
  1. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Ken Hirai] 怪物さん feat.あいみょん (Kaibutsu-san feat. Aimyon)

    平井堅 - 怪物さん feat.あいみょん/Ken Hirai - Kaibutsu-san feat. Aimyon (Mx. Monster) Lyrics: 平井堅 (Hirai Ken) Composition: 平井堅 (Hirai Ken) Requested by @Skönt Translated by Lurkette @ Original Lyrics/Romanization 私をそこらの女と同じ様に扱ってよ あなたにふさわしいかなんて そんなには賢くなれないわ Watashi o sokora no onna to...
  2. Vanilla Cupcake

    LYRICS [S.I.N.G] SING女團 - 煙雨笑 | Smiling Through the Smokey Rain

    SING女團 (S.I.N.G) - 煙雨笑 (Smiling Through the Smokey Rain) Lyrics: 徐良 (Liang Xu) Composition: 徐良 (Liang Xu) Translated by: Vanilla Cupcake @ 十里煙雨燈花笑 江上渡客人窈窕 嘴邊一直碎碎把你念叨 The lamp light is smiling through ten miles of smoke and rain The guest travelling across the river is gentle...
  3. Vanilla Cupcake

    LYRICS [Rainie Yang] 楊丞琳 - 空空 | Clueless

    楊丞琳 (Rainie Yang) - 空空 (Clueless) Lyrics: 魏如萱 (Waa Wei) Composition: 魏如萱, 韓立康 (Waa Wei, HLK) Translated by: Vanilla Cupcake @ 在愛情還沒開始之前 我總是期待日子會有多鮮豔 可以為你瞬間移動 想要為你升溫漲紅 Before the time when the relationship has not begun I always anticipate how vibrant the days will be Able to...
  4. ARandomFan

    What is your favorite song lyric?

    You might know a whole song by heart, but what is the line that sticks out to you the most? One of my favorites is "Don’t be trapped in someone else’s dream" From N.O by: BTS. I'm curious as to what lines stick out to y'all! (It doesn't have to be serious. If your fav lyric is funny I wanna...
  5. Vanilla Cupcake

    LYRICS [Rocket Girls 101 Jinna] 火箭少女101 傅菁 - 阿丽塔 | Alita

    火箭少女101 傅菁 (Rocket Girls 101 Jinna) - 阿丽塔 (Alita) Lyrics: 代岳东, 傅菁 (Dai Yuedong, Jinna) Composition: Christian Karlstrom Translated by: Vanilla Cupcake @ Like fire 我沒有老闆出名 一出道就帶標籤 有張難親近的臉 懶得與是非爭辯 真實和虛妄面前 多少人被遮住雙眼 想成為阿麗塔 永遠學不會妥協 Like fire I didn’t get famous because of [my]...
  6. Lurkette


    AFTERSCHOOL - Shh Lyrics: Kyasu Morizuki Composition: Shinichi Osawa Requested by @Wozumo Translated by Lurkette @ Original Lyrics/Romanization 誰かと同じじゃ物足りないというなら Oh! Baby 誰とも違う特別な恋をしよう Dareka to onaji ja monotarinai to iu nara Oh! Baby Dare to mo chigau tokubetsu na koi o...
  7. Vanilla Cupcake

    LYRICS [Ding Zeren] 丁泽仁 - Open Your 爱 | Open Your Love

    丁泽仁 (Ding Zeren) - Open Your 爱 (Open Your Love) Lyrics: 周艺轩 (Zhou Yixuan) Composition: Kim Tae Wan,Boombastic Translated by: Vanilla Cupcake @ 自從你出現 我生命為此改變 許下的諾言 已融入白天黑夜 Since you appeared, my life has changed Made a promise, assimilating into the bright day and dark night...
  8. Vanilla Cupcake

    LYRICS SNH48 - 魔女的诗篇 | The Witch's Poem

    SNH48 - 魔女的诗篇 (The Witch's Poem) Lyrics: 黄俊郎 (Huang Chun-Lang) Composition: ASPJ Translated by: Vanilla Cupcake @ 血色的鐵騎織成網 從此沒有穹蒼 我的眼淚再怎麼汪洋 也澆不熄火光 那夜希望只剩殘章 從此無人傳唱 精靈的山丘再怎麼安詳 也只是個遠方 當人們漸漸學會把慾望凝練成魔法 天空終於下了最後一場黑雪 眾神也只剩灰燼能畫出晚霞 The bloody cavalry weaved into a net Since then...
  9. Vanilla Cupcake

    LYRICS [Ella] 陳嘉樺 - 都幾歲了 | How Old Are You

    陳嘉樺 (Ella) - 都幾歲了 (How Old Are You) Lyrics: 張簡君偉 (Alex Chang Jien) Composition: 張簡君偉 (Alex Chang Jien) Translated by: Vanilla Cupcake @ 誰在心上開了一扇天窗 就讓思緒一整夜著了涼 誰在耳邊說了一句謊話 就讓天真的人被綑綁 Who opened the skylight in [my] heart? It made [me] catch a cold from pondering the entire...
  10. Lurkette

    LYRICS [] なんと!世界公認 引きこもり!(Nanto! Sekai Kounin Hikikomori!)

