tomorrow is going to be WACK's first overseas concert, Aina, ExWHYZ and ASP are going to perform in London
hopefully we get tons of pictures and maybe even videos from fans, Watanabe is also going to be there in case someone wants to throw him a brick
actually seems Watanabe has been in the UK for a couple of weeks already, he has even been hanging out with fans
tweets from the members
no pictures of Aina yet
hopefully we get tons of pictures and maybe even videos from fans, Watanabe is also going to be there in case someone wants to throw him a brick

actually seems Watanabe has been in the UK for a couple of weeks already, he has even been hanging out with fans
tweets from the members
no pictures of Aina yet
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i wonder if Watanabe is planning to move to the UK? not only he has been there for a while but he says that due to him being in the UK there isn't going to be an audition camp next year, i recall reading in an interview that he said the British punk scene was one of his inspirations for starting WACK or something like that
btw, since WACK overseas seems to be the theme for this week i'm starting to recall some of their visits to other countries
BiSH's My Landscape was recorded in the Mojave desert in California
this person in Reddit tried to locate the parts that were featured in the MV, worth checking
in the BiSH subreddit someone reuploaded the "making of", unfortunately it doesn't seem to have subtitles, that Wack fansite that closed this year have a version of this video with subtitles
EMPiRE's SUCCESS STORY was recorded in Hungary's festetics palace
btw i fucking love EMPiRE, i love ExWHYZ too so i'm been giving priority to their new songs and i haven't been listening to their older stuff lately, i definitely should do a full re listen of EMPiRE's discography because is so good, honestly as good as BiSH's discography
also the MV was NOW's (now "now") first video with the group, this was just some weeks after she joined EMPiRE, seems they went on a vacation with the staff and decided to take the chance to record the MV
BiS3 debut MV was recorded in the Philippines
pretty fucking crazy to think they just went, layed and even rolled in trash, i cringe just thinking of what if they accidentally poked themselves with an used syringe or something like that, that said i do love the song and MV, one of the best debuts at WACK
honestly i don't recall much details about it since at the time i was still too distracted with BiS2 disbandment and was a little exceptic about the new gen, it does hurt to look at BiS3 older stuff since most of the members aren't on the group anymore, only Toggy remains from the OG line up, i do like the new members too but not as much the early line up
i know there are some other MVs for example i think GP recorded a MV in Hawaii although i think is just a compilation of footage from their visit so it doesn't fit with the others above
any others? maybe there are a couple here and there but honestly i can't remember
btw, since WACK overseas seems to be the theme for this week i'm starting to recall some of their visits to other countries
BiSH's My Landscape was recorded in the Mojave desert in California
this person in Reddit tried to locate the parts that were featured in the MV, worth checking
in the BiSH subreddit someone reuploaded the "making of", unfortunately it doesn't seem to have subtitles, that Wack fansite that closed this year have a version of this video with subtitles
EMPiRE's SUCCESS STORY was recorded in Hungary's festetics palace
btw i fucking love EMPiRE, i love ExWHYZ too so i'm been giving priority to their new songs and i haven't been listening to their older stuff lately, i definitely should do a full re listen of EMPiRE's discography because is so good, honestly as good as BiSH's discography
also the MV was NOW's (now "now") first video with the group, this was just some weeks after she joined EMPiRE, seems they went on a vacation with the staff and decided to take the chance to record the MV

