Team 8 song
HallyubooMicchan's graduation song :
New livestream with the new eitos
GuestMiichan grad mv reminds me of itazura na kiss nurse crowning cermony
The 2nd preliminary result of BNK48's SSK are out , Mobile was in 1st place in the first preliminary and now Cherprang took over it seems
BNK48's SSK is interesting to follow tbh , Cherprang doesn't want to win... its kinda obvious but her fans doesn't seem to care lol. Its also really interesting to see Mobile being able to put up a fight against Cherprang this year
BNK48's SSK is interesting to follow tbh , Cherprang doesn't want to win... its kinda obvious but her fans doesn't seem to care lol. Its also really interesting to see Mobile being able to put up a fight against Cherprang this year
HallyubooThe 2nd preliminary result of BNK48's SSK are out , Mobile was in 1st place in the first preliminary and now Cherprang took over it seems
BNK48's SSK is interesting to follow tbh , Cherprang doesn't want to win... its kinda obvious but her fans doesn't seem to care lol. Its also really interesting to see Mobile being able to put up a fight against Cherprang this year
BNK in general is fun to follow. Mobile fans are in alliance with Team 8's Oonishi. Oonishi wotas vote for Mobile in the Senbatsu and Mobile wotas stream the hell out of Oonishi's Showrooms to keep her at the top (I think the alliance might be apart of the reason Oonishi was at the Thailand Expo). Not sure how strong that alliance has been since I don't follow either girls but it was super cool to see fans uniting like that.
Outside of the showroom senbatsu (and the team 8 b sides), Momoka doesn't participate much in anything so I was thinking she'd be a great concurrent position holder in Team B III.
GuestThe bnk situation is just sad
HallyubooOkay, I'm gonna go on about BNK now cause I lowkey adore them:
I knew that the Senbatsu would be the exact same as the last. But I saw alot of the 20's ranking girls silently gaining fans, so I was hoping for a shake up + we got CGM debuting (though they are def not as popular).
Even though it's just prelims, Jennis, Noey, and Pun dropped out of the Theph 7, Namneung, Wee, and Kaew are instead in their place. Top 16 is the same girls except that Mirori has been bumped down from the Top 16 and Stang - she's a good singer - is ranking.
Stang didn't rank at all last time and now she's in the top 16. She surprised me the most. She's never participated in any senbatsu except for that one where the entire Team B3 were in it and she has never gotten a chance to do... well, anything. Good for her. she was in a legit label at some point hoping to be a singer, so it'd be nice to see her gaining some traction.
their company was pushing Namneung like crazy so if she doesn't make it to the Theph 7, I wonder if they'll start pushing Mobile and Noey more. Management is REALLY good at pushing their girls but it's always been the same 7-8 girls so I was hoping for someone new.
I need Aom (non ranker) to stay her happy go lucky ass to stay in the top 30. Sorry Sita, but I want Aom to be a representative face in CGM because she is a great leader and I want her to receive as much love as she pours into her group. Also Rina. Poor thing was tossed such an L when they transferred her to CGM... I get it, you want someone experienced to be the general manager but she was finally getting somewhere as a BNK member and it'd be a real shame for her to rank out after FINALLY doing so after all these years.
I knew that the Senbatsu would be the exact same as the last. But I saw alot of the 20's ranking girls silently gaining fans, so I was hoping for a shake up + we got CGM debuting (though they are def not as popular).
Even though it's just prelims, Jennis, Noey, and Pun dropped out of the Theph 7, Namneung, Wee, and Kaew are instead in their place. Top 16 is the same girls except that Mirori has been bumped down from the Top 16 and Stang - she's a good singer - is ranking.
Stang didn't rank at all last time and now she's in the top 16. She surprised me the most. She's never participated in any senbatsu except for that one where the entire Team B3 were in it and she has never gotten a chance to do... well, anything. Good for her. she was in a legit label at some point hoping to be a singer, so it'd be nice to see her gaining some traction.
their company was pushing Namneung like crazy so if she doesn't make it to the Theph 7, I wonder if they'll start pushing Mobile and Noey more. Management is REALLY good at pushing their girls but it's always been the same 7-8 girls so I was hoping for someone new.
I need Aom (non ranker) to stay her happy go lucky ass to stay in the top 30. Sorry Sita, but I want Aom to be a representative face in CGM because she is a great leader and I want her to receive as much love as she pours into her group. Also Rina. Poor thing was tossed such an L when they transferred her to CGM... I get it, you want someone experienced to be the general manager but she was finally getting somewhere as a BNK member and it'd be a real shame for her to rank out after FINALLY doing so after all these years.
HallyubooThe bnk situation is just sad
Not as bad MNL tbh. The difference between BNK and the other groups, is that they speak up about ill treatment, favoritism, and hardships. We all know that labels can be constricting and controlling but even more-so for idols who are told what to do, wear, say, and look every day, for the rest of their contract. And then they're penalized when they go against it.
How many people knew how awful NGT's management team was before Maho revealed what was going on? all the teams are being screwed over by their label whether they know it or not and worse yet for the foreign sister groups who knew nothing about what it means to be apart of the 48 group and just signed their life away in a contract. Alot of BNK girls were stressed by the idea of senbatsu and having to fight to be a member the public can name; alot of them believed it'd be fair and somewhat equal playing field.
^ that's why Cherprang fans are so dedicated. Cherprang had her taste at being #1 AND being a member recognized in the WW Elections. She has a secured spot in the group and wants someone else to have a chance but the minute her popularity falters, she'll be replaced with someone new.
The only real "controversy" is that management is making a boy version of them and was toting them off the backs and money of BNK and their fans - their fans legit stopped buying singles to vote until they got an explanation as management was having the boys use BNK' theater and rooms and staff which (plus, you know... boys near the girls = shitfest). There was also that Nazi symbol on Natha's shirt during rehearsals which she said she was unaware of, and both her and the company made public apologies and then she went to an educational workshop and we never heard of the scandal again.
HallyubooSoooo, am I the only one who thinks BNK's June looks like HKT's Mina??
HallyubooTeam SH is the visual clan of the 48 groups. Snatched the crown right off of NMB's finely pressed hair. Chuchu (like the train ya'll sfsfgdfd so cute) should be center or W center with Shen if they ever do a cover of Kimi Wa Melody.
Team SH center Liu Nian is also really cute
I actually really like Namneung from BNK48 , the B-side she centered is one of the funniest and most enjoyable song released this year imo.

I actually really like Namneung from BNK48 , the B-side she centered is one of the funniest and most enjoyable song released this year imo.
HallyubooTeam SH center Liu Nian is also really cute
I actually really like Namneung from BNK48 , the B-side she centered is one of the funniest and most enjoyable song released this year imo.
Liu Nian is gorgeous but beyond her looks, she doesn't grab my attention. She's a stronger center than I initially gave her credit for though.
Speaking of sister groups, if I could have one international senbatsu, I'd have one made for Team Dance with someo the best dancers in each 48 group:
AKB48 Yokoyama Yui, SKE Makiko, HKT Aoi, NMB Yuuka (or Shion), STU Mitsuki (?) or maybe Miyu (?), JKT 100% Beby but she's graduating this year, BNK Pun, no idea for Team TP, Team SH and MNL.
^ Makes me excited for the next WW SSK, whenever that is.
Guestthats awesome
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