StanI am aware of this study. It has tenuous validity, I agree. I don't remember if it covers things such as standards of beauty, especially in gay men, but that is another factor. And, of course, the binary. I would be lying if I said I've never looked for hints in faces because duh. Haha. That wasn't my main issue. And it does not speak to testosterone levels or the pitch of one's voice being an indicator for sexuality. That is the part I find dangerous and out of touch in all honesty.So with the gay face thing I know of one study for it. The results were definitely not "everyone who has this face structure is gay" at all, just an increased likelihood the learning model paired it. Instead of 50% accuracy it was 67% accuracy. This isn't insignificant but it's also really not that compelling, if there was still that much failure in a 50/50 choice test. As far as I know there hasn't been many replications of this study so I'd take it with a grain of salt. It also sort of hinges on the assumption that sexuality is a binary hetero/homo situation which it is definitely not as well all know.
I am obviously not a researcher in any of the topics this bisects so of course I wouldn't just take my word on it, read it yourself and come to your own conclusions!
I think its okay to talk about neurodiversity in regards to queerness because there definitely is a correlation there, but I agree general discussion of it would make sense to be in its own thread.
I think in the future we should heavily encourage the use of spoiler tags or direct links to articles? That way it's easier to navigate through as you read and isn't so overwhelming. I hope new users still feel comfortable posting though!
The two are linked, absolutely. And that link can be talked about and celebrated. I'm concerned that this space isn't equipped for discussion on it because it's so easy to fall into the trap of "this is what neurodivergance looks like." It is not my topic as I would feel uncomfortable even attempting to speak on if an idol/actor is or isn't unless they've said so themselves (with explicit evidence, of course). So I will leave that to your discretion, but I can't help worry. Perhaps needlessly. The last thing I want is for neurodiverse people to feel othered in a thread talking about a different type of otherness and I hope that comes across. I don't want to be exclusory at all.
I also encourage posts in the thread. More activity is great! Spoiler tags can help immensely. Trigger warnings before them for sensitive things as well. In addition, I totally get being excited, but that does not mean walls of text for pages and pages. People should be open and welcomed, but there must also be mindfulness for others. That's all I'm trying to say.
Hallyuboo- Joined
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I will be posting a proper response to your points (re: gay face and neurodiversity) but right now the news is freaking me out so I will be making a meta post about it after this.I am aware of this study. It has tenuous validity, I agree. I don't remember if it covers things such as standards of beauty, especially in gay men, but that is another factor. And, of course, the binary. I would be lying if I said I've never looked for hints in faces because duh. Haha. That wasn't my main issue. And it does not speak to testosterone levels or the pitch of one's voice being an indicator for sexuality. That is the part I find dangerous and out of touch in all honesty.
The two are linked, absolutely. And that link can be talked about and celebrated. I'm concerned that this space isn't equipped for discussion on it because it's so easy to fall into the trap of "this is what neurodivergance looks like." It is not my topic as I would feel uncomfortable even attempting to speak on if an idol/actor is or isn't unless they've said so themselves (with explicit evidence, of course). So I will leave that to your discretion, but I can't help worry. Perhaps needlessly. The last thing I want is for neurodiverse people to feel othered in a thread talking about a different type of otherness and I hope that comes across. I don't want to be exclusory at all.
I also encourage posts in the thread. More activity is great! Spoiler tags can help immensely. Trigger warnings before them for sensitive things as well. In addition, I totally get being excited, but that does not mean walls of text for pages and pages. People should be open and welcomed, but there must also be mindfulness for others. That's all I'm trying to say.
But for right now yes to spoilers for triggering things. The formatting here is a bit of a learning curve. And with text walls; though I do worry that some ppl just don't bother to open it and keep scrolling.
Re: more activity and excitement.
I can not stress enough that I have so many notes and bookmarks and topics that I've been thinking about since 2023 so it's just like "🗣here take my opinions and receipts!!!!!
Kpop is my only fandom now so it's obviously something I think about a lotttt.
Plus I've only ever met 1 other kpop fan irl and they are queer but not nd and I don’t have any social media accounts because trans so meeting 2 nd kpop fans that are also queer (I'm pretty sure @MlCKEY is. I'm not sure if u r @sg97?) Is like

"Finally ppl who will like noise music bgs that do a lot of bl fan service and have a lot queer members!"
Most ppl on ht r gg only fans and I always see ppl make fun of bg noise music on reddit and pannchoa. And saying that bl fan service is cringe/gross.

Kpop is my only fandom now so it's obviously something I think about a lotttt.
Plus I've only ever met 1 other kpop fan irl and they are queer but not nd and I don’t have any social media accounts because trans so meeting 2 nd kpop fans that are also queer (I'm pretty sure @MlCKEY is. I'm not sure if u r @sg97?) Is like

"Finally ppl who will like noise music bgs that do a lot of bl fan service and have a lot queer members!"
Most ppl on ht r gg only fans and I always see ppl make fun of bg noise music on reddit and pannchoa. And saying that bl fan service is cringe/gross.
Re: deluge/text walls.
As I previously said back on oh and there was a previous crew that would question ppl a lot and call ppl who turned out to be queer cis het bl fangirls when they disagreed with them. And so many ppl would just react with
and then wouldn't explain why they disagreed.
So it made me feel like I had to come with college thesis paper level receipts instead of only ~vibes~. Also talking (writing) fast and a lot about ur special interest is a nd trait.

So it made me feel like I had to come with college thesis paper level receipts instead of only ~vibes~. Also talking (writing) fast and a lot about ur special interest is a nd trait.
Also thanks 4 saying u aren't trying to be exclusory. I have rejection sensitivity dysphoria and you're someone who's words/opinions I've personally admired so your first post triggered that and I was like "see he probably thinks you're a cringe jobless loser and a baby. U shouldn't have left lurkdom!"
Also queer spaces irl and online can often still be ableist.
So while having a cishet neurotypical person call u a
R worded f*g
Can hurt it hurts even more when that ableism comes from within the queer/trans community.
Being discriminated against by your own kind fucking sucks. It makes you feel like you'll never fit in anywhere.
It's something I was worried about and it kept me from joining in for a long time. (That and the hypothetical potential of transphobia.)
I'm not saying anything u said was outright ableist but because I can't hear your tone/u didn’t use emojis the FIRST post comes off a bit..."go play somewhere else" ?... So thank u for clarifying!

And I have considered asking for a disability thread but similar to how there was some push back for this thread in the beginning I was worried ppl would clown on it. Or that it would be restricted to users talking about their disabilities instead of idols physical/developmental disabilities (the boyz adjust their choreography for Hyunjae
because his spine is too straight, it's a congenital condition, which is why he sometimes performs their choreography differently than the others. Some moves would be too dangerous for him to attempt.) and mental health as well.
Also a group of nd ppl sitting around talking about like an nd idol’s Pokémon card collection or the design of their animal crossing house/island doesn't do anything to educate ppl about what it's like to be nd and the ways in which we can make really good idols and be happy doing it and its easier for us than a 9 to 5 office job but also how nd idols need more mental health support.
Nd ppl are more likely to struggle with substance abuse, Eds and self harm. Self exit is the #1 way nd ppl leave this world.
While I can appreciate u not wanting to step on anyone's toes because you aren't nd yourself, I at least am someone who's comfortable answering questions (even if u think they sound silly or mean. U just have to write something like genuine question: blah blah blah and maybe post it in random thoughts or dm me) about being nd or if I think an idol is on the team.
And just tbc I'm not someone who goes around "head cannoning" every introvert idol as nd. A lot of nd ppl are extroverts actually.
I have to see/read about them displaying more than just 1 or 2 traits and if I'm actually in that group's fandom spaces how the fans treat them (Re: omg uwu he's such a baby or omg he's so fucking cringe and annoying. His reactions are too over the top.) and if nd fans of the group think that person is nd (re: Jungkook) before I feel comfortable saying I think this person is nd.
It comes up when talking about queerness because of the previously mentioned correlation between queerness and neurodiversity and because for some ppl I can't find 1 really definitive queer receipt but I have receipts of ppl talking about that person being a "4d alien" and then some minor queer receipts so it's 1 of those things where when you put this all together it means there's a reasonable chance of them being queer. It's basically just +1 point towards queerness.
(A good example is Nickhun. U asked about him awhile ago and nobody answered you and I was sick over the Christmas holidays so I ended up doing a 2pm deep dive. Like all the way to bottom of the google search level. On all of them.)
Shit this is long.

