A few hours ago Nizi Project was feature on entertainment news show "Yoru Baguette". You don't need to watch it really. It just introduces the show and talks about what already happened. But if you are curious anyway here are a couple links. They will probably be taken down eventually too.
The dcinside minor gallery for Nizi Project has some high quality gifs of the team performances previews for those interested.
The dcinside minor gallery for Nizi Project has some high quality gifs of the team performances previews for those interested.
First about the choreographer thing. It's important to remember like some people pointed out on twitter, it does not mean it's a choreography for a debut song or that the debute group will be named Nizi. If you remember audition shows in Korea often get entirely new songs as one of the last missions. So there is a chance it's for a mission on the show that uses a new song. It could be the debut song, I won't discard that possibility, but I think it's unlikely because we don't have a final list of members which would means more work after if the choreography made was for more people than what the group ends up being. Not impossible, or very hard work, buts still. Now it could be a mission song and still be the debut song. Iirc before Twice debuted they considered using one of the songs from Sixteen as the debut song. I still think it's unlikely because that would remove some good hype marketing opportunities and the novelty factor from the debut, and I don't think JYP would like that. It will probably be released as a b-side when the girls debut is my prediction. The name could also be just a place holder or code for the show so the choreographer could update his resume. Now personally I think the group will be named Nizi, but it still isn't a guarantee as some are thinking since people found the choreography info. I feel like it will be the name because unlike Sixteen it's a fine name for a group and won't get much opposition from the fans. I think it was JYPE's plan all along to have Itzi and Nizi as kind of two sides of one coin when they announced the project and its name.
Now Mayuka's performance was slightly bellow my expectations for her. Not by much though. She doesn't have any former training or experience that we know of so I wasn't surprised she was kind of lost during training. You can tell she has a knack for dancing, her moves weren't stiff or out of rhythm but they were lacking some more power and finesse. I think she can improve a lot with more training, but it isn't something that happens over night. Very curious how she progresses by the end of the show. Her singing was stable enough but her pitch was the same for a lot of the song. She is still raw as expected but has a nice tone. It's hard to tell how much she can improve. I don't see as much potential as with some other girls but she can be a pretty decent performer given time. Just not sure if 6 months is enough for JYP to deem her ready. Things are looking good for her though since he gave her a cube at the end. Not sure if it was nerves or if she actually was getting a bit tired during the dance too. Her moves got a bit more timid towards the end and her breathing was off. It seemed like she lost her balance a couple times but the editing didn't let me see it clearly too. It's nowhere near the level of Akari and Riria so I can't say for sure if she ran out of energy or were mistakes. She had some good stage presence in parts interlaced with her looking worried so I think as she improves her dance/singing she'll do fine with that. Don't really see what JYP was talking about with her. This is one of the abstract unhelpful comments JYP makes that really don't work for me. I guess he was telling her to be more confident and keep practicing, but if he had done that more directly I would have felt better about what he said. Saying she thinks of herself as an amateur is way too new age for me. I can see it being very confusing and hard for a trainee to understand what he wants them to do. If it works great, but personally this is the kind of feedback I wish JYP would reword.
Again they showed very little of Momoka even when she performed. From the girls that made it to Korea she is the second most raw one after Ayaka imo. I think she showed a little bit more singing and dancing talent in the Tokyo training camp, but not much. I was expecting her to not do well, but I think she did better than what I was expecting. Her self admitted nervousness definitely showed. The very little they showed of her also made it seem like she was another lost kid during practice. She also doesn't have any training/experience that we know of, so that isn't too surprising. Her song imo was more challenging than Ayaka's which is not really a good fit. She was stiff from the start but not off beat. The choreography was still simple though, and she did well with some more slight moves but noticeably awkward in more intricate moves. I don't think she is terrible at dancing, but definitely needs a lot more training than most of the girls. She wasn't really stable singing, She was off-pitch a few times. Seemed like some of the dance moves made it hard for her to sing too. She has a nice tone too, but not much range. She didn't stay in the same pitch as Mayuka but she didn't show a lot more than her either. I think she has some stage presence but it was also masked by her nerves and strugge to perform. She is one of the kids that needs more work for sure.
I think from the practice clips you can tell Riria can dance and sing. Not at main level for either but at a pretty good level imo. Again in this performance though she couldn't show her talents. She lost her balance early on and couldn't do a full choreography. She doesn't look stiff dancing but can't quite keep up with the song or do moves fully. Some of her transitions were off-beat and awkward. She flashes a little bit of prowess but then has to rush to catch up or can't quite pull off a move. I think she sang pretty well for the most part except when she lost her breath. Without the conditioning to perform fully I can't really judge her properly. I kind of agree with JYP. Can't say I fully agree because I don't have the full knowledge of how much she trained or if she did any conditioning training. I'm assuming he knows because the trainers told him and also assuming the show didn't cut her out when the girls were doing some conditioning training. She is still one of my favorites and I hope she joins in on Mako, Akari, Rima and Maya because I think it would really help her performance.
