
  1. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Itou Kanako] キンカクジ (Kinkakuji)

    いとうかなこ - キンカクジ / Itou Kanako - Kinkakuji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion) Lyrics: 威闘華嗚乎 (Itou Kanako) Composition: 平田博信 (Hirata Hironobu) Requested by @chi4 Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization ゴー!レッツゴー! ゴー!レッツゴー! ゴー! Go! Let's go! Go! Let's go! Go! ブッ飛ばせ...
  2. M

    GFX Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Pulling Faces + Cute

    A muck around I did and it came out pretty well. I especially like the palette I was able to obtain. Avatar Signature Profile Cover @kimsguardian @Nara @Idol Killer @ARandomFan @Vampire
  3. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Asriel] 雪月花 (Setsugetsuka)

    Asriel - 雪月花 / Asriel - Setsugetsuka (Snow, Moon, and Flowers) Lyrics: KOKOMI Composition: 黒瀬圭亮 (Kurose Keisuke) Requested by @chi4 Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization 咲きゆく蕾と 散りゆく花びらに 重ね合わせた人の命 花陽炎 知りて泣くことも 見ぬ振り行くことも 選べぬは時代の運命 あぁ翳ろう Sakiyuku tsubomi to...
  4. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Dempagumi.inc] 千秋万歳!電波一座! (Senshuu banzai! Dempa ichiza!)

    でんぱ組.inc - 千秋万歳!電波一座! / Dempagumi.inc - Senshuu banzai! Dempa ichiza! (1000 Year Banzai! Dempa All Here!) Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement: 玉屋2060% (Tamaya 2060%) Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization 常住でんぱ組.incは代々先祖も来世までhigher 鶴は千年亀は万年縁起物ってことかいな...
  5. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Dempagumi.inc] プリンセスでんぱパワー!シャインオン! (Princess Dempa Power! Shine On!)

    でんぱ組.inc - プリンセスでんぱパワー!シャインオン! / Dempagumi.inc - Princess Dempa Power! Shine On! Lyrics, Composition: 前山田健一 (Maeyamada Ken'ichi) Arrangement: 釣俊輔 (Tsuri Shunsuke) Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization どんな色のリボンで ドレス飾ろう 夢にまで見ていた 夢の舞踏会...
  6. Lurkette

    ARTICLES [Morning Musume. '21] Sato Masaki Graduation Commemorative Interview, Part 2: Her Beloved Group Members

    [Morning Musume. '21] Sato Masaki Graduation Commemorative Interview, Part 2: Her Beloved Group Members 2021.12.10 Photography/Noda Wakaba (TRON) Hair & Makeup/Sugunaga Fumi (Lila) Stylist/Kato Chihiro Article, Interview/Takeuchi Asa Web editing/Yoshikawa Nao Photography support/Backgrounds...
  7. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Demapgumi.inc] 好感Daybook (Koukan Daybook)

    でんぱ組.inc - 好感Daybook / Dempagumi.inc - Koukan Daybook (Good feeling daybook) Lyrics: ゆっきゅん (Yukkyun) Composition, Arrangement: 中村瑛彦 (Nakamura Akihiko) Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization なんかやっぱめっちゃ優勝 できたいできたいです どんな今日を Dance? 「縦になるよ?」起ーきーるー!!「私って最高」 Nanka...
  8. Lurkette

    ARTICLES [Morning Musume. '21] Sato Masaki Graduation Commemorative Interview, Part 1: Music and Teenage Years

    [Morning Musume. '21] Sato Masaki Graduation Commemorative Interview, Part 1: Music and Teenage Years 2021.12.8 Photography/Noda Wakaba (TRON) Hair & Makeup/Sugunaga Fumi (Lila) Stylist/Kato Chihiro Article, Interview/Takeuchi Asa Web editing/Yoshikawa Nao Photography support/Backgrounds...
  9. Lurkette

    ARTICLES "There was no member like that before" Tsunku♂ gives high praise to "talent" of Morning Musume's Sato Masaki

    "There was no member like that before" Tsunku♂ gives high praise to "talent" of Morning Musume's Sato Masaki 2021/12/07 9:25 Article: Futaki Monaka Translation: Lurkette On December 6, music producer Tsunku♂ had a conversation with writer Yoshida Gou on his YouTube channel, "Tsunku♂...
  10. Lurkette

    ARTICLES Tsubaki Factory Speaks: Analyzing each member, and what is the true nature of Tsubaki?