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Hallyuboo- Joined
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To us users.
Hi. So I know that some ppl aren't comfortable posting their location but for anyone living in the US right now are you safe?
Do u have a plan?
Are u at least close to a border or in a blue state?
things r really bad and the reality is that a lot of ppl just don't fucking care about queer ppl even if they aren't hardcore phobes. They just care about their money/etc.
ive been really worried about yall and stressing over how to help.
I don't know if anyone's noticed but I've been posting in the LGBTQIA thread articles about queer history and the current situation. I also have some resources to post.
and I know most ppl don't post outside of here with everyone else but I was thinking we could use the LGBTQIA thread as a support group?
ive seen ppl talking a lot about mutal aid and how we can take care of each other. And while obviously we can't have a clothes swap or cook for each other we can at least share knowledge and give each other support.
Also is there anyone here hailing from terf island and if so how r u holding up?
I know there might be some ppl from other places where it isn't great to be queer but those 2 in particular are getting worse everyday.
As u can see I live Canada and I had to make the hard decision not to get my gender marker changed after finally starting to get the ball rolling because I don't know if the liberals will win and I'm scared to end up on a list.
Because I haven't medically transitioned most ppl probably just think I'm a lesbian or a white girl with cancer. (I once had a woman walk up to me on the street and ask me if I was on chemo just because I have a shaved head. There's a medical building near that street corner so she probably just got diagnosed and thought i could offer support. I've also had 4 barbers ask if I'm sick.)
I live in the queer neighborhood here and there are way more out queer ppl here than where I used to live. The only transphobia I've gotten since coming out as trans in 2022 was from other queer ppl and a cishet white liberal woman. ("I just want u 2 know that I don't agree with what jk Rowling said but I'm still going to buy hp merch. Now lie back and let put my fingers in your mouth!"
...This was my first interaction with a dental hygienist and this appointment was necessary for me to start the process of getting my wisdom teeth out which I have since done.
Literally all I did was write in and circle Mx. for my title on a form and she saw that and just randomly brought up how woke she is for using gender neutral language in a Facebook group that she's in about period cups and how she's an "ally" but also a massive hp fan who has a hp tattoo. That I couldn't even see!!!!!
it was completely covered! there was literally no reason to tell me this other than most likely her own guilt.)
The worst thing was a black guy yelling "Get out of here u fucking d*ke and ur fucking "n word with the hard r" dogs!" from a moving car at a dog park in the south part of the city in 2020.
Two out of three of my mom's dogs at the time were mostly all black. (Only 1 is still alive.) And I've since learned that guys from that part of town used go to the gays bars and harrass ppl and start fights in the eighties. That area is a suburb and richer.
Ah sorry that this a bit of trauma dump. I just always feel the need to provide full context and it makes my posts longer.
But yeah I'm mostly OK physically wise but it sucks that after feeling a lot better since coming out that this is happening and feeling like there isn't much I can do since I'm not rich or whatever.
So yeah ur welcome to come join me over there to talk!
Please stay safe and Godspeed.

Do u have a plan?
Are u at least close to a border or in a blue state?
things r really bad and the reality is that a lot of ppl just don't fucking care about queer ppl even if they aren't hardcore phobes. They just care about their money/etc.
ive been really worried about yall and stressing over how to help.
I don't know if anyone's noticed but I've been posting in the LGBTQIA thread articles about queer history and the current situation. I also have some resources to post.
and I know most ppl don't post outside of here with everyone else but I was thinking we could use the LGBTQIA thread as a support group?
ive seen ppl talking a lot about mutal aid and how we can take care of each other. And while obviously we can't have a clothes swap or cook for each other we can at least share knowledge and give each other support.
Also is there anyone here hailing from terf island and if so how r u holding up?
I know there might be some ppl from other places where it isn't great to be queer but those 2 in particular are getting worse everyday.
As u can see I live Canada and I had to make the hard decision not to get my gender marker changed after finally starting to get the ball rolling because I don't know if the liberals will win and I'm scared to end up on a list.
Because I haven't medically transitioned most ppl probably just think I'm a lesbian or a white girl with cancer. (I once had a woman walk up to me on the street and ask me if I was on chemo just because I have a shaved head. There's a medical building near that street corner so she probably just got diagnosed and thought i could offer support. I've also had 4 barbers ask if I'm sick.)
I live in the queer neighborhood here and there are way more out queer ppl here than where I used to live. The only transphobia I've gotten since coming out as trans in 2022 was from other queer ppl and a cishet white liberal woman. ("I just want u 2 know that I don't agree with what jk Rowling said but I'm still going to buy hp merch. Now lie back and let put my fingers in your mouth!"
...This was my first interaction with a dental hygienist and this appointment was necessary for me to start the process of getting my wisdom teeth out which I have since done.
Literally all I did was write in and circle Mx. for my title on a form and she saw that and just randomly brought up how woke she is for using gender neutral language in a Facebook group that she's in about period cups and how she's an "ally" but also a massive hp fan who has a hp tattoo. That I couldn't even see!!!!!

The worst thing was a black guy yelling "Get out of here u fucking d*ke and ur fucking "n word with the hard r" dogs!" from a moving car at a dog park in the south part of the city in 2020.
Two out of three of my mom's dogs at the time were mostly all black. (Only 1 is still alive.) And I've since learned that guys from that part of town used go to the gays bars and harrass ppl and start fights in the eighties. That area is a suburb and richer.
Ah sorry that this a bit of trauma dump. I just always feel the need to provide full context and it makes my posts longer.
But yeah I'm mostly OK physically wise but it sucks that after feeling a lot better since coming out that this is happening and feeling like there isn't much I can do since I'm not rich or whatever.
So yeah ur welcome to come join me over there to talk!
Please stay safe and Godspeed.