Rima is one of the performances I disagree with JYP. She is also the one whose feedback from JYP I dislike the most. The be yourself thing is such a subjective and unhelpful thing. I don't really see what from her previous performances changed in that aspect to make him feel like this was finally the real Rima. I thought she did the same thing as far as showing herself goes in this as she did in part 1. I just don't get the copying other artists thing either. I was actually less impressed by this performance than her others. I think that she danced better in the other ones. From the intro I thought she had some awkward and stiff moves. I didn't see it in her other performances. She did some moves great but others were really poorly. She danced well for the most part which made the bad moves stand out more for me because it didn't match with how well she was doing until them. I can't comment in the rapping but her singing was fine. I also think k-pop fans overrate the importance of rapping but that isn't really relevant. Even without the rapping I would rate Rima at the same place I have her now. She also showed good stage presence again. Aside from the few dancing woes I think her performance was very inline with everything she has showed. I guess this change of heart from JYP just locks her in the final group if nothing else.
Mako is very impressive. She seems like a very diligent kid. She has a lot on her mind and clearly feels the stress of trainee life like any other girl but she channels it in a productive way. I was already convinced she would be in the final group and every time she comes on screen that feeling only grows stronger. JYPE definitely found a gem. Her performance was nearly perfect. I think she sang very well expressing the feelings the song demands. She danced very precisely too. Some moves I wish she had done slower, but they weren't done poorly just a little too fast for the mood of the song imo. I don't like the one-handed flip though. We are not judging the choreography so I won't knock points off, neither did she fail to execute it, if anything it was impressive she managed to continue singing and dancing as well as she did after it. I just feel like it does not fit the song or the choreography and it was very out of place. She also had great expressions and stage presence. I think by now if you are not convinced Mako is ready to debut you must be blind and deaf.
For the final rankings I disagree with a few things, but mostly have the same ranking as the show. I would personally have put Mako 1st and Miihi 2nd. I think Mako performance was more impressive. Both her and Miihi showed a different stage than we had seen, but I think Miihi's was a lot closer to what she had done but with different expressions while Mako was an entire new dance style and singing style. I don't think it was as close as JYP put it, to me Mako's performance was better even if Miihi's was still good. I think Riku and Maya is a lot closer. I would have put Maya ahead because I feel like Riku's dancing needs more improvement than anything Maya showed, but it isn't a huge difference. Also Ayaka getting a cube to me is another sign she is guaranteed in the group. The only way she is out is if she breaks the law or something like that. JYP said it himself her performance level was similar to Momoka but gave her the cube instead because of the trainers.
I also agree, as much as it pains me, with the bottom of the ranking. I love Akari, but even after watching all the performances I still thought her's was the worse one. She didn't dance well, she didn't sing well and her stage presence was non-existent. I think her and Riria have a lot of potential to be better and do better, but for different reasons can't or haven't shown us that yet. I hope they both improve with more training, and the team mission. In Akari's case I also think a concept that fits her better will help. I debate with myself if I would have put Yuna ahead of Ayaka or not too. Ayaka didn't make any major mistakes but she also didn't show anything overly impressive other than her stage presence. Yuna made a lot of mistakes but her high points were a lot better than Ayaka.
Talking about the trainers input JYP said that "atitude" wasn't the right word but the most fitting when talking about Momoka and Ayaka. I feel like it's not about the girl acting poorly or mistreating people but more about having a proactive attitude to training and not letting yourself feel down when you don't do well. I think it isn't a coincidence that for the most part all the girls that had training/experience are ranked at the top. Being a trainees is very hard and I don't think it is for everyone. You have to be able to focus for long hours on one thing and it's not something anyone can do. This girls are all young and some of them have never had to do what trainees have to. You can tell the difference in approach by the girls that have trained before, i.e. Mako, Miihi, Rima, Rio, Maya and Yuna, to some of the girls that never have. They have no idea what to do, where to begin and how to improve. I think the team mission will help some of the girls that land in groups that have trainees on how to get acclimated with it faster. I don't know about Riria though. Japanese idols don't really get professional training. For the most part they get taught a choreography and the song and after that they just train by themselves. I know she trained in Avex a little bit but I think she was training to be an idol and wasn't Avex main branch but one that deals with kids or something. You can also make an argument that Riku adapted to it faster because of her Karate background but I think that is too much speculation.
As for the team mission. I think some girls will benefit a lot form being in a team with girls that have experience training. Specifically Momoka and Mayuka. Akari and Riria could benefit from it too, but I think Momoka and Mayuka looked the lost the most from what they showed us. Now 3 of them are not in a group with a trainee and only Momoka is with Yuna, but we've seen a different group of girls training so my guess is next mission is also a team one.
I think seeing Maya, Mako and Rio doing Swing Baby is gonna be fun. I have faith Mako can do it but it's going to be interesting seeing how Rio and Maya adapt. Rio might fit in well seeing it is closer to what she did before being a more energetic and powerful dance, but vocally will she manage? I don't think Maya has done anything like this either so very curious how she fits in this concept.
I think Heart Shaker is the easiest to pull off of the songs. The choreo isn't too demanding and the concept is very familiar. This group is gonna be interesting. Yuna leading Momoka and Riku can end in a lot of ways. I wonder if Yuna will manage to get over her nerves while at the same time helping Momoka. I think Riku will do fine on her own but you never know. This might be the ideal situation for Momoka and Yuna.
DTNA is gonna be a hard one. The Choreo is very demanding physically and you have 2 girls that are struggling with that, Nina that has dance as her weakness and Mayuka that hasn't quite come into her own yet. The girl look great in the preview but I am apprehensive about their performance. Not to mention none of them have training or experience. This group is the one that needs hand holding the most and got the the hardest song imo.
Very, Very, Very is another interesting group. The song isn't hard per se, but I think the concept is very hard to pull off. I think by what Miihi has shwon us she can do it easily but I don't think Rima has shown us anything like this. She is a goofy bright kid, but this concept is so out there. I really wish they had chosen another song even if another cute song. I think Ayaka is cute enough for it, but can she pull it off the performance.
