The Official WACK Thread ~ Home of BiSH, BiS, EMPiRE, MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN, GO TO THE BEDS, PARADISES, and WAgg


Aug 22, 2020
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if i recall both of her parents watched some videos of gen 1 and thus were against her joining BiS
the weird part is that they only changed their mind after speaking with Watanabe... who was the one that came out with BiS1 :doge:
Yeah, her first interview she mentioned that her parents were against her going for the WACK Annual Audition just because they thought it would be a waste of time but she convinced them. IIRC she mentioned her dad liked BiS and it was by chance that Watanabe decided to immediately do the screening for BiS3 on the last day of the WACK Exhibition 🤔.

i don't really have anything against fanservice / sexy groups but i don't think BiS needs to go that route, for starters they don't really fit that image and second they are more interesting just being weird
To be fair, Watanabe already took BiSH to that direction for a bit so I would bet on him doing that with BiS again lol. I don't even think OG BiS was considered sexy/fanservice tbf, like even their nude-ish MVs like "DiE" or "primal.2" are all related to the backside of the industry, they're all pretty uncomfortable to watch since the theme is definitely not pleasure 👀 .

but yes like gen 3th BiS2 thing was also just being weird, i really doubt any version is ever going to get close to gen 1 dancing naked in a suicide forest
Though I guess we have GTTB to resurrect this part of OG BiS now lmao.

But yeah I definitely love that there's more homage to the original BiS for this gen both in songwriting and in MVs, might just be my rose-tinted nostalgia goggles but it makes it more exciting in my case since they were my favourite.

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Yeah, her first interview she mentioned that her parents were against her going for the WACK Annual Audition just because they thought it would be a waste of time but she convinced them. IIRC she mentioned her dad liked BiS and it was by chance that Watanabe decided to immediately do the screening for BiS3 on the last day of the WACK Exhibition 🤔.
i only hear the first part of the story but with him being a fan it makes sense how Watanabe was able to change his mind, i guess is pretty cool how his own daughter joined one of the groups he likes
i wonder if he knows about TOGGY being Watanabe's oshi :doge:

and since we are talking about watanabe's twitter...

should i be worried for toggy?

the answer is yes :doge:

To be fair, Watanabe already took BiSH to that direction for a bit so I would bet on him doing that with BiS again lol. I don't even think OG BiS was considered sexy/fanservice tbf, like even their nude-ish MVs like "DiE" or "primal.2" are all related to the backside of the industry, they're all pretty uncomfortable to watch since the theme is definitely not pleasure 👀 .

Though I guess we have GTTB to resurrect this part of OG BiS now lmao.

But yeah I definitely love that there's more homage to the original BiS for this gen both in songwriting and in MVs, might just be my rose-tinted nostalgia goggles but it makes it more exciting in my case since they were my favourite.

if i recall at the time they were supposed to be the "continuation" of BIS right? still a little weird watching videos from that era since i feel that they weren't "BiSH" yet, i wouldn't really call BiS1 sexy either but i feel that those concepts are out the picture for modern day Wack

Go the beds also reminds me of BiS, when GP split i was expecting some sort of Gang Parade 2.0, i'm glad not, then the split would have been pointless

of gen 1 i still only know superficial stuff, it really sucks to have missed that era but is always nice hearing how current BiS has a similar feeling


Aug 22, 2020
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if i recall at the time they were supposed to be the "continuation" of BIS right? still a little weird watching videos from that era since i feel that they weren't "BiSH" yet, i wouldn't really call BiS1 sexy either but i feel that those concepts are out the picture for modern day Wack

Go the beds also reminds me of BiS, when GP split i was expecting some sort of Gang Parade 2.0, i'm glad not, then the split would have been pointless

of gen 1 i still only know superficial stuff, it really sucks to have missed that era but is always nice hearing how current BiS has a similar feeling
Ooh yeah, "Let's resurrect BiS" is still in their Twitter bio after all these years.

I do miss GP songs but I agree, I like that the split group is literally GP but split from themes all the way to the musical style.

As a side note, BiS mentioned about the oshirase (WACK x Avex) event in their JFN Seasoning radio talk yesterday. So, this definitely gives me signals that it isn't limited to just the Avex groups after all.