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I will be posting a proper response to your points (re: gay face and neurodiversity) but right now the news is freaking me out so I will be making a meta post about it after this.
But for right now yes to spoilers for triggering things. The formatting here is a bit of a learning curve. And with text walls; though I do worry that some ppl just don't bother to open it and keep scrolling.
Re: more activity and excitement.
I can not stress enough that I have so many notes and bookmarks and topics that I've been thinking about since 2023 so it's just like "🗣here take my opinions and receipts!!!!!"
Kpop is my only fandom now so it's obviously something I think about a lotttt.
Plus I've only ever met 1 other kpop fan irl and they are queer but not nd and I don’t have any social media accounts because trans so meeting 2 nd kpop fans that are also queer (I'm pretty sure @MlCKEY is. I'm not sure if u r @sg97?) Is like.
"Finally ppl who will like noise music bgs that do a lot of bl fan service and have a lot queer members!"
Most ppl on ht r gg only fans and I always see ppl make fun of bg noise music on reddit and pannchoa. And saying that bl fan service is cringe/gross.
Re: deluge/text walls.
As I previously said back on oh and there was a previous crew that would question ppl a lot and call ppl who turned out to be queer cis het bl fangirls when they disagreed with them. And so many ppl would just react withor
and then wouldn't explain why they disagreed.
So it made me feel like I had to come with college thesis paper level receipts instead of only ~vibes~. Also talking (writing) fast and a lot about ur special interest is a nd trait.
Also thanks 4 saying u aren't trying to be exclusory. I have rejection sensitivity dysphoria and you're someone who's words/opinions I've personally admired so your first post triggered that and I was like "see he probably thinks you're a cringe jobless loser and a baby. U shouldn't have left lurkdom!"
Also queer spaces irl and online can often still be ableist.
So while having a cishet neurotypical person call u a
R worded f*g
Can hurt it hurts even more when that ableism comes from within the queer/trans community.
Being discriminated against by your own kind fucking sucks. It makes you feel like you'll never fit in anywhere.
It's something I was worried about and it kept me from joining in for a long time. (That and the hypothetical potential of transphobia.)
I'm not saying anything u said was outright ableist but because I can't hear your tone/u didn’t use emojis the FIRST post comes off a bit..."go play somewhere else" ?... So thank u for clarifying!
And I have considered asking for a disability thread but similar to how there was some push back for this thread in the beginning I was worried ppl would clown on it. Or that it would be restricted to users talking about their disabilities instead of idols physical/developmental disabilities (the boyz adjust their choreography for Hyunjae
because his spine is too straight, it's a congenital condition, which is why he sometimes performs their choreography differently than the others. Some moves would be too dangerous for him to attempt.) and mental health as well.
Also a group of nd ppl sitting around talking about like an nd idol’s Pokémon card collection or the design of their animal crossing house/island doesn't do anything to educate ppl about what it's like to be nd and the ways in which we can make really good idols and be happy doing it and its easier for us than a 9 to 5 office job but also how nd idols need more mental health support.
Nd ppl are more likely to struggle with substance abuse, Eds and self harm. Self exit is the #1 way nd ppl leave this world.
While I can appreciate u not wanting to step on anyone's toes because you aren't nd yourself, I at least am someone who's comfortable answering questions (even if u think they sound silly or mean. U just have to write something like genuine question: blah blah blah and maybe post it in random thoughts or dm me) about being nd or if I think an idol is on the team.
And just tbc I'm not someone who goes around "head cannoning" every introvert idol as nd. A lot of nd ppl are extroverts actually.
I have to see/read about them displaying more than just 1 or 2 traits and if I'm actually in that group's fandom spaces how the fans treat them (Re: omg uwu he's such a baby or omg he's so fucking cringe and annoying. His reactions are too over the top.) and if nd fans of the group think that person is nd (re: Jungkook) before I feel comfortable saying I think this person is nd.
It comes up when talking about queerness because of the previously mentioned correlation between queerness and neurodiversity and because for some ppl I can't find 1 really definitive queer receipt but I have receipts of ppl talking about that person being a "4d alien" and then some minor queer receipts so it's 1 of those things where when you put this all together it means there's a reasonable chance of them being queer. It's basically just +1 point towards queerness.
(A good example is Nickhun. U asked about him awhile ago and nobody answered you and I was sick over the Christmas holidays so I ended up doing a 2pm deep dive. Like all the way to bottom of the google search level. On all of them.)
Shit this is long.Other things r happening so hopefully I will respond by Thursday.
Since you say you're new to this format, I'll say that generally double posting is unusual. You try to cram everything you want to say into one post, and use spoiler tags liberally, especially if you want to talk about several different topics. You can quote a post rather than hit reply and can multiquote to respond to multiple posts in one single post, like I did in this one.
Forum etiquette is generally to stay very on topic unless you are in a sort of general thread ie random thoughts on this forum. In the future I'd like to ask you to try and stay on topic a little bit more. You can also tag people by @ing them in a post on another thread if you want to make sure they will see it.
I would also like to ask you to not bring up slurs, even censored, so liberally. Triggering topics as well. It's hard to talk about queerness if there's this constant threat of doom and gloom about how homophobic people are. It's fine to acknowledge it, but there's no reason to bring it up in every post. I'm gay and I don't hide it and I know the world can be difficult sometimes. I don't necessarily need to be reminded of that everytime I open this silly kpop thread and I'm sure others feel the same way.
Please link articles and try not to wholesale copy and paste them. If you want to summarize it really make it brief. As for being afraid people will skip things if you spoiler tag them, I think seeing a big wall of text doesn't necessarily encourage them to read.
In fact, I think the opposite is true. Who can resist clicking on a mysterious spoiler tag?
Adding my thoughts on your neurodiversity musings under a spoiler since off topic.
I think posting a thread about neurodiversity in the union area of the forum might be a good idea. Even if it doesn't get much engagement, it doesn't mean people won't read it and appreciate what you post. OH had anonymous reacts so that made it more obvious that many people were reading (and it is why there would often be many negative reacts on posts like you mention) and H+ does not have this feature. This thread generates a lot more views than it looks like on face value (just look in the threads list and see how much this one has compared to others lol) and so starting a thread for neurodiversity is at least worth trying even if it doesn't generate massive traction.
I understand being afraid of negativity but I'll go out there and say that I brought this hot potato thread to this website and it frankly got very little push back. If anyone resented me for it they've definitely not felt the need to say it to me. I have not received any mean dms, I interact with the rest of the forum when I feel like it, and everything has been fine. A true safe space on the internet is impossible but H+ has shown practically no animosity towards us so I don't think you need to be afraid.
I understand being afraid of negativity but I'll go out there and say that I brought this hot potato thread to this website and it frankly got very little push back. If anyone resented me for it they've definitely not felt the need to say it to me. I have not received any mean dms, I interact with the rest of the forum when I feel like it, and everything has been fine. A true safe space on the internet is impossible but H+ has shown practically no animosity towards us so I don't think you need to be afraid.
To us users.
Hi. So I know that some ppl aren't comfortable posting their location but for anyone living in the US right now are you safe?
Do u have a plan?
Are u at least close to a border or in a blue state?
things r really bad and the reality is that a lot of ppl just don't fucking care about queer ppl even if they aren't hardcore phobes. They just care about their money/etc.
ive been really worried about yall and stressing over how to help.
I don't know if anyone's noticed but I've been posting in the LGBTQIA thread articles about queer history and the current situation. I also have some resources to post.
and I know most ppl don't post outside of here with everyone else but I was thinking we could use the LGBTQIA thread as a support group?
ive seen ppl talking a lot about mutal aid and how we can take care of each other. And while obviously we can't have a clothes swap or cook for each other we can at least share knowledge and give each other support.
Also is there anyone here hailing from terf island and if so how r u holding up?
I know there might be some ppl from other places where it isn't great to be queer but those 2 in particular are getting worse everyday.
As u can see I live Canada and I had to make the hard decision not to get my gender marker changed after finally starting to get the ball rolling because I don't know if the liberals will win and I'm scared to end up on a list.
Because I haven't medically transitioned most ppl probably just think I'm a lesbian or a white girl with cancer. (I once had a woman walk up to me on the street and ask me if I was on chemo just because I have a shaved head. There's a medical building near that street corner so she probably just got diagnosed and thought i could offer support. I've also had 4 barbers ask if I'm sick.)
I live in the queer neighborhood here and there are way more out queer ppl here than where I used to live. The only transphobia I've gotten since coming out as trans in 2022 was from other queer ppl and a cishet white liberal woman. ("I just want u 2 know that I don't agree with what jk Rowling said but I'm still going to buy hp merch. Now lie back and let put my fingers in your mouth!"
...This was my first interaction with a dental hygienist and this appointment was necessary for me to start the process of getting my wisdom teeth out which I have since done.
Literally all I did was write in and circle Mx. for my title on a form and she saw that and just randomly brought up how woke she is for using gender neutral language in a Facebook group that she's in about period cups and how she's an "ally" but also a massive hp fan who has a hp tattoo. That I couldn't even see!!!!!it was completely covered! there was literally no reason to tell me this other than most likely her own guilt.)
The worst thing was a black guy yelling "Get out of here u fucking d*ke and ur fucking "n word with the hard r" dogs!" from a moving car at a dog park in the south part of the city in 2020.
Two out of three of my mom's dogs at the time were mostly all black. (Only 1 is still alive.) And I've since learned that guys from that part of town used go to the gays bars and harrass ppl and start fights in the eighties. That area is a suburb and richer.
Ah sorry that this a bit of trauma dump. I just always feel the need to provide full context and it makes my posts longer.
But yeah I'm mostly OK physically wise but it sucks that after feeling a lot better since coming out that this is happening and feeling like there isn't much I can do since I'm not rich or whatever.
So yeah ur welcome to come join me over there to talk!
Please stay safe and Godspeed.
This is the sort of post I don't think necessarily belongs in this thread. It's a good sentiment but it definitely would belong more in the LGBTQIA+ thread, or you could start a LGBT resources or support group thread. If you start it and tag people you think might want to participate, see what happens! If nobody bites, that's okay too.
Finally to redirect back to the main topic, you reminded me of Nmixx's Lily who did a Harry Potter book club and said she bought the book secondhand and encouraged others to do so as well.
There are several reasons why people don't like JKR but this could definitely be seen as possible allyship. Nmixx in general are giving me sapphic vibes but I must admit my gaydar does not work on women

LurkerHow he usually get like this around men?The way he acts around men, his mannerisms, his Born This Way tattoo.
Have you heard anything about this? I'm curious now,Im Sorry Hahaha
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LurkerAnother stupid question: which are some idols that you wouldn't think are queer, or that do not "appear" as gay/ping, but if they came out, it would retroactively make sense?
Lurkerlots of nct members. maybe like jaehyun, jungwoo, yuta, jeno, and jisung? i think a lot of them are straight (despite the amount of nctzens who are *convinced* that like 80% of the group is fruity) but at the same time if it came out that some of them were queer it wouldnt be hard for me to believe. but i do think a lot of them act 'gay' for fanservice and their persona mainly lol. like jungwoo seems to. i do have to say they tend to be more confusing on average compared to other groups where i feel like i have more of a working gaydar (its like everyone in nct pings me and also doesnt at the same time so im hesitant to make false positives).Another stupid question: which are some idols that you wouldn't think are queer, or that do not "appear" as gay/ping, but if they came out, it would retroactively make sense?
for those who know suju there are a few specific members that i do generally see as straight but also if i found out they were queer it would make a looooot of sense. i think the first name is a rly controversial pick though.
donghae (bisexual...), heechul (i honestly think he's something along the lines of heteroflexible), and siwon (i dont support him)
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Hallyuboo- Joined
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- He/him
Since you say you're new to this format, I'll say that generally double posting is unusual. You try to cram everything you want to say into one post, and use spoiler tags liberally, especially if you want to talk about several different topics. You can quote a post rather than hit reply and can multiquote to respond to multiple posts in one single post, like I did in this one.
Forum etiquette is generally to stay very on topic unless you are in a sort of general thread ie random thoughts on this forum. In the future I'd like to ask you to try and stay on topic a little bit more. You can also tag people by @ing them in a post on another thread if you want to make sure they will see it.
I would also like to ask you to not bring up slurs, even censored, so liberally. Triggering topics as well. It's hard to talk about queerness if there's this constant threat of doom and gloom about how homophobic people are. It's fine to acknowledge it, but there's no reason to bring it up in every post. I'm gay and I don't hide it and I know the world can be difficult sometimes. I don't necessarily need to be reminded of that everytime I open this silly kpop thread and I'm sure others feel the same way.
Please link articles and try not to wholesale copy and paste them. If you want to summarize it really make it brief. As for being afraid people will skip things if you spoiler tag them, I think seeing a big wall of text doesn't necessarily encourage them to read.
In fact, I think the opposite is true. Who can resist clicking on a mysterious spoiler tag?
Adding my thoughts on your neurodiversity musings under a spoiler since off topic.
I think posting a thread about neurodiversity in the union area of the forum might be a good idea. Even if it doesn't get much engagement, it doesn't mean people won't read it and appreciate what you post. OH had anonymous reacts so that made it more obvious that many people were reading (and it is why there would often be many negative reacts on posts like you mention) and H+ does not have this feature. This thread generates a lot more views than it looks like on face value (just look in the threads list and see how much this one has compared to others lol) and so starting a thread for neurodiversity is at least worth trying even if it doesn't generate massive traction.
I understand being afraid of negativity but I'll go out there and say that I brought this hot potato thread to this website and it frankly got very little push back. If anyone resented me for it they've definitely not felt the need to say it to me. I have not received any mean dms, I interact with the rest of the forum when I feel like it, and everything has been fine. A true safe space on the internet is impossible but H+ has shown practically no animosity towards us so I don't think you need to be afraid.
This is the sort of post I don't think necessarily belongs in this thread. It's a good sentiment but it definitely would belong more in the LGBTQIA+ thread, or you could start a LGBT resources or support group thread. If you start it and tag people you think might want to participate, see what happens! If nobody bites, that's okay too.
Finally to redirect back to the main topic, you reminded me of Nmixx's Lily who did a Harry Potter book club and said she bought the book secondhand and encouraged others to do so as well.
There are several reasons why people don't like JKR but this could definitely be seen as possible allyship. Nmixx in general are giving me sapphic vibes but I must admit my gaydar does not work on women![]()
Re: format and spoilers
Ok. And with spoilers i just worry that ppl will reply without reading everything.
Though with articles etc I worry about things being deleted thus the context for things being lost. There have been some tweets that were posted here that got deleted. Like the mashiho post. If I post a post a tweet could I put description of what it is in a spoiler?

