Nugusorry for the double post but
for someone who is only a lyricist, Akimoto surely is always in 48 "related" business.
i think it's because she's 9th gen, aki-p still heavily involved thenfor someone who is only a lyricist, Akimoto surely is always in 48 "related" business.
i doubt he's as close and involved with latter gen members
i'd say stage48 might have a thread about this?? but not really sure365 no kami hikouki is a certified triple platinium seller meaning it sold more than 750k copies. is there a digital chart for akb/48g somewhere to check? iirc few songs sold that much.
like @hilmanelric saidfor someone who is only a lyricist, Akimoto surely is always in 48 "related" business.
i mean, maho's case he butted in at the very end and many learned that his involvement with the groups is very little because of aks...
japanese's companies can be really sketchy for this kind of things and i wish they could be more open tbh
Hachinosu Dance cover this time wew
Nugui'd say stage48 might have a thread about this?? but not really sure
i didn't found anything on stage48 but on wikipedia i saw they have 5 singles who have 1 million downloads, another Beginner has 500k. the most recent single is KFC, well aside from 365.
GuestNmb's single feels rushed it wouldve been better as a spring single . Miru was great and all but i belive another member wouldve been a better fit seeing miru yuuka and all those older members wearing school uniforms is weird . Also it wouldve been better as a younger member unit song not as a title track .
It's an mnet reality show.Is Eri center? Times have changed
Why are there so many white girls? I don't have anything against it tho but are westerners gonna be incorporated into kpop groups soon for that int. appeal? Some koreaboos really dont like westerners in their kpop so that's gonna be interesting...
Mnet recruited international K-Pop fans to study for four weeks and experience the overall aspects of K-pop culture. They will receive lessons from experts in singing, dancing, and Korean language and experience aspects of Korean culture such as the food, beauty, and fashion.

milky's PB coming out next month

渡辺美優紀、大胆ランジェリー姿披露 3年ぶり写真集「美優紀です。」発表 - モデルプレス

みるきー、3年ぶりフォトブックでランジェリーカット挑戦 イタリア・ミラノで撮り下ろし
ニュース| 元NMB48のみるきーこと渡辺美優紀(25)が、ソロデビュー後初のフォトスタイルブック『美優紀です。』(宝島社)を8月23日に発売することが決定した。イタリア・ミラノでの完全撮り下ろしで、大胆なランジェリーショットにも挑戦した。 2016年8月にNMB48を卒業し、昨年9月に芸能活動を再開した渡辺。今年4月には1stソロアルバム『17%』をリリース、同作を引っさげて初の単独全国ツアーを開催、自身がプロデュース&参加するガールズユニットの発足など、精力的に活動しファンを喜ばせている。
Mofu looks so tired i hope she's not sick i wonder if she was forced to be a part of this
I don't see New kenkyuusei and nishigata maybe i just didn't notice
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Mofu looks so tired i hope she's not sick i wonder if she was forced to be a part of this
I don't see New kenkyuusei and nishigata maybe i just didn't notice
You can see Marina is next to Ogiyuka when Mofu gave Ayakani the cake

milky's PB coming out next month
渡辺美優紀、大胆ランジェリー姿披露 3年ぶり写真集「美優紀です。」発表 - モデルプレス
みるきー、3年ぶりフォトブックでランジェリーカット挑戦 イタリア・ミラノで撮り下ろし
ニュース| 元NMB48のみるきーこと渡辺美優紀(25)が、ソロデビュー後初のフォトスタイルブック『美優紀です。』(宝島社)を8月23日に発売することが決定した。イタリア・ミラノでの完全撮り下ろしで、大胆なランジェリーショットにも挑戦した。 2016年8月にNMB48を卒業し、昨年9月に芸能活動を再開した渡辺。今年4月には1stソロアルバム『17%』をリリース、同作を引っさげて初の単独全国ツアーを開催、自身がプロデュース&参加するガールズユニットの発足など、精力的に活動しファンを喜ばせている。

GuestYou can see Marina is next to Ogiyuka when Mofu gave Ayakani the cakeDunno about the kenkyuuseis tho
New kenkyuusei=kato minami infact i'm glad i didn't notice no need to polute my eyes anymore tano ogiuka is enough
Awwwww look at this tightly-knit group *eye rolls.
Awwwww look at this tightly-knit group *eye rolls.
Okappa don't need saving ! I have confirmation again that she was NOT held at gun point for this pic

Made a jurina thread here you go guys
Made a jurina thread here you go guys
could someone tell me why out of the blue last hkt's single is charting 1st on oricon?? lol something happened?
could someone tell me why out of the blue last hkt's single is charting 1st on oricon?? lol something happened?
Lmao I had to go check ,wtf is happening lol

In other news Tomu centered once again the superior song aka Bokutachi Wa Tatakawanai and we have a great pic of it this time 
Also Zukki looking damn good here

Also Zukki looking damn good here

Made a jurina thread here you go guys
I do not know how it works but I think if you ask here, they do those cool things at the beginning of the topic (OP Design i guess)
Here is 1 done there.
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