    Tsubaki Factory Speaks: Analyzing each member, and what is the true nature of Tsubaki? Daishi "DA" Ato |2021/11/24 18:00 Translation by Lurkette Tsubaki Factory: From left, Kasai Yuumi, Akiyama Mao, Kishimoto Yumeno, Fukuda Marine (Photo by Rika Tomomatsu) Tsubaki Factory has released a new...
  11. Lurkette

    LYRICS [TM NETWORK] BEYOND THE TIME (Möbius no uchuu o koete)

    TM NETWORK - BEYOND THE TIME (メビウスの宇宙を越えて) / TM NETWORK - BEYOND THE TIME (Möbius no uchuu o koete) [Beyond the Möbius Universe) Lyrics: 小室みつ子 (Komura Mitsuko) Composition: 小室哲哉 (Komura Tetsuya) Requested by @chi4 Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization You...
  12. Lurkette

    LYRICS [BoA] My Dear

    BoA - My Dear Lyrics: MEG.ME Composition: Anne Judith Wik, Ronny Svendsen, Gabriel Brandes, Alejandra Calemme Requested by @Wozumo Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization 今日も いつも通り Helloって 朝が来たら Make up 微笑む Mirror Kyou mo itsumodoori Hello tte asa ga...
  13. Lurkette

    ARTICLES Morning Musume. '21 Single on Sale 12/8 "Teenage Solution" Tsunku♂ Liner Notes

    Morning Musume. '21 Single on Sale 12/8 "Teenage Solution" Tsunku♂ Liner Notes 2021.10.30 20:01 A scene of the recording for this single was shown briefly in the Nihon TV show "Jinsei ga kawaru ippunkan no fuka ii hanashi" on September 13, which showed the recording for the dialogue in this...
  14. Lurkette

    ARTICLES Morning Musume. '21 New Song "Teenage Solution" Explanation At A Whisper

    Morning Musume. '21 New Song "Teenage Solution" Explanation At A Whisper 2021.10.31 17:00 So, I'd like to do an Explanation At A Whisper column from the producer's perspective as I review my own chart of the line distribution and watch the MV. Please enjoy it as enthusiasts! I was very...
  15. Lurkette

    ARTICLES Ebichu's Yasumoto Ayaka on what she wants to give people in her photobook after overcoming illness

    "A terrible life..." Ebichu's Yasumoto Ayaka on What She Wants To Give People in Her Photobook After Overcoming Illness, "I can communicate this because of who I am now" 2021-10-26 On October 29 of last year, it was announced that Yasumoto Ayaka of the idol group Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku was...
  16. Lurkette

    LYRICS [Iginari Tohoku San] リライトガール (Rewrite Girl)

    いぎなり東北産 - リライトガール / Iginari Tohoku San - Rewrite Girl Lyrics: いとうまさる (Itou Masaru) Composition: ジントシオ (Jin Toshio) Requested by @abra Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization 全力リライトガール 壁を壊せ 何度でも打ち砕け 諦めはしないさ Zenryoku rewrite girl kabe o kowase Nando demo...
  17. Lurkette

    ARTICLES Watanabe Junnosuke in 2014 (Part 2)

    2010's Idol Scene Vol.9 Watanabe Junnosuke in 2014 (Part 2) Free from Tsubasa Records, onto the founding of BiSH 2021.09.17 20:00 Welcome to another installment of our series digging into various aspects of the idol scene of the 2010s. Continuing on from the previous installment, we are...
  18. Lurkette

    LYRICS [YUKIKA] Tokyo Lights

    YUKIKA - Tokyo Lights Lyrics, Composition: Show Arrangement: Show, Mitsu.J Requested by @Wozumo Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization Flash flash なんで? こんなにもこんなにも好きになっちゃって 誰よりも誰よりもそばにいるのに Flash flash Nande? Konna ni mo konna ni mo suki ni nacchatte Dare yori...
  19. Lurkette

    LYRICS [≠ME] まほろばアスタリスク (Mahoroba Asterisk)

    ≠ME - まほろばアスタリスク / ≠ME - Mahoroba Asterisk (Asterisk on this great land) Lyrics: 指原莉乃 (Sashihara Rino) Composition: 本多友紀 (Honda Yuuki) Arrangement: 脇 眞富 (Waki Masatomi) Requested by @kimsguardian Translated by Lurkette @ hallyuplus.net Original Lyrics/Romanization ときめきぶつかり 星ができました...
  20. Lurkette

    ARTICLES Watanabe Junnosuke in 2014 (Part 1)

    2010's Idol Scene Vol.8 Watanabe Junnosuke in 2014 (Part 1) Why did the first iteration of BiS disband when they did? 2021.09.10 20:00 Welcome to another installment of our series digging into various aspects of the idol scene of the 2010s. Today, we focus on music producer Watanabe Junnosuke...
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