It is going to be very interesting seeing what 2 months of training does to these girls. Mainly if Akari and Riria can get closer to their potential.
One last thing I have in my mind is I wish we had more personality in the show. Like some people have mentioned Sixteen had some silly side missions and segments that let us know how the girls were, even if they(mnet) didn't do a good job, but it had something other than training, performance and review. The little snippets of Rima being a dork, and the girls at JYP concert are nice but I wish we had more. I know they are gonna give us a reality show before they debut but give us something to cheer for other than their performances, it's a huge part of being a pop group. I mean the girls literally spent at least new year together, maybe xmas too. You have too many lost opportunities. Not to mention they need to relax too. Being immersed in training 24/7 is not good for their mental health. I know the pandemic might have made that harder, but that was like what February? You had 2 months to do stuff. Not to mention you can do stuff at the dorm or the office, in which the girls will be together anyway.
Now Mayuka's performance was slightly bellow my expectations for her. Not by much though. She doesn't have any former training or experience that we know of so I wasn't surprised she was kind of lost during training. You can tell she has a knack for dancing, her moves weren't stiff or out of rhythm but they were lacking some more power and finesse. I think she can improve a lot with more training, but it isn't something that happens over night. Very curious how she progresses by the end of the show. Her singing was stable enough but her pitch was the same for a lot of the song. She is still raw as expected but has a nice tone. It's hard to tell how much she can improve. I don't see as much potential as with some other girls but she can be a pretty decent performer given time. Just not sure if 6 months is enough for JYP to deem her ready. Things are looking good for her though since he gave her a cube at the end. Not sure if it was nerves or if she actually was getting a bit tired during the dance too. Her moves got a bit more timid towards the end and her breathing was off. It seemed like she lost her balance a couple times but the editing didn't let me see it clearly too. It's nowhere near the level of Akari and Riria so I can't say for sure if she ran out of energy or were mistakes. She had some good stage presence in parts interlaced with her looking worried so I think as she improves her dance/singing she'll do fine with that. Don't really see what JYP was talking about with her. This is one of the abstract unhelpful comments JYP makes that really don't work for me. I guess he was telling her to be more confident and keep practicing, but if he had done that more directly I would have felt better about what he said. Saying she thinks of herself as an amateur is way too new age for me. I can see it being very confusing and hard for a trainee to understand what he wants them to do. If it works great, but personally this is the kind of feedback I wish JYP would reword.
Again they showed very little of Momoka even when she performed. From the girls that made it to Korea she is the second most raw one after Ayaka imo. I think she showed a little bit more singing and dancing talent in the Tokyo training camp, but not much. I was expecting her to not do well, but I think she did better than what I was expecting. Her self admitted nervousness definitely showed. The very little they showed of her also made it seem like she was another lost kid during practice. She also doesn't have any training/experience that we know of, so that isn't too surprising. Her song imo was more challenging than Ayaka's which is not really a good fit. She was stiff from the start but not off beat. The choreography was still simple though, and she did well with some more slight moves but noticeably awkward in more intricate moves. I don't think she is terrible at dancing, but definitely needs a lot more training than most of the girls. She wasn't really stable singing, She was off-pitch a few times. Seemed like some of the dance moves made it hard for her to sing too. She has a nice tone too, but not much range. She didn't stay in the same pitch as Mayuka but she didn't show a lot more than her either. I think she has some stage presence but it was also masked by her nerves and strugge to perform. She is one of the kids that needs more work for sure.
I think from the practice clips you can tell Riria can dance and sing. Not at main level for either but at a pretty good level imo. Again in this performance though she couldn't show her talents. She lost her balance early on and couldn't do a full choreography. She doesn't look stiff dancing but can't quite keep up with the song or do moves fully. Some of her transitions were off-beat and awkward. She flashes a little bit of prowess but then has to rush to catch up or can't quite pull off a move. I think she sang pretty well for the most part except when she lost her breath. Without the conditioning to perform fully I can't really judge her properly. I kind of agree with JYP. Can't say I fully agree because I don't have the full knowledge of how much she trained or if she did any conditioning training. I'm assuming he knows because the trainers told him and also assuming the show didn't cut her out when the girls were doing some conditioning training. She is still one of my favorites and I hope she joins in on Mako, Akari, Rima and Maya because I think it would really help her performance.
Rima is one of the performances I disagree with JYP. She is also the one whose feedback from JYP I dislike the most. The be yourself thing is such a subjective and unhelpful thing. I don't really see what from her previous performances changed in that aspect to make him feel like this was finally the real Rima. I thought she did the same thing as far as showing herself goes in this as she did in part 1. I just don't get the copying other artists thing either. I was actually less impressed by this performance than her others. I think that she danced better in the other ones. From the intro I thought she had some awkward and stiff moves. I didn't see it in her other performances. She did some moves great but others were really poorly. She danced well for the most part which made the bad moves stand out more for me because it didn't match with how well she was doing until them. I can't comment in the rapping but her singing was fine. I also think k-pop fans overrate the importance of rapping but that isn't really relevant. Even without the rapping I would rate Rima at the same place I have her now. She also showed good stage presence again. Aside from the few dancing woes I think her performance was very inline with everything she has showed. I guess this change of heart from JYP just locks her in the final group if nothing else.