    でんぱ組.inc - なんと!世界公認 引きこもり!/ - Nanto! Sekai Kounin Hikikomori! (Wow! The world is officially shut-ins) Lyrics: 前山田健一 (Maeyamada Ken'ichi) Composition: 浅野尚志 (Asano Takashi) Arrangement: 釣 俊輔 (Tsuri Junsuke) Translated by Lurkette @ Original Lyrics/Romanization...
  11. Vanilla Cupcake

    LYRICS [R1SE] 周震南 - 爱 | Love

    周震南 (R1SE) - 爱 (Love) Lyrics: 周震南 (R1SE) Composition: 周震南 (R1SE) Translated by: Vanilla Cupcake @ My heart hid in the dark My eyes are full of desire My life is a living ruin All the curiosity and naive thoughts We are always waiting for you To keep you away from hunger by my...
  12. Lurkette

    LYRICS [GALETTe] ソニックファイター (Sonic Fighter)

    GALETTe - ソニックファイター (Sonic Fighter) Lyrics: 山田寿美子 (Yamada Sumiko) Composition: 筑田浩志 (Chikuda Hiroshi) Arrangement: SHINTA Requested by @cheesebun Translated by Lurkette @ Original Lyrics/Romanization 果てなき道を 歩き続けた 遠くに光る 未来を見据えてた Hatenaki michi o arukitsudzuketa Tooku ni...
  13. Lurkette

    LYRICS [King Gnu] Overflow

    King Gnu - Overflow Lyrics: 常田大希 (Tsuneta Daiki) Composition: 常田大希 (Tsuneta Daiki) Requested by @Skönt Translated by Lurkette @ Original Lyrics/Romanization 幸せの対価に、どれ程の価値が要るかなんて 知る由もない、知りたくも無い 確かなものに手を伸ばしたい Shiawase no taika ni, dorehodo no kachi ga iru ka nante Shiru...
  14. Lurkette

    LYRICS [E-girls] EG-ENERGY

    E-girls - EG-ENERGY Lyrics: michico Composition: T.Kura, michico Requested by @gabe120 Translated by Lurkette @ Original Lyrics/Romanization ジャックシチャウ… ロックシチャウ… We are E.G.11 E-girls Rock you!!! Jack shichau... Rock shichau... We are E.G.11 E-girls Rock you...
  15. Vanilla Cupcake

    LYRICS [Lil Ghost - Wang Linkai] 小鬼王琳凯 - 别叫我达芬奇 | Don't Call Me Da Vinci

    小鬼王琳凯 (Lil Ghost - Wang Linkai) - 别叫我达芬奇 (Don't Call Me Da Vinci) Lyrics: 小鬼 (Lil Ghost) Composition: 小鬼 (Lil Ghost) Translated by: Vanilla Cupcake @ ' Baby girl 別叫我達芬奇 讓我唱首Melody 沒有太多的問題 要不要和我在一起 Baby girl, don’t call me Da Vinci Allow me to sing a melody There aren’t too...
  16. Lurkette

    [ALBUM] Golden Bomber - Mou Kouhaku ni Dashite Kurenai

    Air band Golden Bomber released their fourth original album, "Mou Kouhaku ni Dashite Kurenai," on December 28, 2019. The title, meaning "They won't let us on Kouhaku anymore," and artwork for the album were released shortly after the announcement of the lineup for the 2019 Kouhaku Uta Gassen...
  17. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Golden Bomber] さらば (Saraba)

    ゴールデンボンバー - さらば / Golden Bomber - Saraba (Farewell) Lyrics, Composition: 鬼龍院翔 (Kiryuin Shou) Arrangement: 鬼龍院翔 (Kiryuin Shou), tatsuo Translated by Lurkette @ Original Lyrics/Romanization もう終わらせよう 悩み生きることを 何も出来ないまま 死にゆく季節眺めることを Mou owaraseyou Nayami ikiru koto o Nanimo...
  18. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Golden Bomber] ぺしみずむ (Pessimism)

    ゴールデンボンバー - ぺしみずむ / Golden Bomber - Pessimism Lyrics, Composition: 鬼龍院翔 (Kiryuin Shou) Arrangement: 鬼龍院翔 (Kiryuin Shou), tatsuo Translated by Lurkette @ Original Lyrics/Romanization 好きになったんだから仕方ない 僕は君が好きだ Suki ni nattan dakara shikata nai Boku wa kimi ga suki da 出会いは真夜中のBARで...
  19. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Golden Bomber] 犬じゃあるまいし (Inu ja aru mai shi)

    ゴールデンボンバー - 犬じゃあるまいし/ Golden Bomber - Inu ja aru mai shi (It's not like I'm a dog) Lyrics, Composition: 鬼龍院翔 (Kiryuin Shou) Arrangement: 鬼龍院翔 (Kiryuin Shou), tatsuo Translated by Lurkette @ Original Lyrics/Romanization 害の無さそうな蓑を被って 僕は何と欲深くはしたないんだろう 頭の中じゃ君を奪って檻の中で暮らしてる Gai no...
  20. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Dream Shizuka] Paper Dream

    Dream Shizuka - Paper Dream Lyrics, Composition: SHOCK EYE Requested by @gabe120 Translated by Lurkette @ Original Lyrics/Romanization Nobody knows 誰にも見せれず またしまい込む 疲れた制服 胸ポケットの中 丸めた紙切れ 握りしめて 擦れ 汚れても 捨てれなくて 一人眺めてた その世界へ いつか いつか届くかな… Nobody knows dare ni mo miserezu Mata...
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