Though with articles etc I worry about things being deleted thus the context for things being lost. There have been some tweets that were posted here that got deleted. Like the mashiho post. If I post a post a tweet could I put description of what it is in a spoiler?
the op 4 the LGBTQIA thread isn't here anymore so I've basically taken it over. But a flyer 4 it in the union would be a good idea to let ppl know about it.
also does mean this wouldn't be the place to post my 12 page size 17 font paper about censorship of queer relationships in mainstream shows?....
Ppl talk about shows like wedding impossible and bls here?
it's a paper talking about girl school detectives getting a warning from the Korea Communications Standards Commission and making the point that some bls despite mainly being written by/for cishet women r better rep than a lottt of mainstream shows. It would be spoilerd because it's long.
the op 4 the LGBTQIA thread isn't here anymore so I've basically taken it over. But a flyer 4 it in the union would be a good idea to let ppl know about it.
also does mean this wouldn't be the place to post my 12 page size 17 font paper about censorship of queer relationships in mainstream shows?....

Ppl talk about shows like wedding impossible and bls here?

it's a paper talking about girl school detectives getting a warning from the Korea Communications Standards Commission and making the point that some bls despite mainly being written by/for cishet women r better rep than a lottt of mainstream shows. It would be spoilerd because it's long.
Re: nd
Ok. A flyer 4 it might work.
Im so used to seeing hate 4 nd and queer ppl from kpop fans that I worried here wouldn't be safe 2.
Im so used to seeing hate 4 nd and queer ppl from kpop fans that I worried here wouldn't be safe 2.
Re: gaydar
Same lol.
Re: nmixx
Haewon: read a feminist book?.
..so hypothetical ally?
Sullyoon: seems to be their main lesbian attractor. She got a lot of hate from their female fans during isac 2024 for talking to gasp!
Kyujin, bae and jiwoo: literally no clue. I didn't even know anyone's name other than lily until the hybe leak.
Former member jini: got caught going into a love hotel with 1 of the guys from younite by a younite saseang when she had pink hair and that's why jyp kicked her out. (This was in the hybe leak.) This mv is little
like it could be interpreted that she's crushing on that girl plus voguing?
Lily: either an ally or on the team. She's the only person from the group I had anything for.
Baked a cake for pride.
Acknowledges the existence of nonbinary ppl.
Also dances and sings along to heated by Beyonce in this.
Rahh capitalism still makes me laugh.
Plus do i even have to say it with her?
Has binge watched heartstopper.
Chappell Roan - Good Luck, Babe!’ Cover
Re: hp
On the topic of wlw:
DJ: People are curious to know about what kind of character you want to play?
Irene: Unnie's dongsaeng
DJ: Omo
Irene: She's pretty
Wendy: Agree
Irene: She's my style
DJ who is also an actress is Jeong Yumi. She got two timed by kangta from hot.
God that would be so awkward if they dated because he's technically 1 of Irene's bosses. (?)
Same lol.
Re: nmixx
Haewon: read a feminist book?.
..so hypothetical ally?

Sullyoon: seems to be their main lesbian attractor. She got a lot of hate from their female fans during isac 2024 for talking to gasp!

Kyujin, bae and jiwoo: literally no clue. I didn't even know anyone's name other than lily until the hybe leak.
Former member jini: got caught going into a love hotel with 1 of the guys from younite by a younite saseang when she had pink hair and that's why jyp kicked her out. (This was in the hybe leak.) This mv is little

Lily: either an ally or on the team. She's the only person from the group I had anything for.
Baked a cake for pride.
Acknowledges the existence of nonbinary ppl.
Also dances and sings along to heated by Beyonce in this.
Rahh capitalism still makes me laugh.
Plus do i even have to say it with her?

Has binge watched heartstopper.
Chappell Roan - Good Luck, Babe!’ Cover
Re: hp
Personally I'm one of those trans ppl that's like "kill it! Kill it with fire!" when it comes to hp. And I wish that I could Thanos snap hp out of existence or least go back in time and stop 8 year old me from becoming a fan and wasting thousands of dollars and time on it. I got out in 2015 (left because of an equally bad reason) thankfully and I've since reframed that part of my life as "the 15 years I was in a cult".
I appreciate her telling ppl not to buy it firsthand though because that way at least that terf doesn't make any money.
But that horrid woman sees anyone engaging with it as support for her views so I really wish idols wouldn't bring it up at all and that it was a banned topic like Taiwan.
I've genuinely left fandoms over idols continuing to openly talk about their love for it post 2020 because I just don't have any more grace left for people that are still openly expressing their love of Harry Potter in the year of our Lord 2025 and I need to protect my peace.
Like I doubt that anyone (other than siwon and henry lau sort of but he's not kpop anymore) is actively and aggressively transphobic, but they ARE technically promoting a series by the world's most famous transphobe to their often young and impressionable fans who might go out and buy merch.
Separating the artist from the art really only works when the artist can't benefit from it.
And excessive Fandom and Capitalist consumerism have combined forces to meme the phrase into becoming an excuse for still implicitly providing support and validity to some very problematic people because it's convenient and profitable, but that's not what it's meant to be at all.
i don't think Lily is a bad person and her saying to get it from a thrift store is still leagues better than what I've seen other idols do lately and important because jkr literally donates the money that she makes from Harry Potter to trans hate groups.
"There are members who do, but I don’t. Last time, DK chose Harry Potter. Cloak, hat, tie, etc… DK ordered the costumes and designated them to us." — Vernon in 2024).
I appreciate her telling ppl not to buy it firsthand though because that way at least that terf doesn't make any money.
But that horrid woman sees anyone engaging with it as support for her views so I really wish idols wouldn't bring it up at all and that it was a banned topic like Taiwan.
I've genuinely left fandoms over idols continuing to openly talk about their love for it post 2020 because I just don't have any more grace left for people that are still openly expressing their love of Harry Potter in the year of our Lord 2025 and I need to protect my peace.
Like I doubt that anyone (other than siwon and henry lau sort of but he's not kpop anymore) is actively and aggressively transphobic, but they ARE technically promoting a series by the world's most famous transphobe to their often young and impressionable fans who might go out and buy merch.
Separating the artist from the art really only works when the artist can't benefit from it.
And excessive Fandom and Capitalist consumerism have combined forces to meme the phrase into becoming an excuse for still implicitly providing support and validity to some very problematic people because it's convenient and profitable, but that's not what it's meant to be at all.
i don't think Lily is a bad person and her saying to get it from a thrift store is still leagues better than what I've seen other idols do lately and important because jkr literally donates the money that she makes from Harry Potter to trans hate groups.

SEVENTEEN Members Receive A 10 Million KRW Fine If They Miss Their Meetings
SEVENTEEN's Vernon revealed that the members must pay a hefty penalty if they miss a meeting or are late while on Haha and Yang Se Chan's show.

"There are members who do, but I don’t. Last time, DK chose Harry Potter. Cloak, hat, tie, etc… DK ordered the costumes and designated them to us." — Vernon in 2024).