Mako is very impressive. She seems like a very diligent kid. She has a lot on her mind and clearly feels the stress of trainee life like any other girl but she channels it in a productive way. I was already convinced she would be in the final group and every time she comes on screen that feeling only grows stronger. JYPE definitely found a gem. Her performance was nearly perfect. I think she sang very well expressing the feelings the song demands. She danced very precisely too. Some moves I wish she had done slower, but they weren't done poorly just a little too fast for the mood of the song imo. I don't like the one-handed flip though. We are not judging the choreography so I won't knock points off, neither did she fail to execute it, if anything it was impressive she managed to continue singing and dancing as well as she did after it. I just feel like it does not fit the song or the choreography and it was very out of place. She also had great expressions and stage presence. I think by now if you are not convinced Mako is ready to debut you must be blind and deaf.
For the final rankings I disagree with a few things, but mostly have the same ranking as the show. I would personally have put Mako 1st and Miihi 2nd. I think Mako performance was more impressive. Both her and Miihi showed a different stage than we had seen, but I think Miihi's was a lot closer to what she had done but with different expressions while Mako was an entire new dance style and singing style. I don't think it was as close as JYP put it, to me Mako's performance was better even if Miihi's was still good. I think Riku and Maya is a lot closer. I would have put Maya ahead because I feel like Riku's dancing needs more improvement than anything Maya showed, but it isn't a huge difference. Also Ayaka getting a cube to me is another sign she is guaranteed in the group. The only way she is out is if she breaks the law or something like that. JYP said it himself her performance level was similar to Momoka but gave her the cube instead because of the trainers.
I also agree, as much as it pains me, with the bottom of the ranking. I love Akari, but even after watching all the performances I still thought her's was the worse one. She didn't dance well, she didn't sing well and her stage presence was non-existent. I think her and Riria have a lot of potential to be better and do better, but for different reasons can't or haven't shown us that yet. I hope they both improve with more training, and the team mission. In Akari's case I also think a concept that fits her better will help. I debate with myself if I would have put Yuna ahead of Ayaka or not too. Ayaka didn't make any major mistakes but she also didn't show anything overly impressive other than her stage presence. Yuna made a lot of mistakes but her high points were a lot better than Ayaka.
Talking about the trainers input JYP said that "atitude" wasn't the right word but the most fitting when talking about Momoka and Ayaka. I feel like it's not about the girl acting poorly or mistreating people but more about having a proactive attitude to training and not letting yourself feel down when you don't do well. I think it isn't a coincidence that for the most part all the girls that had training/experience are ranked at the top. Being a trainees is very hard and I don't think it is for everyone. You have to be able to focus for long hours on one thing and it's not something anyone can do. This girls are all young and some of them have never had to do what trainees have to. You can tell the difference in approach by the girls that have trained before, i.e. Mako, Miihi, Rima, Rio, Maya and Yuna, to some of the girls that never have. They have no idea what to do, where to begin and how to improve. I think the team mission will help some of the girls that land in groups that have trainees on how to get acclimated with it faster. I don't know about Riria though. Japanese idols don't really get professional training. For the most part they get taught a choreography and the song and after that they just train by themselves. I know she trained in Avex a little bit but I think she was training to be an idol and wasn't Avex main branch but one that deals with kids or something. You can also make an argument that Riku adapted to it faster because of her Karate background but I think that is too much speculation.
On that note about the Momoka lack of air time and mia on the Nizi twitter. I think she is in fact a casualty. Not only is her screen time very low they used it to highlight her struggle training. We'll see, but I don't have a good feeling about it.
As for the team mission. I think some girls will benefit a lot form being in a team with girls that have experience training. Specifically Momoka and Mayuka. Akari and Riria could benefit from it too, but I think Momoka and Mayuka looked the lost the most from what they showed us. Now 3 of them are not in a group with a trainee and only Momoka is with Yuna, but we've seen a different group of girls training so my guess is next mission is also a team one.
I think seeing Maya, Mako and Rio doing Swing Baby is gonna be fun. I have faith Mako can do it but it's going to be interesting seeing how Rio and Maya adapt. Rio might fit in well seeing it is closer to what she did before being a more energetic and powerful dance, but vocally will she manage? I don't think Maya has done anything like this either so very curious how she fits in this concept.
I think Heart Shaker is the easiest to pull off of the songs. The choreo isn't too demanding and the concept is very familiar. This group is gonna be interesting. Yuna leading Momoka and Riku can end in a lot of ways. I wonder if Yuna will manage to get over her nerves while at the same time helping Momoka. I think Riku will do fine on her own but you never know. This might be the ideal situation for Momoka and Yuna.
DTNA is gonna be a hard one. The Choreo is very demanding physically and you have 2 girls that are struggling with that, Nina that has dance as her weakness and Mayuka that hasn't quite come into her own yet. The girl look great in the preview but I am apprehensive about their performance. Not to mention none of them have training or experience. This group is the one that needs hand holding the most and got the the hardest song imo.
Very, Very, Very is another interesting group. The song isn't hard per se, but I think the concept is very hard to pull off. I think by what Miihi has shwon us she can do it easily but I don't think Rima has shown us anything like this. She is a goofy bright kid, but this concept is so out there. I really wish they had chosen another song even if another cute song. I think Ayaka is cute enough for it, but can she pull it off the performance.
It is going to be very interesting seeing what 2 months of training does to these girls. Mainly if Akari and Riria can get closer to their potential.