BiS3 debut MV was recorded in the Philippines
pretty fucking crazy to think they just went, layed and even rolled in trash, i cringe just thinking of what if they accidentally poked themselves with an used syringe or something like that, that said i do love the song and MV, one of the best debuts at WACK
honestly i don't recall much details about it since at the time i was still too distracted with BiS2 disbandment and was a little exceptic about the new gen, it does hurt to look at BiS3 older stuff since most of the members aren't on the group anymore, only Toggy remains from the OG line up, i do like the new members too but not as much the early line up
i know there are some other MVs for example i think GP recorded a MV in Hawaii although i think is just a compilation of footage from their visit so it doesn't fit with the others above
any others? maybe there are a couple here and there but honestly i can't remember
BiS announced their new album "NEVER MiND"
ExWHYZ / 6WHYZ [Music Video]
nice "6WHYZ" along "NOT SORRY" are my favorite songs from the EP so i'm glad they released a MV for it too, kinda unexpected actually since groups usually don't release videos for their intros
i don't remember if i posted the interview about it from a few weeks ago but basically the members were saying that the song was basically done just for fun and that they were each told to come with whatever they wanted to say about themselves on the spot before the recording, something like that, i like how they build hype for Mikina, she delivered for sure
since the song is an "intro" about the members there is no way they could record the video without Midoriko being there, glad to see her back, although she says that it's going to be a while until she can come back to perform live, she also says that she had a dream about ExWHYZ's fans since she went to sleep thinking about the MV
as part of their "FRONT ROW by UUUM × ExWHYZ" collection ExWHYZ are going to open a popup store at Harajuku next month from the 12 to the 18
they are also going to visit the store themselves!
the collection was created by the member and the items on sale of the website for the brand
more videos of them showcasing the collection
they are also going to visit the store themselves!
the collection was created by the member and the items on sale of the website for the brand
ExWHYZ are doing a collab with "FRONT ROW by UUUM" the collection is called "Shall We" and was designed by the members
also today they did an Instagram live, i believe the archive is still up, basically they were showcasing the clothes
you can check the collection and photos of them being wear by the members here, they all were designed by the members based on their tastes so maybe worth checking
btw if anyone was curious about their heights they are listed on the page
maho: 160cm
mikina: 161cm
now: 162cm
mayu: 162cm
yu-ki: 165cm
also here a behind the scenes and interview with the group
more videos of them showcasing the collection
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speaking of their London visit this was ExWHYZ's set
curious about the English version of Obssesion, honestly no idea if any of them actually speaks in English
was this posted? they were featured on Tarzan magazine
also new interviews
interview with Realsound
interview with STREAM
and Mikina, Maho and Mayu appeared on the online podcast by TOWER RECORDS
6th entry of Mikina's blog series
also Mikina's feature in Gekkan WACK was with Naruhaworld, the theme seems to be highschool couple
sorry Asobinins but Mikina gets the girl
curious about the English version of Obssesion, honestly no idea if any of them actually speaks in English
was this posted? they were featured on Tarzan magazine
also new interviews
interview with Realsound

ExWHYZ、ありのままを楽しむピュアな表現力 怒涛の1年を経て強固になった“結束と自信”を語る
EMPiRE解散以降、新たなスタイルで怒涛の1年間を駆け抜けてきたExWHYZ。10月18日リリースの新EP『HOW HIGH?』は、今まで以上に個々のキャラクターが反映された「ExWHYZ自身」に近い作品と言えるだろう。現時点での集大成を紐解くべく、これまでを振り返るインタビューを行なった。

interview with STREAM

ExWHYZ 「メンバーの等身大を届ける1st EP『HOW HIGH?』」 INTERVIEW
初の武道館ワンマン、全国19箇所を回るライブハウスツアーの開催を経て、制作陣に豪華なアーティストを迎えた初EP『HOW HIGH?』をリリースするExWHYZ。現在活動休止中のメンバーmidoriko

and Mikina, Maho and Mayu appeared on the online podcast by TOWER RECORDS
6th entry of Mikina's blog series
also Mikina's feature in Gekkan WACK was with Naruhaworld, the theme seems to be highschool couple
sorry Asobinins but Mikina gets the girl
those are from the rehearsals of the band performance the members of WACK did at Tamatama fes last month
also ExWHYZ's appearance in AYAKARNAVAL 2023, that was earlier this year but it wasn't until recently that i found a fan upload
Mayu in glasses appreaciation post
in other news Ahoge / "Dumb hair" is an actual thing
that or now is an Anime character
in other news Ahoge / "Dumb hair" is an actual thing

that or now is an Anime character

Idiot Hair - TV Tropes
Ahogenote Not to be confused with Eroge, or Ahegao, a similarly risqué concept. (literally idiot hair) refers to the noticeable slim forelock of hair that sticks straight up from a character's head. Originally a hairdresser term for …

next year GANG PARADE, ASP and KiSS KiSS are going to perform at London
2nd time for ASP
and finally the HD version of this GANG PARADE poster
also this is kinda off topic but the VMAJ were a few days ago, i didn't watch them (i didn't even watched the US version) anyway the point is that Aina was there and also ano
so i know of the two of them since 2017 right, so for half a decade i've been thinking that it would be cool if there was any interaction between ano and the members of BiSH and this seemed like a good opportunity for that... they missed each other by 30 seconds
nice, i guess i wait other 5 years then
at least Aina commented she liked ano hair so that's something?
2nd time for ASP
and finally the HD version of this GANG PARADE poster
also this is kinda off topic but the VMAJ were a few days ago, i didn't watch them (i didn't even watched the US version) anyway the point is that Aina was there and also ano
so i know of the two of them since 2017 right, so for half a decade i've been thinking that it would be cool if there was any interaction between ano and the members of BiSH and this seemed like a good opportunity for that... they missed each other by 30 seconds
nice, i guess i wait other 5 years then