On the topic of wlw:
We translate Pann articles about Korean news, music, drama and lifestyle
DJ: People are curious to know about what kind of character you want to play?
Irene: Unnie's dongsaeng
DJ: Omo
Irene: She's pretty
Wendy: Agree
Irene: She's my style
DJ who is also an actress is Jeong Yumi. She got two timed by kangta from hot.
God that would be so awkward if they dated because he's technically 1 of Irene's bosses. (?)
Last edited:
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There's also this:
Ah. You've stumped me. Maybe renjun?
Re: nct
jaehyun: as previously stated I've seen a lot of "ot4 97 line r straight fuckboys" tea/comments. And I feel like most of his receipts r him maybe checking a guy out.
jungwoo: disagree. Him and ten r the only ppl I'm
confident on.
at least an ally. He could either be a alt straight guy or queer. And if he does date trans women he's straight. I will agree that it takes a special straight man to want to be with someone who's transfem especially openly, but you're still straight.
jeno: I feel like most of the receipts for jeno are incidental and the whole thing about him choosing to stay at the dorms over seollal instead of going to see his really catholic family could just be that hates them in general. Also they're the reason he was a child star so he could hate them for that.
jisung: what makes u say him? (Genuine)
Also lsm was
trying to create a group with infinite bl pairings so a lot of it is just fan service. Like Haechan is so fake with it (and pushy) yet a lot cishet fangirls think he's gay.
There's also this:
I was so sad to see that he got so much ps that he looks like another person and less fem.
I miss his old face/look.
Also side point but the mv for face sort of implies that Ren is canonically gay in universe.
Like the choreography for face at the hey wassup loser part.
The hair. the pink shoes. Like it's pretty clear that the message is Ren is being bullied for being gay in the universe of that mv.
I miss his old face/look.
Also side point but the mv for face sort of implies that Ren is canonically gay in universe.
Like the choreography for face at the hey wassup loser part.
The hair. the pink shoes. Like it's pretty clear that the message is Ren is being bullied for being gay in the universe of that mv.
Ah. You've stumped me. Maybe renjun?
Re: nct
jaehyun: as previously stated I've seen a lot of "ot4 97 line r straight fuckboys" tea/comments. And I feel like most of his receipts r him maybe checking a guy out.
Also apparently gidle hates him because he had a thing/relationship with 1 of them. It's either miyeon or yuqi or shuha. Idk how @MlCKEY feels about tarot tea though?
I have fact checked this person though. They predicted Hongjoong getting a brand deal and juyeon being artist of the month in 2022. I disagree with them about how LGBTQIA the boyz r though. But agree about ateez.
Also something like a brand deal is a yes or no question. For LGBTQIA someone could be gay but so closeted they won't admit it to themselves so idk if the universe would count that and i don't know what kind of exact wording she uses. She could just be asking if about gay members and then writing this many r LGBTQIA to try not to out ppl.
As a psychic (yes I got all the ya main character traits lol.) I will agree that it's....iffy doing that without someone's consent for anything more than "will my faves be safe on tour?"/safety related questions but like tea is tea
? Idk.
I have fact checked this person though. They predicted Hongjoong getting a brand deal and juyeon being artist of the month in 2022. I disagree with them about how LGBTQIA the boyz r though. But agree about ateez.
Also something like a brand deal is a yes or no question. For LGBTQIA someone could be gay but so closeted they won't admit it to themselves so idk if the universe would count that and i don't know what kind of exact wording she uses. She could just be asking if about gay members and then writing this many r LGBTQIA to try not to out ppl.
As a psychic (yes I got all the ya main character traits lol.) I will agree that it's....iffy doing that without someone's consent for anything more than "will my faves be safe on tour?"/safety related questions but like tea is tea

jungwoo: disagree. Him and ten r the only ppl I'm


jeno: I feel like most of the receipts for jeno are incidental and the whole thing about him choosing to stay at the dorms over seollal instead of going to see his really catholic family could just be that hates them in general. Also they're the reason he was a child star so he could hate them for that.
I've also seen someone say "jeno and jaemin lift up a rock and find a groupie" so...
jisung: what makes u say him? (Genuine)
Also lsm was