One last thing I have in my mind is I wish we had more personality in the show. Like some people have mentioned Sixteen had some silly side missions and segments that let us know how the girls were, even if they(mnet) didn't do a good job, but it had something other than training, performance and review. The little snippets of Rima being a dork, and the girls at JYP concert are nice but I wish we had more. I know they are gonna give us a reality show before they debut but give us something to cheer for other than their performances, it's a huge part of being a pop group. I mean the girls literally spent at least new year together, maybe xmas too. You have too many lost opportunities. Not to mention they need to relax too. Being immersed in training 24/7 is not good for their mental health. I know the pandemic might have made that harder, but that was like what February? You had 2 months to do stuff. Not to mention you can do stuff at the dorm or the office, in which the girls will be together anyway.
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200508 Nizi S2 Ep 03 ENG SUB Progressive (Mayuka segment completed so far)
From her behind the scenes or when JYP is talking to her, you can tell how sensitive Mayuka is. When she starts feeling uncomfortable or some self doubt starts creeping in it's so readily apparent on her face. It's like she's mustering all the strength she has to stop from tearing up. Hope she feels encouraged with the jewel she earned and I think in a team environment she'll be able to perform more to her potential.
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I do want to see more fun moments with the girls too. The little interactions is not enough.
my thoughts on the next episode
my thoughts on episode 3
my thoughts on the next episode
I'm looking forward to these group performances I think this will help some of the girls that struggled in the solo performances (Akari & Yuna)
- Miihi's ad-libs sounded so good and I'm excited to see Rima do something different (high key think she's going to kill this performance.) I think this group will do the best because Miihi and Ayaka aren't doing a concept that's out of their comfort zone and Rima will have a good rap portion to work with.
- Swing.. I'm not a fan of the song and but the girls look stunning and confident. Rio, Maya, and Mako is such a good team.
- Riku's definitely hard carrying the heart shaker team unless Yuna and Momoka manage to improve, hopefully, they do because another lackluster performance will hurt those two a lot.
- DTNA team looks solid. They're pushing Akari a lot from the teasers which is good since she was at the bottom. Nina sounded good and she just needs to show improvement in her dancing though sucks she got stuck with a song with tiring choreo. I have a feeling Riria is going to struggle and or not stand out tbh.
- Miihi's ad-libs sounded so good and I'm excited to see Rima do something different (high key think she's going to kill this performance.) I think this group will do the best because Miihi and Ayaka aren't doing a concept that's out of their comfort zone and Rima will have a good rap portion to work with.
- Swing.. I'm not a fan of the song and but the girls look stunning and confident. Rio, Maya, and Mako is such a good team.
- Riku's definitely hard carrying the heart shaker team unless Yuna and Momoka manage to improve, hopefully, they do because another lackluster performance will hurt those two a lot.
- DTNA team looks solid. They're pushing Akari a lot from the teasers which is good since she was at the bottom. Nina sounded good and she just needs to show improvement in her dancing though sucks she got stuck with a song with tiring choreo. I have a feeling Riria is going to struggle and or not stand out tbh.
my thoughts on episode 3
So my take away from the latest episode is Mako did amazing and I really appreciate that she's always showing us a different side to her in their performances. I understand why Miihi got 1st place but you can definitely make an argument on Mako deserving it more though. I agree with the ranking.
Mayuka - I'm still not sold on her personally, her performance wasn't awful but nothing stood out to me. It lacked flavor and character, basically just lackluster for me overall. I think she's not confident enough and maybe just one of those people who do better in a group setting. Hopefully, she does better in the group performance and proves to me why she deserves a spot in the group cuz I'm not sold on her yet. Her lack of popularity doesn't help her case either.
Momoka - She is arguably the least skilled trainee and really lacks that charm and charisma to help her as Ayaka has. Also, Ayaka has the story of despite lacking skill she is practicing hard and her Korean is getting better. Momoka doesn't have that mostly because she doesn't get any screen time anyways. At this point, if she doesn't impress me in the group performance I don't really see the need for her in the group. Like Mayuka her lack of popularity doesn't help her case either. Fans speculating that's she gone since she hasn't been appearing isn't surprising.
Riria - Poor girl, shouldn't have done the same song as Riku. She clearly has skill that the other two I mentioned before lack but it hasn't helped her standout in her performances. She already has odds stacked against her because of her appearance so I feel like if she doesn't give JYP a good performance she's not making the group.
Rima - She gets so much criticism from i-fans it's insane. Regardless, I actually enjoyed this performance even though I would have loved a different song preferably darker song and more dancing. She has a nice vocal color and her rapping is nice, really good for an idol group. I do get the critiques for her ad-libs and English lines but I didn't mind them.
Mayuka - I'm still not sold on her personally, her performance wasn't awful but nothing stood out to me. It lacked flavor and character, basically just lackluster for me overall. I think she's not confident enough and maybe just one of those people who do better in a group setting. Hopefully, she does better in the group performance and proves to me why she deserves a spot in the group cuz I'm not sold on her yet. Her lack of popularity doesn't help her case either.
Momoka - She is arguably the least skilled trainee and really lacks that charm and charisma to help her as Ayaka has. Also, Ayaka has the story of despite lacking skill she is practicing hard and her Korean is getting better. Momoka doesn't have that mostly because she doesn't get any screen time anyways. At this point, if she doesn't impress me in the group performance I don't really see the need for her in the group. Like Mayuka her lack of popularity doesn't help her case either. Fans speculating that's she gone since she hasn't been appearing isn't surprising.