Oct 2, 2019
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BiSH when to a baseball game and chittii threw a ball

the number of their shirts

lingling 39 = march 9 (her birthday)
atsuko 84 (her twitter handle)
momoko 93 (year she was born)

any idea of the others? :unsure:

ayuni 3.14 (pi numbers?)
aina 66 ????
chittii 1010 ????



uhhh is there a source on Momoko being born on 93?


Trainee Early Supporters
Jun 17, 2019
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The WAgg thing is part of an audition to join PARADISES, and they all had an MV with one of them in it, and they've been holding training lives in nicnico and had a live show with all of them together
Nayu unfortunately couldn't continue to participate due her having an injury she had since last year

So it's still ongoing? When I saw that presentation, I assumed the choices had been made.

that was fast! BiSH didn't got a nomination until 2018

what i like about this award is that they actually allow multiple winners per category, there are just too many good rookie groups as to pick a single one

i was also thinking about each member dying their hair of their member color, the other Wack groups also have their own colors but Mameshiba are they only ones actually making use of them

i don't understand why they aren't releasing a stand alone version, specially since the digital single is out already

about the Tokyo Dome, they got a lot of good PR from the news of it but the event itself didn't got much attention

i recall from the stream that there were fans in the stadium, a few hundreds maybe? but they didn't got to interact with the group

the biggest news of the event was:
Aika winning and getting the 1 Million yen prize! (apparently sponsored by Marlboro :doge:)

and Kaede being last so she had to jump from a bungee site as punishment (also almost dying trying)


no one was expecting Restart to be such a massive success so it clouded people's expectations, for my part i wasn't too excited at the time since i was still on the fence about them, ironically i started to really like them because of Rocketstart/Daijoubu Sunrise which was around the time people started to bail out

in my opinion, at the end of the day they are alt idols and they should be viewed as such, the fact is that Mameshiba first year has been by far the best from any of the Wack groups (and maybe even of any Alt idol group in general)

Mameshiba might be the most Idol-like of all the WACK groups, so the emphasis on member colors works for them (Still Alt Idols, but on the softer side). I've also thought about having all the members dye their hair to match their member color, but I don't know if that's overkill.

Avex is missing out on views by not uploading Please Kiss Me as its own video. That's easy money.

I guess it's to be expected that the Tokyo Dome event didn't get much attention. Mameshiba's not that well known yet. I wonder if it will become a yearly event?

I feel so bad for Kaede having to do the bungee jumping challenge. She's totally not built for that.
If they're going to keep releasing kids versions of their singles/albums, Watanabe should rethink going after sponsors like Marlboro :doge:

I also really got into Mameshiba during the Rocket Start/Daijoubu Sunrise era. Their YouTube show helped too. I agree that they've probably had the best year of any WACK group. They've achieved so much, it's hard to imagine where they'll go from here.

is a little confusing since initially appeared that it was going to be just a simple audition but is shaping to be something much bigger, i have seen some people comparing this to the BiS league (maybe this was what Watanabe originally have in mind?)

so in October it was announced that PARADISES was accepting new members and that all of Wagg could apply (except Nayu who is on Hiatus for health reasons)

in October 31 Paradises and Wagg did a live stream together

then they unveiled the new look of the group along information of the audition


a few days later they released 5 different versions of the MV of "PLEASE LISTEN TO MY", each featuring a different Wagg member

The 14 they held the first part of the audition, and Storywriter did a lengthy review of the event

now the Wagg members along the PARADISES members formed 4 teams and are going to attend a training camp together

on December they are going to hold a showcase


is not clear how many members are going to join PARADISES but regardless of the results i think that after this WAgg is probably going to become a proper group instead of just a place to hold on trainees, i'm also curious of how this is going to be affect the future of the ex CARRY LOOSE members, maybe a new group could be even born

Thanks for all the info on the PARADISES audition! I didn't realize this became such a big project. This concept fits Paradises so much better than BiS. I think they have the potential to become the AKB48 type group Watanabe's always wanted. The new uniforms remind me of the kind Keyakizaka46 have worn. If PARADISES becomes big enough, they could split the members into Team W, Team A, Team C, and Team K, lol.

i recommend jumping to min 10:25, why? because Hanae almost accidentally murders a cameraman with a sword :sweat:
can you imaging your cause of death being that an Idol in cosplay accidentally slashed you with a magical flaming sword? :doge:

You say that like it's a bad thing. I'm sure there are Idol Wota's that dream of things like this :ROFLMAO:

the other members helping Momoko because she couldn't reach the sign board by herself :heartpar:

but seems the 148cm curse strikes again

Momoko = 148 cm
Yuina = 148 cm
Toggy = 148 cm
...they should form a sub unit with them :doge:

WACK version of Mini Moni?

