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Mikina did an event for her photobook
they were doing a recap of the things that happened these past years for them as both MAMESHiBA and MONSTERIDOL, haven't watched the new one yet but seems they are revealing a lot of never commented stuff
speaking of the past, here a Miyuki update
nokotan reference! wonder if she still plans to be an idol
also Hanae and LOVE
i basically forgot about it but before joining MAMESHiBA Hanae was also a member of wagg
they were doing a recap of the things that happened these past years for them as both MAMESHiBA and MONSTERIDOL, haven't watched the new one yet but seems they are revealing a lot of never commented stuff
speaking of the past, here a Miyuki update
nokotan reference! wonder if she still plans to be an idol
also Hanae and LOVE
i basically forgot about it but before joining MAMESHiBA Hanae was also a member of wagg
it was ExWYHZ's 2nd anniversary since debut!
feels like longer but is because they have been releasing so much music which is also surprising because so far everything they released has been great
in any case hoping for many more anniversaries for the group and the members
feels like longer but is because they have been releasing so much music which is also surprising because so far everything they released has been great
in any case hoping for many more anniversaries for the group and the members

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ExWHYZ's Zepp Shinjuku concert sold out in a day, they added more seats to the concert and also sold out immediately
i love her costume
Ca-non also looks good i think it's my second favorite uniform
the tattoos and piercings are stickers they have to put between each concert, they are so many that seems Tsuki sometimes forgets to take them off
cool fan art
ExWHYZ are going to guest one ano's late night show!
that's really good news, there is probably no better music show for idol groups at the moment tons of big name artists have guested recently
as a matter of fact Aina also guested a couple of weeks ago
kinda unrelated, i really wish netflix licensed the show they already have everything else ano has done there so this is the only thing left and would be a huge boost for japanese music
that's really good news, there is probably no better music show for idol groups at the moment tons of big name artists have guested recently
as a matter of fact Aina also guested a couple of weeks ago
kinda unrelated, i really wish netflix licensed the show they already have everything else ano has done there so this is the only thing left and would be a huge boost for japanese music
i've been listening to it since it was released but forgot to comment about it
so Sweet&Sour is (as expected) also really good! my favorite song in the EP is "Drama", followed by "Oshienai" i feel is close between the two
i don't recall if it was announced before the release but the group version of Present was a nice surprise, originally was a collab between Mayu and Maho with crossdominance which honestly was really good but also i'm happy they re recorded the song because i always end forgetting about collabs
Nightcoaster is great too, may be my 3rd favorite in the EP? we already knew about Sweet&Sour since the MV was released and is also good
both are really good so not sure if i like Sweet&Sour better than Dress to Kill, Fleeting being in the later makes it hard to pick but if it weren't for it S&S maybe get the win here in any case is just amazing how they released two top tier EPs just a few months from each other
speaking of crossdominance ExWHYZ are going to guest on their radio show, the video is later going to be uploaded to youtube
Yu-ki and her dog did an interview for a pet magazine
ExWHYZ are going to guest on SPOOKYPUMPKIN2024 this is a halloween concert by Sanrio a.k.a the makers of hello kitty
is in October! other guests are Utaha from Wednesday campanella and more, hope to see some pictures of them together
so Sweet&Sour is (as expected) also really good! my favorite song in the EP is "Drama", followed by "Oshienai" i feel is close between the two
i don't recall if it was announced before the release but the group version of Present was a nice surprise, originally was a collab between Mayu and Maho with crossdominance which honestly was really good but also i'm happy they re recorded the song because i always end forgetting about collabs
Nightcoaster is great too, may be my 3rd favorite in the EP? we already knew about Sweet&Sour since the MV was released and is also good
both are really good so not sure if i like Sweet&Sour better than Dress to Kill, Fleeting being in the later makes it hard to pick but if it weren't for it S&S maybe get the win here in any case is just amazing how they released two top tier EPs just a few months from each other
speaking of crossdominance ExWHYZ are going to guest on their radio show, the video is later going to be uploaded to youtube
Yu-ki and her dog did an interview for a pet magazine
ExWHYZ are going to guest on SPOOKYPUMPKIN2024 this is a halloween concert by Sanrio a.k.a the makers of hello kitty
is in October! other guests are Utaha from Wednesday campanella and more, hope to see some pictures of them together
GANG PARADE are going to release a new MV on the 28
GP also are going to guest on the sanrio event with ExWHYZ
Tsuki + Ca-non
GP also are going to guest on the sanrio event with ExWHYZ
Tsuki + Ca-non
also the new GANG PARADE mv premieres the 28
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ExWHYZ added a new feature in their site you can check the timeline of what they have done although for the moment only 2022 is available
they also want to remind people they have an instagram account, weird enough that has been their least used sns outside member streams
maho visuals

ExWHYZ|ExWHYZ official fanclub“xYZ”
EMPiREメンバーよる新グループ"ExWHYZ"[イクスワイズ]"オフィシャルサイト。 最新情報やライブ情報など最新情報を掲載。official fanclub"xYZ"[イクスワイズィー]では新規入会受付中。

they also want to remind people they have an instagram account, weird enough that has been their least used sns outside member streams
maho visuals
GANG PARADE's emergency live stream is starting!

