akari/Riria - Already discussed

Originally I also thought Suzu/Riku were competing for the more down-to-earth jpop vibe member (idk how to phrase it) but w Suzu out that's not really a factor and I can definitely see your point w Riku/Rio as the talent picks


Idol Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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Alternate links to the Sukkiri spotlight in case the ones posted get taken down.



Idol Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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I'll put this in spoilers because I usually write way too much and don't want to bother people with a huge text wall.

I really refrained from saying my mind so far because we had no real info and I don't think I had anything to add to the conversation except baseless speculation which I don't really think adds to the discussion. Now that we have at least some info I think it's fair for me to pose my ramblings.

Looks like by the Sukkiri spotlight the girls headed to Korea on December. That is much closer to the start of the whole pandemic than I had imagined. It's at least 2 months away from when part 1 was filmed iirc. I wonder how much this will affect the show even more now considering that in 2 months things start to escalate rather quickly from when the girls arrived in Korea. Since they decided to just air the show now I guess the show either finished filming or they don't foresee it messing with their plans so I don't expect it to have a sudden stop.

By all the previews it seems like it's gonna be somewhat Sixteen like at least. With solo performances and possibly group ones and JYP as a judge. I don't mind that so much especially if there are no public voting, which I assume won't since at least the start of the show is already filmed and it didn't look like they had audience present. I don't always see eye to eye with JYP, e.g. Momo, but I expect and hope the rest of the staff will fight for a girl they believe JYP missed on much like with Sixteen.

I won't speculate much about number of members and eliminations until episode 1 airs and we have at least something to go on even if that something is silence. If ep 1 comes by and they don't mention anything about format or quantity of members I'll assume they are keeping it open to see how many girls are ready to debut, which imo would be the best option.

I was surprised they said they are gonna keep airing on Hulu and do a different kind of show for Nippon TV. I suspect the Ni-Tv one will be kind of like their spotlight on Sukkiri but more extended and maybe the Hulu one will be kind of like an uncut version with the full process. Obviously this is just my guessing with nothing to go off of so could be 100% wrong. If they end up having entirely different content with no overlap whatsoever I will be very impressed. I like that they got Mori as an MC because I think he presents things well. No idea how Kosaka is outside of his PPAP thing so completely in the blind on how he will work. I don't have any worries though cause he is a comedian and owarai guys usually have a lot of experience on variety shows even if local smaller ones so he should do fine. I like that they got full on Japanese speakers with experience to give it more structure and present it to a Japanese audience in a more digestible manner.

I can already see a huge increase in interest on the show since the end of part 1 on social media and other places. #NiziProject trended for a bit in Japanese twitter too, which never did previously. Still not super popular I think, but definitely getting traction. The 2ch/5ch threads kind of started exploding around eps 9-10.

I won't speculate as to what happened to Suzu, but I will say I think this is permanent. I saw some people wondering and probably wishing it for it to be temporary and maybe she joins later on the show, but if that were the case I imagine they would have given her a profile even if without a picture. Will see if they address it at all in the first episode.

I think all the girls look great on their profiles. I can see JYP is going for the high school look which makes sense considering their average age. They aren't going middle school, the norm for Japanese idols, or young adults, the norm for Korean idols. It's not entirely new in Japan but right now definitely less saturated than other concepts. I wonder if they went with extensions because some girls' hair just grew so much since part 1. As a Red Sox fan not happy with the Yankees gear being used but what can you do. Maakun and the Yankees are just too popular.

I wonder if they will just stop using Gyao and Youtube too. Gyao has a deal with Hulu so maybe they continue uploading part 2 there, but youtube is another story. I was very surprised they started uploading there with english subs nonetheless.

Very excited for how the training went and how the girls responded to it. I wish we could have dropped all the girls here from the start though. Even if it meant being more strict during the audition process. I know I sound like a broken record but just wish more girls had the chance to get to this part. The 4 day boot camp is just not fair imo.

The individual performances should be real fun.

I think that Rima and Nina talked about what to write in English in their profile lol. They both had a very similar message. It's nice they have other english speakers to talk to after the LA girls were eliminated. I wonder what rima means by having schedule management as her hobby it's such a weird one. Momoka also has some weird hobbies. Watching dinosaur videos and sharks? Rio saying her special ability is to eat lots of eggs too. I hope part 2 does more to showcase their personalities. I remember after Sixteen a lot of the girls were completely different from what the show made them out to be. Aside from like Sana, Nayeon and Dahyun everyone else was so different. Even Jiwon didn't show how much of a loud memelord she is until Idol School and fromis_9.

