🌈👑 We are WithU! The Official NiziU Thread | ♪ #Heartris ♪ 👑🌈


Idol Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Nizi S2 Roommate Assignments

Room1 - Miihi, Ayaka
Room2 - Mako, Nina
Room3 - Akari, Riria

Room1 - Momoka, Mayuka, Yuna, Rio
ROom2 - Rima, Riku, Maya


Idol Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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Nizi Project to have a 4 day spotlight on Sukkiri for Golden Week. It will be on the 29th and from May 4th to the 6th.

A highlight of Nizi Project to be shown during entertainment news show Yoru Baguette tonight.


My opinion about today's episode :

Rio :

dancing was perfect , singing wise it's fine but still not that good it all sounds the same its like shes singing only one note one melody .

akari :

Dancing was a mess , singing the first few seconds were perfect i thought it was the backing track i wondered to myself was akari such a good singer ? then she started being unstable & eventually messing up . I personally think its a poor choice of song if she choice something slow like miihi she wouldve done better since she says that she she dosent have much strength if you know that you wouldnt choice something like good bye baby & she should a cool image in the group showcase she dosent need to do that again she needs to polish her charms and know exactly what they are and have her own weapon yeah she showed a bright image but that was only half what she could do because she was sick since she slightly recorved she sholdve done a bright song with easy choreo that wouldve gotten her a better evaluation .

miihii :

perfect girl model student mihii 👏👏👏👏 i enjoyed her performance


Sep 19, 2019
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On a blue rock in the middle of a big empty.
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So here is my voting phelosophy. I will always vote for a few of the last place girls and I will not vote for the first place person. The first place doesn't need my help the last places do. The last place person especially. PS) Yes you can vote for more than one.

So even though I'm a Nina stan I didn't vote for her. I voted for Rima, Mako,Rio, Mayuka, Akari, Riku, Riria, and Momoka.


Idol Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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Already saw most of the episode thanks to the highlights and spotlights all over Nippon TV. The actual episode itself adds a little bit more context to things and a little bit of the girls personalities, but if you watched Nizi Kake and the Sukkiri spotlights you already saw the most important parts. Personally wondering if I should stop watching them so I can have a better experience watching the show itself but not really super conflicted just a small thought.

I understand where Suzu is coming from. She was conflicted from the start. She isn't sure what path to take in life and what her dream is so when she got through to the next phase I think she was super stressed and even more conflicted. I hope whatever she choses for her own life she succeeds in. It isn't an easy choice and I'm sure she is still wondering if it was the right thing to do or not. I just hope lack of confidence wasn't a big part of it because I feel like during the training camp she earned her spot skills wise.

Not really a fan of the whole if you rank last 2 times you are out. JYP is really inconsistent in my opinion on how he ranks girls and having a hardline like that just opens the door for another Momo situation. A girl that should have ranked higher might be eliminated because of some really arbitrary JYP thing. Like with Nina and Ayaka for instance. During the dance evaluation I agreed with what JYP said about both girls but not with him ranking Nina way lower than Ayaka. Even taking into account stage presence, displaying emotion on your dance, and showing some individuality in it I still think Nina did way better. I understand it was a hard work thing and Nina shot herself in the foot saying she didn't practice as hard as she could, but had it not come up the rank would be different and that muddles the ranking itself. Unless you ask everyone that and everyone is completely honest you just made your ranking a lot less useful. I also am not a fan of how he always jumps to the conclusion that people that do poorly must have not practiced hard. People have different skill levels and learning speeds. I have seen people that study 10x more than myself score a lot lower than me in tests that I did well not even studying a single second and vice versa.

The bad attitude thing goes without saying though. Obviously if someone has a bad personality, is not pleasant to work with etc you really shouldn't put them in your group. I feel like of the Korean companies we know about JYP is the best at this, even if not flawless, and I generally feel like they treat their artists well too.

The new pendant is honestly ugly. The old one wasn't a great looking piece of accessory but it was harmless enough to not bother me but we are getting ridiculous on the stuff we are adding to it. I hope this isn't a big part of the future group as far as image and branding goes. I like the overlaying of the letters NIZI to make the cube, but in a more simpler manner and I wish they'd use different colors. Also the reasoning behind it is getting flimsier and flimsier the more we add to it. It sound like the whole "I heard you like x" meme from Xzibit.