Riria - Poor girl, shouldn't have done the same song as Riku. She clearly has skill that the other two I mentioned before lack but it hasn't helped her standout in her performances. She already has odds stacked against her because of her appearance so I feel like if she doesn't give JYP a good performance she's not making the group.
Rima - She gets so much criticism from i-fans it's insane. Regardless, I actually enjoyed this performance even though I would have loved a different song preferably darker song and more dancing. She has a nice vocal color and her rapping is nice, really good for an idol group. I do get the critiques for her ad-libs and English lines but I didn't mind them.
Mako deserved to be No. 1, but it's better this way. She needs a setback to not get overconfident and put more effort in preparing for her next stages.
Lurkerthe ranking.......kinda accurate... the skill from rank 1 to 7 and 8 to 13 is soooo difference , rank 1 to 7 seem like confirm will debut while 8 to 13 depend on jyp mercy if he want to extend the group member to 9 member .....i dont think it will become ot13 because ...the rest from 10 to 13 are just horrible .... ps:jyp need her beauty so i think she on a safe spot maybe maybe they will extend to 9member group
basically i think ayaka is safe, but the 9 spot thou...its the battle between yuna and mayuka!! momoka,riria and akane ...GG.... its depend on the group evaluation....if they mess up that as well....A REAL GG!
basically i think ayaka is safe, but the 9 spot thou...its the battle between yuna and mayuka!! momoka,riria and akane ...GG.... its depend on the group evaluation....if they mess up that as well....A REAL GG!
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the ranking.......kinda accurate... the skill from rank 1 to 7 and 8 to 13 is soooo difference , rank 1 to 7 seem like confirm will debut while 8 to 13 depend on jyp mercy if he want to extend the group member to 9 member .....i dont think it will become ot13 because ...the rest from 10 to 13 are just horrible .... ps:jyp need her beauty so i think she on a safe spot maybe maybe they will extend to 9member group
basically i think ayaka is safe, but the 9 spot thou...its the battle between yuna and mayuka!! momoka,riria and akane ...GG.... its depend on the group evaluation....if they mess up that as well....A REAL GG!
That’s why I can’t see ot13 being a thing too many people and there’s definitely a difference in skill like you mentioned which JYP isn’t going to allow their groups to have. I see this group being either 9 or 10 and those last two or one spot are going to be the spot that Akari, Yuna, Mayuka, Riria, and Momoka are fighting for. (Ayaka is 100% making the group.)
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That’s why I can’t see ot13 being a thing too many people and there’s definitely a difference in skill like you mentioned which JYP isn’t going to allow their groups to have. I see this group being either 9 or 10 and those last two or one spot are going to be the spot that Akari, Yuna, Mayuka, Riria, and Momoka are fighting for. (Ayaka is 100% making the group.)
the difference in skill but also what does the additional person bring to the group that someone else already doesn’t? if they re redundant why add them? more people means more challenging line distribution.. higher cost to manage, hotel, airfare, outfits, etc during promotion.
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The details of the rainbow have appeared!
Competitive team battle
All victors win the cube
The first match is (Dance The Night Away) VS (Very Very Very)
- Mayuka ⬆ 11
- Nina ⬇ 1
- Mako ⬆ 4
- Miihi ⬇ 2
- Akari ⬇ 3
- Ayaka
- Rima ⬇ 5
- Maya
- Riku ⬇ 7
- Yuna ⬇ 9
- Rio ⬇ 10
- Momoka ⬆ 13
- Riria ⬇ 12
Man that is a huge change for Mayuka. She "had" a standard deviation of her place at less than one going into today's voting but now it's over 2 from just one placing. That's crazy. Now it's the second highest after Akari who has almost 3.5.
StanTeam competition in which everyone gets the cube by winning; the first match is Nina team vs Miihi team; why did Akari cry?![]()
If the matchup is between Very x3 and DTNA then the other matchup will be with Heartshaker and Swing Baby. I'm a thinking that JYP is putting the AX here. Team Miihi and team Mako are both VERY strong teams with the other teams being team Riku and team Nina having considerably weaker standing groups. A more even match would have had DTNA vs Heartshaker, and Swing vs Very x3 if they do 1v1 matches. I don't know if I really like that. Gives a bit of a beat up on the struggling ones a bit kind of vibe. The group abilities are just too huge to think anything other than that.
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If the matchup is between Very x3 and DTNA then the other matchup will be with Heartshaker and Swing Baby. I'm a thinking that JYP is putting the AX here. Team Miihi and team Mako are both VERY strong teams with the other teams being team Riku and team Nina having considerably weaker standing groups. A more even match would have had DTNA vs Heartshaker, and Swing vs Very x3 if they do 1v1 matches. I don't know if I really like that. Gives a bit of a beat up on the struggling ones a bit kind of vibe. The group abilities are just too huge to think anything other than that.
I was thinking either that or on the other hand create dramatic potential for upsets. Are they setting up the "stronger" teams to fall to even the field and reduce the perception of sure candidates? They might nerf the strongest trainees by not giving them solo evals.
Man that is a huge change for Mayuka. She "had" a standard deviation of her place at less than one going into today's voting but now it's over 2 from just one placing. That's crazy. Now it's the second highest after Akari who has almost 3.5.
There's a twitter campaign to vote for an assigned person each day. It was her day yesterday. Seems some day it works other times doesn't. This week has some odd results beyond that... makes me wonder how useful is a voting system where you can repeat vote by deleting cookies (susceptible to scripting).