Personally I want everyone to make it. I think they will do absolutely fine with 13 members. Mako leading, you can split Miihi and Nina with the more vocally intensive parts, Rima raps even if it isn't common on J-pop, you have Rio to do the more intricate dancing parts and maybe help the girls during practice, Momoka and Ayaka as visuals that make non-fans interested in the group, and I think Maya, Riku, Riria, Akari, Yuna and Mayuka are equally capable in dance as in vocals so they won't stand out poorly in most concepts. Yuna just needs confidence and Riria needs conditioning so she won't lose her breath. I think they all most fit a lively energetic and youthful concept. Not too cute or mature. I think you can set up some units to pull of more girl crush, cute or sexy if you want to.

I wish all the girls the best of luck. Can't wait for part 2 and Kakehashi.


Idol Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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I'll put this in spoilers because I usually write way too much and don't want to bother people with a huge text wall.

I really refrained from saying my mind so far because we had no real info and I don't think I had anything to add to the conversation except baseless speculation which I don't really think adds to the discussion. Now that we have at least some info I think it's fair for me to pose my ramblings.

Looks like by the Sukkiri spotlight the girls headed to Korea on December. That is much closer to the start of the whole pandemic than I had imagined. It's at least 2 months away from when part 1 was filmed iirc. I wonder how much this will affect the show even more now considering that in 2 months things start to escalate rather quickly from when the girls arrived in Korea. Since they decided to just air the show now I guess the show either finished filming or they don't foresee it messing with their plans so I don't expect it to have a sudden stop.

By all the previews it seems like it's gonna be somewhat Sixteen like at least. With solo performances and possibly group ones and JYP as a judge. I don't mind that so much especially if there are no public voting, which I assume won't since at least the start of the show is already filmed and it didn't look like they had audience present. I don't always see eye to eye with JYP, e.g. Momo, but I expect and hope the rest of the staff will fight for a girl they believe JYP missed on much like with Sixteen.

I won't speculate much about number of members and eliminations until episode 1 airs and we have at least something to go on even if that something is silence. If ep 1 comes by and they don't mention anything about format or quantity of members I'll assume they are keeping it open to see how many girls are ready to debut, which imo would be the best option.

I was surprised they said they are gonna keep airing on Hulu and do a different kind of show for Nippon TV. I suspect the Ni-Tv one will be kind of like their spotlight on Sukkiri but more extended and maybe the Hulu one will be kind of like an uncut version with the full process. Obviously this is just my guessing with nothing to go off of so could be 100% wrong. If they end up having entirely different content with no overlap whatsoever I will be very impressed. I like that they got Mori as an MC because I think he presents things well. No idea how Kosaka is outside of his PPAP thing so completely in the blind on how he will work. I don't have any worries though cause he is a comedian and owarai guys usually have a lot of experience on variety shows even if local smaller ones so he should do fine. I like that they got full on Japanese speakers with experience to give it more structure and present it to a Japanese audience in a more digestible manner.

I can already see a huge increase in interest on the show since the end of part 1 on social media and other places. #NiziProject trended for a bit in Japanese twitter too, which never did previously. Still not super popular I think, but definitely getting traction. The 2ch/5ch threads kind of started exploding around eps 9-10.

I won't speculate as to what happened to Suzu, but I will say I think this is permanent. I saw some people wondering and probably wishing it for it to be temporary and maybe she joins later on the show, but if that were the case I imagine they would have given her a profile even if without a picture. Will see if they address it at all in the first episode.

I think all the girls look great on their profiles. I can see JYP is going for the high school look which makes sense considering their average age. They aren't going middle school, the norm for Japanese idols, or young adults, the norm for Korean idols. It's not entirely new in Japan but right now definitely less saturated than other concepts. I wonder if they went with extensions because some girls' hair just grew so much since part 1. As a Red Sox fan not happy with the Yankees gear being used but what can you do. Maakun and the Yankees are just too popular.

I wonder if they will just stop using Gyao and Youtube too. Gyao has a deal with Hulu so maybe they continue uploading part 2 there, but youtube is another story. I was very surprised they started uploading there with english subs nonetheless.

Very excited for how the training went and how the girls responded to it. I wish we could have dropped all the girls here from the start though. Even if it meant being more strict during the audition process. I know I sound like a broken record but just wish more girls had the chance to get to this part. The 4 day boot camp is just not fair imo.

The individual performances should be real fun.