GANG PARADE ライブ独占生中継
アイドル専門チャンネル「ニコドル」では、8月27日(火)24:05より、SHIBUYA CYCLONEで行われる、G...
GANG PARADE「Peace☆超パニック」Music Video
nice plot twist! reminds of that one GTTB MV, glad we also got a video with the punk uniforms
yesterday was WACK in the uk vol 3, MONSTERIDOL, ASP and BiS were the line up
there is going to be a vol 4 in november with ExWHYZ and ASP plus others although they didn't say who, i mean is super cool briish fans are getting to watch the groups but i wonder why they don't try a larger venue? i mean i know that just because ExWHYZ or Aina can fill 1000+ seats venues in japan that doesn't mean they can do so in the uk but it still feels a little too small
something interesting suddenly a reel from ExWHYZ when viral in instagram, it has 10 million views and 300k likes
i mean is really funny is also interesting seeing russian, spanish, portuguese comments even if they are unrelated to music
also a lot of stuff that i'm definitely going to update and not forget next day
there is going to be a vol 4 in november with ExWHYZ and ASP plus others although they didn't say who, i mean is super cool briish fans are getting to watch the groups but i wonder why they don't try a larger venue? i mean i know that just because ExWHYZ or Aina can fill 1000+ seats venues in japan that doesn't mean they can do so in the uk but it still feels a little too small
something interesting suddenly a reel from ExWHYZ when viral in instagram, it has 10 million views and 300k likes
i mean is really funny is also interesting seeing russian, spanish, portuguese comments even if they are unrelated to music
also a lot of stuff that i'm definitely going to update and not forget next day did an article about the uk concert
Usagi Tsukino make up routine
Aina's abs
btw her Budokan concert is in just 2 weeks!
Ayuni D's collab with the brand Ys
the last two give "i drive" vibes
Usagi Tsukino make up routine
Aina's abs
btw her Budokan concert is in just 2 weeks!
Ayuni D's collab with the brand Ys

the last two give "i drive" vibes
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ExWHYZ's radio show FREE ALL ExWHYZ is ending at the end of september
there doesn't seem to be any major reason for that is just ending, mikina says there is no particular reason behind it
i think it was becoming hard for them to keep up with the radio schedule, there is an episode each week of around 30 minutes or more so if you add the time it takes them to get there and other things it easily takes 1 or 2 hours of schedule every week
there doesn't seem to be any major reason for that is just ending, mikina says there is no particular reason behind it
i think it was becoming hard for them to keep up with the radio schedule, there is an episode each week of around 30 minutes or more so if you add the time it takes them to get there and other things it easily takes 1 or 2 hours of schedule every week
unrelated but i was thinking about all the post BiSH stuff that happened in particular groups who sort of carry their spirit?
BiTE A SHOCK who are the official successors
LiVS who are a spiritual successor more close to them although from a wack sub label
Girls be bad they are a new group by Kenta Matsukuma who is not related to wack anymore but was who basically created the BiSH sound
i want to write more stuff about it but i haven't look into Girls be bad much
anyway Aina's budokan concert is next week
BiTE A SHOCK who are the official successors
LiVS who are a spiritual successor more close to them although from a wack sub label
Girls be bad they are a new group by Kenta Matsukuma who is not related to wack anymore but was who basically created the BiSH sound
i want to write more stuff about it but i haven't look into Girls be bad much
anyway Aina's budokan concert is next week
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behind the scenes of BiTE A SHOCK latest mv
haven't watch, haven't listen to their album either but i probably should at least check the songs
also some tv appearance
also unrelated to BiTE but Muropanako / Hanako graduated from NARLOW
the group is going to disband later this year, i never was super into them but was really nice to have 2 ex BiS members in the same group dunno what is going to happen next with Hanako and Pan Luna
some of her latest tweets are these retweets from Ayuni
haven't watch, haven't listen to their album either but i probably should at least check the songs
also some tv appearance
also unrelated to BiTE but Muropanako / Hanako graduated from NARLOW
the group is going to disband later this year, i never was super into them but was really nice to have 2 ex BiS members in the same group dunno what is going to happen next with Hanako and Pan Luna
some of her latest tweets are these retweets from Ayuni
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Chittiii and Atsuko
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