I have a bad feeling about Momoka. She is virtually invisible in the first episode. I wonder if this is another Suzu situation in which she was already eliminated and they are just trying to not draw too much attention to her. Could also just be weird editing choice like ignoring Riku for half of part 1. We'll see.

Must have been real weird for the JYP girls to take the tour of the building they already work with everyday. I kind of felt that during the cafeteria lunch thing Rima was going "Delicious?" thinking I eat this everyday it might as well be mud. We already seen this building a lot since it was finished but it is always interesting remembering just how much JYP has grown. Comparing the size of the training rooms to the ones back in Sixteen is a bit jarring. The vocal practice rooms though are still a Harry Potter-esque slave closet.

It was nice seeing a little bit of the girls outside of the performances. Looks like Rima, Riku and Maya are the memelords of the group. I also wonder where the JYP trainees were staying before this. Maybe a smaller apartment because they are 3 instead of 6/7 people per apartment. I'm assuming Yuna's parents live in Korea, or at least one of them. Rio also seems like the girl that likes being silly at times. Riria and Akari seemed a bit like the quieter types but maybe that is because they are both stressing out because of other stuff. They both seemed a bit self-conscious. Not much sight of Yuna, Momoka or Mayuka during this part.

I wonder who chose the songs if the girls did it themselves, if the company had any input or a mixture of both. I kind of get Rio doing Lady. In part 1 I think she showed she can dance but really struggled with the concept during the group performance. More than dancing it properly was about conveying the feeling the song demanded. I wouldn't say she looks like a child, as she said, more that she is so used to doing energetic and powerful dances it definitely is a legitimate question if she can pull off more deliberate, and delicate moves. Her singing was pretty decent all things considered. Definitely not perfect and I agree with JYP's critiques for the most part. Her dancing was alright, she did the moves properly and didn't look awkward or out of place doing it. I just feel like it didn't suit her though. Maybe it was the outfit or maybe it's because her limbs don't look long. Those gloves with puffy shoulder really didn't help in that sense. She is a very pretty kid though. I think JYP saw that during her first audition and is why he said she looks like an actress. I also don't foresee the future group doing anything close to this concept so not a big deal. I'm more curious how she pulls of something like an E-girls kind of concept or Likey which is how I feel the group will go.

Akari's performance was a tough one indeed. She didn't do too well. You could tell her confidence was down the entire time from practice to the performance. I wonder if she chose the song really. She did well with a cheerful concept during auditions and with a more cool one during group performances but she seemed really lost in this more sexy concept. Probably is her age and all. Considering she is one of the kids that never had proper training I wonder why she went with a concept so far out of her confort zone, or why JYPE chose that for her if that is the case. She is one of the more raw kids, so seeing how far she can go with something she is more familiar with would be how I would go personally. She also seemed to have some conditioning issues, maybe related to her being hospitalized. She ran out of breath and lacked energy dancing. The dance part might also be the concept rather than conditioning though. I feel bad because she is one of my favorites, and all the fake controversy some people decided to create for no reason. I worry in the future when this stuff catches up on the show how she will be. I hope she does better next performance because I can see that along with struggling to do well can spiral downward for her. It looks like she is working hard to get that conditioning up though, but that takes months of training. Hopefully time isn't too short so that she can perform to her full capabilities before it is all over.

I feel like Miihi did well but went with a safe performance. Her strength is definitely her singing ability so going for a performance that challenged her expression during singing is playing into her strengths. Now that shouldn't detract from her performance, but I just feel it wasn't as amazing as JYP made it out to be. JYP can get very biased and I feel like he has done so with Miihi. She sang well, but there weren't any complicated or demanding dance moves nor there were any big attention grabbing singing parts. The remix they used is very moody but muted imo. I felt like she did well but I wanted more. Having said that I already feel like Miihi, Mako and Rima are ready to debut, so this is more of a formality for them. The other kids have way more to prove and show so even if I don't think it was a performance worth getting a cube right away it doesn't bother me that she did because I have no doubt in my mind she will be in the final group and be absolutely perfect in it.