donghae: I've seen things about him not being straight on my travels.
heechul: Agree. He definitely likes women. Though the kissing on stage was probably mostly for the reaction it would get imho.
siwon: has a shipping address in Narnia. As much I hate self loathing gay men on some level you have to feel sorry for them.
heechul: Agree. He definitely likes women. Though the kissing on stage was probably mostly for the reaction it would get imho.
siwon: has a shipping address in Narnia. As much I hate self loathing gay men on some level you have to feel sorry for them.
Last edited:
Yeah things getting deleted is why a short description or summary can be nice. If you want to claim the LGBTQIA+ thread you can request to be OP, there should be a link to the request form somewhere in the site rules or FAQ I assume.Re: format and spoilers
Ok. And with spoilers i just worry that ppl will reply without reading everything.
Though with articles etc I worry about things being deleted thus the context for things being lost. There have been some tweets that were posted here that got deleted. Like the mashiho post. If I post a post a tweet could I put description of what it is in a spoiler?
the op 4 the LGBTQIA thread isn't here anymore so I've basically taken it over. But a flyer 4 it in the union would be a good idea to let ppl know about it.
also does mean this wouldn't be the place to post my 12 page size 17 font paper about censorship of queer relationships in mainstream shows?....
Ppl talk about shows like wedding impossible and bls here?
it's a paper talking about girl school detectives getting a warning from the Korea Communications Standards Commission and making the point that some bls despite mainly being written by/for cishet women r better rep than a lottt of mainstream shows. It would be spoilerd because it's long.
If you're talking about Korean media I think its fine under spoiler since we do talk about BLs, dating shows, etc here sometimes. I know the title of the thread is kpop but we obviously talk about actors a lot so any k-media is fairly on topic.
Iirc the Mashiho post was pretty vague anyway and I think him deleting it may have been because so many people interpreted it as him coming out and it was unintentional.
Do you mean if I buy into tarot reading stuff? I don't but it doesn't matter if I believe it or not you can post whatever you like here as long as it's within reason. Just don't do eugenics I guess lolAlso apparently gidle hates him because he had a thing/relationship with 1 of them. It's either miyeon or yuqi or shuha. Idk how @MlCKEY feels about tarot tea though?
I have fact checked this person though. They predicted Hongjoong getting a brand deal and juyeon being artist of the month in 2022. I disagree with them about how LGBTQIA the boyz r though. But agree about ateez.
Also something like a brand deal is a yes or no question. For LGBTQIA someone could be gay but so closeted they won't admit it to themselves so idk if the universe would count that and i don't know what kind of exact wording she uses. She could just be asking if about gay members and then writing this many r LGBTQIA to try not to out ppl.
As a psychic (yes I got all the ya main character traits lol.) I will agree that it's....iffy doing that without someone's consent for anything more than "will my faves be safe on tour?"/safety related questions but like tea is tea? Idk.
If you mean do I think Jaehyun is straight? Idk I flip flop a lot about the 97z. Jungkook has pinged for me 0 times ever and I was never into Astro or Eunwoo in general to get a vibe from him (and it seems like it's changed a lot? He seemed very pretty and sweet when he was a rookie but there's been a clear "Cha Eunwoo is so masc and cool" narrative redirect which is kind of interesting in itself but I don't know him well enough to speak on if there's something more to that.
Jaehyun has never been in my biases but since I stan nct he's hard to avoid and idk he has his receipts and that one picture of him looking all demure with Troy Sivan scratched something in my brain but I can't say I'm very convinced of anything. Stans used to all say he had gay voice when speaking english and I definitely disagree there too like people have got to learn what actual gay voice sounds like (and how it is very much an intentional and/or learned thing for many). He has also had somewhat of an image rebrand similar to Eunwoo although Jaehyun never really had that soft of an image. For his solo debut lately though the heterosexual branding has been off the charts. I can't really say if it's just concept/an attempt to make him fit more inline with western pop artists or if it's an actual attempt to het-ify him.
I've stuck my neck out for het Mingyu many times but I could still pretty easily see him as queer. He did get the trendy korean gay man haircut for the seventeenth heaven promos after all. At the same time he does clearly see himself as slightly in the model world and short hair is pretty standard there so it could be all in the name of high fashion androgyny. You don't actually have to be gay to play around with gender norms in fashion.
LurkerYeah things getting deleted is why a short description or summary can be nice. If you want to claim the LGBTQIA+ thread you can request to be OP, there should be a link to the request form somewhere in the site rules or FAQ I assume.
If you're talking about Korean media I think its fine under spoiler since we do talk about BLs, dating shows, etc here sometimes. I know the title of the thread is kpop but we obviously talk about actors a lot so any k-media is fairly on topic.
Iirc the Mashiho post was pretty vague anyway and I think him deleting it may have been because so many people interpreted it as him coming out and it was unintentional.
Do you mean if I buy into tarot reading stuff? I don't but it doesn't matter if I believe it or not you can post whatever you like here as long as it's within reason. Just don't do eugenics I guess lol
If you mean do I think Jaehyun is straight? Idk I flip flop a lot about the 97z. Jungkook has pinged for me 0 times ever and I was never into Astro or Eunwoo in general to get a vibe from him (and it seems like it's changed a lot? He seemed very pretty and sweet when he was a rookie but there's been a clear "Cha Eunwoo is so masc and cool" narrative redirect which is kind of interesting in itself but I don't know him well enough to speak on if there's something more to that.
Jaehyun has never been in my biases but since I stan nct he's hard to avoid and idk he has his receipts and that one picture of him looking all demure with Troy Sivan scratched something in my brain but I can't say I'm very convinced of anything. Stans used to all say he had gay voice when speaking english and I definitely disagree there too like people have got to learn what actual gay voice sounds like (and how it is very much an intentional and/or learned thing for many). He has also had somewhat of an image rebrand similar to Eunwoo although Jaehyun never really had that soft of an image. For his solo debut lately though the heterosexual branding has been off the charts. I can't really say if it's just concept/an attempt to make him fit more inline with western pop artists or if it's an actual attempt to het-ify him.
I've stuck my neck out for het Mingyu many times but I could still pretty easily see him as queer. He did get the trendy korean gay man haircut for the seventeenth heaven promos after all. At the same time he does clearly see himself as slightly in the model world and short hair is pretty standard there so it could be all in the name of high fashion androgyny. You don't actually have to be gay to play around with gender norms in fashion.
Jungkook doesn't ping all the time but it wouldn't surprise me if he is bisexual. He has that energy. With a preference for women, sure why not, but still bi. I used to think Jaehyun was queer but not anymore. Isn't he in the military right now too? It's been a while since I last saw anything of him so maybe he re-pings.
Mingyu is like unequivocally gay to me. He pings to the high heavens and reminds me of me. Obviously not physically (I could only wish), but in the way he acts, what he says and how he expresses it, his mannerisms... everything. I'd bet my life on him being queer, that's how sure I am (and it's not with everyone that I am)
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Lurkeri definitely agree that i, for the most, think jaehyun is straight. i think stuff he did from 2016-2018 pinged me a bit but that has mostly died down now so if anything he couldve been bicurious in the past.Re: nct
jaehyun: as previously stated I've seen a lot of "ot4 97 line r straight fuckboys" tea/comments. And I feel like most of his receipts r him maybe checking a guy out.
Also apparently gidle hates him because he had a thing/relationship with 1 of them. It's either miyeon or yuqi or shuha. Idk how @MlCKEY feels about tarot tea though?
I have fact checked this person though. They predicted Hongjoong getting a brand deal and juyeon being artist of the month in 2022. I disagree with them about how LGBTQIA the boyz r though. But agree about ateez.
Also something like a brand deal is a yes or no question. For LGBTQIA someone could be gay but so closeted they won't admit it to themselves so idk if the universe would count that and i don't know what kind of exact wording she uses. She could just be asking if about gay members and then writing this many r LGBTQIA to try not to out ppl.
As a psychic (yes I got all the ya main character traits lol.) I will agree that it's....iffy doing that without someone's consent for anything more than "will my faves be safe on tour?"/safety related questions but like tea is tea? Idk.
jungwoo: disagree. Him and ten r the only ppl I'mconfident on.
yuta:at least an ally. He could either be a alt straight guy or queer. And if he does date trans women he's straight. I will agree that it takes a special straight man to want to be with someone who's transfem especially openly, but you're still straight.
jeno: I feel like most of the receipts for jeno are incidental and the whole thing about him choosing to stay at the dorms over seollal instead of going to see his really catholic family could just be that hates them in general. Also they're the reason he was a child star so he could hate them for that.
I've also seen someone say "jeno and jaemin lift up a rock and find a groupie" so...
jisung: what makes u say him? (Genuine)
Also lsm wastrying to create a group with infinite bl pairings so a lot of it is just fan service. Like Haechan is so fake with it (and pushy) yet a lot cishet fangirls think he's gay.
donghae: I've seen things about him not being straight on my travels.
heechul: Agree. He definitely likes women. Though the kissing on stage was probably mostly for the reaction it would get imho.
siwon: has a shipping address in Narnia. As much I hate self loathing gay men on some level you have to feel sorry for them.
can you explain the thing about yuta and trans girls?
for jeno and jisung: i dont necessarily think of either of them as lgbt, and i dont really see them being 'into men' per se, but at the same time, if we ever found out they were dating men, i guess i could see it? jisung doesnt ping me exactly but sometimes people have the capacity to fall for someone beyond gender and thats how i feel about jisung at times lol, but ig it takes someone special for that to happen. anyhow like i said i do think jisung is straight and this is just a weird feeling i get from time to time.
and jeno... idk every single time an idol goes through this very specific image change of being soft spoken and cute to suddenly looking shredded and being a lot more quiet i always get a bit suspicious. but i don't think there is strong evidence about him being fruity so.
thank you for affirming that haechan isnt gay lol i have never thought he was! i don't see how he's fruity, like at all. there's also a good amount of evidence that he dated ryujin anyway.
onto suju:
i'm dying of curiosity over here wdym you've seen things about donghae not being straight?? pls share because i have felt so alone in the 'donghae might not be completely hetero' camp haha
i think i would be 98% convinced that heechul was straight if not for hangeng.
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Re: content preservationYeah things getting deleted is why a short description or summary can be nice. If you want to claim the LGBTQIA+ thread you can request to be OP, there should be a link to the request form somewhere in the site rules or FAQ I assume.
If you're talking about Korean media I think its fine under spoiler since we do talk about BLs, dating shows, etc here sometimes. I know the title of the thread is kpop but we obviously talk about actors a lot so any k-media is fairly on topic.
Iirc the Mashiho post was pretty vague anyway and I think him deleting it may have been because so many people interpreted it as him coming out and it was unintentional.
Do you mean if I buy into tarot reading stuff? I don't but it doesn't matter if I believe it or not you can post whatever you like here as long as it's within reason. Just don't do eugenics I guess lol
If you mean do I think Jaehyun is straight? Idk I flip flop a lot about the 97z. Jungkook has pinged for me 0 times ever and I was never into Astro or Eunwoo in general to get a vibe from him (and it seems like it's changed a lot? He seemed very pretty and sweet when he was a rookie but there's been a clear "Cha
Eunwoo is so masc and cool" narrative redirect which is kind of interesting in itself but I don't know him well enough to speak on if there's something more to that.
Jaehyun has never been in my biases but since I stan nct he's hard to avoid and idk he has his receipts and that one picture of him looking all demure with Troy Sivan scratched something in my brain but I can't say I'm very convinced of anything. Stans used to all say he had gay voice when speaking english and I definitely disagree there too like people have got to learn what actual gay voice sounds like (and how it is very much an intentional and/or learned thing for many). He has also had somewhat of an image rebrand similar to Eunwoo although Jaehyun never really had that soft of an image. For his solo debut lately though the heterosexual branding has been off the charts. I can't really say if it's just concept/an attempt to make him fit more inline with western pop artists or if it's an actual attempt to het-ify him.
I've stuck my neck out for het Mingyu many times but I could still pretty easily see him as queer. He did get the trendy korean gay man haircut for the seventeenth heaven promos after all. At the same time he does clearly see himself as slightly in the model world and short hair is pretty standard there so it could be all in the name of high fashion androgyny. You don't actually have to be gay to play around with gender norms in fashion.
OK. That's something that's been really worrying me with everything going on. That articles or tweets will just randomly get deleted.
Even when I've gone back over previous tweets that I had favorited it'll be gone.
I just really care about preserving the history of queerness in Kpop so anytime something gets deleted like that and you lose the context it's upsetting.
Re: LGBTQIA thread and Korean queer content
OK, I'll look into that.
And OK. I worked pretty hard on that paper and it's something I would like to share with everyone.
Re: mashiho
The post was a Pic of a shirt with a rainbow flag on it. So yes I agree that it could've simply been a cute shirt that he wanted to post. Such is the reality with rainbows as compared to the pride flags for other identities.
I did look into him a bit after that was posted and he did do a YouTube short for one of his songs with a BL actor and with a female Japanese singer who was one of the hosts on the Japanese dating show the boyfriend and has performed at pride. He's also a big se7en fanboy.
Also I felt bad seeing you hyperfixate over his man and ppl not replying to you. I'm not 1 for dating shows because they're clearly very much about getting your foot in the door/more Instagram followers but I have seen good reviews for the boyfriend and based on that I would recommend it. The guys are tasked with running a coffee truck together so they actually have a goal instead of just drinking by the pool. I have some articles for it to post somewhere.
He seems to maybe be hanging out with sort of a Alternative crowd in terms of the dancers that he's working with for his music videos.
I know he was friends with some of the other treasure members that kind of ping.
But I've never personally engaged with treasure's content outside of looking for gay receipts.
I have a bit of a thing to post about them in relation to potentially finally figuring out the Beomgyu situation.
Re: tarot tea
Ok. I meant like whether u took issue with it from an ethical standpoint. I obviously believe in this sort of thing because I'm psychic and have had my cards read and they're pretty accurate. While there are grifters and people that are actually psychic but choose to grift this person is posting this on Tumblr and isn't making money from it.
Posting my ot4 97 line replies in the next post because it's long and I'm on my phone.
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@sg97 @MlCKEY @fo_lia_ge
Ot4 97 line part 1:
Jungkook: Other than that comment about rm's thighs I haven't heard anything. Apparently that tattoo artist girl was a fwb/unserious.
Comment from pannchoa:
"that alleged Jungkook video in his apartment hugging a girl according to cnetz it was from his chinese sasaengs who use drone to illegally film him."
Also these r up on pannchoa and ppl are saying he's dating winter. Aespa debuted after bts got white famous AND during the pandemic so it's like when would they have hung out and become friends? So this is
I can't even think of friends bts and aespa have in common unless they met through seventeen because they're friends with like everyone?
Also post 2018 bts are very clearly "sunbae/dongsaeng and that's it" with everyone who debuted after 2018 even within hybe. Txt are the only juniors that they're sort of close to. So I don't really believe the whole "they're probably just friends" shit.
Jungkook at aepsa's concert in korea.
Pannchoa comments on this article: (apparently they both attended a Harry styles concert)
"Can't believe your being downvoted for saying the truth. At minimum they are obviously friends since I would never leave a concert with a random stranger just because. They had that pior interaction and now he is at their concert trying to go unnoticed. Don't know why people can't at least be logical and notice it was weird he was not mentioned by them like all the other fandom people who appeared."
"Taehyung went to harry's concert with park hyungshik and not jungkook. They did not come together.
He arrived with hyungshik and they were sitting together."
"There's another video of Tae + wooga member at the parking lot leaving the concert but Nicole, JK and Winter weren't seen with them"
"I know she follows his dog's IG(the account that keeps on giving) on her finsta and that caused a mass hysteria outbreak like a year ago"
"yes but I'm talking about the video of them leaving the audience. simply there's no proof of them arriving, coming tgt and leaving tgt and all 5, 6 them sat in a circle tgt 3 in the back 2 (3 i think someone famous was next too woosik) in the front. Anyway, whatever they're i hope it stays between them cuz the fanwars are already disgusting and out of hand"
"It's her private IG the pfp was a turtle it was a thing on community sites a while ago"
"Theres even an ig account with their interactions too they said they've been dating since 2022"
Comment about all her rumors:
"she’s dating 3 members of the boyz, 2 members of riize, 4 members of enhypen, 6 members of nct… now jk too"
Showing up dressed like that AND while he's enlisted?