NuguMy faves are
Rio, Mayuka, Maya, 


GuestAfter watching the episode even though i watched the previews to get a better judgement + opinion / knowledge of everything :
mayuka : i was rooting for her & worried a lot about her i was sad that it turned out how it is but at least jyp acknowledge her skills .
Momoka : i was bored to be honest i get why jyp said it felt amateur like it did feel like a decently done cover not good just ok its was like a tv show you dont necessary like or hate you just watch it because you have nothing else to watch
Riria: it was ok not good not bad meh i guess i didn't like how most of the comments were about her weight and non about her performance she just got 1 about her skills but i wont defend this kid anymore i defended her at least twice she seemed thinner when they first came to korea but gained weight again for the 3 or 4 th time on this show . I don't think she has bad attitude i think she has lack of will not just about the weight thing about the learning you can tell shes trying but shes akward with the teachers dosent explain herself or talk to them just follows so thats why they misunderstood her she could ask them questions there is a translator there i think she dosent open up fast / dosent express her thoughts well .
* also akari was the same akward and grumpy and sad just in an overall bad mood she shouldve controled herself infort of her teachers .
momoka is the one i'm not sure about is she even close with anyone on the show ?
i wasn't gonna bring up the weight thing at all but what made me annoyed is even though yuna also got bigger jyp didn't say anything when he went with his speech about will & talent the camera panned to yuna no hulu no first they edit jyp talking about rima saying : for a girl her voice is too thick in the BGGG group mission when he actually said : for girl her voice is too thick she brings something special to the group ( thats the jyp youtube version )
Rima: i became obssessed with her after this episode i knew she's pretty & adorable but i found myself asking was she an extremly gorgeous adorable cute human & i just didn't notice i feel in love with her & her performance she wasn't perfect but she was still great
Mako : her singing improved so much my face was like this all her performance <
> all i could say was woah woah and thoughts are also woah great job
Maybe it was that bad like shit actually happened so they edited it & she gets kicked out after the team mission ? Because i dont think she's gonna quit if she would she wouldve after the 1st mission
Team competition in which everyone gets the cube by winning; the first match is Nina team vs Miihi team; why did Akari cry?
blank vs blank i hate this format and the youngests are the leaders nah man lots of crying is gonna happen mihii tried it once so its fine but nina is gonna sob
i was gonna scream my lungs out but i saw this oh well
mayuka : i was rooting for her & worried a lot about her i was sad that it turned out how it is but at least jyp acknowledge her skills .
Momoka : i was bored to be honest i get why jyp said it felt amateur like it did feel like a decently done cover not good just ok its was like a tv show you dont necessary like or hate you just watch it because you have nothing else to watch
Riria: it was ok not good not bad meh i guess i didn't like how most of the comments were about her weight and non about her performance she just got 1 about her skills but i wont defend this kid anymore i defended her at least twice she seemed thinner when they first came to korea but gained weight again for the 3 or 4 th time on this show . I don't think she has bad attitude i think she has lack of will not just about the weight thing about the learning you can tell shes trying but shes akward with the teachers dosent explain herself or talk to them just follows so thats why they misunderstood her she could ask them questions there is a translator there i think she dosent open up fast / dosent express her thoughts well .
* also akari was the same akward and grumpy and sad just in an overall bad mood she shouldve controled herself infort of her teachers .
momoka is the one i'm not sure about is she even close with anyone on the show ?
i wasn't gonna bring up the weight thing at all but what made me annoyed is even though yuna also got bigger jyp didn't say anything when he went with his speech about will & talent the camera panned to yuna no hulu no first they edit jyp talking about rima saying : for a girl her voice is too thick in the BGGG group mission when he actually said : for girl her voice is too thick she brings something special to the group ( thats the jyp youtube version )
Rima: i became obssessed with her after this episode i knew she's pretty & adorable but i found myself asking was she an extremly gorgeous adorable cute human & i just didn't notice i feel in love with her & her performance she wasn't perfect but she was still great
Mako : her singing improved so much my face was like this all her performance <


overall i approve of it makes sense
1- Mihii: the reason why she's first is because she mades go oh shit
Instead of mako who mades go oh wow
& there is a diffarence between the two both of were captivating i disagree with jyp saying he chose mihii because she more captivating no i personally couldn't keep my eyes of mako but for mihii's performance she made you think oh my god the talent how can someone so young show such talent such improvment she gave us that good shock factor mako too but miihi's shock factor was higher than mako percentage wise i dont know if yall understand me but thats what i think
2- Mako
3- Riku
4- Maya
5- Rima
6- Rio
7- Nina
8- Mayuka
9- Ayaka
1- Mihii: the reason why she's first is because she mades go oh shit


2- Mako
3- Riku
4- Maya
5- Rima
6- Rio
7- Nina
8- Mayuka
9- Ayaka
swing baby : mako , maya , rio : perfect choice they looked good in their suits? I'm guessing excited to see maya doing something different & missed cool rio .
VVV:mihii,rima,ayaka : very perfect choice rima is gonna kill me i can already tell
DTNA:Nina,akari,riria,mayuka : mayuka looked so cute in her team look ❤
Heart shaker : riku , yuna , momoka
DNTA seems wintery & heart shaker feels spring/summery what is happening
VVV:mihii,rima,ayaka : very perfect choice rima is gonna kill me i can already tell

DTNA:Nina,akari,riria,mayuka : mayuka looked so cute in her team look ❤
Heart shaker : riku , yuna , momoka
DNTA seems wintery & heart shaker feels spring/summery what is happening

A Japanese twitter user questioned why Momoka was missing from the now revealed group evaluation unit promos that began in April. It might possibly explain reduced screen time in S2 like Suzu in S1. She had no behind the scenes footage before her perf in ep 3.