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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uhhh is there a source on Momoko being born on 93?
So according to the wiki Momo is 23 years old?
yeah seems she is 23, last year when i did that post i checked the wiki but at the time i don't recall finding any info about her age there

about Atsuko i think it was related to her name, 84 = hachi-ju yon = Hachiyasume

still no idea about the others

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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As a side note, BiS mentioned about the oshirase (WACK x Avex) event in their JFN Seasoning radio talk yesterday. So, this definitely gives me signals that it isn't limited to just the Avex groups after all.
maybe Avex buying Wack? the plus side would be that all the other groups would join the label by default which means they could get better budgets in the future, although i doubt Watanabe would be interested in selling (also seems Avex is having money issues lately)

at the very least i only hope is not related to project Wack chin, that would be disappointing

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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So it's still ongoing? When I saw that presentation, I assumed the choices had been made.

Thanks for all the info on the PARADISES audition! I didn't realize this became such a big project. This concept fits Paradises so much better than BiS. I think they have the potential to become the AKB48 type group Watanabe's always wanted. The new uniforms remind me of the kind Keyakizaka46 have worn. If PARADISES becomes big enough, they could split the members into Team W, Team A, Team C, and Team K, lol.
i also thought that it was going to end this month but seems Watanabe was in the mood for a surprise Camp (probably because project wack chin flopped)

about the final unfortunately seems that only Love and Sayaito are going to make it

speaking of the camp here a small resume
PARADISES X WAgg training camp was this weekend

Storywriter did a column about the whole camp

day 1

day 2

here a resume:

only the trainees with 4 or more stars are going to be able to participate in the final

these were the teams

left PARADISES members - right WAgg members
  • Terashima Yuka - Utauta
  • Naruha World - Saayaito
  • Kira Mei - Love
  • Tsukino Usagi - A Anzupia, Aina Star

the results as of the final day of the camp:

A Anzupia
Beloved Star: 1
Star Star: 0
Performance Star: 0
WACK Star: 1

Beloved Star: 1
Star Star: 4
Performance Star: 0
WACK Star: 0

Uta Uta
Beloved Star: 0
Star Star: 0
Performance Star: 1
WACK Star: 1

Beloved Star: 2
Star Star: 1
Performance Star: 1
WACK Star: 3

Aina Star
Beloved Star: 0
Star Star: 0
Performance Star: 1
WACK Star: 1

for now only Saayaito and Love have enough starts to make it to the final which is going to be on December 13, it was announced that the other 3 still can win stars in future yet to be announced events












the BiS league was such a weird idea specially since alt idol fans normally aren't interested in gimmicks like these, i think the reason that it could work with PARADISES is because they barely feel like an alt idol group, is going to be easier to get the general public attention

Mameshiba might be the most Idol-like of all the WACK groups, so the emphasis on member colors works for them (Still Alt Idols, but on the softer side). I've also thought about having all the members dye their hair to match their member color, but I don't know if that's overkill.

Avex is missing out on views by not uploading Please Kiss Me as its own video. That's easy money.

I guess it's to be expected that the Tokyo Dome event didn't get much attention. Mameshiba's not that well known yet. I wonder if it will become a yearly event?

I feel so bad for Kaede having to do the bungee jumping challenge. She's totally not built for that.
If they're going to keep releasing kids versions of their singles/albums, Watanabe should rethink going after sponsors like Marlboro :doge:

I also really got into Mameshiba during the Rocket Start/Daijoubu Sunrise era. Their YouTube show helped too. I agree that they've probably had the best year of any WACK group. They've achieved so much, it's hard to imagine where they'll go from here.
Kaede's mistake was revealing her weakness, she should had told them that she was afraid of money or puppies

even more ironic about the marlboro sponsorship is that this was supposed to be an event to promote health

their Youtube channel was a great idea, instead of waiting months or years for a variety show visit or even just for an interview you can simply go watch their weekly vids and really get to know the members, i still wish they did the same thing for the other groups
You say that like it's a bad thing. I'm sure there are Idol Wota's that dream of things like this :ROFLMAO: i'm afraid of reading the comments on the video :doge:
WACK version of Mini Moni?
why i'm not surprised this was a thing? and seems they were pretty popular too so maybe is actually a good idea :unsure:

i don't recall any Momoko / Yuina / Toggy interaction so i guess i don't know how would they work together, but an Atsuko x Dockson unit?
definitely could work, i feel they have similar personalities and that they play similar roles in their groups