However as I previously said I think Jungkook is nd and a lot of nd ppl r on the bi spectrum and ur sexuality can take awhile for u to figure out and be a bit wibbly wobbly timey wimey when you're nd so I can understand ur perspective @sg97 .
(Society told me that I should be a cishet woman or a cis lesbian. Turns out I'm a transmasculine femboy and queer in the polysexual way person who's primarily attracted to cis men and amab nonbinary/gener nonconforming people.
Cha Eunwoo: I'm not a fan so
in that regard. But like I said he was included in the fuckboy posts. I've seen some softer/fem photoshoot pics recently but like all mainstream actors he has to appeal to straight women hence the image rebrand into more of a masc oppa.
made the switch to being a model/actor who might sing his own osts occasionally.
Also yes jaehyun is currently in the military.
Ot4 97 line part 1:
Jungkook: Other than that comment about rm's thighs I haven't heard anything. Apparently that tattoo artist girl was a fwb/unserious.
Comment from pannchoa:
"that alleged Jungkook video in his apartment hugging a girl according to cnetz it was from his chinese sasaengs who use drone to illegally film him."
Also these r up on pannchoa and ppl are saying he's dating winter. Aespa debuted after bts got white famous AND during the pandemic so it's like when would they have hung out and become friends? So this is

I can't even think of friends bts and aespa have in common unless they met through seventeen because they're friends with like everyone?
Also post 2018 bts are very clearly "sunbae/dongsaeng and that's it" with everyone who debuted after 2018 even within hybe. Txt are the only juniors that they're sort of close to. So I don't really believe the whole "they're probably just friends" shit.
We translate Pann articles about Korean news, music, drama and lifestyle
Jungkook at aepsa's concert in korea.
Pannchoa comments on this article: (apparently they both attended a Harry styles concert)
"Can't believe your being downvoted for saying the truth. At minimum they are obviously friends since I would never leave a concert with a random stranger just because. They had that pior interaction and now he is at their concert trying to go unnoticed. Don't know why people can't at least be logical and notice it was weird he was not mentioned by them like all the other fandom people who appeared."
"Taehyung went to harry's concert with park hyungshik and not jungkook. They did not come together.
He arrived with hyungshik and they were sitting together."
"There's another video of Tae + wooga member at the parking lot leaving the concert but Nicole, JK and Winter weren't seen with them"
"I know she follows his dog's IG(the account that keeps on giving) on her finsta and that caused a mass hysteria outbreak like a year ago"
"yes but I'm talking about the video of them leaving the audience. simply there's no proof of them arriving, coming tgt and leaving tgt and all 5, 6 them sat in a circle tgt 3 in the back 2 (3 i think someone famous was next too woosik) in the front. Anyway, whatever they're i hope it stays between them cuz the fanwars are already disgusting and out of hand"
"It's her private IG the pfp was a turtle it was a thing on community sites a while ago"
"Theres even an ig account with their interactions too they said they've been dating since 2022"
Comment about all her rumors:
"she’s dating 3 members of the boyz, 2 members of riize, 4 members of enhypen, 6 members of nct… now jk too"
Showing up dressed like that AND while he's enlisted?

However as I previously said I think Jungkook is nd and a lot of nd ppl r on the bi spectrum and ur sexuality can take awhile for u to figure out and be a bit wibbly wobbly timey wimey when you're nd so I can understand ur perspective @sg97 .
(Society told me that I should be a cishet woman or a cis lesbian. Turns out I'm a transmasculine femboy and queer in the polysexual way person who's primarily attracted to cis men and amab nonbinary/gener nonconforming people.

Cha Eunwoo: I'm not a fan so


Also yes jaehyun is currently in the military.
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Hallyuboo- Joined
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@sg97 @MlCKEY @fo_lia_ge
Ot4 97 line part 2:
97 line drama comments from reddit:
I find it interesting that 97 line don't hang out with BamBam and Yugyeom anymore.
Obviously BamBam has been doing solo work in Thailand and on tour but Yugyeom has been working in Korea. He hasn't gone to the military yet. So like what is their excuse for not including him?
I know that someone had previously tried to make the argument that 97 line was an all bisexual men friend group but I don't think so?
It's also very telling that the two more obviously queer ppl basically got kicked out/excluded.
If ot4 97 line r all queer or 3 queer guys and a token straight friend or two queer guys and 2 straight guys then it's a "there a queer/gay men and then there r men who have sex with men" thing. Them excluding the more obviously queer ppl feels like an intentional thing that's being done for their image and probably driven by hybe/sm. Maybe they agree with that direction, maybe they don't.
Jungkook not staying friends with ppl post bts becoming the biggest band in the world makes sense but what about the 3?
also jungkook has never said anything pro queer rights to my knowledge (also went to Qatar). (I've never been an army so I'm not the best person to quote though.)
and it's the same for the other 3.
Whereas the got7 members of 97 line:
As I previously stated Yugyeom has gay voice and jus2 is gay club music. There's this receipt of him having a crush on jihyo as a trainee:
Recently, GOT7’s Yugyeom appeared on PENTAGON Kino‘s (who also pings and has been talked about on the thread) YouTube channel.
During the video, Yugyeom was asked who he liked in the past, and he said in his second year of middle school, he had a crush on Jihyo.
Even Kino revealed that he also had a crush on Jihyo (he was a former JYP Entertainment).
While crushes can stay a secret, Kino said that Jihyo knew about it… because of GOT7’s Jackson.
Kino then recalled what happened with Jackson, saying that the GOT7 member asked who he liked, mentioning Jihyo, and then what Kino told him, the next day, Jackson said it out loud. (#just neurodivergent things lol)
Kino then joked that after Jackson spilled to Jihyo, he was awkward around the TWICE idol for some time.
bambam had a crush on Nayeon as a trainee:
"If you like someone at school or somewhere, you usually like them secretly, right? But that wasn’t the feeling with me. That BamBam liked me was kind of a funny thing for everyone. Everyone knew about it. When I went into the vocal room, everyone nudged [him]. Those actions were kind of like our entertainment back then." — Nayeon
"But I’m sure I told someone very seriously, ‘I think.. I like Nayeon.’ Like this. I’m sure I said this to the foreigners at the dorms. It had to be Jackson or Mark. I’m sure of it!" — BamBam
"If not, I think it was [Peniel hyung]. I think it was Peniel hyung. He thought I was adorable and just told everyone. I didn’t know though. So everyone was amused by it." — BamBam
This is the episode of bambam's house:
There's also the episode of Brian joo and park joon's show where bambam says that Jackson, Yugyeom and him have a group chat (room) and that they're close. He says that the reason is because they're "all a little nuts. So we have something in common." I know when ningning told him she had adhd he was like me too but a lot of ppl took that in the millennial meme way?
"I can't pay attention today I'm soo adhd!"
Jackson wang has publicly said he has ADHD for anyone who doesn't know that.
I think they're close because they're all queer.
At 4:34
Tw for mental health of an idol but
I'm waiting on sm maid to clear the tarot tea posts because she post about
and i dont want to get a warning for linking to a blog with that kind of content on it. I won't be posting those things (and she does that based on birth chart which is a little more ehh
) here though.
Once she messages me back I'll post about jaehyun/nct.
Also for the record I was a czennie from about March 2023 to the end of 2023. First with 127 and then switching to dream content wise. I didn't watch any dramas other than 3 of theirs for 6 months, followed the dreamies tour to the point of frequently checking mark's Instagram even though I don't have an account to see if they got to the next country ok and became so parasocial for Johnny even though the person who originally got me into the group was taeyong. (Kboo article that mentioned the lyric: cosplay snow white i like it. I'll be the hobbit.)
(127 have a better discography and choreography but they are clearly a "we aren't all best friends once the cameras are off" group and it's very obvious there r cliques. The dreamies may have all been best friends as teenagers but I don't think they are now. Like how many ppl r still friends with the ppl they knew in high school? But they're better at faking it for the cameras.)
Ah I have to go out right now sorry.
Ot4 97 line part 2:
97 line drama comments from reddit:
"yeah it's always jungkook, eunwoo, jaehyun and mingyu hanging out. didnt the friendship start with jungkook and yugyeom at first?"
"True, Yugyeom might be closer to his AOMG hyungs and dance crew as compared to his 97 liner friends. Still we don't exactly know as Yugyeom is a very private person, barely on social media except to upload updates of him dancing or making a new song with Gray. Maybe they still communicate but it's been years since they were seen hanging out."
"I wonder if Yugyeom and Jungkook are still friends. Jungkook has been spotted hanging out with various 97-liners in recent years, but not Yugyeom, I think? It makes me a little sad to think they might have drifted apart since they started out in the industry at the same time."
"True, Yugyeom might be closer to his AOMG hyungs and dance crew as compared to his 97 liner friends. Still we don't exactly know as Yugyeom is a very private person, barely on social media except to upload updates of him dancing or making a new song with Gray. Maybe they still communicate but it's been years since they were seen hanging out."
"I wonder if Yugyeom and Jungkook are still friends. Jungkook has been spotted hanging out with various 97-liners in recent years, but not Yugyeom, I think? It makes me a little sad to think they might have drifted apart since they started out in the industry at the same time."
I find it interesting that 97 line don't hang out with BamBam and Yugyeom anymore.
Obviously BamBam has been doing solo work in Thailand and on tour but Yugyeom has been working in Korea. He hasn't gone to the military yet. So like what is their excuse for not including him?
I know that someone had previously tried to make the argument that 97 line was an all bisexual men friend group but I don't think so?