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or "Shunkashuutou"
Ayuni D's Budokan concert with PEDRO was past week, seems it was live streamed? but i didn't find out until today...
also PEDRO's latest album "赴くままに、胃の向くままに" went on sale the same day
there was a "collab" with a member of Necry Talkie
also Ayuni started a Tiktok account
MiYUKi ANGEL and HANAEMONSTER announced their graduation from MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN, their last concert with the group is going to be on December 25
i knew something like that was coming, to be fair i thought that they were instead going to disband so i guess it wasn't the worst case scenario but still
here the announcement and statement by each member, to make it short their decision was influenced by the 1 year grace period that Watanabe gave them last year and that was up this month, seems due to that and other reasons they decided that they wanted to stop their activities and move onto other things but they are thankfull to fans, the staff and Kuro chan
unsurprisingly giving people a deadline to accomplish some vague goals (Watanabe never made it clear what he wanted from them during that time) may cause stress or even demotivate people altohugh work mention that they along the other members have all been working hard this year so is not like they weren't trying, sucks but i guess at least the group is going to continue althought without Kaede, Miyuki o Hanae
i knew something like that was coming, to be fair i thought that they were instead going to disband so i guess it wasn't the worst case scenario but still
here the announcement and statement by each member, to make it short their decision was influenced by the 1 year grace period that Watanabe gave them last year and that was up this month, seems due to that and other reasons they decided that they wanted to stop their activities and move onto other things but they are thankfull to fans, the staff and Kuro chan

ミユキエンジェル、ハナエモンスターに関しまして - NEWS | 豆柴の大群 オフィシャルサイト
TBS系のバラエティ「水曜日のダウンタウン」内のアイドルオーディション企画「MONSTER IDOL」から生まれた、アイカ・ザ・スパイ、ナオ・オブ・ナオ、ミユキエンジェル、ハナエモンスター、カエデフェニックスの5人からなるアイドルグループ。
unsurprisingly giving people a deadline to accomplish some vague goals (Watanabe never made it clear what he wanted from them during that time) may cause stress or even demotivate people altohugh work mention that they along the other members have all been working hard this year so is not like they weren't trying, sucks but i guess at least the group is going to continue althought without Kaede, Miyuki o Hanae
next month BiS are holding a 24 hours concert
they previously, and just like BiSH and EMPiRE, held 24 hour concerts (and i believe BiS2 did 96 hours?) although they are more like 8 hours of concert and alternating with resting during the day
the people that are actually going to be awake 24 hours are the fans in the audience
i was wondering if it was Yu-ki's birthday, seems that is on the 10 but because the final radio show of the year was this week the staff of FREE ALL ExWHYZ celebrated her birthday in advance
new pictures of Ayuni
speaking of Ayuni, in the new album she did a collab with a member of Necry Talkie, Realsound just released an interview about it
haven't read the interview yet but i recall a few years ago Ayuni was the host of a music show and there she met the vocalist of Necry Talkie who is called Mossa
anyway, cool Necry Talkie are also pretty good so is nice to see a collab between them and PEDRO although this was only on the production side maybe one day they actually collab on a full song
they previously, and just like BiSH and EMPiRE, held 24 hour concerts (and i believe BiS2 did 96 hours?) although they are more like 8 hours of concert and alternating with resting during the day
the people that are actually going to be awake 24 hours are the fans in the audience

i was wondering if it was Yu-ki's birthday, seems that is on the 10 but because the final radio show of the year was this week the staff of FREE ALL ExWHYZ celebrated her birthday in advance
new pictures of Ayuni
speaking of Ayuni, in the new album she did a collab with a member of Necry Talkie, Realsound just released an interview about it