Going by next episode preview looks like both Nina and Ayaka went for their strengths too. Which I think is a smart move. Nina can improve her dancing but I think it isn't something 1 month of training would do, so better to start strong, especially with the 2 last places rule. Don't think she will ever turn into a dancing machine but she can be a decent dancer given time. Ayaka is the harder one to predict. They said she did 9 years of dancing, not sure how professional or what was the aim of her dancing, maybe it was just for fun and not really training, so it is hard to tell how much she can improve. I feel like she will always lag behind in it along with singing, but her stage presence, and charms can carry her through it. It's gonna be an interesting performance to watch and how JYP ranks her is going to set the tone for the rest of the show for me.

Looking forward to Riku's stage. We only saw her perform fully once in part 1. She ranked pretty high in everything but her group performance wasn't too inspiring. Her stage seems to be a very preppy and energetic, which I feel is what the image of the group will be, so it's going to be a real preview of how she would work if debuted.

Yuna seems to be going for a girl crush vibe very dissonant to her cute appearance. She seems very confident in the short clip they show, which was her biggest flaw imo, so I am also excited to see how she does. She won't be a main vocal or dancer, but I think she has skills at this point to debut and do well, just needs confidence and consistency in her performance.

Maya seems to be going for a sexy concept too. She is another kid I feel like has the skills to debut already. Her performances during the training camp started shaky but by the group performance I think she showed her full abilities. She danced more sharply, had better stage presence and found her voice in a more suitable key and song. Should be a great showing if she sticks to what she found at the end of part 1.

Not gona try to guess why they are crying in previews. Even though this isn't an MNET show with it's malicious editing, they are still editing for drama a little bit, so I'll just wait and see on that. Glad they aren't throwing kids under the bus like MNET though, just playing with our hearts on who got a good evaluation or not.


Trainee Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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Nizi Project Season 2 Ep 1 reaction:


  • Loved that the outfit matched Lady
  • VOCAL: Taking into consideration for singing in Korean and her specialty in dancing, I don't think she did too bad of a job. I think it's an area she knows she has to improve on though.
  • DANCE: Overall, it was good.
  • VOCAL: Her vocals isn't too bad, it's a good start imo. During the performance, she sounded out of breath, out of control at times, and off pitch. I think with more vocal lessons, she can become a good singer though.
  • DANCE: I was disappointed that she left out some of the original choreography. I agree with JYP's comments.
  • Loved the outfit matching Nobody
  • VOCAL: Of course and as expected, great vocals. No criticism whatsoever.
  • DANCE: A pity we couldn't see her fully dance.
  • I want to see her challenge her boundaries.

  • A nice introduction of the season.
  • Whole episode felt repetitive and boring tbh since the most interesting parts (arriving in KR, preparations, performance, etc..) were already shown on previews
  • But, glad to see the whole performances
  • I'm anticipating next week's performances.
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Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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I pretty much agree with everyone's take on the first episode. I feel like I should not watch the previews and just wait for the episodes to air because the previews pretty much gave away what we already saw in the episodes.


"Kind but not soft" Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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I pretty much agree with everyone's take on the first episode. I feel like I should not watch the previews and just wait for the episodes to air because the previews pretty much gave away what we already saw in the episodes.
Yeah, you get the main results during the preview shows, but you miss a lot of the context from the missing footage. I'm gonna pass as well on watching the previews.


Idol Early Supporters
Jun 15, 2019
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Ranking for the day with changes

Tanigawa Hina instagram live featuring Ozaki Suzu.



Sep 19, 2019
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On a blue rock in the middle of a big empty.
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Ranking for the day with changes

Some big changes. I checked earlier when I voted and they hadn't changed anything. I'm thinking this more reflects the Japanese perspective than the International fandom. Though can't be sure. Since this just started I'm also thinking that the voting is somewhat small and thus moves quite wildly until more people join in. Time will tell.


Idol Early Supporters
Jun 16, 2019
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Some big changes. I checked earlier when I voted and they hadn't changed anything. I'm thinking this more reflects the Japanese perspective than the International fandom. Though can't be sure. Since this just started I'm also thinking that the voting is somewhat small and thus moves quite wildly until more people join in. Time will tell.

I'm going to keep a spreadsheet and see what each person's average position is after a month or so.

I personally suspect that it's more international voting vs japanese. Miihi's performance in S2 Ep01 trended on Japanese sites but somehow her ranking went down one spot. Nina seems like she'll be locked in a the #1 spot and she's the most popular internationally while she trailed some of the others in past korean/japanese polls. there's also some twitter campaigns to balance the voting so that jyp will debut ot13 so i wonder if you'll start seeing different low ranks from the previous day move up the next.
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