Maybe it was that bad like shit actually happened so they edited it & she gets kicked out after the team mission ? Because i dont think she's gonna quit if she would she wouldve after the 1st mission


blank vs blank i hate this format and the youngests are the leaders nah man lots of crying is gonna happen mihii tried it once so its fine but nina is gonna sob
- Mayuka ⬆ 11
- Nina ⬇ 1
- Mako ⬆ 4
- Miihi ⬇ 2
- Akari ⬇ 3
- Ayaka
- Rima ⬇ 5
- Maya
- Riku ⬇ 7
- Yuna ⬇ 9
- Rio ⬇ 10
- Momoka ⬆ 13
- Riria ⬇ 12
There's a twitter campaign to vote for an assigned person each day. It was her day yesterday. Seems some day it works other times doesn't. This week has some odd results beyond that... makes me wonder how useful is a voting system where you can repeat vote by deleting cookies (susceptible to scripting).
i was gonna scream my lungs out but i saw this oh well
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If we are talking improvements, then the weaker teams / candidates have the advantage since even a modest move up the skill ladder will be very visible on stage. The potential for upsets is quite high.I was thinking either that or on the other hand create dramatic potential for upsets. Are they setting up the "stronger" teams to fall to even the field and reduce the perception of sure candidates? They might nerf the strongest trainees by not giving them solo evals.
As for the Ep5 tagline hint (why did Akari cry), I suspect a plot twist with Team DTNA beating out Team VeryX3. DTNA is more dynamic and flamboyant dance-wise and vocal-wise compared to Vx3. If Nina and crew can stick the landing, I can see them winning that matchup. Also, IF the rumors of Momoka leaving is true, then her leaving is more likely to happen if Team HS loses, as I can't see her wanting to leave after winning her first cube. If events do pan out in that way (DTNA over Vx3, Swing Baby over HS), then the biggest losers would be Yuna and Momoka, as they would be the only trainees without cubes after the team mission.
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If we are talking improvements, then the weaker teams / candidates have the advantage since even a modest move up the skill ladder will be very visible on stage. The potential for upsets is quite high.
As for the Ep5 tagline hint (why did Akari cry), I suspect a plot twist with Team DTNA beating out Team VeryX3. DTNA is more dynamic and flamboyant dance-wise and vocal-wise compared to Vx3. If Nina and crew can stick the landing, I can see them winning that matchup. Also, IF the rumors of Momoka leaving is true, then her leaving is more likely to happen if Team HS loses, as I can't see her wanting to leave after winning her first cube. If events do pan out in that way (DTNA over Vx3, Swing Baby over HS), then the biggest losers would be Yuna and Momoka, as they would be the only trainees without cubes after the team mission.
If S2 is written as a story, the narrative works better for Team VVV to take the L in the head to head. DTNA has 2 trainees Riria, Akari that were killed by JYP/trainers for their solo test effort and need redemption. Mayuka got the jewel but her confidence was very fragile. VVV has 3 debut lineup locks so this adds some adversity for them to overcome the remainder of the season. Miihi in particular has never even gotten so much as a bad review. I originally thought they were giving Ayaka a soft assignment but I guess her own personal goal can still be accomplished by not getting 13th. I also think that both teams will do well but DTNA edges them out for the win.
JYP: "Miihi, I've never given you a bad review before but you didn't execute the hip shimmy correctly. Ayaka was the only one that kept one leg straight."
Unlike with the other underdog team DTNA, team Heartshaker is the one with the less dynamic choreo/stage and even if they do a good performance probably won't beat out even a decent SwingBaby perf. That 10th place solo finish for Yuna might have been kind of a tell that JYP/staff have kind of loss patience with her. She wasn't flagged for any "attitude" issues but they still put her below both Mayuka/Ayaka.
I would actually be more surprised now if both underdogs get straight up crushed. It would be the un-reality series move.
JYP: "Miihi, I've never given you a bad review before but you didn't execute the hip shimmy correctly. Ayaka was the only one that kept one leg straight."
Unlike with the other underdog team DTNA, team Heartshaker is the one with the less dynamic choreo/stage and even if they do a good performance probably won't beat out even a decent SwingBaby perf. That 10th place solo finish for Yuna might have been kind of a tell that JYP/staff have kind of loss patience with her. She wasn't flagged for any "attitude" issues but they still put her below both Mayuka/Ayaka.
I would actually be more surprised now if both underdogs get straight up crushed. It would be the un-reality series move.
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It's up to #2 on the Hulu Japan Weekly Chart. Beat Detective Conan Wow!
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Lurkerok mayuka already got a cube while yuna still dont have it in season 2....soo...this is it nizi fan we already know whose the 9 member is...i think we already can see the sketch for a nine member group.....its top 8 from the first evaluation add ayaka ....and there you go...unless second evaluation shookt us all....
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LOL. I wouldn't put it past JYP though. He does like to play fairy godmother and save people in his survival shows e.g Sixteen / Stray Kids. Not that I'm complaining.I would actually be more surprised now if both underdogs get straight up crushed. It would be the un-reality series move.

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