haven't read the interview yet but i recall a few years ago Ayuni was the host of a music show and there she met the vocalist of Necry Talkie who is called Mossa
anyway, cool Necry Talkie are also pretty good so is nice to see a collab between them and PEDRO although this was only on the production side maybe one day they actually collab on a full song
[Part1] Document of PEDRO 2023「還る」-変化-
during December and January Ayuni D is going to release a 4 part documentary series "Document of PEDRO 2023", today she released part 1 which is about the return of PEDRO
seems to be one of the most personal documentaries released by the members of WACK yet
new pictures of Usagi Tsukino
she did another poll about if people want her to keep the long hair or to cut it short, this is the second poll she does after letting her hair grow, fans voted for her to keep the long hair although i wonder if she actually just wants to cut it? in any case she says because is finally long enough to call it long hair she is going to keep the hairstyle for now
also these are from the VLOG project GP did on Odaiba
also here Usagi Tsukino with Usagi Tsukino
she did another poll about if people want her to keep the long hair or to cut it short, this is the second poll she does after letting her hair grow, fans voted for her to keep the long hair although i wonder if she actually just wants to cut it? in any case she says because is finally long enough to call it long hair she is going to keep the hairstyle for now
also these are from the VLOG project GP did on Odaiba
also here Usagi Tsukino with Usagi Tsukino
Chittiii is going to voice "Noodle" in the Japanese dub of "Wonka"
you can heard her voice in the trailer
they released an interview about it
nice to see her expand her work onto voice acting, i believe this movie is actually a musical (but for some reason it's not being promoted as such) so that may be another factor in them picking Chittiii, also just as a throwback last year Aina dubbed the character "Porsha" in the movie Sing 2
Atsuko mentioned her cover on Gekkan WACK
the Kill Bill cover is cool
Momoko appeared on a CM from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, it's about energy savings and the slogan it's HTT H=herasu T=tsukuru T=tameru
Ayuni D starter a magazine serialization at ORANGEPAGE magazine, it's going to be about health and cooking
you can heard her voice in the trailer
they released an interview about it
nice to see her expand her work onto voice acting, i believe this movie is actually a musical (but for some reason it's not being promoted as such) so that may be another factor in them picking Chittiii, also just as a throwback last year Aina dubbed the character "Porsha" in the movie Sing 2
Atsuko mentioned her cover on Gekkan WACK
the Kill Bill cover is cool
Momoko appeared on a CM from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, it's about energy savings and the slogan it's HTT H=herasu T=tsukuru T=tameru
Ayuni D starter a magazine serialization at ORANGEPAGE magazine, it's going to be about health and cooking
Aina won an award at the Hochi Film Awards, she got the best newcomer actress award for her movie "Kyrie no uta"
and speaking of Aina and awards she won one at the VMAJ for best art direction in a music video
and speaking of Aina and awards she won one at the VMAJ for best art direction in a music video
Izuki from TONAi BOUSHO announced her graduation from the group
the purple girl
now only Miku remains from the members, definitely not good how almost 1 year since their debut there is only a single member left
i wonder since MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN just lost 2 members wouldn't be a good idea to add Miku to the group? i mean there is just no way TONAi can continue with just her, another reason why adding her to MAMESHiBA makes sense 1) they are sister groups 2) Watanabe announced there aren't going to be auditions in 2024 so neither TB or MNT can get more members
too bad because i do like the group, not as much as the main ones but still they are pretty decent
the purple girl
now only Miku remains from the members, definitely not good how almost 1 year since their debut there is only a single member left
i wonder since MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN just lost 2 members wouldn't be a good idea to add Miku to the group? i mean there is just no way TONAi can continue with just her, another reason why adding her to MAMESHiBA makes sense 1) they are sister groups 2) Watanabe announced there aren't going to be auditions in 2024 so neither TB or MNT can get more members
too bad because i do like the group, not as much as the main ones but still they are pretty decent
from today until the 18 ExWHYZ are going to open a Popup store for their collection "Shall we..??" as part of their collaboration "FRONT ROW by UUUM × ExWHYZ"
more info here
between the 15 and 17 the members themselves are going to visit the store so that's a good chance for fans to see them in person
they also held an instalive which as usual i missed
screen captures i found in Twitter, they did the live stream from the store before it's opening, it's located on Harajuku
hopefully someone recorded the stream
more pictures of the store
more info here
The Official WACK Thread ~ Home of BiSH, BiS, EMPiRE, MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN, GO TO THE BEDS, PARADISES, and WAgg
tomorrow is going to be WACK's first overseas concert, Aina, ExWHYZ and ASP are going to perform in London hopefully we get tons of pictures and maybe even videos from fans, Watanabe is also going to be there in case someone wants to throw him a brick :doge: actually seems Watanabe has...

between the 15 and 17 the members themselves are going to visit the store so that's a good chance for fans to see them in person
they also held an instalive which as usual i missed
screen captures i found in Twitter, they did the live stream from the store before it's opening, it's located on Harajuku
hopefully someone recorded the stream
more pictures of the store
Momoko released a new song
also NHK aired this performance of Aina in all their stations world wide
interviews with Ayuni D
this one was with Kujira
this person produced some of Ayuni D earliest releases as Aomushi
『あの子みたいにすごくはなれない』(momo)Music Video
also NHK aired this performance of Aina in all their stations world wide
AiNA THE END "Red:birthmark" - NHK WORLD-JAPAN Music Festival
interviews with Ayuni D
this one was with Kujira
this person produced some of Ayuni D earliest releases as Aomushi
【BiTE A SHOCK】「雨が上がったら」(LYRiC ViDEO)
they released a new EP
i legitimately can't remember the names of the BiS3 members that joined after Hyuga so i had to go to the wiki to look for her name, my point is that this girl Iko Mugennokanata girl is huge
granted BiS are by far the shortest group at WACK and is not like she is as tall as Uruuru yet still can't help but notice that
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