I think that Rima and Nina talked about what to write in English in their profile lol. They both had a very similar message. It's nice they have other english speakers to talk to after the LA girls were eliminated. I wonder what rima means by having schedule management as her hobby it's such a weird one. Momoka also has some weird hobbies. Watching dinosaur videos and sharks? Rio saying her special ability is to eat lots of eggs too. I hope part 2 does more to showcase their personalities. I remember after Sixteen a lot of the girls were completely different from what the show made them out to be. Aside from like Sana, Nayeon and Dahyun everyone else was so different. Even Jiwon didn't show how much of a loud memelord she is until Idol School and fromis_9.

Personally I want everyone to make it. I think they will do absolutely fine with 13 members. Mako leading, you can split Miihi and Nina with the more vocally intensive parts, Rima raps even if it isn't common on J-pop, you have Rio to do the more intricate dancing parts and maybe help the girls during practice, Momoka and Ayaka as visuals that make non-fans interested in the group, and I think Maya, Riku, Riria, Akari, Yuna and Mayuka are equally capable in dance as in vocals so they won't stand out poorly in most concepts. Yuna just needs confidence and Riria needs conditioning so she won't lose her breath. I think they all most fit a lively energetic and youthful concept. Not too cute or mature. I think you can set up some units to pull of more girl crush, cute or sexy if you want to.

I wish all the girls the best of luck. Can't wait for part 2 and Kakehashi.

Yeah it's kind of surprising that the start of the Korea camp got delayed until December and they still decided to begin the TV broadcast in April with the 6 month training technically incomplete. But then again the produce series basically works that way.

The promo shots must have been done at about the halfway point of the 6 month training ... all the clips of S2 seem to show them with their older hair colors though.

I also hope they show more of their life outside of just the training and stage performances. Without an audience I wonder if the staff feel they can be properly evaluated. I think part of what caused some of the Sixteen participants to succumb to the pressure was having to perform live. I imagine the Nizi girls will need to do some live audience performances at some point prior to debut as a test run.

Yeah I was also a proponent for having more girls be able to train for 6 months in Korea. JYP was right even being able to receive the training and exposure could be life changing. There's a chance those that don't make the Nizi cut (if there is one) can debut in the future with JYPE or get picked up by another agency. Most of the Sixteen participants did.

I'm not that familiar with how the larger jpop groups function. In kpop the large 12+ person groups like Loona or Iz*One inevitable have some members not really doing much in songs, stage, and even variety content. I would be happy with keeping the large group or rolling 3 or 4 of them into the JYPE normal trainee program as they appear to have lost most of their japanese female trainees in this project anyways. Teaming them up with the existing Korean girls would seem to make a solid talent base for the next Korean gg 2022+.


Trainee Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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For the lineup, the only hint we've had is the 9 silhouettes behind JYP at the press conference last year but granted that that was held prior to the Nizi Project auditions and things could've changed as the show progressed. Personally, I'd be happy with 9 members. I know people don't want them to be a 9 membered group because of potential comparisons being made to Twice, but I doubt JYP care. They literally called them the "Japanese Twice" so I don't think drawing comparisons bothers them. As for who I'd want, I think Mako, Miihi, Nina, Ayaka & Rima are shoo-ins because of the clear favouritism on JYP's part (not to say they're undeserving of that favouritism, just that it's obvious JYP particularly likes those 5) as for the rest, I'd really like to see Rio, Momoka, Maya & Mayuka debut as well, all for different reasons. Rio is a talented dancer, the second-best following Mako and she has huge potential. Momoka, despite not being the most talented individual has potential as well and had improved from the regional auditions to the Tokyo camp, which was only like a month or so the difference in time and with 6 months of professional training I think she could improve tremendously. Maya is one of the best vocalists in the pool of trainees and her stage presence is really good, so she'd be a good addition and Mayuka, is to me at least, the dark-horse of the show and I could see her going really far. Plus, I've always felt a feeling of endearment for the underdog in these types of shows, so I naturally want to root for her to debut.


"Kind but not soft" Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Looks like there's a general consensus forming on the top 5 candidates coming into Part 2. It's going to be interesting to see if Part 2 will see any major shifts in ranking and popularity. I'm curious to find out whether:
  • Ayaka will be able to step up from being just "the visual" and stand on her own in vocal / dance
  • Rio's glowup, combined with her formidable dancing skills and noticeable leadership potential, will help push her popularity into the top 3 or 4 (right now she's around 6th)
  • Riria is able to avoid having her weight issue become a prominent part of her story
  • Rima is able to step out from under the shadows of the two JYPE trainee heavyweights
  • Yuna is able to overcome her nerves and showcase her full potential
  • anyone will stand out as a rival to Mako as the potential future leader
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