Oct 2, 2019
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maybe Avex buying Wack? the plus side would be that all the other groups would join the label by default which means they could get better budgets in the future, although i doubt Watanabe would be interested in selling (also seems Avex is having money issues lately)

at the very least i only hope is not related to project Wack chin, that would be disappointing
idk about avex buying WACK, and yeah avex is having some troubles lately just like other companies

and it would be very disappointing if it is related to the audition


Oct 2, 2019
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i also thought that it was going to end this month but seems Watanabe was in the mood for a surprise Camp (probably because project wack chin flopped)

about the final unfortunately seems that only Love and Sayaito are going to make it

speaking of the camp here a small resume
Yeah the people really like Love and Saya even before all of this, a lot of them don't really like Anzu tho, I think some of them think she ahs an ego


Aug 22, 2020
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Next WACK Tour announced for 2021!

7 cities, 8 performances and mostly Zepp venues except for one.
Seems like the groups are split between dates and not all of them are performing on one day unlike the usual WACK Tour.

Zepp Nagoya, Jan 16th - EMPiRE, GO TO THE BEDS

Zepp Yokohama, Jan 30th - BiSH, Mameshiba, PARADISES

Zepp Fukuoka, Feb 6th - EMPiRE, BiS

Zepp Osaka Bayside, Feb 7th - BiS, PARADISES

Zepp Sapporo, Feb 21st - BiSH, GO TO THE BEDS

Sendai GIGS
, Feb 27th - EMPiRE, Mameshiba

Zepp Tokyo, March 17th - BiSH, BiS, GO TO THE BEDS, WAgg

Zepp Tokyo, March 18th - EMPiRE, Mameshiba, PARADISES, WAgg

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Next WACK Tour announced for 2021!

7 cities, 8 performances and mostly Zepp venues except for one.
Seems like the groups are split between dates and not all of them are performing on one day unlike the usual WACK Tour.

Zepp Nagoya, Jan 16th - EMPiRE, GO TO THE BEDS

Zepp Yokohama, Jan 30th - BiSH, Mameshiba, PARADISES

Zepp Fukuoka, Feb 6th - EMPiRE, BiS

Zepp Osaka Bayside, Feb 7th - BiS, PARADISES

Zepp Sapporo, Feb 21st - BiSH, GO TO THE BEDS

Sendai GIGS
, Feb 27th - EMPiRE, Mameshiba

Zepp Tokyo, March 17th - BiSH, BiS, GO TO THE BEDS, WAgg

Zepp Tokyo, March 18th - EMPiRE, Mameshiba, PARADISES, WAgg

so the way this is set everyone is going to share at least one date with everyone, pretty nice,
i'm specially feeling hype by the EMPiRE x Mameshiba date, i always wanted to see some interactions between them

some observations

1) no mention of new groups, very unlikely that the ex CL members are going to have a new group by then
2 WAgg is going to do concerts next year so this put to rest any theories of they disbanding

Stan BiSH

Global Star Early Supporters
Jun 20, 2019
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Yeah the people really like Love and Saya even before all of this, a lot of them don't really like Anzu tho, I think some of them think she ahs an ego
i think that even without the public stars both of them would still be leading the board,
at first i was against a final between only 2 people but now i think that it wouldn't be so bad, is becoming clear that Love and Sayaito are a little ahead the other WAgg members (not weird since they are each going to have different levels of growth)

also i wouldn't pay attention to gossip about members, i doubt strangers on the internet know them at a personal level so is kind of pointless when they speculate about they being good or bad, etc


Oct 2, 2019
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i think that even without the public stars both of them would still be leading the board,
at first i was against a final between only 2 people but now i think that it wouldn't be so bad, is becoming clear that Love and Sayaito are a little ahead the other WAgg members (not weird since they are each going to have different levels of growth)

also i wouldn't pay attention to gossip about members, i doubt strangers on the internet know them at a personal level so is kind of pointless when they speculate about they being good or bad, etc
Yeah Love and Saya and even Nayu are definitely the most fan favorites in WAgg and have shown a lot of progress throughout the years

and yeah I dont listen to those comments, I dont even see any kind of ego on Anzu
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