It's also very telling that the two more obviously queer ppl basically got kicked out/excluded.
If ot4 97 line r all queer or 3 queer guys and a token straight friend or two queer guys and 2 straight guys then it's a "there a queer/gay men and then there r men who have sex with men" thing. Them excluding the more obviously queer ppl feels like an intentional thing that's being done for their image and probably driven by hybe/sm. Maybe they agree with that direction, maybe they don't.
Jungkook not staying friends with ppl post bts becoming the biggest band in the world makes sense but what about the 3?
also jungkook has never said anything pro queer rights to my knowledge (also went to Qatar). (I've never been an army so I'm not the best person to quote though.)
and it's the same for the other 3.
Whereas the got7 members of 97 line:
As I previously stated Yugyeom has gay voice and jus2 is gay club music. There's this receipt of him having a crush on jihyo as a trainee:

Third-Generation Male Idols Admit To Having Had A Crush On TWICE's Jihyo
During a recent video, two third-generation males admitted to having a crush on TWICE's Jihyo when they were trainees at JYP.

Recently, GOT7’s Yugyeom appeared on PENTAGON Kino‘s (who also pings and has been talked about on the thread) YouTube channel.
During the video, Yugyeom was asked who he liked in the past, and he said in his second year of middle school, he had a crush on Jihyo.
Even Kino revealed that he also had a crush on Jihyo (he was a former JYP Entertainment).
While crushes can stay a secret, Kino said that Jihyo knew about it… because of GOT7’s Jackson.
Kino then recalled what happened with Jackson, saying that the GOT7 member asked who he liked, mentioning Jihyo, and then what Kino told him, the next day, Jackson said it out loud. (#just neurodivergent things lol)
Kino then joked that after Jackson spilled to Jihyo, he was awkward around the TWICE idol for some time.
bambam had a crush on Nayeon as a trainee:

TWICE's Nayeon Shocks GOT7’s BamBam With Just How Many People Knew Of His Crush On Her
TWICE's Nayeon told GOT7's BamBam for the first time in an interview on Bam House that everyone in JYP Entertainment knew about his old crush on her.

"If you like someone at school or somewhere, you usually like them secretly, right? But that wasn’t the feeling with me. That BamBam liked me was kind of a funny thing for everyone. Everyone knew about it. When I went into the vocal room, everyone nudged [him]. Those actions were kind of like our entertainment back then." — Nayeon
"But I’m sure I told someone very seriously, ‘I think.. I like Nayeon.’ Like this. I’m sure I said this to the foreigners at the dorms. It had to be Jackson or Mark. I’m sure of it!" — BamBam
"If not, I think it was [Peniel hyung]. I think it was Peniel hyung. He thought I was adorable and just told everyone. I didn’t know though. So everyone was amused by it." — BamBam
This is the episode of bambam's house:
There's also the episode of Brian joo and park joon's show where bambam says that Jackson, Yugyeom and him have a group chat (room) and that they're close. He says that the reason is because they're "all a little nuts. So we have something in common." I know when ningning told him she had adhd he was like me too but a lot of ppl took that in the millennial meme way?
"I can't pay attention today I'm soo adhd!"
Jackson wang has publicly said he has ADHD for anyone who doesn't know that.
I think they're close because they're all queer.
At 4:34
Tw for mental health of an idol but
Ot4 97 line not saying anything publicly in support of bambam when he struggling was verrryyy telling. Jungkook at least has the excuse of being in the military. But what about the other 3?
Granted it could have been the companies telling them not to say anything in public but if my "friends" (and senior idols who should technically have more freedom) thought their luxury brand contracts/bosses opinions were more important than me/my mental health/our friendship they'd quickly find themselves on my block list.
Also like regardless what u think of Jessi she showed up 4 him and that does count 4 something. (For the record I'm not personally a fan.)
Granted it could have been the companies telling them not to say anything in public but if my "friends" (and senior idols who should technically have more freedom) thought their luxury brand contracts/bosses opinions were more important than me/my mental health/our friendship they'd quickly find themselves on my block list.
Also like regardless what u think of Jessi she showed up 4 him and that does count 4 something. (For the record I'm not personally a fan.)
I'm waiting on sm maid to clear the tarot tea posts because she post about
what idols like sexually on her blog
and i dont want to get a warning for linking to a blog with that kind of content on it. I won't be posting those things (and she does that based on birth chart which is a little more ehh

Once she messages me back I'll post about jaehyun/nct.
Also for the record I was a czennie from about March 2023 to the end of 2023. First with 127 and then switching to dream content wise. I didn't watch any dramas other than 3 of theirs for 6 months, followed the dreamies tour to the point of frequently checking mark's Instagram even though I don't have an account to see if they got to the next country ok and became so parasocial for Johnny even though the person who originally got me into the group was taeyong. (Kboo article that mentioned the lyric: cosplay snow white i like it. I'll be the hobbit.)
after someone posted a Pic of Johnny with kimchi (drag queen) on the oh gay thread I got so parasocial for him because it was like "Oh I bet if he saw u and thought u were attractive and then u said that you're trans if he wasn't into u he at least wouldn't have a big am I gay identity crisis about it"
(I haven't medically transitioned so most ppl just think I'm a lesbian or a white girl with cancer because I shave my head. And yes the bar is that low.
literally just the thought that he wouldn't hate me is enough.
I read so much Johnny x reader college/fratboy au fic that I had a dream where we were best friends who secretly liked each other and then we kissed and when I woke up my first thought was "but how will this affect our friendship?"
And then I was like "wait u don't even know this person! He lives in another country! You've never met and you will never meet!"
I was down horrendously bad.
Finding someone to date as a trans person is hard yall. Most of the out queer community in my town is white women/afab nonbinary ppl.
I did see them perform their fact check comeback showcase on YouTube though.
(I haven't medically transitioned so most ppl just think I'm a lesbian or a white girl with cancer because I shave my head. And yes the bar is that low.

I read so much Johnny x reader college/fratboy au fic that I had a dream where we were best friends who secretly liked each other and then we kissed and when I woke up my first thought was "but how will this affect our friendship?"
And then I was like "wait u don't even know this person! He lives in another country! You've never met and you will never meet!"
I was down horrendously bad.

Finding someone to date as a trans person is hard yall. Most of the out queer community in my town is white women/afab nonbinary ppl.

I did see them perform their fact check comeback showcase on YouTube though.
(127 have a better discography and choreography but they are clearly a "we aren't all best friends once the cameras are off" group and it's very obvious there r cliques. The dreamies may have all been best friends as teenagers but I don't think they are now. Like how many ppl r still friends with the ppl they knew in high school? But they're better at faking it for the cameras.)
Ah I have to go out right now sorry.

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LurkerIrene falling in love with a female radio DJ catches attention
We translate Pann articles about Korean news, music, drama and lifestyle
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Irene falling in love with a female radio DJ catches attention
We translate Pann articles about Korean news, music, drama and lifestylewww.pannchoa.com
DJ: People are curious to know about what kind of character you want to play?
Irene: Unnie's dongsaeng
DJ: Omo
Irene: She's pretty
Wendy: Agree
Irene: She's my style
DJ who is also an actress is Jeong Yumi. She got two timed by kangta from hot.
God that would be so awkward if they dated because he's technically 1 of Irene's bosses. (?)
Genuinely not trying to dunk on u but I had posted this further up. Can ppl not see it because it's like a spoiler inside a spoiler?
I tried fixing it twice and it kept turning out the same. Should I re post what was in that spoiler?
Also yes I agree that Irene is on the team. And

Her changing her fave colour to purple because it was her friend's fave color is giving the time 12 year old me changed mine to orange because that was Jesse McCartney' fave colour. Lol.
LurkerIrene falling in love with a female radio DJ catches attention
We translate Pann articles about Korean news, music, drama and lifestylewww.pannchoa.com
She's beautiful. Don't have much to add other than that. And cute, too.
Lurker@temporarywool still waiting for you to respond to this btw if there's tea on donghae i need to know loli definitely agree that i, for the most, think jaehyun is straight. i think stuff he did from 2016-2018 pinged me a bit but that has mostly died down now so if anything he couldve been bicurious in the past.
can you explain the thing about yuta and trans girls?
for jeno and jisung: i dont necessarily think of either of them as lgbt, and i dont really see them being 'into men' per se, but at the same time, if we ever found out they were dating men, i guess i could see it? jisung doesnt ping me exactly but sometimes people have the capacity to fall for someone beyond gender and thats how i feel about jisung at times lol, but ig it takes someone special for that to happen. anyhow like i said i do think jisung is straight and this is just a weird feeling i get from time to time.
and jeno... idk every single time an idol goes through this very specific image change of being soft spoken and cute to suddenly looking shredded and being a lot more quiet i always get a bit suspicious. but i don't think there is strong evidence about him being fruity so.
thank you for affirming that haechan isnt gay lol i have never thought he was! i don't see how he's fruity, like at all. there's also a good amount of evidence that he dated ryujin anyway.
onto suju:
i'm dying of curiosity over here wdym you've seen things about donghae not being straight?? pls share because i have felt so alone in the 'donghae might not be completely hetero' camp haha
i think i would be 98% convinced that heechul was straight if not for hangeng.

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Sorry, I recently found out my landlord is planning on selling the house pretty much so I've been dealing with that.@temporarywool still waiting for you to respond to this btw if there's tea on donghae i need to know lol![]()
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