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Damn I guess Moeka's push is still at full swing after that scandal.
Well a perfect senbatsu just got ruined , imma look forward to the b-sides as USUAL.. Even a damn Yuiyui center would have been better 

full senbatsu lineup
i don't hate, lets just say it
i don't hate, lets just say it
GuestWanted at least one more hkt representative and a new SKE one . Happy for tomu chiho and yuiri . So that's why they rushed the nmb single but still i'm worried it'll be too much for miru/akari . Yokyoma in third row ? I'm not sure but 3rd row are usually hidden so i don't feel like i've seen her in the back before ? Is she preparing to leave ? . I don't get the hate on moeka she's a cute nice kid the " scandal " was made to be more big than it actually is i'm surprised aks didn't ignore it like they usually do with their pushes i bet she cried when they told her i'm happy for her . And i don't mind hinata but still why is she here ? Why is n freaking gt still a thing no one gives a shit anymore
Renacchi , Komiharu , Zukki , Naamin , Shitao Miu , Erii , Rei ,Hiwatan , Megu , Seichan , Stonechan , Manaka , Kururun , Mahopyon , Ma Chia Ling ..
Don't mind me, I'm just making a list of girls better than miss scandal that still gets ignored by AKS just because of HS sales..they really don't care about making AKB as great as it was before.
Don't mind me, I'm just making a list of girls better than miss scandal that still gets ignored by AKS just because of HS sales..they really don't care about making AKB as great as it was before.

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AKB Management and their bob hair fetish...name a more iconic duo 

Sometimes I do get those Kpop fans saying ''I wish she debuts in Korea''
goddamn AKS wasting pure gold for bronze at best 

🔟🌹💎🍒🐐Here i thought they'd have the guts to do an AKB-only single.
I'm surprised they dind't choose yuiri when she's the one who got nice respond after she did a center on TV, welp
well, at least there's no one from Team NIII
I'm surprised they dind't choose yuiri when she's the one who got nice respond after she did a center on TV, welp
well, at least there's no one from Team NIII

WELL just in time to release moeka PB's cover&title, what a coincidence

ニュース| 人気アイドルグループ・AKB48の“スーパールーキー”こと矢作萌夏(17)の1st写真集(8月7日発売・白夜書房)のタイトルが『自分図鑑』に決定し、表紙画像が公開された。グループ総合プロデューサーの秋元康氏は「矢作萌夏は、何も考えていないようで、実はしっかり考えているのだ。賢い子どもが、冷静に大人を見るように...。自分のことさえ、客観的に観察している」と帯文にコメントを寄せた。 矢作は昨年1月に「第3回AKB48グループ...
Here i thought they'd have the guts to do an AKB-only single.
I'm surprised they dind't choose yuiri when she's the one who got nice respond after she did a center on TV, welp
An AKB-only single is never gonna happen again ,they only want that sweet 1m+ sales. AKS doesn't care if AKB is relevant or no and a Yuiri center would be way to good to be something management would decide on.

sustainable??? any chance the lyrics is about sustainable startup tech company?
maybe is about all the plastic fans have to get rid of because ssk's singlesustainable??? any chance the lyrics is about sustainable startup tech company?
Btw they will unveil the song in 2 days at FNS 

sustainable??? any chance the lyrics is about sustainable startup tech company?
It's them telling people they can get out of this mess after NGT
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Ngl, picking Moeka as center is interesting but idk how she'll do.
But I'm annoyed at Yuihan & Tomu (2 kami-7) being third row and Miion being second row.
But I'm annoyed at Yuihan & Tomu (2 kami-7) being third row and Miion being second row.
Miu has so much potential and there WASTING ITSometimes I do get those Kpop fans saying ''I wish she debuts in Korea''goddamn AKS wasting pure gold for bronze at best
Nugudoes anyone know if AKS/King Rec split the HS tickets earnings or AKS got the 100% of those? or at least the majority?
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omg, Takahashi Juri, her dream is finally coming true 

komiharu's tweets about latest senbatsu showed on my feed and i went to look if someone translated them, especially because she wasn't picked again (and i really wanted to know well her feelings this time)
if someone is interested there is a translation on stage48
Give us that AKB only single AKShit

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